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Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

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Dec 7, 2019 • 1h 9min

112: Tim Matthews of Canarchy and Oskar Blues Dives Deep on Brewing With Malt and Hops

An 11 year veteran of Oskar Blues, Tim Matthews now holds the lofty title of VP of Global Brewing for the Canarchy Craft Brewery Collective, where he's hyper focused on improving everything from product innovation to ingredient sourcing and grower/broker relationships. In this episode, he discusses their process of reinvention for popular beers, and what they've learned about the impacts of various ingredients and processes in the brewhouse. From the four year process of retooling Mama's Little Yella Pils to protein content shifts in barley (“Don’t get romantically involved with barley varieties") to how flavors expressed in raw hops reflect in finished beers, Matthews gets technical and nuanced in discussing beer ingredients. Along the way, he touches on important cultural trends such as breweries pursuing exclusive hops (“What brewers should not look for is their own special hop. Don’t do that. It’s too much pressure on yourself. You want a hop that works for everybody, and that means the growers, the brokers, and the brewers. And that’s plural ‘brewers.’ Not just you, not just Canarchy, but all of craft beer. You want it to be proliferated across the entire industry so it’s sustainable.”) He also discusses the way their yeast program is evolving, and offers up thoughts about next trends in beer (“Big, dark, and malty is next"). There's a lot to unpack in this information-dense episode, so grab a beer and listen in. This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Oktober Can Seamers ( Whether you’re a full-scale production brewery, a taproom, or a homebrewer striving for the ultimate setup, Oktober Can Seamers has THE small-scale canning solution. They’ve proven that breweries increase revenue through to-go sales with Oktober Can Seamers, and everyone loves to sell more beer. You’re only a few clicks away from selling more beer, just head over to and use offer code “jamie” to save $50 on any can seamer purchase.Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Nov 29, 2019 • 1h 12min

111: Brewmaster Peter Bouckaert on Brewing With Wood, Creativity in the Brewhouse, and the New Belgium Sale to Kirin

You’d be hard-pressed to find a more bombastic, opinionated brewer than Purpose Brewing & Cellars’ Peter Bouckaert. But with decades of experience in both Europe and the US, leading the brewhouse for iconic breweries, he’s earned the right to speak his mind. In this episode, he shares thoughts on a range of technical brewing subjects, from using wood as a spice, to malt biotransformation, using yeast to unlock the flavors of ingredients, his decision process behind ingredient additions, toxicology screening when using new ingredients, and more. But the conversation really heats up when Bouckaert hops on his soapbox and delves into the philosophy behind brewing, from style constrictions to inspiration from the culinary world and the ways brewing is far superior in a creative sense to winemaking or distilling. “I love the brewing process and think we should treat [brewing] as more important than any winery,” says Bouckaert. “Opus One? That’s a joke. That’s a marketing ploy. Compared to Purpose? There’s way more happening here, flavor-wise.” Throughout, Bouckaert remains committed to the new. Moving things forward, trying new ingredients and processes, and building a better, higher touch experience for beer consumers. In this episode, he discusses the hows and whys of this different approach. This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Oktober Can Seamers ( Whether you’re a full-scale production brewery, a taproom, or a homebrewer striving for the ultimate setup, Oktober Can Seamers has THE small-scale canning solution. They’ve proven that breweries increase revenue through to-go sales with Oktober Can Seamers, and everyone loves to sell more beer. You’re only a few clicks away from selling more beer, just head over to and use offer code “jamie” to save $50 on any can seamer purchase.Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Nov 22, 2019 • 58min

110: Comrade Brewing's David Lin and Marks Lanham on Brewing New School West Coast IPAs

With two gold medals in hotly contested categories and Small Brewing Company and Small Brewer of the Year accolades at the 2019 Great American Beer Festival, Denver's Comrade Brewing firmly established their credentials as one of the most important new school IPA producers in the country. Here, they discuss philosophy and techniques behind their hoppy beers before delving into brewing thoughts on a range of styles from chili beer to milk stout. This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Oktober Can Seamers ( Whether you’re a full-scale production brewery, a taproom, or a homebrewer striving for the ultimate setup, Oktober Can Seamers has THE small-scale canning solution. They’ve proven that breweries increase revenue through to-go sales with Oktober Can Seamers, and everyone loves to sell more beer. You’re only a few clicks away from selling more beer, just head over to and use offer code “jamie” to save $50 on any can seamer purchase.Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Nov 15, 2019 • 1h 24min

109: Troubadour Maltings’ Chris Schooley on Understanding the Fine Details of Malt and the Process Behind It

Malt is subject most take for granted—a commodity that is generally fungible and often overlooked. But for Troubadour Maltings’ Chris Schooley, it’s a subject of endless fascination and professional obsession. In this deep dive into the subject, Schooley expounds on the value of thinking about malt beyond extract numbers, explores the history of malt and why certain malt styles are what they are today, defines great malting grain while discussing new developments in the agriculture that has helped craft maltsters produce better raw materials, and more. In the brewhouse and in the malt house, consistency may be overrated, but quality is not—the malting process and role of the maltster is to add value to the agriculture and the brewing process, since the power in malt is not intrinsic… someone has to unlock it. But the things that really make a difference in malt quality may not be the things you suspect, and as specialty malts get darker, certain factor like freshness play a larger role in the flavor of the end beer. It’s a fascinating episode for anyone who has every pondered why and how malt does what it does in the brewing process… This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Country Malt Group ( With over 200 years of combined experience in the craft beverage industry, Country Malt Group’s dedicated sales and support staff understand the importance of excellent ingredients, product knowledge, and expertise in making great beer. Country Malt Group’s mission is to provide the products and services you need while making the process of ordering ingredients easy – the focus is to inspire your best craft! Order online at | @CountryMaltSupport Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Nov 8, 2019 • 1h 1min

108: Civil Life Brewing's Dylan Mosley on Brewing Flavorful Small and Sessionable Beers

Civil Life Brewing is a brewer's brewery. The biggest beers on the menu top out around 6.5%, the taproom is comfortable and pubby, and everything across the board is finely crafted with character and intention. It's wonderful space in which to drink beer, staffed by folks intensely passionate about what they do, serving beer confidently unflashy yet thoroughly satisfying. To build such character and expression into small beers, head brewer Dylan Mosley has spent the past eight years fine tuning every element of their beers, and in this episode, he walks through the various ways they amplify flavor without hiking up the ABV. Carefully selecting malt not just for color but for flavor, is first and foremost. While some brewers prefer broad ranges of malt, Mosley operates in a tighter range, often using similar malts from different malt houses in the same beer to provide shades of nuance. His goal, of course, is to move past the specificity of individual ingredients, so that everything hangs together as a whole. "You don't want the end of the story before you start it," says Mosley. "You need a little something else there. I spend more time thinking about what's in the middle of the beer rather than base malt or finishing touches." From malt to yeast, water, hops, and even finishing processes like filtration, Mosley runs through the things that make Civil Life beers beloved by drinkers, and brewers, in their native St. Louis. This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Country Malt Group ( With over 200 years of combined experience in the craft beverage industry, Country Malt Group’s dedicated sales and support staff understand the importance of excellent ingredients, product knowledge, and expertise in making great beer. Country Malt Group’s mission is to provide the products and services you need while making the process of ordering ingredients easy – the focus is to inspire your best craft! Order online at | @CountryMaltSupport Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Nov 1, 2019 • 1h 28min

107: The Best 19 Beers of 2019 Special Edition!

We taste thousands of beers per year at Craft Beer & Brewing, between beers our blind panel reviews, beers sent to us to consider for general coverage, beers tasted at various festivals, and beers shared when we visit breweries. Once a year, we put our collective heads together and create our Editors' Picks for the Best Beers of the Year. In addition, we poll our readers and listeners for your favorite beers of the year, favorite breweries of various sizes, and favorite breweries within certain styles. In this special episode of the podcast, Cofounder and Editorial Director Jamie Bogner, and Managing Editor Joe Stange, walk through the background and stories behind these best beers and breweries of 2019. Read the full story at Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Oct 25, 2019 • 1h 2min

106: Mitch Steele of New Realm Brewing on Designing Characterful IPAs, Pilsners, and Hard Seltzers

If you brew IPA, you’ve probably read Mitch Steele’s book on the subject. His storied brewing career has taken him from from positions as Brewmaster at Anheuser-Busch and Stone to his newest venture as Brewmaster at Atlanta’s New Realm Brewing. This latest chapter has posed one of the biggest creative challenges he’s faced—designing an entire beer program from scratch. In this episode, Steele discusses creating beers to style that still contain unique character, explores the structure of their hoppy lager, admits to goofing on their first IPA releases and discuses how they made recipe and brand changes to satisfy their customers, cracks the code on hazy IPA and discusses the ways they’ve designed and brewed that style, delves into the resurgence and reinvention of West Coast IPA, shares their innovation process from small scale evaluation brews on up, and talks about their latest tests in the hard seltzer space with what works and what doesn’t. This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Brew Guru ( Brew Guru, the free mobile app that alerts you to local discounts on beer, food, and homebrewing supplies! Created by the American Homebrewers Association, Brew Guru is your essential guide to brewing and drinking great beer. Start a 30-day free trial, no credit card info required, when you download Brew Guru for iPhone or Android.Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Oct 18, 2019 • 55min

105: August Schell's Jace Marti on Creating Distinctive Lagers and Historically-Inspired Berliner Weisse

August Schell is not a new brewery, and sparking attention from today’s craft beer consumer is more difficult than ever. But in this conversation, Jace Marti (Assistant Brewmaster and 6th generation of the Schell family) dives deep into the storied lager brewer’s evolution of recipe and technique for marquis beers like their Pilsner, explains how they develop and change beers over time, and outlines the thorough way they went about launching a sour program that feels germane to the Schell brand (while also making great beer). Their craft Pilsner is on version 4.0, and has seen many changes since its launch in the 1980’s. Today, they even borrow techniques from IPA brewers, like dry-hopping during active fermentation, and apply them to their lager process—adding hops at 24 hours to the cold lager fermentation. Other moves, like shifting hot side hops to a middle addition rather than early addition, changing up the base malt, and embracing “modern” noble hops have helped them build a Pilsner that’s both to style and distinctly theirs. On the sour side, Marti recounts the deep historical research into Berliner Weisse that led to them building house cultures for mixed fermentation, and touches on everything from maintaining and selecting cultures to cleaning process and fruit usage. How does a 160-year-old brewery balance the weight of tradition with the need to be innovative? Listen in… This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Brew Guru ( Brew Guru, the free mobile app that alerts you to local discounts on beer, food, and homebrewing supplies! Created by the American Homebrewers Association, Brew Guru is your essential guide to brewing and drinking great beer. Start a 30-day free trial, no credit card info required, when you download Brew Guru for iPhone or Android.Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Oct 11, 2019 • 1h 4min

104: Evan Price of Green Cheek Beer Co.: Creatively Evolving West Coast IPA (and Winning!)

Since their founding in June 2017, Green Cheek Beer Co. has pulled off an impressive list of awards—a silver medal in American-style IPA at the 2018 World Beer Cup, two bronze medals at the 2018 GABF, and most recently a silver and gold (in American-style IPA and Australian-style Pale Ale) at the 2019 GABF. In this conversation, recorded a few days before Price and Green Cheek collected those 2019 medals, he goes deep on the subject of the evolving style of West coast-style IPA. From malt shifts (“Crystal malt ends up tasting like an old beer right when you make it”) to the impacts of water profiles to selecting low cohumulone hops for less aggressive bitterness, every choice matters. Price covers developing skills like translating hops aromas while rubbing into an idea of how they’ll express in a finished beer, their hops evaluation procedures, lowering whirlpool temperatures for better hot side hops character, and even discusses their strategy toward brewing for and entering competitions. If you’re not smiling by the end of this episode, you’re doing it wrong. This episode is brought to you by: G&D Chillers ( As the brewing industry’s premier choice for glycol chilling, G&D Chillers has set the standard on quality, service, reliability and dedication to their customer’s craft. For 25 years G&D has led the way with innovative solutions for the craft brewing industry. Contact G&D Chillers today at 800.555.0973 or reach out online at Mention Craft Beer and Brewing podcast and you’ll receive up to $1000 worth of glycol with the purchase of any new G&D chiller unit. Tavour ( Tavour makes it possible to access and discover the highest-rated craft beers from all over the world through the free mobile app. Twice a day you get access to a new limited beer from an independent craft brewer. Imagine sipping a Vanilla Ice Cream Stout from Wild Leap Brewing in Georgia or Juicy Bits IPA from WeldWerks in Colorado. Join the independent beer community today and get $10 in beer money with code “brewing”. Clarion Lubricants ( Clarion Lubricants, balancing barley and hops is your expertise, food-grade lubricants is ours. The team at Clarion knows that when it comes to making great beer, you’re the expert, and when it comes to supplying food-grade lubricants backed by service-oriented professionals, they're the experts. Clarion will work with you to create an efficient lubrication program that helps protect your brewery. To speak with an expert dial 1-855-MY-CLARION (855-692-5274) or visit Clarion Lubricants. The expert that experts trust. Hops Direct ( Five generations of hops grown in Yakima Valley, Washington, sold directly from our farm to you. Skip the middleman, go for the farm fresh green! Our hops are harvested, processed and kept in cold storages here on our farm until shipping straight to you. Find 100+ domestic and imported varieties in Pellet and Leaf year-round on our website by the pound at wholesale pricing. Thanks for supporting family-owned - shopping small is a BIG deal. | | @hopsdirectSupport Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast
Oct 5, 2019 • 55min

103: Beachwood Blendery's Harrison McCabe: Creating the Right Environment for Spontaneous and Pitched Culture Wild and Sour Beers

When Long Beach, California's Beachwood Brewing set out to create a wild and sour beer program years ago, they did it with an intentionality one would expect from a brewery that has racked up so many accolades over the years. In this episode, Beachwood Blendery head brewer and blender Harrison McCabe walks through the various ways they've controlled environmental factors in the brewhouse for optimal spontaneous brewing in the non-traditional climate of Southern California, while maintaining parallel programs producing both spontaneous and pitched culture sour and wild beer. To McCabe, the key is using hops, temperature, and mash to slow the lactic acid production process, allowing for more characteristic funk to develop before acidity completely takes over. He talks about how they've embraced a single infusion high-temperature mash, bumped up the amounts of aged hops, and carefully created "seasons" in the barrel warehouse through temperatre control, before discussing everything from blending to fruiting process. Great wild, sour, and spontaneous beer can be made anywhere—it's just a matter of creating a process and environment that favors great flavors.Support Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine Podcast

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