Concierge Medicine Today's "DocPreneur Leadership Podcast" has become a trusted voice and is a recorded history of membership medicine in all it's various forms. From Concierge Medicine to Direct Primary Care (DPC) and everything in between it unpacks unique entrepreneurial insights in healthcare ranging from hospitality in healthcare from a patient perspective to interviewing healthcare leaders, Physicians, PAs, NPs, insurance and payor connections, attorneys, interior designers and more.
This Podcast Is Recorded, Produced and Hosted by Concierge Medicine Today, LLC. Concierge Medicine Today, LLC is the industry trade publication reporting and highlighting news, trends and happenings in the Concierge Medicine space. Each year they host the industry's largest medical conference. To learn more, visit:
Topics include but are not limited to: Precision Medicine; Concierge Medicine; Whole Genome Sequencing; Pharacogenomics; Membership Medicine; Direct Primary Care; Legal, Accounting and Physician Succession Planning; Practice Management and Growth and more.
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