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Hacker And The Fed

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Aug 17, 2023 • 1h 34min

Zoom and AI, the NSA and DARPA Presenting Challenges to the Cyber Security Community and Listener Questions

This week on Hacker And The Fed Zoom wanted to use your calls to train artificial intelligence, the NSA and DARPA are presenting challenges to the cyber security community, and we answer listener questions from a US military chaplain about justice, a former black hat about a career in cyber security, and even a hacker who used a compromised email account to ask us how to stop hacking.Links from the episode:Zoom walks back controversial privacy policyhttps://www.thestreet.com/technology/zooms-latest-move-may-make-you-reconsider-using-the-service Microsoft Exposes Russian Hackers' Sneaky Phishing Tactics via Microsoft Teams Chatshttps://thehackernews.com/2023/08/microsoft-exposes-russian-hackers.html Hackers to compete for nearly $20 million in prizes by using A.I. for cybersecurity, Biden administration announceshttps://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/09/biden-admin-launches-hacking-challenge-to-use-ai-for-cybersecurity.htmlhttps://aicyberchallenge.com/rules/ NSA: Codebreaker Challenge Helps Drive Cybersecurity Educationhttps://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/nsa-talks-codebreaker-challenge-success-influence-on-education Lil Tay Meta Helped Get Account Back from Hackerhttps://www.tmz.com/2023/08/12/lil-tay-dead-dies-hacker-meta-instagram-hacked-account-hoax/ CISCO Launches a FREE 120-Hour Ethical Hacking Traininghttps://cursin.net/en/cisco-launches-a-free-120-hour-ethical-hacking-training/ Support our sponsor:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED code FED20 for 20% off all consumer plans Get your Hacker and the Fed merchandise at hackerandthefed.com
Aug 10, 2023 • 1h 19min

Chinese Malware, a Year in Review of Zero-day Exploits, a Ransomware Study, and Listener Questions

US hunts Chinese malware, year in review of zero-day exploits, study finds no evidence of cyber insurance payment trends, Tenable CEO accuses Microsoft of negligence, listener questions from Greece, Holland, and a new NSA hacker
Aug 3, 2023 • 1h 13min

Authentication Attacks, US Government Domains, and New Cyber Incident Disclosure Guidelines

This week on Hacker And The Fed what authentication attacks might look like in a phishing resistant future, the SEC now requires companies to disclose cyber attacks, there are many more US government domains in the .com world than you might think, and other news stories from this week in cyber security.Links from the episode:What might authentication attacks look like in a phishing-resistant future?https://blog.talosintelligence.com/what-might-authentication-attacks-look-like-in-a-phishing-resistant-future/The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocolhttps://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9420List of public government managed domains that exist outside of the top-level .gov and .mil domainshttps://github.com/GSA/govt-urls/blob/main/1_govt_urls_full.csvTop level domain operator wants out of the businesshttps://domainnamewire.com/2023/07/26/top-level-domain-operator-wants-out-of-the-business/Network giants unite to fight security riskshttps://www.networkworld.com/article/3703233/network-giants-unite-to-fight-security-risks.htmlCybersecurity Agencies Warn Against IDOR Bugs Exploited for Data Breacheshttps://thehackernews.com/2023/07/cybersecurity-agencies-warn-against.htmlNorwegian government IT systems hacked using zero-day flawhttps://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/norwegian-government-it-systems-hacked-using-zero-day-flaw/https://www.dss.dep.no/aktuelle-saker/departementer-utsatt-for-dataangrep/https://www.wsj.com/articles/critical-infrastructure-companies-warned-to-watch-for-ongoing-cyberattack-76508d83Satellites Are Rife With Basic Security Flawshttps://www.wired.com/story/satellites-basic-security-flaws/ Support our sponsors:Go to hellofresh.com/50hatf code 50hatf for 50% off plus free shippingGet your Hacker and the Fed merchandise at hackerandthefed.comGet your Hacker and the Fed merchandise at hackerandthefed.com
Jul 27, 2023 • 1h 27min

Thousands of Intelligence and Defense Employees Exposed, a Hacker Infects His Own Computer, Google Accuses Apple Employee of Not Reporting a Zero-day

This week on Hacker And The Fed new cyber security labels proposed by the US government could help us buy our new devices, an employee exposes thousands of intelligence and defense employees, Google may be restricting internet access to some employees to reduce their cyber attack risk, a hacker infects his own computer, and Google says an Apple employee found a zero-day but didn't report it, and we answer listener questions about our phones getting searched and email encryption.Links from the episode: White House teams with Amazon, Google and Qualcomm on cybersecurity labels for gadgetshttps://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/18/us-cyber-trust-labels-will-help-consumers-pick-safer-smart-devices.html Google exposes intelligence and defense employee names in VirusTotal leakhttps://therecord.media/virustotal-user-email-addresses-leaked-google-military-intelligence Google restricting internet access to some employees to reduce cyberattack riskhttps://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/18/google-restricting-internet-access-to-some-employees-for-security.html Black Hat Hacker Exposes Real Identity After Infecting Own Computer With Malwarehttps://www.securityweek.com/black-hat-hacker-exposes-real-identity-after-infecting-own-computer-with-malware/ IT Security Analyst Jailed for Impersonating as a Hacker in Own Companyhttps://cybersecuritynews.com/it-security-analyst-jailed/ Google says Apple employee found a zero-day but did not report ithttps://techcrunch.com/2023/07/20/google-says-apple-employee-found-a-zero-day-but-did-not-report-it/https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36803537 Microsoft Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificatehttps://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/microsoft-cybersecurity-analyst Cybersecurity Expert Kevin David Mitnick diedhttps://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/las-vegas-nv/kevin-mitnick-11371668 Listener Questions:https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/18/22630439/apple-csam-neuralhash-collision-vulnerability-flaw-cryptography Support our sponsors:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED and use the code FED20 for 20% offGo to drata.com/partner/hacker-fed and get 10% off Drata and waived implementation fees Get your Hacker and the Fed merchandise at hackerandthefed.com
Jul 20, 2023 • 1h 23min

The Dangers of Googling Phone Numbers, an Attack on a Security Platform, and Typo Squatting on US Military Domains

This week on Hacker And The Fed you can't always count on Google for the right telephone number for an airline, an American cloud based directory as a service platform announces that they were hacked by a state sponsored threat actor, millions of US military emails may be ending up in the wrong hands, a new ransomware looks like a windows update, we answer listener questions, and Hector tells a fascinating story about a hacking methodology.Links from the episode:Airline Fake Contact Number on Google Mapshttps://twitter.com/Shmuli/status/1680669938468499458https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/1680926780599812098 JumpCloud discloses breach by state-backed APT hacking grouphttps://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/jumpcloud-discloses-breach-by-state-backed-apt-hacking-group/JumpClouds IOCs - https://jumpcloud.com/support/july-2023-iocs Domains like army․ml, pentagon․ml, navy․ml and af․ml all have Mail Exchange records pointing to 'handle․catchemail․ml'https://twitter.com/mikko/status/1680947795862200325 Watch out for this new malicious ransomware disguised as Windows updateshttps://www.foxnews.com/tech/watch-out-new-malicious-ransomware-disguised-windows-updateshttps://www.trendmicro.com/en_id/research/23/g/tailing-big-head-ransomware-variants-tactics-and-impact.html Listener Questionshttps://www.lsu.edu/mediacenter/news/2023/06/13-cyber-clinic.php Support our sponsors:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED and use the code FED20 for 20% offGo to drata.com/partner/hacker-fed and get 10% off Drata and waived implementation feesGet your Hacker and the Fed merchandise at hackerandthefed.com
Jul 13, 2023 • 1h 11min

Are Your Lightbulbs a Security Risk? Voice Authentication May be Broken, and Logistics Security

This week on Hacker And The Fed your lightbulbs may be giving away the location of your house, could Microsoft end ransomware right now? Also, voice authentication may be broken, the latest ransomware attack shows us the important of logistics security, convenience has once again jeopardized Google authenticator security, and a listener shares a wild car theft story.Links from the episode:Your lightbulbs may be giving out your exact locationtwitter.com/haxrob/status/1676416949499338752 Microsoft Can Fix Ransomware Tomorrowdarkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/microsoft-can-fix-ransomware-tomorrow Cybercriminals can break voice authentication with 99% success ratehelpnetsecurity.com/2023/07/06/voice-authentication-insecurity/ INTERPOL Nabs Hacking Crew OPERA1ER's Leader Behind $11 Million Cybercrimethehackernews.com/2023/07/interpol-nabs-hacking-crew-opera1ers.html Japan's biggest port, Nagoya, hit by suspected cyberattackasia.nikkei.com/Business/Technology/Japan-s-biggest-port-Nagoya-hit-by-suspected-cyberattack Raising concerns over Google Authenticator’s new featurestechradar.com/pro/raising-concerns-over-google-authenticators-new-features Trinidad and Tobago facing outages after cyberattacktherecord.media/trinidad-tobago-hit-with-cyberattack Listener Questionsksltv.com/563455/police-release-images-of-suspect-who-broke-into-familys-car-at-airport-then-their-home/ Support our sponsors:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED and use the code FED20 for 20% offGo to drata.com/partner/hacker-fed and get 10% off Drata and waived implementation fees
Jul 6, 2023 • 1h 19min

Your Car’s Data Might Be For Sale, a New Malware Payload Vector Using DNS, and Listener Questions

This week on Hacker And The Fed your car may be collecting up to 25 GB per hour of data about you and a new malware payload vector is using DNS, what is “encryptionless ransomware”. We also answer listener questions about a variety of topics, including how to prepare for a cybersecurity career in the US government, banking security, and hack-backs.Links from the episode:How Your New Car Tracks Youhttps://www.wired.com/story/car-data-privacy-toyota-honda-ford/ DNS TXT Records Can Be Used by Hackers to Execute Malwarehttps://cybersecuritynews.com/dns-txt-records-to-execute-malware/?ampEncryption-less ransomware: Warning issued over emerging attack method for threat actorshttps://www.itpro.com/security/ransomware/encryption-less-ransomware-warning-issued-over-emerging-attack-method-for-threat-actors Support our sponsors:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED and use the code FED20 for 20% offGo to drata.com/partner/hacker-fed and get 10% off Drata and waived implementation fees
Jun 30, 2023 • 1h 13min

A Hack-Back Lands a CEO in Prison, Repo Jacking, and When to Use a VPN

This week on Hacker And The Fed a CEO did a hack back and was sentenced to prison, Reddit hackers demanded a price roll back, repo jacking and fake Github repositories, and we answer listener questions about Hector's old hacks and VPNs.Links from the episode:I Was Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Hacking Back - My Storytwitter.com/silascutler/status/1671144482769608705 -> https://hackernoon.com/i-was-sentenced-to-18-months-in-prison-for-hacking-back-my-story Reddit hackers demand $4.5 million ransom and API pricing changestheverge.com/2023/6/19/23765895/reddit-hack-phishing-leak-api-pricing-steve-huffman GitHub Dataset Research Reveals Millions Potentially Vulnerable to RepoJackingblog.aquasec.com/github-dataset-research-reveals-millions-potentially-vulnerable-to-repojacking Attackers Create Synthetic Security Researchers to Steal IPdarkreading.com/attacks-breaches/attackers-create-synthetic-security-researchers Google announces $20 million investment for cyber clinicscyberscoop.com/google-investment-cyber-clinics/ Listener Questionshttps://fidoalliance.org/ Support our sponsors:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED and use the code FED20 for 20% off
Jun 22, 2023 • 1h 10min

A Massive Ongoing Ransomware Attack, Google Claims to Catch Chinese Hackers, and the Feds Arrest a Russian Hacker in Arizona

This week on Hacker And The Fed a ransomware group hacked a widely used file transfer software and began leaking stolen data, Google claims it caught Chinese government hackers red-handed breaking into hundreds of networks, the Feds arrest a ransomware perpetrator in Arizona, and we nerd out on security researchers taking over various countries domains.Links from the episode:MOVEit Cyber Attack: Personal Data Of Millions Stolen From Oregon, Louisiana, U.S. Agencyforbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/06/16/moveit-cyber-attack-personal-data-of-millions-stolen-from-oregon-louisiana-us-agency/?sh=3cf2b1b46b05 US govt offers $10 million bounty for info on Clop ransomwarebleepingcomputer.com/news/security/us-govt-offers-10-million-bounty-for-info-on-clop-ransomware/amp/Google claims it caught China government hackers redhanded breaking into hundreds of networks around the worldfortune.com/2023/06/15/china-hacking-networks-cybersecurity-google-mandiant/amp/ 20-Year-Old Russian LockBit Ransomware Affiliate Arrested in Arizonathehackernews.com/2023/06/20-year-old-russian-lockbit-ransomware.html Can I speak to your manager? hacking root EPP servers to take control of zoneshackcompute.com/hacking-epp-servers/ Darknet Parliament is now a thingcybernews.com/security/darknet-parliament-killnet-hackers/--Support our sponsor:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED and use the code FED20 for 20% off--For more information on Chris and his current work visit naxo.com and follow him on LinkedIn.Follow Hector @hxmonsegur
Jun 15, 2023 • 1h 6min

China's Tik Tok "God Credential" Allegation, a New Phishing and Email Takeover Campaign, and Listener Questions

This week on Hacker And The Fed we discuss the latest development in the Tik Tok controversy, how to detect and mitigate a new phishing and email takeover campaign, Google's new top-level domain, and some interesting statistics in the new Verizon breach investigation report.Links from the episode:Former exec at TikTok's parent company says Communist Party members had a 'god credential' that let them access Americans' databusinessinsider.com/communist-party-god-credential-data-bytedance-tiktok-former-executive-alleges-2023-6 Detecting and mitigating a multi-stage AiTM phishing and BEC campaignmicrosoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2023/06/08/detecting-and-mitigating-a-multi-stage-aitm-phishing-and-bec-campaign/ America’s Most Cybersecure Companiesforbes.com/lists/most-cybersecure-companies Hackers claim to have crippled Russia’s banking systemcybernews.com/cyber-war/infotel-hack-impacts-russian-banks/ Verizon 2023 Data Breach Investigations Reportverizon.com/business/resources/reports/dbir/--Support our sponsors:Go to JoinDeleteMe.com/FED and use the code FED20 for 20% off--For more information on Chris and his current work visit naxo.com and follow him on LinkedIn.Follow Hector @hxmonsegur

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