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Jul 4, 2024 • 5min

Cleaning the Earth’s Air

Do you help clean your home? Maybe you vacuum dust from your floor. 你會打掃家裡嗎?像是用吸塵器吸家裡地板。 Hmmm… What can we do to help clean the Earth, everyone's home? The Earth's air has too much carbon dioxide. This is bad. Carbon dioxide makes the Earth warmer. It comes from cars, factories, and us! We breathe out carbon dioxide. 那我們該怎麼打掃我們的家園地球呢?空氣裡有太多二氧化碳讓地球更熱。汽車、工廠甚至是我們都會產生二氧化碳。 Well, we can't stop breathing! How about vacuuming? Some companies are vacuuming carbon dioxide from the air! 我們不能不呼吸,那如果把它吸走呢?有一些公司把二氧化碳從空氣中吸走。 These vacuums are VERY big. They cost a lot to make and use. 這種吸塵器很龐大,而且需要很高的成本製作跟使用。 The biggest vacuum now is in Iceland. Every day, it vacuums one hundred tons of carbon dioxide. Then the carbon dioxide goes down, down, down into the Earth. It becomes rock there! And it's there forever! This is good! 最大的吸塵器在冰島,每天會吸一百噸的二氧化碳到地底下變成岩石。 But… that's not very much carbon dioxide! Eight thousand cars make this much carbon dioxide. The air has a lot more carbon dioxide. 但是吸走的二氧化碳還不夠,8000台車就可以產生一百噸的二氧化碳。 Companies are building bigger vacuums! But we can't put vacuums everywhere! We have to make less carbon dioxide too! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 把空氣中的二氧化碳收集起來打進地底下,是不是很神奇? 1. too much 太多 Do you know that new bus terminal? 你知道那個新的公車總站嗎? Yes, what about it? 知道啊,它怎麼了? It’s pumping out too much CO2! 它製造太多二氧化碳! 2. breathe 呼吸 How do you know it’s too much? 你怎麼知道太多? Because I can hardly breathe every time I pass it. 因為我每次經過幾乎都不能呼吸。 3. air 空氣 That’s not good. 那不好。 That’s very bad! 那很糟糕! I want to tell the city government about the bad air.我要去告訴市政府空氣太壞。 4. everyone 每個人 Do you think the city will do something? 你覺得市政府會做什麼嗎? Yes, if everyone complains. 會,要是大家都抱怨的話。 Do you mean me? 你是說我嗎? Yes! 對! Do you think there’s too much CO2 around? too much太多 breathe呼吸 air空氣 everyone每個人 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. Why is too much carbon dioxide bad for the Earth? a. The Earth gets bigger. b. The Earth gets cooler. c. The Earth gets warmer. 2. Where is the biggest vacuum now? a. Ireland b. Iceland c. Greenland 3. What does the carbon dioxide go into? a. Space b. The ocean c. The Earth ** ** Answers: 1. c 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jul 3, 2024 • 5min

This Plastic Eats Itself

Plastic garbage is a very big problem. We put lots of plastic in the ground with other garbage. This is bad for our Earth. 塑膠垃圾是一個很嚴重的問題,我們把塑膠跟其他的垃圾丟在一起,這樣很不環保。 There's also lots of plastic in our oceans. It breaks down into small pieces there. Ocean animals eat this plastic. It's bad for them. And many ocean animals die when they get trapped in plastic. 大海裡也有很多塑膠垃圾,它們被分解成小碎片,很多海生動物把碎片吃下肚,有的還會被塑膠纏住而死亡。 Plastic can take hundreds of years to break down. The pieces become too small to see. But they never go away… 塑膠需要花上百年才能被分解,雖然我們肉眼看不到碎片,但是它並沒有消失。 Now American scientists have made a new plastic. It's soft and lasts a long time. It can be used in shoes, pillows, and foam products. After the product is thrown away, the plastic goes away in about five months! 現在美國科學家研發新的一種塑膠,它是軟的,而且耐用,可以用來做鞋子、枕頭跟泡綿產品。這種塑膠只需要五個月就會被分解掉。 How does it go away? It’s made with… bacteria! They're alive! They don’t do anything in the plastic for a long time. After the plastic is thrown away, hot, wet garbage makes the bacteria grow. Then the bacteria eat the plastic! 這種塑膠裡有細菌,平常不會發揮什麼作用,但是被丟在悶熱潮濕的環境就會開始生長吃塑膠。 If companies can make and use this plastic, we’ll have less plastic waste. Our Earth can be a cleaner place! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 有一種可以消耗自己的塑膠製品,可能是未來的方向。 1. waste 廢物 Did you see all that plastic waste in the park? 你看到公園裡那些塑膠垃圾了嗎? Yeah, it’s crazy! 對啊,真是瘋了! 2. go away 走開、離開 And they’re always there. 而且總是在那裏。 They just don’t go away. 都不走呢。 That’s because people throw in new ones. 那是因為有人丟來新的。 3. use 使用 For me, I use plastic bags all the time. 我自己很常用塑膠袋。 But I try my best to recycle them. 但是我儘量回收。 Me too. I can’t imagine not using plastic bags. 我也是,無法想像不用塑膠袋。 4. break down 分解 Someone should invent plastic bags that break down fast. 應該有人發明可以很快分解的塑膠袋。 But I hope they won’t break down in my hand. 希望它們不會在我手裡分解。 請跟我一起讀單字。 waste廢物 go away走開、離開 use使用 break down分解 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. How long does the new plastic take to go away? a. Five days b. Five months c. Five years 2. When does the bacteria eat the plastic? a. When it's hungry b. When it's in shoes c. When it's in the garbage 3. How can the new plastic help our Earth? a. People will use less plastic. b. Our Earth will be cleaner. c. The plastic is soft. ** ** Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jul 2, 2024 • 5min

Earth’s Hot, Dry Twin

Earth’s Hot, Dry Twin  Four and a half billion years ago, Venus and Earth were born together. They looked almost the same. They both had blue oceans and green mountains. They were twin planets! 45億年前,金星跟地球一起誕生。兩個星球看起來幾乎一樣,都有藍色的大海和綠色的山,簡直是雙胞胎! Earth is the right distance from the sun. Earth's oceans are full of water. Earth is warm but not too hot. The air is cool. 地球的海洋充滿水分,又離太陽的距離很剛好,讓地球很溫暖又不會太熱,空氣也很涼爽。 But Venus is too close to the sun.* *The sun’s heat made Venus’ oceans lose water. 但是金星離太陽太近了,金星的海洋都蒸發了。 Venus has a lot of volcanoes. Lots of bad gases came out of them. The gases made the air thick. The thick air kept more heat in. Venus became the hottest planet around the sun! 金星又有很多火山釋放大量的氣體,讓大氣層變得很厚,整個星球又更熱,成為太陽周圍最熱的行星! Water is made from hydrogen and oxygen. In the thick air around Venus, hydrogen and oxygen are cut apart. Hydrogen goes into space. With no hydrogen, Venus cannot have more water. Now it’s Earth’s hot, dry twin. 水是由氫氣跟氧氣組成。金星的大氣層讓氫氣釋放到太空中。沒有氫氣,金星就沒有水,就變成現在地球又熱又乾的雙胞胎。 Scientists study Venus to learn how to protect the air and oceans on Earth. The story of Venus and Earth teaches us to care for our planet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 金星誕生的時候跟地球很像,後來的命運卻大不相同。 1. blue 藍色、green 綠色 Look at the photos from the Space Station.你看從太空站拍的照片。 All those blue oceans and green forests. 藍海跟綠色森林。 Yeah, so pretty! 對啊,真美! 2. hottest 最熱的 But it’s getting hotter, don’t you think? 但是越來越熱,你不覺得嗎? It sure is.確實是。 I bet this will be the hottest summer ever. 我賭這會是史上最熱的夏天。 3. sun 太陽 I wonder what’s wrong with the sun. 真想知道太陽怎麼了。 The sun is not the problem! 太陽不是問題! It’s us humans on planet Earth. 是我們地球人有問題。 4. Heat 熱度 Actually I don’t mind the heat. 其實我不在意熱。 I love ice cream and staying cool in the swimming pool. 我喜歡冰淇淋,也愛在游泳池裡保持清涼。 你記得今天的單字嗎? blue藍色、green綠色 hottest最熱的 sun太陽 heat熱度 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What did Venus lose because of the sun? a. Heat b. Water c. Volcanoes 2. Why can’t Venus have more water? a. There’s no oxygen. b. There’s no hydrogen. c. There’s no air. 3. Why are scientists studying Venus? a. To protect Earth b. To make water on Venus c. To make Earth's air thick Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jul 1, 2024 • 5min

Watching Sports is Good for You

Watching Sports is Good for You Baseball! Basketball! Soccer! Playing sports is good for us. We get exercise. We become healthier. Playing sports makes us feel happy too. We make friends. We are part of a team or a group. That's good for us too. 棒球、籃球、足球! 從事運動可以讓我們會變得更健康,還會交到朋友,成為團隊的一份子。 Many of us don't play sports. But maybe we watch sports. This doesn't make us exercise. But it can make us feel happy. So… is watching sports good for us? 大部分的人不玩運動,但我們會看運動賽事,雖然沒有做運動,還是會讓我們感到快樂。那看運動賽事對我們好嗎? Researchers in Japan studied people who watch sports. They looked at lots of data. They asked questions. They studied pictures of people's brains after the people watched sports. 日本研究員研究看運動賽事的人,向他們問問題又看了很多數據,研究他們看完比賽後的腦部影像。 The researchers say watching sports alone is good for us. But watching with many people is better! 研究員說一個人看比賽有助於身心健康,跟一群人一起看會更好。 At a sports stadium, we don't know the people around us. That's okay! We like the same team. We are friends for a few hours. We are in a big group. We feel happy we have friends and are in a group. That's good for us! 在球場看比賽的時候,我們不認識周圍的人! 但是沒關係,只要我們支持同一隊,在這幾個小時我們就是朋友,都是一個團體,我們就會很快樂! Playing sports AND watching sports are good for us! Are you going to watch some sports now? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 自己去運動或者看運動賽事,都可以帶給人許多樂趣。 1. soccer 足球。 Hey, you look bored. 你看起來很無聊。 I AM bored.我是滿無聊的。 Want to watch a soccer game? 想看足球賽嗎? There's a game going on right now? 現在有足球賽? 2. team 隊伍。 Yeah, Germany vs. Turkey. 對啊,德國對土耳其。 Wow, I'm a German team fan! 哇,我是德國隊粉絲! You should have told me earlier! 你應該早點告訴我的。 3. watch 看。 Come and watch it with me.來跟我一起看吧。 No, I'm going to watch it at Kevin's. 不了,我要去凱文家看。 4. friend 朋友。 He has a bunch of friends there.他那裏有一群朋友。 Am I his friend? 我是他的朋友嗎? You will be if you go.你去了就是了。 Then what are we waiting for? 那我們在等什麼? 你今天學到哪些單字? soccer足球 team隊伍 watch看 friend朋友 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What happens when we watch sports? a. We exercise. b. We play sports. c. We feel happy. 2. What makes watching sports better for us? a. Watching with many people b. Watching alone c. Watching after playing sports 3. What was something the researchers studied? a. Pictures of brains b. Videos of sports c. Pictures of sports Answers: 1. c 2. a 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jun 30, 2024 • 5min

The Race on Stairs

The Race on Stairs One morning, 5,000 runners went to Taipei 101, Taiwan's tallest building! They came from 34 countries. All were running in the Taipei 101 Run Up and some in the Towerrunning World Championship. 有一天早上,5000名跑者聚集在台北101,他們來自34個國家參加台北101 垂直馬拉松跟世界高樓登高錦標賽。 The runners entered the Run Up race one at a time. Then they started to run up 2,000 steps! 跑者一個接一個開始跑垂直馬拉松,要爬2000個階梯。 After a while, they didn't know what floor they were on! If a runner passed by, they were running too slow. When they passed a runner, they were happy! 過了不久,他們都不知道爬到哪一層樓了! 假如被其他參賽者超過,表示跑得太慢囉! 但只要能超過別人,就很開心。 After the finish line on the 91st floor, some runners needed to lay down on the floor! They didn't care about the great view! 終於抵達終點91樓,有一些跑者需要躺下來休息,根本不在乎絕佳的景觀。 This wasn't the end for the runners in the Towerrunning World Championship race! They went back down to the first floor. Then they ran up to the 59th floor… again! That was 1,400 MORE steps! That's why this is the most difficult tower race in the world! 對於世界登高錦標賽的參賽者來說,這並不是終點!他們回到了一樓,然後再跑到59樓,又多了1400多個階梯。難怪這是世界最困難的登高比賽。 A Malaysian man and an Italian woman won the championship and $109,000 Taiwan dollars! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 喜歡跑步的人,現在有好多種登高競賽可以參加。 1. run 跑。 It's three months after the earthquake,地震都過了三個月,and our elevators are still down? 我們的電梯還是壞的? Yeah. Want to run up? 沒錯。想跑上去嗎? 2) floor 樓層。 Are you kidding? 開玩笑。My office is on the 19th floor!我的辦公室在十九樓! Lucky me. 我真幸運。Mine is only on the 9th floor. 我的只在九樓。 3) again 再一次。 It's still a tough run up.跑上去還是很難。 True, and to get lunch, I have to do it again. 沒錯,而且買中飯時還得再來一次。 4) finish line 終點線。 Anyway, see you! 好吧,再見! Tell me when you get to the finish line.你到終點時跟我講一聲。 You want to see who's faster?你想要看誰比較快? No, I want to decide whether I should go home. 不是,我好決定要不要回家。 你喜歡爬樓梯嗎? run跑 floor樓層 again再一次 finish line終點線 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. Where were the races? a. Taipei Dome b. Taipei 101 c. Taipei's streets 2. What's the highest floor the runners run up to? a. 57th b. 91st c. 101st 3. How many Taiwan dollars did the two winners get? a. 2,000 b. 5,000 c. 109,000 Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jun 27, 2024 • 5min

How Wind Spins into a Tornado

How Wind Spins into a Tornado Do you know what tornadoes are? They are towers of wind. They spin around and around very fast. They're very strong and very, very scary! 你知道什麼是龍捲風嗎? 它是一個旋轉的空氣柱,破壞力很強,又非常嚇人! A big tornado hit an American town. The tornado destroyed buildings and cars. People had no electricity. They needed help! 龍捲風襲擊美國一個小鎮,摧毀建築物跟車子。當地還停電,民眾需要幫助。 How do tornadoes happen? 龍捲風怎麼形成的呢? During some storms, warm air goes up to the clouds. At the same time, cold air falls from the cloud. The warm and cold air mix and spin faster. If the spinning air goes down to land, it becomes a tornado! 天氣不穩定的時候,暖空氣上升,冷空氣同時下降,冷暖空氣對流讓轉速越來越快,碰到地面就變成龍捲風。 Tornadoes show us that nature has a lot of power. Small, slow tornadoes can pull off roof tiles. Big, fast tornadoes destroy buildings and pick up cars! People try to stay safe in basements or places with no windows. 龍捲風向我們展現大自然的力量。小而慢的龍捲風會把屋頂的瓦片捲走。快而大的龍捲風會把房子跟車子吹走。民眾只能躲在地下室或是沒有窗戶的地方。 The tornado in the American town destroyed homes, shops, and restaurants. 龍捲風破壞小鎮的房屋、商店跟餐廳。 People are working together to fix their town. 居民合力一起恢復他們的小鎮。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 龍捲風力量驚人,要是碰觸到地面,經常造成損害。 1. hit 打擊。 A tornado hit my sister's town! 龍捲風擊中了我妹妹的小鎮。 Oh no, is she okay? 糟糕,她還好嗎? Yeah, she's fine, but her car is destroyed. 她很好,但是她的車子毀了。 2. land 地面。 That's terrible! 真可怕! Yeah, and she said 3 tornadoes touched land in 3 different areas.對,她說三個龍捲風落在三個不同的地區。 3. electricity 電力。 The electricity was out for a while. 有一陣子還停電。 At least they still have the house. 至少他們還有房子。 4. spin 旋轉。 That's true. 那是真的。 I wonder what it's like 我真想知道… to be spun around by the wind.被風吹得團團轉是怎樣。 來一起讀今天的單字。hit打擊 land地面 electricity電力 spin旋轉 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What is a tornado? A: A type of cloud B: A tower of spinning wind C: A big rainstorm 2. How do tornadoes form? A: When it rains a lot B: When the sun shines very bright C: When hot and cold air mix and spin really fast 3. What does the story say about small tornadoes? A: They can pull off roof tiles B: They can lift cars C: They can destroy buildings Answers 1. B 2. C 3. A -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jun 26, 2024 • 5min

Black Soldier Flies Fight Climate Change

Black Soldier Flies Fight Climate Change Many people eat pork and chicken. Pork comes from pigs. Chicken comes from… well, chickens! Pigs and chickens eat lots of corn, soy, and fish. 很多人會吃豬肉跟雞肉,而豬跟雞吃很多玉米、大豆跟魚。 We need lots of big corn farms, soy farms, and fish farms to feed them. But these farms are bad for our land, air, and water. They make climate change worse. 所以要餵豬跟雞,我們需要很多玉米田、大豆田跟魚類養殖場,但是這些農場對土地、空氣跟水都不好,讓氣候變遷惡化。 But a company in the UK is fighting climate change with soldiers … black soldier flies! The company helps farmers and others make fly farms. Fly farms are better for the environment than corn, soy, and fish farms. But, who eats flies? Yuck! 有一間英國公司想要用黑水虻 (m?ng ㄇㄥˊ)來對抗氣候變遷。他們幫農夫打造養殖場,因為它比種玉米、大豆以及養魚還要環保,但是誰要吃呢? Pigs and chickens eat fly larvae. Larvae are good food for these animals. Scientists found that pigs grow better! Their pork is also better! Mmmmm! 豬跟雞會吃黑水虻的幼蟲,這些幼蟲對牠們是好的食物,科學家發現吃幼蟲的豬,長得比較好、肉質也比較好。 In fly farms, larvae eat lots of food waste. That's the food we don't eat. When it's thrown away, it makes gases. These gases make climate change worse. Larvae stop food waste from making bad gases. 黑水虻的幼蟲吃很多廚餘,這樣可以減少廚餘釋放的氣體,阻止氣候變遷惡化。 Black soldier fly farms can do so much to fight climate change! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vocabulary 科學家想出各種辦法來延緩氣候變遷。 1. pork 豬肉 。 What are you having? 你要吃什麼? I think I'll go for the grilled pork chop with potatoes. 我想要選烤豬排加馬鈴薯。 Oh, that sounds great! 聽起來真不錯! 2. chicken 雞肉。 And I would like to have crispy chicken with tomato salad. 我想要脆皮雞加番茄沙拉。 Yours sounds even better. 你的聽起來更棒。 3. food 食物。 Good, then we can share some of our food.那好,我們可以分享食物。 You're not on a diet, are you?你不會在節食吧? 4. eat 吃。 No, I just don't want to eat too much.沒有,我只是不想吃太多。 With me around, you really don't need to worry about that。有我在,你真的不用擔心。 今天的單字經常用到。pork豬肉 chicken雞肉 food食物 eat吃 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What do pigs eat a lot of? a. Corn b. Pork c. Chicken 2. What makes climate change worse? a. Black soldier fly larvae b. Big corn, soy, and fish farms c. The company in the UK 3. What is food waste? a. Food cooked for us b. Bad gases c. Food we don't eat Answers: 1. a 2. b 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jun 25, 2024 • 5min

This Election King Loses But Wins

This Election King Loses But Wins This is the world's biggest election year! But what's an election? 今年是全球選舉年。那什麼是選舉呢? An election is when a group of people say who they want for their leaders. Maybe the leaders are for their city or country. 選舉就是一群人選出他們想要的領導者,像是一個城市或是國家的領導者。 People vote to say who they want. The person who gets the most votes is the winner. 民眾投票表達他們想要什麼樣的人,得到最多票的人就是贏家。 This year, Taiwan had a big election. Some people wanted to be leaders. They ran for election. People voted. Now we have a new president, President Lai! 想要成為領導者的人就會參選,再由人民投票。今年台灣也有大選,我們新選出賴總統。 India had a big election too. Many people ran for election! They wanted to win! But one man didn't want to win… 印度也有大選,很多人參選,想要贏得選舉,但是有一個人不想贏。 A repairman has run for election 239 times. In India, people pay to run in an election. This man has paid more than $3 million Taiwan dollars! 有一位修理工已經參選239次。在印度需要付錢才能參選,他已經付了超過300萬台幣。 He hasn't won. But that's okay! He wants people to see that anyone can run for election. And he wants people to see that it's okay to lose. 他從來沒有贏過,但是沒有關係,他想要讓大家知道任何人都可以參選,而且輸了也不會怎麼樣。 People call this man the "Election King." Maybe he's the real winner! ________________________________________ Vocabulary 選舉在許多國家都是一件重大的事。 1. vote 投票。 Have you made up your mind? 你拿定主意了嗎? About whom to vote for? 要投給誰嗎? Yes. 對。 Of course I have.我當然決定好了。I'll be voting for the youngest people. 我要投給最年輕的候選人。 2. election 選舉。 Not many young people run for elections. 年輕人競選的不多。 You're wrong. 你錯了。Many of them are interested in politics.他們很多都對政治有興趣。 3. leader 領袖。 But look at those world leaders. 但是你看看那些世界領袖。Many are older, even beyond 70。很多都老老的,甚至超過七十歲。 Wrong again. 你又錯了。 4. win 贏得。 Canada's Justin Trudeau is young and handsome. 加拿大總理杜魯道年輕又帥氣。 That's different! 那不一樣! His family was in politics.他來自政治家庭。 我們一起來讀單字。vote投票 election選舉 leader領袖 win贏得 ________________________________________ Quiz 1. How do people say who they want in elections? a. They vote. b. They run. c. They win. 2. Who is President Lai? a. An Indian repairman b. India's new president c. Taiwan's new president 3. What does the Election King want to show people? a. Anybody can run. b. Losing is bad. c. He has money. Answers 1. a 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jun 24, 2024 • 5min

A New Kind of New Teacher

A New Kind of New Teacher There's a new teacher at a school in the UK. She has short dark hair and kind eyes. She helps the headmaster. But she's different from the other teachers there. She's a chatbot, not a person! 英國有一所學校來了一位新老師,她有一頭短髮跟一雙和善的眼睛。她是來幫校長的忙,但是她不是真人,而是聊天機器人。 A chatbot thinks and acts like a person. But it doesn't have a body. It's not a robot. It's a computer program. It uses AI. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. 聊天機器人的行為和思考方式像真人,它利用 AI 人工智慧的電腦程式,但是沒有人類的身體構造。 This chatbot was made to help the headmaster. The headmaster can ask her questions. He can ask her how to help teachers and students. She looks at LOTS and LOTS of information VERY quickly. She answers his questions very quickly too. 這個聊天機器人是為了校長而開發的,校長可以問她問題,她會很快搜尋大量資訊,做出回答。 The students at this school are four to thirteen years old. They have teachers AND they have their own chatbots! The students can ask their chatbots questions. The chatbots always know the answer! 這所學校的學生是4到13歲,他們有老師也有自己的聊天機器人,讓他們問問題,並且很快就能得到答案。 The headmaster's chatbot and the students' chatbots are important at this school. They help the headmaster, the teachers, and the students. These chatbots show how AI can help make learning easier and faster! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 聊天機器人是學校裡的好幫手。 1. computer 電腦 Hey there, I see you're working on the computer. 我看到你在用電腦。 Need any help? 需要幫忙嗎? Yes, could you teach me how to make this robot move faster? 要。可不可以教我怎麼讓這個機器人動作快一點? 2. information 資訊 Sure! 當然可以。 You need to change its program.你得變更它的程式。 Here, let me show you some information first. 來,我先給你看一些資訊。 3. question 問題 This is cool! Now can I ask my robot questions? 真酷! 現在我可以問機器人問題嗎? So you want it to talk? 所以你要它會講話? Yeah.對。 4. can 能夠 I don't think you can make it do that.我覺得你沒辦法讓它做到。 But it's moving faster now! 但是它現在動作快多了! 今天的單字很重要喔。 computer電腦 information資訊 question問題 can能夠 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What does AI stand for? a. Artificial Imagination b. Artificial Intelligence c. Advanced Intelligence 2. What is AI? a. A student's computer b. A way to teach c. A computer program 3. What do the chatbots do at the school? a. Answer questions b. Teach classes c. Watch the students Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Jun 23, 2024 • 5min

Keeping Quiet in Schools

Keeping Quiet in Schools In our big oceans, there's lots of space. But fish swim together in groups! 魚都會成群結伴在大海裡游泳。 Do you know what a group of fish is called? It's called a school! Being in a school helps fish stay safe from bigger fish. 那你知道魚群英文怎麼說嗎? 就是school。魚群結伴同行可以預防其他大魚靠近。 Fish move together in schools. They turn and swim the same way. Some scientists studied more about how fish move in schools. 魚群移動的時候,牠們會游相同的方向。有一些科學家研究魚在魚群中怎麼移動。 Scientists learned some amazing things! We know one fish swims very quietly. But they learned that schools of fish swim very quietly too! One school sounds like one fish! 我們知道一隻魚可以靜靜地在海裡游,但是科學家發現魚群也可以跟單獨移動的時候一樣安靜。 How do fish swim quietly together? When the tails of all the fish move the same way, the school is loud. But when the tails DON'T move the same way, the school is quiet. 魚怎麼安靜地一起游呢? 如果所有的魚都用同樣的頻率、方向擺動尾巴就會很吵,反而用不同的頻率、方向擺動比較安靜。 Something else also happens. The water around the fish moves more strongly. That makes them swim faster! They use less energy, but they go faster! 而且魚群周圍的水流比較大的時候,可以讓牠們游得又快又省力。 Being in a school makes fish safer. Scientists found that schools make fish quieter and faster too! That makes fish safer! School is the best place to be for fish! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 魚類喜歡成群結隊在海裡游,不但安全也節省體力。 1. quietly 安靜地 We need to move quietly if we want to see the fish up close. 要是我們想靠近欣賞魚,動作就得安靜。 I'm not a good swimmer. I'll just follow you. 我游得不是很好,我就跟著你。 2. safer 比較安全 Just remember, the quieter we are, the safer the fish feel. 你只要記住,我們越安靜,魚兒就越覺得安全。 Okay, that makes sense. 好,有道理。 3. loud 大聲的 But what if I make a loud noise? 可是如果我弄出噪音來呢? Then all the fish will be gone! 那所有的魚就全跑了。 4. stay 保持 But they'll come back, so don't panic.但是牠們會回來的,所以別恐慌。 Stay quiet and they'll be back.你保持安靜牠們就回來了。 今天的單字請你來複習。 quietly安靜地 safer比較安全 loud大聲的 stay保持 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quiz 1. What is a group of fish called? a. An aquarium b. A school c. A pack 2. Why do fish swim in a group? a. To be safe b. To eat c. To play 3. What makes a group of fish swim quietly? a. Tails don't move b. Tails move the same c. Tails don't move the same Answers: 1. b 2. a 3. c -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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