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All Things Endurance

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Jan 24, 2025 • 45min

Episode 23: Coaching Masters Athletes with Nicole Armbrust

In this episode, host Rick Prince chats with coach and physical therapist, Nicole Armbrust – owner of Jump Start Running, based out of Boulder, Colorado. Nicole specialized in working with female masters athletes and as such, this podcast discusses her decision to focus on working with masters athletes, as well as various aspects that are pertinent to masters athletes. 1.       Tell us about your background2.       Your current focus is working with female masters runners. Why?3.       As a PT, are there any common issues that you see amongst master runners versus younger runners?4.       As a generalization, with respect to endurance sports, aging is often associated with increased – or at least not diminishing endurance, while youth, is often associated with speed and quickness… and quick recovery. Do you find this generalization to be true?5.       What are some of the most important considerations when working with masters runners?6.       I think a lot of masters athletes are concerned about becoming slower. How do you tackle this subject with your athletes and moreover, are there any main things to focus on?7.       As a masters athlete myself, I often reflect back on how I was faster when I was younger and I find myself comparing myself to that person – which inevitably leads to frustration. How do you deal with athletes like myself in this regard?Do you find that masters athletes are more susceptible to injuries? 
Jan 10, 2025 • 47min

Episode 22: Is There a Toxic Dose of Exercise?

In this episode, host Rick Prince chats with respiratory and exercise physiologist, Dr. Nick Tiller. Rick and Nick discuss if there is a toxic dose of exercise and if so, what it is. Dr. Tiller has established himself as a well-known resource with respect to addressing health and exercise-related myths head on. In that vein, Dr. Tiller is the author of the book, ‘The Skeptic’s Guide to Sports Science.’ 1.       Tell us about yourself?2.       Endurance sports seem to be trending toward longer distances. Is this a good thing from a health perspective?3.       Let’s talk about it with respect to a bell curve, would you say that with respect to exercise volume, the health benefits of exercise more or less follow the normal distribution?4.       Training is typically viewed through the lens of increasing performance, however it’s rarely also viewed through the lens of health. Are these two things sometimes at odds with each other and why do you think that the health aspect is often not considered with respect to training?5.       Could you discuss some of the things that might be considered toxic with respect to too much cardiovascular exercise?6.       It’s been my experience that with a lot of endurance athletes, especially those that participate in ultra-distance events, they overprioritize volume over intensity. Have you also found this to be true?7.       Is what could be considered a toxic level of cardiovascular subjective and different for each person?8.       With respect to ultra-athletes, are there are guidelines that you recommend with respect to staying out of the ‘toxic’ zone?When discussing ‘toxic’ levels of exercise, is it specific to a particular type (ie, cardiovascular, strength, etc…), or is it a culmination of all areas of training with respect to overall training load?
Dec 16, 2024 • 1h 13min

Episode 21: Starting and Scaling Your Coaching Business with Guest Nick Hancock

In this episode of All Things Endurance, host Rick Prince chats with coach Nick Hancock, owner of Maximum Mileage Coaching in the UK. If you’re looking to start or scale your coaching business, consider this podcast a must listen! Coach Hancock doesn’t hold back about his challenges, his successes and his best pieces of advice for new coaches. He also discusses his personal challenges that led him to start running and coaching. 1.       Tell us about yourself and how you got into coaching2.       What was it like balancing coaching as your side gig and your full-time job?3.       When you made the decision to go full-time into coaching, was it a leap of faith or was your coaching income enough that you didn’t have many worries?4.       How long did it take to go from side-gig to full-time with coaching?5.       What are some of the things that you do attract and retain athletes?6.       If someone is looking to go full-time into coaching like you did, what are some tips that you have for them?7.       What are some mistakes that you did with respect to going full-time?8.       How do you balance your own training, coaching and family obligations?9.       What do you enjoy the most and least about being a full-time coach?10.  You have a coach that works with you. What advice would you give to coaches that are considering bringing on another coach to work with them?
Dec 6, 2024 • 1h 7min

Episode 20: Interpreting Physiological Testing Data with Guest Mike Weiss

In this episode of All Things Endurance, host Rick Prince chats with environmental and exercise physiologist, Mike Weiss of Alta Health and Performance Solutions ( Specifically, Mike discusses what the most popular physiological tests are, as well as how to interpret and apply the results.  About Mike Weiss Mike Weiss is an environmental and exercise physiologist who owns his own practice – Alta Health and Performance Solutions in northern California. Mike is also an endurance athlete who focuses on ultrarunning.    Areas covered in this podcast:  1.       What is your background and how did you get into physiological testing?2.       Physiological testing is becoming more popular, in part due to the interest in the ‘Norwegian Method.’ However, in your own summation, why is testing important?3.       Ideally, when and at what intervals should an athlete get tested throughout a year?4.       For endurance athletes, the two most popular main physiological tests are VO2 Max and lactate. Could you explain a bit about each test, why they are important and how they correlate to each other?5.       What are some limitations with respect to VO2 Max testing (i.e., muscular fatigue, etc…)?6.       If a person doesn’t have access to a lab, what are some field tests that they can perform to approximate lactate threshold and VO2 Max?7.       From the perspective of implementing training intensities, or for lack of a better word, training zones, could you explain how to apply the results of a VO2 Max and Lactate threshold test?8.       What can an individual expect to pay for a VO2 Max and Lactate Threshold test?Are there any individuals where a VO2 max test would be contraindicated?
Nov 22, 2024 • 46min

Episode 19: Hitting World Records as a Masters Athlete with Guest Sue McDonald

In this episode of All Things Endurance, host Rick Prince chats with personal trainer, running coach and multiple Masters world champion track & field athlete, Sue McDonald. Rick and Sue discuss her athletic background as well as her coaching business. Additionally, Sue discusses important factors in working with Masters athletes, why she enjoys track events vs. longer road races and how she balances her training with her other obligations. About Sue McDonald Sue McDonald is one of the most successful masters track and field athletes in the world who also ran on the national level and competed in the Olympic Trials. Sue has multiple Masters world and national titles on the track, as well as many accolades including the 2023 USATF and World Masters Track & Field Athlete of the Year awards!   Areas covered in this podcast: 1.       Could you tell me about yourself including your athletic background and your coaching/fitness business?2.       Like many coaches, you’re balancing a lot including coaching, training and family. However, you’re training for multiple track events at the highest level of masters athletics. How do you balance everything?3.       What are the primary events that you’re currently training for?4.       Masters athletes represent a meaningful demographic for our coaches. From a coaching perspective, what are some things that a coach should consider when working with a masters athlete?5.       The prevailing belief is that as humans get older, they get slower. While this is true from a physiological standpoint, we also see some masters athletes staying at the same speed or getting faster as time goes on. When working with masters athletes, what things do you find most valuable in retaining or increasing an athlete’s speed as they get older?6.       Speaking of which, what are some of your current records and associated times?7.       You also do pole vault. What does the training look like for that?8.       It seems that a lot of runners now are trending toward longer distances (i.e., ultramarathons) and not so much shorter distances – especially track. What is the allure for you of track vs. longer road races or ultrarunning?How, if at all, has your recovery strategy changed over the years? 
Nov 14, 2024 • 34min

Episode 18: Business Start-Up Success with Guest Ryan Frankel

In this episode of All Things Endurance, host Rick Prince chats with triathlete and serial entrepreneur, Ryan Frankel. A former investor at Goldman Sachs, Ryan has founded multiple companies, and appeared on the hit show, Shark Tank. Rick and Ryan discuss assessing risk, start up financing and mistakes to avoid, among other topics. About Ryan Frankel Ryan Frankel is a serial entrepreneur, triathlete and former investor at Goldman Sachs.  Ryan has founded multiple companies, and appeared on the hit show, Shark Tank. Ryan recently launched his latest start up, Workup (, which aggregates quality and ethical wellness/health companies in an online marketplace format.    Areas covered in this podcast: 1.       Could you tell the listeners a bit about yourself and how you came to be an entrepreneur?2.       Goldman, and perhaps most of the finance industry is known for long hours, high intensity and a collaborative work environment. How did your time at Goldman influence and shape your entrepreneurial journey?3.       Corollary to the prior question, how has your time as a triathlete influenced your experience as an entrepreneur?4.       Let’s talk risk. Start-ups and small business in general are often perceived as being very risky as compared to working for someone else. That said, I’ve had many friends that have lost their ‘9-5’ jobs in the last few years. So do you think in today’s current economic and work climate, is being self-employed any riskier than working for a company?5.       As someone starting a business, what would be advice for them to reduce the risk commonly associated with a start up?6.       Most coaches are not going to be looking for investors or external capital to start their coaching businesses. Aside from what funds a coach already has in the bank, what are some other creative ways that a coach could raise money to bootstrap their start-up coaching practice?7.       In your time as both working for GS, as well as an entrepreneur, what are some of the most valuable lessons that you have learned that would apply to coaches looking to start and/or scale their business?8.       What are some of the mistakes that you’ve made that you could share with our listeners with respect to things to be aware of and potentially avoid?Lastly, what was it like being on Shark Tank?
Oct 31, 2024 • 41min

Episode 17: Coaching Independently vs For an Organization with Guest Jim Rowe

In this episode of All Things Endurance, host Rick Prince chats with triathlon coach, Jim Rowe. Jim is the coach education lead for Playtri and comes to the world of triathlon coaching from a non-traditional pathway – as a Lutheran minister. While various topics are discussed in this podcast, the central theme that Rick and Jim discuss are the pros and cons of coaching for yourself versus coaching through an organization. As Jim has done both, he brings a unique perspective to this discussion.About Jim RoweJim is a Lutheran minister and a triathlon coach. Currently, Jim is a full-time triathlon coach with Playtri and is the coach education lead for the organization. In addition to coaching, Jim also performs physiological testing, bike fitting and swim stroke analysis for his athletes.   Areas covered in this podcast:1.       You have a unique background with respect to being a full-time tri coach, could you discuss your background and the path that you took to be a full-time tri coach?2.       Could you explain a bit more about how you made the decision to step away from being a minister, to being a full-time coach?3.       In both ministry and being a coach, you deal directly with people and communication is critically important. Would you say that your background as a minister has helped you in your role as a coach?4.       You had your own coaching practice prior to joining PlayTri as a coach. Could you discuss your reasoning behind that transition?5.       What are some of the pros and cons of running your own coaching practice, as well as that of coaching for an organization like PlayTri?6.       You also offer physiological testing as part of your coaching practice with PlayTri. When did you add that aspect to your services and how has that helped you in your coaching practice?7.       What are some key pieces of advice that you would have for a coach trying to decide if to coach independently or through an organization?8.       As a coach for an organization, do you still have to market your coach services or is that done 100% through PlayTri?What does a ‘day in the life’ of Jim Rowe look like with respect to coaching? 
Oct 18, 2024 • 51min

Episode 16: Running Form Considerations - A Systemic Approach with Guest Dr. Lawrence van Lingen

In this episode of All Things Endurance, host Rick Prince chats with structural integration specialist, Dr. Lawrence van Lingen. Dr. van Lingen takes a holistic and systemic approach to running form due to his belief that nothing in the body functions in isolation. While some may view Dr. van Lingen’s methods as contrarian in nature, they are evidence-based and get results - which may be why so many professional athletes seek out Dr. van Lingen.  About Dr. Lawrence van LingenDr. van Lingen has helped thousands of people overcome pain and injury and enhance their sports performance and everyday well-being. He has over twenty years of experience in sports chiropractic, physical therapy, rehabilitation, strength and conditioning, movement coaching, and breathing techniques. Lawrence is the founder of Innerunner, an online community with masterclasses, workshops, programs, and teachings that aim to transform your running and movement potential. He helps his running community and world-class athletic clients, such as Red Bull, Mr Price Running, Santa Cruz Syndicate and athletes such as Greg Minnaar, Ryan Sandes, Taylor Knibb, Jan Frodeno, and Flora Duffy, to name just a few, to run better, move better, and feel better.  Areas covered in the podcast: 1.       What is your background?2.       Running gait is often solely viewed through the lens of the musculoskeletal system. Your take on it is different. Could you explain?3.       In your opinion, do gait specialists in the US have a different view of how the body functions than elsewhere in the world?4.       Why do you think more people don’t have this systemic view of how the body functions and therefore, how running gait is influenced?5.       Clearly, your model of viewing the mind/body as a whole differs greatly from most others. That being said, with respect to conventional gait analysis, what are some things that you feel they get right, and wrong?6.       Are there some common reasons that you’ve found across working with a variety of athletes for gait issues?7.       Do you ever encounter resistance from potential athletes with respect to your systemic view of the body?8.       If you could give just a few pieces of advice for our listeners today with respect to improving their running form, what would it be?Lastly, what are some of the biggest and most common running form myths that you are aware of, and why are they myths?
May 13, 2024 • 1h 5min

Episode 15: Understanding Self Defense with Guest James Jankiewicz

In this episode of the All Things Endurance podcast, host Rick Prince chats with self-defense expert, James Jankiewicz.   It is an unfortunate reality that recently, a month or two do not go by without hearing about someone being assaulted while exercising outdoors, often with horrific consequences. As the growth of trail/ultrarunning and gravel cycling is on a meteoric rise, there are more athletes running and cycling in isolated areas than ever before. While learning self-defense is important for everyone to know, it’s never been more important amongst those that exercise in isolated environments.   This is not noted as a scare tactic but that of reality. In this podcast, James discusses the following areas:1.       James’s background 2.       How is the form of self-defense discussed by James different from other forms of self-defense and why is it the most effective?a.       Discuss traditional self-defense models3.       What are some of the most important aspects to the recommended form of self-defense?4.       What are some situations to try to avoid if possible (ie. Running in isolated areas by themselves)?5.       What about carrying things such as pepper spray or other things like that?6.       What are some of the key target areas on a human?7.       What about defending yourself against animals such as dogs, wildlife?8.       Discuss the difference when self-defense become necessary between doing it when tired (during a run) or when not tired and how to train for this.9.       Does the size/weight of an attacker influence one’s response? As noted in the podcast, James is developing a self-defense specialization course for UESCA which will be free of charge for everyone due to its importance. When this course launches, UESCA will announce it via newsletter and social media channels. 
Apr 8, 2024 • 1h 3min

Episode 14: Successfully Scaling Your Coaching Business with Guests Geoff and Heather Hart

In this episode of All Things Endurance, host Rick Prince chats with Geoff and Heather Hart, co-owners of Hart Strength and Endurance Coaching. The podcast topics center around how to scale one’s coaching business, with a lot of emphasis on how and when to bring on other coaches to work for you. They focus on road runners and ultrarunners, as well as strength training. In addition to coaching, Heather was also a presenter (strength training) at last year’s UESCA Ultrarunning Coach Conference. As Geoff and Heather have built a very successful and sustainable coaching practice, if you want to build a solo coaching practice, or one that employs other coaches – this podcast is gold! Some of the topics discussed are:1.       What got you and Geoff into coaching? What did you guys do before coaching?2.       Have you always been ultrarunning-focused coaches?3.       When, and how did you decide to bring on another coach(es)?4.       What are the main qualities that you look for when bringing on more coaches?5.       Are there any legal considerations to consider when hiring coaches?6.       How much time do you spend on your clients vs. managing your business/other coaches?7.       How do you market your coaches/coaching business?8.       What are some of the biggest challenges of having coaches work for you?9.       When an inquiry comes in for coaching, how do you determine what coach you select to work with the athlete?10.  If someone was looking to hire coaches under them, what is some advice you would give them?

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