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The Penis Project

Latest episodes

Mar 29, 2023 • 1h 9min

129. The Universe of Deliciousness, With Author Julia Hollenbery

  Get ready for a sultry, pleasurable episode with our guest Julia.   For today’s episode, we speak with Julia. Julia is the author of the book entitled The Healing Power of Pleasure, Seven Medicines for Rediscovering the Innate Joy of Being. This book is a step-by-step guide to creating a happier, more sensual, and conscious life for you.   What you’ll be listening today will be quite extraordinary - by extra we mean a voice so sultry that when you hear it, we’re sure you’ll stop whatever it is you’re doing and just… listen.   It’s an episode about pleasure, body, sex, touch, sizes, life, and sensuality.   From Julia’s words and the episode’s takeaway - tremendous beauty and pleasure is possible.   How? That’s what exactly the episode will be about.   Click the play button below to start listening to Julia, Dr Jo, and Melissa in this sultry-licious episode. A first of its kind. ;)   ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Mar 21, 2023 • 15min

128. Pills, Pumps, P Injections Easily Explained, Steve’s Journey Know how these 3 works

In this episode, Steve shares his journey of using pills, pumps, and injections for penile rehabilitation post-op. Melissa explains the importance of these methods in recovery and the science behind their efficacy. Listen to learn how these treatments work together for optimal results.
Mar 14, 2023 • 43min

127. Pele, A 16-year old BRAVE Young Man (Hard Flaccid Syndrome)

Guest Pele, a brave young man, shares his experience with Hard Flaccid Syndrome caused by COVID. The podcast explores the symptoms, treatment with low dose dalaphil and herbal supplements, the impact of anxiety on pelvic problems, and the connection between COVID-19 and erectile function. It also emphasizes the importance of communication, alternatives to medication, personal development strategies, ongoing maintenance, and introduces a penior rehabilitation program.
Mar 8, 2023 • 59min

126. Steve, The Poet Who Didn’t Know It

  Today, we talk with Steve, the poet who didn’t know it.   Steve is one of our listeners who volunteered to be one of our guests. He found the podcast a very helpful resource for his recovery. From prostate cancer.  Like some of you who listen to the podcast, Steve was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at 56 years old. He also had a family history, given that his father and brother had the same diagnosis.   Post-op, Steve lacked information. So, he turned to Google and looked for support groups. There, he found Victoria, Tess, and then us.   With everything that happened to him, he learned how important it is to support others going through this journey. This was the reason why he became a staple in Facebook support groups… and along the way, poetry and words found him.   He used words to share his journey, to express his thoughts, to give life to what he was going through, and ultimately, to inspire others.   As you listen to this episode, you will transcend to a different kind of world - a world of words - where we believe a lot of you will feel as if the words are speaking to you.   It’s magnificent how we get to see that words can heal us - whether that’s through poetry or through frankness and honesty.   Enjoy listening and watch out for some poem reading from Melissa a in our next episodes! ;)   Jo has arranged for poetry reading in Melbourne in March (from the man himself). If you are interested in attending, please see below:  Poetry in Prostate Cancer Thank you, Steve, for sharing your story and the things you wrote to help others cope.  Please see below helpful resources:  Victoria Cullen: My life line, mental support and all around saviour early on!   Tess Deveze Penis Pleasure Masterclass: Find me at:   These are the three private FB groups that I share my poetry with.   Tafy Seade – Inner active Pelvic Health and Physiotherapy ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Feb 28, 2023 • 35min

125. Ross the Runner The Eureka patient

  Today, we speak with Ross. Ross will talk about his prostate cancer journey and a marathon he will be joining in London, at 64 years old!   Ross was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2020. This was two years after a routine check-up in 2018 showed elevated PSA readings. At first, Ross procrastinated taking action as everything he read about prostate cancer was all gloom and doom. After a lesson on the possibility of cancer spreading by his wife and meeting with Dr Jo and Melissa, Ross learned that it’s not all gloom and doom. That there’s hope. There’s help. And there are ways to treat prostate cancer and still have a quality of life. With this knowledge he decided to fight it head on. He started with his PRE-hab before surgery and enjoyed the results thereafter. Why? Because he stopped wearing pads 3-4 days post-op! As Dr Jo describes it, Ross the Runner is a Eureka patient. Now, Ross is ready to take on another challenge.  He will be running the 42km London Marathon. For those who haven’t heard of this event, runners for this marathon need to apply and be accepted to join - in fact for every 20 applications received, only 1 gets accepted. Ross is that one. :) This episode is about the fact that people get scared and sometimes fear treatment. This is normal. We hope this episode will also teach you that there is hope, there is help, and it’s available - whatever step you take and to let you know that you’re not alone. Ross will run the marathon and raise funds for PCAHelp - an organization helping prostate cancer patients in Western Australia, to Prostate Cancer UK where they do fabulous research that benefits men and their families all around the world. If you would like to support this great cause and help other men with prostate cancer, please see links below. GoFund Me for Prostate Cancer Patients in WA PCAHelp Org Enjoy listening!  ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Feb 21, 2023 • 1h 2min

124. Todd’s Phoenix is Rising Again

Todd, our guest for today is all the way from the USA, thanks to the wonder of Zoom. He is a patient of Melissa’s and was very kind enough to share with us a glimpse of his experience from diagnosis to recovery. Get ready for a full dose of honesty and vulnerability.   Todd’s father had prostate cancer and as such his brothers and him have always been checked regularly. Once he got the diagnosis, he made sure to explore all the available options - radiation, cyberknife, and many more. The decision was difficult, but in the end he chose surgery.  From Todd’s experience, having all the information is not the only thing that a patient needs when deciding on treatment, but also, they need proper guidance in decision making.   Forward to today, he is now 1 year post op. The cancer is gone which is great, but he has been very distressed about sexual function and the lack of support for what he was going through after surgery.    Which brought him to find Melissa! And now, here he is to share his story.   Todd will talk about how he had to search for a solution to help him solve his problems, find answers to his questions, and what he did to get the phoenix to rise again!  What made the Phoenix rise again? Injections! Ta-da, the heavens opened!  However, Todd had to admit it wasn’t all smooth sailing… which prompted Melissa to have a full-on discussion about the proper way to do those injections and some trouble shooting tips.  Make sure to take note of her instructions on that. ;)   And stay tuned for part 2 when we invite Todd back! Enjoy listening!  ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin: Facebook:   Instagram:   Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Feb 15, 2023 • 20min

123. 300-400 Times Penile Injections

  Today, you will be meeting Paul. A 71-year-old gentleman and a penile injection user for more than 4 years! A very satisfied one at that. 😉 At 51, Paul started to do routine blood tests to monitor his sugar and PSA levels. Fourteen years after, at 65 years old and a few fingers up the bum, Paul was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. A year after his surgery, his sexual function did not improve. As a man, he thought “I’ll give it time” thinking it will sort out by itself. But it never did! So, he went back to his urologist to seek help. Pretreatment, he had an active sex life and to give it up altogether without doing anything else, was not Paul’s idea of a good solution. He met Melissa and that’s when things started getting hard again. Pun intended. Paul had to make a huge change in his mindset to seek help, but it was worth it. Melissa introduced him to penile injections and he has been using them ever since. His numbers? 300-400 times. How did he get so proficient? Stickability! He followed the instructions and switched injection sites. Paul agrees that using injections affects spontaneity, but like vacations, it is fun to plan the sexy times with your partner. He says that it stings a little but you can treat it as THE fine line between pleasure and pain! Listen to Paul’s story and hopefully, you also get to enjoy 300-400 times. 😉 All resources relating to penile injections are in the show notes below: ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process  
Feb 7, 2023 • 29min

122. POLAXED BY HIS PROSTATE - AFL ICON ‘’DIPPER’’ – ROBERT DiPierdomenico lifts the lid on his own Men’s Health Crisis

For today's episode, we talk with Australian Hall of Famer (2007), five-time Hawthorn Premiership Player & 1986 Brownlow Medalist, Berto ‘Dipper’ DiPierdomenico!  He has recently opened up about his own unexpected men’s health crisis in 2022 – an episode of urinary retention -, which caused pain ‘far worse than any previous football injury’ ’over his 240 game career. This included the punctured lung and multiple broken ribs suffered in the 1989 AFL Grand final vs Geelong - a game many report as the “finest ever GF” for its ferocity & the infamous poleaxing of Dipper by the ‘’GOD ‘’of Football-, Gary Ablett Snr. In this riveting interview with Dr Jo Milios (Men’s Health Physiotherapist) and West Coast Eagles Physiotherapist Chris ‘Tex’Perkin, Dipper reveals the stark story of his ‘’middle of the night’’ emergency, when he was carted off in an ambulance after his bladder became blocked, requiring emergency surgery, catheterisation and a going need to wear adult diapers. Dipper reveals what happened and why, and takes us on a personal journal of living with ongoing urinary incontinence linked to problems of the bladder & prostate! As you will hear, Dipper also points out that many lessons have been learnt, but there are still many more that need addressing when it comes to common physical issues in men’s health. For example, a referral to a physiotherapist specialising in pelvic floor muscle training was advised by his Drs, but then not undertaken. When Chris Perkin asks ‘’Why?’’, Dipper’s answers reveal much about the culture of the great Aussie male, where asking for help, or even a drink of water – were not part of the traditional male footy player’s macho image in the 1980’s. Stoicism, ‘’pushing thru’’ and showing no cracks in the armour were essential credentials, and reflect a time and place, you may be surprised to tune into. True to form, however, Dipper’s humour and candour are incredible! Listening to his attempts to perform a pelvic floor ‘’Nuts 2 Guts’ exercise will leave you scratching your head…   Most poignant to Dr Jo, however, was Dipper’s answer to ‘’how he is now?’’ – 8 months after surgery to clear the urinary tube, remove excess prostatic tissue (BHP- Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) and fix the urinary retention issue that had caused him so much pain. Well, Dipper says, ‘’I don’t need to empty my bladder 60-80 times per day and every 20 mins during the night anymore, I piss like a 12-year-old, I just don’t know when I’m going to piss and I don’t have prostate cancer…’.   ENJOY! LISTEN & LEARN! – Dipper is now a LEGEND of Men’s Health – the Merv Huges of Football. RESOURCES: A previous interview by Dipper about testicular cancer & Men’s Health: Heraldsun 2. Online US news story: ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jan 31, 2023 • 1h 60min

121. ALL-IN! Listen to Melissa, Kendall, and Dr Rob - Sexual health, diet, weight, nutrition, and exercise

  In 2022 Melissa and Kendall, together with Dr Rob Newton, had the chance to present during one of PCFA’s Shine A Light episodes.  Today, you will be able to listen to those very informative presentations and a few Qs and As.   You will first hear from Melissa. Followed by Kendall. And then by Dr. Rob Newton – who we also interviewed here in the podcast (Episode 104: Exercise is Medicine with Dr Rob Newton).     Melissa’s talk revolved around sexual health before, during, and most especially after prostate cancer.  Whilst Kendall’s talk was all about diet, nutrition, and weight.   Finally, Dr. Rob Newton focused on how exercise affects a cancer patient’s journey. His presentation explains the reason why he encourages everyone to do any type of exercise regardless of what shape they are in.   This one is a full-blown (no pun intended!) episode with lots of important nuggets related to prostate cancer – from sexual health to diet, weight adherence, and exercise.   When you start this episode, we suggest that you take notes. All the information shared here is relevant, scientific, and helpful.   You can also watch the episode on our Youtube channel. ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process
Jan 25, 2023 • 42min

120. Presley is getting his Mojo back, A Movember Episode in January

  Though a bit late, we’re sharing this Movember episode with you - a reminder that every day should be a health day.     For this episode, we talk with Presley.   Presley was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer a year ago. Prior to his surgery, his doctor suggested that he meet with Dr Jo.   So three months before his surgery, he was able to start his pelvic floor exercises.   Fast forward to today, Presley is feeling ok.   But this has not always been the case for him.   Prior to diagnosis, Presley suffered from depression, anxiety, and separation.   Luckily, he found a new love… but this season of change for Presley still came with a few hurdles. Why? His medications were affecting his intimacy and what he could do down there.   But with an understanding partner and a change in medication, Presley is beginning to get his mojo back!   To listen to Presley’s story, click the button below.  To see full show notes, please visit The Penis Project website.  ---------- Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders   Facebook:   Instagram: TikTok: @melissahadleybarrett YouTube: Melissa Hadley Barrett Linkedin:   Music David Mercy   Producer Thomas Evans: The SOTA Process

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