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Nov 23, 2023 • 5min

A Hospital for Seals

A Hospital for Seals What animal do you hear? Is it a dog? No, it’s not a dog. It’s a seal. 這是什麼動物的叫聲呢?是狗嗎?不是喔!是海豹的聲音。 Seals are cool animals. They swim very well. Some can make human sounds! 海豹是一種很酷的動物。牠們很會游泳,有一些還會發出人類的聲音。 But some seals get hurt. Sometimes boat motors cut them… Sometimes fishing nets catch them. Poor seals! 不過海豹有時候會被漁船的馬達割傷,也會被漁網困住。 Lizzi lives in the UK. She loves seals. She helps seals that are hurt. She made a hospital for seals… in her house! Two seals were in a room and four seals were in her garage! 住在英國的Lizzi 很喜歡海豹。 她甚至把自己家改成海豹醫院,幫助受傷的海豹。 But many seals get hurt. She needed a bigger hospital to help more seals. So she, her husband, and others built a seal hospital! When these seals are better, people take them back to the ocean. 但是還是有很多受傷的海豹,她需要更大的醫院。所以她跟其他人一起打造了海豹醫院。當海豹身體狀況比較好的時候,就會被送回大海。 Baby seals are called pups. Sometimes pups can't find their mothers. They can't get food. They get weak. Lizzi helps them for a while. 海豹寶寶叫做 pups。那些找不到媽媽的小海豹,會因為沒有食物而變得很虛弱。Lizzi也幫助牠們。 Then she takes them to a bigger place that takes care of pups. When these seals are older, people take them back to the ocean too. 她把海豹寶寶帶到更大的地方照顧,等到牠們長大一點就會被送回海裡。 Lizzi got an award for helping seals. Thank you, Lizzi! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary Lizzi盡一切力量來幫助受傷的海豹,讓牠們重返大海。 1. catch 捕捉 I wonder if I can raise a pet seal.我在想能不能養海豹當寵物。 In your bathtub like in some movies? 養在你的浴缸裡,像有些電影那樣嗎? Where would you catch one in the first place? 你首先要怎麼抓一隻海豹呢? 2. take care of 照顧 Yeah, that would be a problem.對,那確實是個問題。 And how do you plan to take care of a baby seal? 而且你要怎麼照顧海豹寶寶? I have no answer to any of your questions.你的問題我都答不出來。 3. better 比較好的 Maybe I should just call Taipei Zoo and ask them. 也許我應該打電話問台北動物園。 I have a better idea. 我有更好的主意。 Let’s go to the zoo tomorrow. 我們明天就去動物園。 To see the seals? Wonderful! 去看海豹嗎? 太好了! 請跟我一起讀這些單字。 catch捕捉 take care of照顧 better比較好的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What did Lizzi use her home for? a. A seal playground b. A seal school c. A seal hospital 2. What are baby seals called? a. Cubs b. Dogs c. Pups 3. What did Lizzi get for helping seals? a. An award b. Lots of money c. A free boat Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 22, 2023 • 5min

Cats Can Make Many Faces

Cats Can Make Many Faces Do you like cats?* *Many people like them. Lots of people have a pet cat. 你喜歡貓嗎?很多人喜歡貓也把牠們當寵物。 But when people look at their cat's face, do they know what it's feeling? Is their cat making a happy face? Is it making a sad face? Who knows? 但是人們看著貓咪的臉的時候,他們會知道貓有什麼樣的情緒嗎? 牠是在做開心的表情,還是悲傷的表情呢? People are still learning how to understand the faces cats make. But now scientists know cats make many kinds of faces. 人們還在學習如何了解貓咪的表情,但是現在科學家知道牠們可以做很多種表情。 How do they know that? Scientists studied 53 cats in a cat cafe. They saw the cats make many faces. The scientists studied the faces the cats made when they were near other cats. 他們是怎麼知道的呢?科學家在一間貓咪咖啡廳研究店裡的53隻貓,觀察這些貓互相靠近的時候,有什麼表情。 Cats can move their eyes, ears and whiskers. They can open their mouths and lick their noses. There are about 20 more ways cats can move the muscles in their faces. 貓咪可以動牠們的眼睛、耳朵跟鬍鬚,可以張開嘴巴跟舔鼻子。除了這些之外,貓咪還有快20種的方式動牠們的臉部肌肉。 Scientists learned cats use these ways to make almost three hundred faces! Most of the faces are friendly. Cats can smile! But cats also make some angry faces. And they make some faces that scientists cannot understand at all. 用這些方式科學家發現貓咪可以做出幾乎300種的表情。大多是友善的表情,也有生氣的表情,還有很多科學家還不了解的表情。 Cats make many faces. Can you understand all of them? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 科學家說貓咪表情豐富,但是人類多半不了解那些表情是什麼意思。 1. nose鼻子 Look at that cat. What’s it doing? 你看那隻貓在做什麼? I think it’s laughing at us. 我覺得牠在嘲笑我們。 Why? 為什麼? Look at its mouth and nose. 你看牠的嘴跟鼻子。 2. move 移動 See how they move? 你看到牠的嘴跟鼻子怎麼動嗎? That doesn’t mean it’s laughing.那並不表示牠在笑。 3. angry 生氣的 You’re right. Maybe it’s angry. 說得對,也許牠在生氣。 No, when a cat is angry, it would hiss. 不對,貓生氣的時候會發嘶嘶聲。 Since when do you know so much about cats? 你什麼時候這麼懂貓? 4. feel 感覺 I don’t. 我其實不懂。 Cats make me feel uneasy. 貓讓我覺得不安。 They seem to be watching me. 牠們好像在監視我。 Do you have a pet cat? nose鼻子 move移動 angry生氣的 feel感覺 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where did scientists study the cats? a. A cat cafe b. A pet store c. A street 2. What can cats lick? a. Their eyes b. Their ears c. Their noses 3. How many faces can cats make? a. Almost 20 b. Almost 100 c. Almost 300 Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 21, 2023 • 5min

American Astronaut Stuck in Space

K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ NASA is the USA's space agency. Its job is to learn about space. But space is very big! It has millions and billions of planets, stars, moons, and many other things! 美國太空總署NASA的職責是了解外太空。廣闊的太空有億萬顆行星、恆星、衛星,還有很多其他的東西! NASA sends people into space. These people are called "astronauts". Astronauts help us learn about living in space. NASA會派人到外太空。這些人叫做「太空人」,幫助我們了解太空生活。 Dr. Rubio is an astronaut. NASA sent him into space for six months. But then … a space rock hit his spaceship! Rubio博士是一名太空人。NASA派他到國際太空站6個月。但是有一顆太空岩石打到了他的太空船。 After that, his spaceship didn't work well. So Dr. Rubio had no spaceship to fly home in! He had to wait for a new spaceship from NASA. But NASA didn't have a spaceship ready yet. Dr. Rubio had to wait six more months to go home. 他的太空船沒有辦法正常運作,無法回到地球。Rubio博士必須等待新的太空船,但是NASA沒有預備好的太空船,他要再多等6個多月才能回家。 Dr. Rubio said being stuck in space was hard. He wanted to see his family and friends. He was stuck in space for 371 days. That's longer than other US astronauts! He set a new record by accident! Rubio 博士說因為在外太空很辛苦。他想見到家人跟朋友。他被困在外太空371天,比其他的美國太空人都還要久,意外地破了紀錄。 Dr. Rubio was stuck in space for more than a year! He's back on Earth now. He's safe. Phew! Welcome home, Dr. Rubio! ________________________________________ Vocabulary Rubio原本六個月就可以回家,卻在太空站待了一年。 1. job 工作 This poor guy! 可憐的傢伙! Can you imagine living in space for so many days? 你能想像住在太空那麼多天嗎? Well, that's his job.那是他的工作。 And there were other astronauts. 而且還有別的太空人。 2. star 恆星 If I were him, I would go out and spacewalk every day. 如果我是他,我會每天都出去太空漫步。 And watch the stars and moon? 看著星星月亮嗎? It would be boring after just one week. 一個星期之後你就會厭煩了。 3. rock 石頭 And there are space rocks, too.而且還有太空碎石。 They may hit you and hurt you. 可能會打到你,讓你受傷。 4. planet 行星 Come to think of it, planet Earth is the best place to live. 這麼想來,我們的行星地球還是最好的地方。 No doubt about that. 毫無疑問是那樣。 這些單字很好用。 job工作 star恆星 rock石頭 planet行星 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. What is the USA's space agency? a. Astronauts b. Space rock c. NASA 2. How many days was Dr. Rubio stuck in space? a. 173 b. 371 c. 731 3. Where is Dr. Rubio now? a. The moon b. A new spaceship c. Earth Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 20, 2023 • 5min

Man Goes to Every Country without Flying

Man Goes to Every Country without Flying Thor, a man from Denmark, went on a long trip. He went to every country in the world! That's 203 countries! Other people who did this used planes. But Thor didn't use planes. He wanted to do something new. 來自丹麥的索爾造訪過世界上每一個國家,一共有203個。通常大家是坐飛機環遊世界,但索爾並沒有這麼做。 Thor had 650 Taiwan dollars to use every day. This money was for a place to sleep, food, and taxis, buses, trains, and boats! 索爾每天有650塊台幣,花在住宿、食物、計程車、公車、火車跟船。 Thor made new friends everywhere. He learned what people eat, what they do, where they go, what they think, and more. 索爾到處交朋友,學習不同地方的人吃什麼、做什麼、想什麼、去哪一些地方。 Thor had some hard times. Because of COVID, he was in Hong Kong for two years! He was on ships in bad weather. Another time, he got very sick. Sometimes he slept outside. But he didn't go home. 但是索爾也有困頓的時候。因為疫情,他被困在香港兩年。也曾經在惡劣的天氣下坐船。也有生病的時候,有時候還睡在戶外,但是他都沒有回家。 Taiwan was Thor's 179th country! He learned how Taiwan cares for both its people and other countries. He said Taiwan has a big heart. 台灣是他造訪的第179個國家! 他學到台灣如何照顧人民跟其他的國家,他說台灣很有愛心。 Thor's trip took ten years. He went 420,000 kilometers. Wow! Going to the moon is shorter! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 索爾環遊全世界,什麼交通工具都用了,就是不曾搭飛機。 1. trip 旅行 I'm planning a great trip next year! 我正在計畫明年偉大的旅行。 What wild ideas do you have this time? 你這回有什麼異想天開的主意? I'll be going to Iraq, Iran and Jordan. 我要去伊拉克,伊朗和約旦。 2. country 國家 They are all Muslim countries. 那些都是回教國家。 And they're also countries with ancient histories. 也是有古老歷史的國家。 3. train 火車 So you'll travel alone? 所以你一個人去? Because I'm certainly not going. 因為我是一定不會去的。 No problem.沒問題。 I'll fly there, and take the train.我會飛去,然後坐火車。 4. bad 壞的 You may end up riding a camel. 結果你可能騎駱駝。 Come on! It won't be that bad.好啦,不會那麼糟的。 Do you like taking a trip abroad? trip旅行 country國家 train火車 bad壞的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. How many countries did Thor visit? a. 203 b. 420 c. 650 2. Why was Thor in Hong Kong for two years? a. New friends b. COVID c. Bad weather 3. What was Thor's 179th country? a. Thailand b. Tanzania c. Taiwan Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 19, 2023 • 5min

Stuck on Eiffel Tower, Man Says Marry Me

Stuck on Eiffel Tower, Man Says Marry Me Do you know what the Eiffel Tower is? It’s a very tall tower in Paris, France. Millions of people visit it every year. Many visitors take the glass elevators to the top floor. It is 276 meters up! Visitors can see beautiful views of Paris. 你知道什麼是艾菲爾鐵塔嗎? 它是在法國巴黎的一座高塔。每一年都有上百萬人參觀,遊客會搭玻璃電梯到高達276公尺的觀景台,俯瞰巴黎的景色。 One day, a man named Amir and a woman named Kat were on the top floor. 有一天,一對情侶Amir跟Kat在鐵塔上的觀景台。 On the outside of the tower, another man started climbing up! That’s very dangerous! Climbers can fall! 有另外一個人在鐵塔外攀爬,這非常危險,他很有可能會掉下去! This climber did not fall. But people were very worried. So the Eiffel Tower closed until the climber was safe. The elevators stopped. 幸好攀爬的人沒有掉下去,但是很擔心,所以艾菲爾鐵塔關閉, 電梯也停了,直到攀爬的人安全。 Amir and Kat and the other visitors were stuck on the top floor! They waited for the elevators to start. Then Amir had an idea. Amir跟 Kat 還有其他的旅客被困在觀景台。在等待電梯恢復使用的時候,Amir有一個想法。 He asked Kat to marry him. And she said yes! That’s so romantic! Amir向 Kat 求婚,Kat也答應了! 真是太浪漫了! And what happened to the climber? Firefighters came. They made him stop climbing. The police took him away. 那攀爬的人後來怎麼樣呢? 消防員阻止他繼續攀爬,而警察把他帶走。 It’s a bad idea to climb the outside of the Eiffel Tower. But being stuck at the top gave Amir a good idea! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 在舉世聞名的艾菲爾鐵塔上求婚,真是太浪漫了! elevator 電梯。 Oh, no, what’s happening? 糟了,出了什麼事? Why isn’t the elevator moving? 為什麼電梯不動了? Let me press some buttons. 我來按一些按鈕。No, that didn’t work. 沒有用。 fall 掉落。 What should we do? 我們怎麼辦? Just wait, I think.我想就等等吧。 What if nobody comes to rescue us? 要是沒人來救我們呢? What if we fall? 要是我們掉下去呢? people 人們。 Don’t panic. People will come. 別慌張,會有人來的。 But we’re stuck here now. 但是我們現在被困在這裡了。 idea 主意。 I have an idea. Let’s call 119. 我有個主意,我們來打119。 Right! Why didn’t I think of that earlier? 對啊,我怎麼剛剛沒有想到? 這些單字很好記。elevator電梯 fall掉落 people人們 idea主意 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What is true about the Eiffel Tower? A: It’s short. B: It has many visitors. C: It’s in China. 2. What did Amir do at the tower? A: Asked Kat to marry him B: Climbed the tower C: Said yes to Kat 3. What made the tower close? A: Elevators B: Too many people C: A climber Answers 1. B 2. A 3. C -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 16, 2023 • 5min

Christmasland Is Here

Christmas is here in New Taipei City! From today until New Year's Day, you can go to Christmasland! At this festival, see Santa Bear and his friends: a snowman, a gingerbread man, a rabbit, and … macarons! 新北市要來迎接聖誕節! 從今天起到元旦,你可以去新北耶誕城喔! 這個活動我們可以看到桑塔熊跟他的夥伴雪人、薑餅人、兔子,還有馬卡龍! People love Christmasland's lights. There are sooooo many! The lights go on at 5:30 p.m. Many lights are cute! Many are beautiful! 大家都喜歡耶誕城的多種燈飾,很多燈都很可愛也很漂亮,燈飾亮燈的時間從五點半開始。 New Taipei City Hall Square's lights are about a "Sweet Xmas Party". There's a Christmas tree light. It turns into a matcha tea cake! It has a 5-minute light show. The show is every 30 minutes. 新北市民廣場燈光主題是⸢甜蜜耶誕派對⸥, 將耶誕樹打造成抹茶蛋糕。每30分鐘就有5分鐘的燈光秀。 Banqiao Railway Station's lights are about sweets too. "Sweets Town" has a candy house and a big pink donut! There are many cute desserts! 板橋車站站前廣場也很甜蜜。主題⸢甜點小鎮⸥有一個粉紅色的大甜甜圈,還有其他的可愛的甜點。 In Wanping Park, there's a famous cat and his friends. They have a fun Christmas party every night. 萬坪公園每一個晚上有知名的卡通貓跟他的朋友一起開派對! The biggest gingerbread man in Taiwan lights up Fuzhong Plaza's "Gingerbread World"! Some streets and footbridges have many, many beautiful lights too! 府中廣場的⸢薑餅樂園⸥ 有全台灣最大的薑餅人燈飾,有一些街道跟橋也有很多漂亮燈飾。 There's so much to see! Let Christmasland in New Taipei City light up your holidays! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 今年的新北市歡樂耶誕城,耶誕燈飾跟以往都不一樣。 1. dessert 甜點 Have you tried the macarons at that dessert shop? 你有吃過那家甜點店的馬卡龍嗎? No. I often find macarons too sweet. 沒有,我經常覺得馬卡龍太甜了。 2. cake 蛋糕 That’s true.那是真的。 Well, then you should try their bitter chocolate cake. 那你應該嚐嚐他們的苦巧克力蛋糕。 It’s wonderful! 很棒的。 3. tea 茶 So you’ve had that too? 那你也吃過了? Yeah, I have a weakness for dessert.對,我就是愛甜點。 I like to have it with tea.我喜歡吃甜點配茶。 4. candy 糖果 I’d rather just have some simple candies. 我寧願只吃一點簡單的糖果。 你喜歡吃甜點嗎? dessert甜點 cake蛋糕 tea茶 candy糖果 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where is Christmasland? a. Taipei City b. New Taipei City c. Tainan City 2. What do people love at Christmasland? a. The lights b. Christmas presents c. Santa Claus 3. What’s at Wanping Park? a. A macaron b. A cat c. A gingerbread man Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 15, 2023 • 5min

This Island Floats

This Island Floats We live on an island.* *Islands have water all around them. Oceans, seas, and many lakes and rivers have islands in them. 我們住在島上,島嶼四面環繞著海水。很多的海洋、湖泊跟河流上都有島嶼。 Do islands float like a boat? Most islands are connected to the earth. They don’t float. Does Taiwan float? No, it doesn’t. But some small islands float. And some of them float too much! 島嶼會跟船一樣浮在水面上嗎?大多數的島嶼都連著地殼,不會浮在水上。台灣島也不會。但是一些小島確實會浮在水面上,還漂浮得很厲害。 There's a big floating island in a small lake. It's in Wisconsin, a state in the USA. It has trees. The wind in the trees makes the island move. This is a problem. 美國威斯康辛州的一座小湖泊有個很大的漂浮島。島上的樹跟風會讓它移動,造成問題。 Almost every year, the island floats too close to a bridge. Then boats can’t go under the bridge. They can't go to the other side of the lake. There isn't another way! 幾乎每一年這座島都會太靠近橋,堵住了船隻從橋底下通過的通道。又沒有其他的路線可以到湖的另一邊。 So about 25 boats come at one time. They push the island away from the bridge! 於是25艘船會一起開過來,把漂浮島推開。 Why don't people make the island into smaller islands? Well, many kinds of animals live there. So Wisconsin says people cannot do this. 那為什麼不把這座島弄成多個小島呢?因為島上有很多動物棲息,所以不可以這麼做喔! It's a good thing Taiwan doesn't float! We don't have enough boats to push it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 一座會漂浮的小島,對當地居民造成了困擾。 1. lake 湖 Could you imagine living on an island? 你能想像住在島上嗎? We are living on an island! 我們是住在島上。 No, a small island in a lake. 不,是湖上的小島。 2. live 居住 Oh, like Lalu Island in Sun Moon Lake? 像是日月潭的拉魯島嗎? Yeah, you could live there and go swimming whenever you want. 對啊,你可以住在那裏,想游泳隨時都可以。 3. boat 船 So you have an island for sale? 所以你有一座島要賣? No, I only have a boat.不是,我只有一艘船。 4. every year 每年。 And you plan to visit me on this island by boat? 而你打算坐船來島上看我? Yeah, but I can only do it once every year. 但是我每年只能看你一次。 來跟我一起讀單字。 lake湖 live居住 boat船 every year每年 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Does Taiwan float like a boat? a. No b. Yes c. Sometimes 2. What does the floating island go too close to? a. Other islands b. A lake c. A bridge 3. Why do boats push the island? a. To have fun b. To make trees tall and strong c. To let boats go to the lake’s other side Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 15, 2023 • 5min

Chickens Like Classical Music

Chickens Like Classical Music What kind of music is this? It's classical music. Many people like classical music. Some dogs like it too. Do you know what other animals like classical music? Chickens! 很多人喜歡古典音樂,有一些狗狗也喜歡。但你知道還有哪一些動物喜歡古典音樂嗎?就是雞! New Zealand has a famous group of musicians. They play music in very nice places. Some of these musicians played at a chicken farm! They played classical music outside. They played for thousands of chickens! 紐西蘭有一群有名的音樂家。他們多半在富麗堂皇的地方表演,他們之中有一些人在養雞場,對著成千上萬隻的雞演奏古典音樂。 Did the chickens like classical music? Yes! The musicians started playing. And the chickens came closer to the musicians! They didn't run away! Playing music for them made the musicians happy. 雞喜歡聽古典音樂嗎?是的,音樂家開始演奏的時候,雞沒有跑走,還會靠近,音樂家也很開心為牠們演奏。 This music was written for chickens. They don't like music with loud bangs. They don't like drums. So this music is peaceful. 雞不喜歡大聲的音樂,也不喜歡鼓。所以這首為雞寫的曲子很平和。 Why did the musicians play classical music for these chickens? Well, the farmers wanted their chickens to have a good life. These farmers care about them. Now these farmers will keep playing classical music for them! 這些音樂家為什麼要為雞演奏呢?因為雞農希望這些動物過得好,現在雞農會繼續播放音樂給牠們聽。 Playing classical music is nice for chickens. They like it. How about playing jazz for giraffes … or rock and roll for rabbits? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 動物也喜歡音樂,而這群紐西蘭音樂家,喜歡演奏音樂給雞聽。 1. peaceful 和平的 Hmmmm, very nice music! 真好聽的音樂。 Yes, it makes me feel peaceful every time I listen to it. 對,我每次聽都覺得很安寧。 2. like 喜歡 So you like classical music? 所以你喜歡古典音樂? I like some of it, not all. 有一些我喜歡,不是全部。 Violin solos make me sleepy. 小提琴獨奏就讓我想睡覺。 3. kind 種類 How about you? What kind of music do you enjoy? 你呢,你喜歡哪種音樂? I enjoy pop music, like Lady Gaga or Beyonce's songs. 我喜歡流行音樂,比如說女神卡卡或是碧昂絲的歌。 4. play 播放 I like them, too. 我也喜歡。 Sometimes I play pop songs on YouTube when I'm doing house chores. 有時候我做家事會播YouTube的流行歌曲。 今天你學到哪些單字? peaceful和平的 like喜歡 kind種類 play播放 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What kind of music do chickens like? a. Peaceful music b. Music with loud bangs c. Music with drums 2. What did the chickens do when they heard the music? a. Ran away b. Laid eggs c. Came closer 3. How did the musicians feel about playing music for chickens? a. Sad b. Happy c. Angry Answers: 1. a 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 13, 2023 • 5min

Hide and Seek with Taiwan’s Big Cats

Hide and Seek with Taiwan’s Big Cats Let’s play hide and seek! I’ll count. You hide. Find somewhere I can't see you. Ready? Go! 我們一起玩捉迷藏吧!我來當鬼,你去找個我看不到你的地方。 3 … 2 … 1! Ready or not, here I come! … Hey! Where did you go?! Hmm … I found you! I win! Hide and seek is so fun! How about playing hide and seek with an elephant? That's too easy, right? How about playing with a mouse? That's too hard! 跟大象一起玩捉迷藏太容易了,但是跟一隻老鼠玩就很困難。 How about playing hide and seek with a cat? Cats move quietly. They’re very good climbers. And their fur helps them hide. 那跟貓一起玩躲貓貓呢?牠們很會爬,還有保護色。 Taiwan has a big cat called the Formosan clouded leopard. It’s very good at hiding. People have looked for it for 150 years! 台灣有一種大型貓科動物叫做台灣雲豹。牠們很會躲,人們已經花了150年找牠們。 The National Taiwan Museum made a kids’ book. It’s about the Formosan clouded leopard. It’s written in Taiwanese and Mandarin. Guess what it’s called … “Hide and Seek”! 國立臺灣博物館分別以中文跟台語,製作了一本關於台灣雲豹的繪本,書名就叫做「捉迷藏」。 Now it's on an important kids’ booklist, the “White Ravens 2023 List”. People around the world use it to find books for kids. 這本書入選2023年的白烏鴉獎,很多人都從得獎名單裡面幫小孩找適合的童書。 Now more kids everywhere will read about Taiwan's Formosan clouded leopard! I can’t wait to read this book! Vocabulary 台灣雲豹行蹤隱密,讓人類怎麼也找不到牠。 1. hide 躲藏 I didn’t like playing hide and seek when I was little. 我小時候不喜歡玩捉迷藏。Neither did I. 我也不喜歡。 I never knew where to hide. 我都不知道要躲去哪裡。 2. find 找到 Me too.我也是。 We lived in an old house. 我們住在老房子。 All the hiding places were dark. 所有躲藏的地方都很黑。 But I didn’t want to be found. 但是我不想被找到。 3. hard 困難的 Once I even climbed up a tree. 我有一次甚至爬到樹上。 That’s hard for a little kid! 對小孩來說太難了! It was okay. 還好。 4. look for 尋找 Everybody was looking for me, but I stayed on the tree. 每個人都在找我,但是我就待在樹上。 For a long time? 待了很久嗎? Yes, because I didn’t know how to come down. 對,因為我不知道怎麼爬下樹。 Have you ever played hide and seek? hide躲藏 find找到 hard困難的 look for尋找 Quiz 1. What has been hiding for 150 years? a. The Formosan clouded elephant b. The Formosan clouded leopard c. The Formosan clouded mouse 2. Who made the book “Hide and Seek”? a. White Ravens b. Taiwan c. A museum 3. What language is the book “Hide and Seek” written in? a. Taiwanese and Mandarin b. Mandarin and English c. English and German Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Nov 12, 2023 • 5min

Dog Saves Boy

Dog Saves Boy Are dogs people’s best friends? There's a great dog named Axel. He lives with a boy named Gabriel and Gabriel’s mom and dad. 狗狗是人類的好朋友嗎? 有一隻狗叫Axel,牠跟一個叫Gabriel的小男孩,還有Gabriel的爸爸媽媽住在一起。 One morning, Axel woke up Gabriel’s mom and dad with his paws. Pat, pat, pat, pat! He pawed and pawed them. 有一天早上,Axel用腳掌不停地拍Gabriel的爸爸媽媽,要搖醒他們。 It was five o’clock in the morning! They thought he wanted to go outside. But he didn’t want to go out of the house. 那時候才早上五點,他們以為Axel 想出去玩,但是牠並不是要出門。 Axel ran to Gabriel’s bedroom. He pawed and pawed Gabriel’s bedroom door. He did not leave Gabriel's door. Axel跑到Gabriel的房門前,不肯走。 Gabriel’s mom and dad went into Gabriel’s bedroom. Oh, no! Something was the matter with Gabriel! He needed to go to the hospital. Gabriel 的父母進到他的房間,發現兒子不對勁,需要趕緊送醫院。 Gabriel’s parents called the emergency number. They asked for an ambulance. The ambulance took Gabriel to the hospital. Doctors found out what was the matter with Gabriel. They saved his life. But they said Axel also helped save Gabriel’s life! 醫生找到了原因,把他救了回來。Gabriel 的父母說,Axel幫忙救他們的兒子一命! Now Gabriel is getting better every day. And Axel is with Gabriel all the time. So are dogs people's best friends? Well, Axel is Gabriel's best friend! Good boy, Axel! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 聰明的狗狗,懂得如何替小主人求救。 1. run 跑 What’s the matter? 怎麼了? You look so pale! 你看起來臉色蒼白! I ran a full marathon this morning. 我今天早上跑了全馬拉松。 What? Why did you do that? 什麼? 你為什麼要那樣? 2. need 需要 I needed to exercise. 我需要運動。 Not that much! 不能運動那麼多! Anyway, you should go see a doctor now. 無論如何,你現在應該去看醫生。 3. hospital 醫院 No, no, no. I don’t want to go to the hospital. 不要不要,我不要去醫院。 I’ll take you there. 我帶你去。 4. emergency 緊急 You need emergency care.你需要緊急醫療。 No, I don’t. 我不需要。 And I hate the emergency room! 而且我討厭急診室! All I need is to go to my bedroom and sleep. 我需要的只是去臥室睡覺。 今天的單字很有用喔! run跑 need需要 hospital醫院 emergency緊急 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What time did Axel wake up Gabriel’s mom and dad one morning? a. 3 o’clock b. 5 o’clock c. 7 o’clock 2. Why did Axel wake up Gabriel’s mom and dad? a. To go outside b. To help Gabriel c. To play 3. What did Axel do at Gabriel’s bedroom door? a. Pawed it b. Opened it c. Sat down Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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