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Embodiment Matters Podcast

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Jan 30, 2025 • 56min

Men of Depth and Soul: A Conversation with Francis Weller and Alexandre Jodun

In this conversation, we begin a new sub-series of the Embodiment Matters podcast, Men of Depth and Soul, where Carl and our dear friend and colleague, Alexandre Jodun will be hosting interviews around what is being asked of men in these times.  We begin the series with our friend and mentor, Francis Weller. Francis is a psychotherapist, soul-activist, and author of The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief.  Our conversation moves through many topics: men and grief, the relationship between power and love, the loneliness and isolation so many men feel, how we can bless each other and call out to each other's gifts, and so much more.  On February 13th, Carl and Alexandre begin an online men's group, Men of Depth and Soul: Rooting into Sacred Activism. Francis Weller will be one of the guest elder/ teachers along with Pat McCabe, Woman Stands Shining. You can find out more about that course here, https://embodimentmatters.com/menofdepthandsoul/ You can find more information on Francis and his work at https://www.francisweller.net More on Pat McCabe https://www.patmccabe.net More on Alexandre at https://www.ahealingbridge.com        
Jan 10, 2025 • 1h 13min

Open Me: A Conversation with Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

We are so excited to share this podcast with the amazing poet and human, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer.  As Erin mentions in the intro, you might want to have some tissues handy, as we dive right into the deep end, and the conversation is filled with tenderness and beauty.  In our conversation, Rosemerry reads some of her gorgeous poems, and we move through many rich themes including grief and gratitude, ways to be with someone who is grieving,  holding paradox and the stretch of the human heart, and being opened by life.  The conversation has the same wide range of this experience of being human as does Rosemerry’s writing. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.  Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer lives with her husband and daughter in Placerville, Colorado, on the banks of the wild and undammed San Miguel River. She served as San Miguel County’s first poet laureate (2007-2011) and as Western Slope Poet Laureate (2015-2017) and was a finalist for Colorado Poet Laureate in 2019. She performs as a storyteller, including shows in Aspen at the Wheeler Opera House, at the Taos Storytelling Festival, Page Storytelling Festival and the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN. Her TEDx talk explores changing our outdated metaphors. For five years, she performed in the Telluride Literary Burlesque. She has been writing a poem a day since 2006, posting them since 2011 on her blog, A Hundred Falling Veils. In 2023, her poems can be heard daily on the Ritual app, The Poetic Path. Favorite themes include parenting, gardening, ecology, love, science, thriving/failure, grief and daily life. You can find more about Rosemerry and her work at wordwoman.com   You can find more about the the course that Erin mentions, Take Heart, Embodying the Great Turning, that she will be teaching with Leilani Navar, with Rosemerry as a guest teacher, along with Francis Weller, Cynthia Jurs, and Lydia Violet Harutoonian at embodimentmatters.com/live-with-erin-and-carl/
Jan 10, 2025 • 1h 18min

Experiential Deep Ecology: A Conversation with John Seed And Skye Cielita Flor

Friends, we are delighted to share this conversation with two beautiful Earth-loving humans, John Seed and Skye Cielita Flor.  John is a long-time Earth activist, writer, teacher, musician, who, along side Joanna Macy, helped to grow the body of work called Experiential Deep Ecology or The Work that Reconnects.  Skye is a teacher, folk herbalist, plant medicine ritualist, mama, and friend with whom we have connected for several years in online spaces with Francis Weller, Bayo Akomolafe and Josh Schrei. You can learn more about John and Skye,  and their unique stories and bodies of work at johnseed.net and deepearthdreaming.world  In our conversation, we talk about the origins of deep ecology ecology work, we speak of ways to de-center the human, and the practices that help to reconnect us with the living intelligence of the Earth. We speak of the challenges of parenting in these times, along with the difficulties of doing this kind of soul work in what John calls “the religion of economics.”  It is a rich and deep conversation with wisdom holders from different generations who hold such beautiful respect for each other’s wisdom and insight, and such deep love for the Earth and life. We hope you enjoy the conversation!   You can find more information about the classes that Erin mentions in the introduction here: embodimentmatters.com/live-with-erin-and-carl/
Nov 20, 2024 • 1h 6min

Summoned by the Earth: A Conversation with Cynthia Jurs

In this conversation, we speak with our friend and teacher, Cynthia Jurs, along with our dear friend and cohost, Leilani Navar, of The Turning Season Podcast.    Cynthia recently published Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing our World, which is a wisdom book for our times. As both of us have shared, this book is an extraordinary weaving of  spiritual biography, riveting travel adventures, essential Dharma instructions, sacred activism, deep ecology, indigenous wisdom, and an overall beautiful story of a human being dedicating her life to liberation, and caring for this living Earth in these mythic times in which we live.       Our conversation moves through many terrains including working with difficult times, the balance of prayer and activism, dismantling systems of domination, keeping our fingernails dirty with the work and practices of liberation, and so much more.   In the beginning of the conversaiton, Erin mentions the gathering of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, and you can find information on that here.     We hope you enjoy, and we highly recommend reading Cynthia's book (or listening, as she reads it in her own voice.)    To find our more about the class, Take Heart: Embodying the Great Turning,  that Erin and Leilani are teaching in January, 2025 with guest teachers, Cynthia Jurs, Francis Weller, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Lydia Violet Harutoonian you can click here.   You can find out more about Cynthia's Gaia Mandala practice here and her Earth Treasure Vase project here.   And you can find out more about Leilani Navar and the Turning Season Podcast  here  
Nov 1, 2024 • 1h 3min

Beauty as Ballast, Grief as Guide, Body as Sacred Land: A Conversation with Leilani Navar and Erin Geesaman Rabke

Beauty as Ballast, Grief as Guide, Body as Sacred Land     In this conversation between dear friends Erin of Embodiment Matters & Leilani Navar of Turning Season https://turningseason.com/ we dive into rich topics which we’ll be exploring in some upcoming online offerings.    Beauty as Ballast, Grief as Guide, and Body as Sacred Land. We also delve into the 5 Vows of the Great turning as articulated by Joanna Macy (see below.)   To find out more about our 3-Sunday series, click here. https://embodimentmatters.com/take-heart-3-sundays-of-encouragement-for-weary-earth-lovers/   Soon the January course Take Heart: Embodying the Great Turning,  with special guest teachers Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer https://ahundredfallingveils.com/,   Cynthia Jurs, https://earthtreasurevase.org/about-us/founder/  Francis Weller https://www.francisweller.net/,  and Lydia Violet Hartoonian https://schoolforthegreatturning.com/,  will be listed on our events page.  Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned to this and future offerings.  https://embodimentmatters.com/live-with-erin-and-carl/        Five Vows of the Great Turning   I vow to myself and to each of you to commit myself daily to the healing of our world and the welfare of all beings.   I vow to myself and to each of you to live on Earth more lightly and less violently in the food, products, and energy I consume.   I vow to myself and to each of you to draw strength and guidance from the living Earth, the ancestors, the future beings, and our siblings of all species.   I vow to myself and to each of you to support you in your work for the world, and to ask for help when I need it.   I vow to myself and to each of you to pursue a daily practice that clarifies my mind, strengthens my heart, and supports me in observing these vows.
Aug 29, 2024 • 1h 14min

Soul Water Rising: A Conversation with Dr. Jaiya John

In this conversation/ transmission we were so honored to hear Dr. Jaiya John pour forth from the depths of his heart and soul in a way that can’t help but touch your own.  We were blessed to hear from Jaiya about his background and how he went from being shy and voiceless to a fully-dilated voice for Love. We were blessed to hear him read passages from several of his extraordinary books including Freedom: Medicine Words for your Brave Revolution; All These Rivers and You Chose Love; and Dear Artist: A Love Letter. Carl and I also each read a short excerpt from his forthcoming book(s) We Birth Freedom at Dawn. We are so grateful for his generosity of spirit, his gorgeous writings, and his presence in our lives. His love and courage are contagious. Our wish is that all who listen become infected and go on to spread this love and courage in your own communities. What an honor to share a conversation with the extraordinary soul, poet, teacher, writer, Dr. Jaiya John. Please find more about him, his books, his poetry gatherings, his newsletter, his Instagram and more at www.jaiyajohn.com Toward the end of our conversation, Jaiya mentions our dear heart-friend Alexandre Jodun of ahealingbridge.com If you loved this podcast, please share it far and wide!
May 15, 2024 • 1h 21min

Musical By Nature: A Conversation With Zuza Gonçalves

Dear friends,   It is such a pleasure to share this conversation with Zuza Gonçalves.   I met Zuza at the Bobby McFerrin Circlesongs School, and was so moved by his presence, his kindness, the way he moved around the room, and how he led us in movement, song and body-percussion. It felt to me like original human music.   Zuza has been exploring alternative ways to collective music making for more than 20 years, integrating vocal improvisation, body percussion, movement, dialogue, cooperative practices and collaborative methodologies to  promote experiences where music and human connection are interconnected and feed off each other.   Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, Zuza has a bachelor’s degree in Music (composing and conducting) and a graduate degree in the Pedagogy of Cooperation.  He is the co-creator of Música do Círculo, part of the faculty at Bobby McFerrin's Circlesongs School, at IBMF (Ghana edition) and travels internationally for festivals and workshops on Música do Circulo.   In our conversation, we speak about vocal improvisation as ancestral practice, and how we are all musical by nature. We speak about the challenges that arise when we outsource our musicality to a small number of perfomers, and don't experience ourselves as being a part of music being made in daily life.   We also explore the value of play and improvisation, an how essential these qualities are for learning, and meeting challenging times, and how rarely modern adults get to experience play and improvisation.    Zuza also guides us all in a wonderful improv practice to sing and play along with.    To find our more about Música do Círculo and the upcoming retreats and trainings you can visit https://www.musicadocirculo.com   To find out more about the Circlesongs School you can visit https://circlesongs.com   Also Zuza mentions The Well, a global vocal improvisation network https://thewellvocal.com   And here are links to other circlesongs/ vocal improv resources:   http://www.judivinar.com https://www.rhiannonmusic.com https://gaelaubrit.com http://www.joeyblake.com https://www.destaniwolf.com https://www.christianekaram.com http://www.rizumik.com/ https://www.jaospina.com https://www.varijashree.com https://www.goussycelestin.com/works https://vocaltoning.net
15 snips
Mar 17, 2024 • 51min

Living a Soulful Life: A Conversation with Holly Truhlar and Alexandre Jodun

In a captivating conversation, grief therapist Holly Truhlar and holistic psychotherapist Alexandre Jodun delve into the art of living a soulful life. They explore the importance of community and connection, ancestral wisdom, and the balance of grief and joy in healing. Holly shares insights from her work with collective memories and nature, while Alexandre emphasizes the transformative power of rituals. Together, they highlight the shift from individualism to collective belonging, encouraging listeners to embrace their authenticity and foster meaningful relationships.
Jan 16, 2024 • 1h 9min

Watering the Seeds of Soul: A Conversation with Holly Truhlar and Erin Geesaman Rabke

Holly Truhlar, a specialist in grief work blending soul and somatics, joins Erin Geesaman Rabke, who emphasizes anti-oppression and biocultural healing. They discuss the Six Gates of Grief, exploring how loss is intertwined with love, community, and the environment. Their conversation highlights the need for safe spaces in grief work, the communal nature of rituals, and the importance of storytelling. The hosts share their insights on navigating sorrow as a collective journey, encouraging listeners to embrace vulnerability and grow through connection.
Feb 12, 2023 • 50min

Embodying Maitri: The Essential Ingredient With Erin Geesaman Rabke

Embodying Maitri: The Essential Ingredient with Erin Geesaman Rabke     We’re delighted to share with you this podcast where Erin speaks about the practice of Maitri. Maitri is a Sanskrit word often translated as “lovingkindness” but several teachers in our lineage have gone further, naming it “courageous unconditional friendliness,” or “brave warmheartedness.” In this episode, Erin speaks about the importance of this practice in living a healing life. Traditional Buddhist teachings suggest beginning the practice with oneself, then extending our circles of care ever outward. Erin shares personal stories of working with this practice, and invites you in. She also shares about her upcoming online class Maitri: A Courtship with the Essential Ingredient. You can learn more about that offering here. https://embodimentmatters.com/maitri-courting-the-essential-ingredient/   Erin refers to a few sources of inspiration in this episode including:   To Love and Be Loved: The Difficult Yoga of Relationship with Stephen and Ondrea Levine https://www.soundstrue.com/products/to-love-and-be-loved   bell hooks  All About Love https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17607.All_About_Love Her Interview with Thich Nhat Hanh https://plumvillage.org/about/thich-nhat-hanh/interviews-with-thich-nhat-hanh/interview-with-bell-hooks-january-1-2000/   Open and Innocent by Scott Morrison https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3397459-open-and-innocent   There is Nothing Wrong with You by Cheri Huber https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27580.There_Is_Nothing_Wrong_with_You     And Mary Oliver’s poem, To Begin with the Sweet Grass   https://embodimentmatters.com/love-yourself/      

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