"American Experience Presents" brings a fresh take on the iconic stories told on TV's most-watched history series. This 10-episode anthology launches with three powerful narratives: Joseph McCarthy, whose anti-communist crusade terrorized 1950s America; media titan William Randolph Hearst, the newspaper mogul whose empire shaped public opinion for decades; and Sgt. Isaac Woodard, the decorated World War II veteran whose brutal assault by police sparked a civil rights awakening. This new GBH podcast examines how these three transformative figures shaped pivotal moments in 20th century America, bringing their stories to life for a new generation of listeners.Connect with American Experience on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Threads and YouTube.-----------------------------------Credits:Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriters: Galen Beebe and Andrew NewmanStory Editor: Devin Maverick Robins Editorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrators: James Edwards and Cameo GeorgeExecutive Producer: Cameo George