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Mindrolling with Raghu Markus

Latest episodes

Mar 7, 2025 • 57min

Ep. 584 – A Secret History of LSD in the Third Reich with Norman Ohler

Raghu Markus and Norman Ohler explore the history of drugs in the Third Reich and how this ultimately lead to the psychedelic age in America.Mindrolling is brought to you by Reunion. Reunion is offering $250 off any stay to the Love, Serve, Remember community. Simply use the code “BeHere250” when booking. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with yourself at Reunion.  Hotel | www.reunionhotelandwellness.com Retreats | www.reunionexperience.orgIn this riveting and historical episode, Raghu and Norman talk about:Norman’s research into the history of psychedelics in Germany‘Truth drugs’ and using psychedelics for interrogation tacticsAlbert Hoffman, a Swiss chemist known for his work with LSDAmerica’s early interest in psychedelics for military useMK-Ultra, mind control, and how the CIA took over the quest for truth drugs.Norman Ohler’s meeting with Leonard Pickard, a major player in the LSD undergroundHow the CIA saw psychedelics as a potential weapon to manipulate peopleTruth that can be discovered on psychedelic journeysHow psychedelics can help heal relationships with ourselves and othersGet a copy of Norman’s 2024 book, Tripped: Nazi Germany, the CIA, and the Dawn of the Psychedelic AgeAbout Norman Ohler:Norman Ohler is a German journalist and New York Times bestselling author, novelist and screenwriter, best known for his book Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany, which has been published in over 30 languages. Most recently, Norman furthered his research into drug use in the Third Reich and it’s connection to the CIA and the age of psychedelics in the United States. This produced his 2024 book, Tripped.Learn more about Tripped and Norman’s other works on his website, HERE. “Basically what happened in the US was a continuation of the unethical human experiments that the Nazi’s did, obviously not in a concentration camp, but at American universities, at American and Canadian clinics.” – Norman OhlerSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Feb 28, 2025 • 1h 6min

Ep. 583 – The Joyful Endeavor of the Buddhist Path with Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche

Raghu welcomes Tibetan Buddhist teacher Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche for a conversation on being diligent and consistent in our practice.Mindrolling is brought to you by Reunion. Reunion is offering $250 off any stay to the Love, Serve, Remember community. Simply use the code “BeHere250” when booking. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with yourself at Reunion.  Hotel | www.reunionhotelandwellness.com Retreats | www.reunionexperience.orgIn this episode of Mindrolling, Raghu and Dzigar have a discourse on:Dzigar’s upbringing in a Tibetan refugee camp in IndiaThe magic of the great Buddhist mastersUsing discriminating wisdom and blending Bhakti & BuddhismPractical ways to have a balanced lifeBeing a non-judgmental witness to ourselves, others, and the worldMeeting our intention with action rather than getting lost in the mundaneRemedying the three forms of laziness through consistent effortThe fruits of being diligent in our practiceShantideva, an 8th-century Indian philosopher, monk, and scholarMotivation and understanding how our actions serve usKnowing when to take a break in order to reenergize ourselves for full engagementThe joy in seeing through our intentions to the endAbout Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche:Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche was born in the Northern Indian province of Himachal Pradesh to Tibetan refugee parents. Rinpoche grew up in a monastic environment. He was trained in the Longchen Nyingtik lineage of the Nyingma school as well as the Khyen-Kong Chok-Sum lineages. He moved to the United States in 1989 with his family and began a five-year tenure as a professor of Buddhist philosophy at Naropa University (then Institute) in 1990. Not long after arriving in the United States, Rinpoche founded Mangala Shri Bhuti, an organization established to further the practice of the Longchen Nyingtik and Khyen-Kong Chok-sum lineages. He established a mountain retreat center, Longchen Jigme Samten Ling, in southern Colorado, where he spends much of his time in retreat and guides students in long-term retreat practice. When not in retreat, Rinpoche travels widely throughout the world teaching and furthering his own education. Keep up with Rinpoche’s happenings HERE.Pick up your own copy of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche’s book, Diligence: The Joyful Endeavor of the Buddhist Path.“We need to succeed in our field to be able to meet our intention with action, to have concrete outcomes. Whether that is in the spiritual path, sports, business, or creating a balanced life with health and well-being for oneself and one’s family, in all of this, the effort is essential. Effort in a way that is not sporadic, but consistent effort.“ – Dzigar Kongtrul RinpocheSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Feb 21, 2025 • 1h

Ep. 582 – Meeting Suffering with an Open Heart with RamDev

Ramdev joins Raghu to talk about deepening our compassion through devotion and a willingness to meet suffering with an open heart.Mindrolling is brought to you by Reunion. Reunion is offering $250 off any stay to the Love, Serve, Remember community. Simply use the code “BeHere250” when booking. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with yourself at Reunion.  Hotel | www.reunionhotelandwellness.com Retreats | www.reunionexperience.orgThis time on Mindrolling, RamDev and Raghu discuss:Coping within the current climate of our countryConsidering if it must get worse before it gets betterConcerns with ICE and deportationSeeing suffering in the context of wholenessThe problem with over-identification with negative emotionsRequesting our needs and desires from Maharaj-jiA devotee's story from the book By His Grace Using our grief and longing as a spiritual pathThe loss that is going on worldwidePerspectives on depression and spirituality within the book The Awakened Brain Meeting suffering with a wide open heartBook recommendation from this episode: Tantric Quest by Daniel OdierThis episode is also brought to you by Dharma Moon. Join Buddhist teachers David Nichtern and Professor Robert Thurman for a free online event on Tuesday, March 4th at 6pm ET. Together, they'll explore the power of lineage, tradition, and the evolution of mindfulness practices. They’ll also discuss Dharma Moon’s renowned mindfulness meditation teacher training program. Visit dharmamoon.com/lineage for more info and to reserve your spot for the free online event with David Nichtern and Professor Robert Thurman!About RamDev:Dale Borglum is the founder and Executive Director of The Living/Dying Project. He is a pioneer in the conscious dying movement and has worked directly with thousands of people with life-threatening illness and their families for over 30 years. In 1981, Dale founded the first residential facility for people who wished to die consciously in the United States, The Dying Center. He has taught and lectured extensively on the topics of spiritual support for those with life-threatening illness, on caregiving as a spiritual practice, and on healing at the edge, the edge of illness, of death, of loss, of crisis. Learn more about The Living/Dying Project at livingdying.org.Be sure to also check out RamDev’s podcast, Healing at the Edge, on the Be Here Now Network.“Compassion is the open heart meeting suffering. Tibetans say this remarkable thing, that compassion is the mixture of sadness and joy. You’re sad because you’re touching human suffering, but there’s a joyfulness that transcends happiness and sadness because your heart is open.” – RamDevSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Feb 14, 2025 • 57min

Ep. 581 – Befriending our Shadows with John Lockley

John Lockley joins Raghu to discuss befriending our shadows and finding freedom and joy in a world of upheaval.Mindrolling is brought to you by Reunion. Reunion is offering $250 off any stay to the Love, Serve, Remember community. Simply use the code “BeHere250” when booking. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with yourself at Reunion.  Hotel | www.reunionhotelandwellness.com Retreats | www.reunionexperience.orgIn this episode, Raghu and John explore:Relinquishing hatred and growing our compassion bit by bitThe unifying force that connects all peopleWorking on self-kindness and not feeding into self-deprecationBeing respectful to our enemies rather than perpetuating evilAllowing our spirits to relax and engage in playDiscovering our dream gifts and harnessing them within realityFinding our purpose and listening to our ancestorsEther and spaciousness as food for our dreamsNot letting technology control and distract usThis episode is also brought to you by Dharma Moon. Join Buddhist teachers David Nichtern and Professor Robert Thurman for a free online event on Tuesday, March 4th at 6pm ET. Together, they'll explore the power of lineage, tradition, and the evolution of mindfulness practices. They’ll also discuss Dharma Moon’s renowned mindfulness meditation teacher training program. Visit dharmamoon.com/lineage for more info and to reserve your spot for the free online event with David Nichtern and Professor Robert Thurman!About John Lockley: John Lockley began his journey as a young medic drafted into the South African military. He then trained under Zen master Su Bong from South Korea, and returned to post-Apartheid South Africa to spend 10 years in apprenticeship with MaMngwevu, a medicine woman from the Xhosa tribe. John now splits his time teaching in South Africa, Ireland, Europe, and the US. Find out more about John’s work and learn more about his numerous upcoming events, retreats, and other offerings at JohnLockley.com.“The political system at the moment is tough, but sometimes it’s actually not as tough as you think it is. You need to find freedom where you are free. You’re not in jail; feel the freedom of walking, of going into the sea, of going into the wilderness, and let your spirit feel free. That’s very important.” – John LockleySee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Feb 7, 2025 • 57min

Ep. 580 – Tools for Dealing with Hatred & Prejudice with Anu Gupta

Bringing together mindfulness and science, Anu Gupta offers transformative tools for dealing with hatred and prejudice.Mindrolling is brought to you by Reunion. Reunion is offering $250 off any stay to the Love, Serve, Remember community. Simply use the code “BeHere250” when booking. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with yourself at Reunion.  Hotel | www.reunionhotelandwellness.com Retreats | www.reunionexperience.orgThis week on Mindrolling, Raghu and Anu explore:How Anu was brought up around meditation and yogaReceiving the gift of spiritualityAnu’s early connection to the Gayatri MantraThe distinction between caste and class in IndiaAdjusting to Western life and dealing with bias in the U.S.Researching the nature of hatred and prejudiceHolding our egos with loving awareness and compassionTransforming ourselves through practiceMaking our unconscious biases consciousCheck out Anu Gupta’s 2024 book, Breaking Bias, to learn more science-backed methods for unraveling stereotypes and prejudices.About Anu Gupta:Anu Gupta is a human rights lawyer, scientist, scholar of bias, meditation teacher, and the founder and CEO of BE MORE with Anu, a professional development company that trains corporate, nonprofit, and government leaders to advance inclusion and wellness by breaking bias. He is also the author of Breaking Bias: Where Stereotypes and Prejudices Come From and the Science-Backed Method to Unravel Them(2024), with a foreword from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Check out Anu Gupta on Substack.“The tools that we need are the ones I’ve been teaching people; mindfulness, stereotype replacement, compassion. Not just talking about them, but actually practicing them and feeling them.” – Anu GuptaSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Jan 31, 2025 • 1h 1min

Ep. 579 – Argy Bargy of the Mind with David Silver

Mindrolling alumnus David Silver re-joins Raghu to help us transform our relationship with thought and lead us to growth and inner peace.Mindrolling is brought to you by Reunion. Reunion is offering $250 off any stay to the Love, Serve, Remember community. Simply use the code “BeHere250” when booking. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with yourself at Reunion.  Hotel | www.reunionhotelandwellness.com Retreats | www.reunionexperience.orgThis journey on Mindrolling, Raghu and David weave through:Opposing the idea of ‘I think, therefore I am’The disease of overthinking and why we thinkLetting thoughts come through and letting it goHow our relationship to thought is what makes us sufferFocused, creative, compassionate thinking as the center of our growthThe necessity of compassion for oneself along with mindfulnessComing back into mantra when our mind wandersPassing through thoughts that are negative rather than getting hookedRight thinking and right actionAbout David Silver:David Silver is the former co-host of the Mindrolling podcast. He is a filmmaker and director, most recently coming out with Brilliant Disguise. Brilliant Disguise tells the unique story of a group of inspired Western spiritual seekers from the 60s, who in meeting the great American teacher, Ram Dass, followed him to India to meet his Guru, Neem Karoli Baba, familiarly known as Maharaj-ji. Two days before he left his body, Maharaj-ji instructed K.C. Tewari to take care of the Westerners, which he did resolutely until the day he died in 1997. Silver’s #1 charting MGM/UA/Warners film, “The Compleat Beatles” is the critically acclaimed biopic movie about history’s most famous band. The term ‘rockumentary’ was first applied to this two-hour movie. Rolling Stone recently described the film as a “masterwork.” Silver’s Warner Brothers’ feature film, “No Nukes” also started the whole trend of music/activism feature documentaries.”This is workable conditions. We can absolutely transform so that we are not hooked and glued to these thoughts and the belief and story from which they come from.” – Raghu MarkusSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Jan 24, 2025 • 1h 15min

Ep. 578 – The Power and Strength of Love with David Nichtern and Sharon Salzberg

Cultivating both inner and outer harmony, the Be Here Now Network trifecta of Raghu, David, and Sharon offers lessons in metta and letting go.This episode was recorded live at the annual Ram Dass Legacy “Open Your Heart in Paradise” retreat in Maui. Learn more about these Maui retreats, our annual Mountain retreat in Boone, North Carolina, and our regular digital retreats at ramdass.org/event.Mindrolling is brought to you by Reunion. Reunion is offering $250 off any stay to the Love, Serve, Remember community. Simply use the code “BeHere250” when booking. Disconnect from the world so you can reconnect with yourself at Reunion.  Hotel | www.reunionhotelandwellness.com Retreats | www.reunionexperience.orgThis week on Mindrolling, Raghu, David, and Sharon discuss:Ram Dass’ teaching of loving awareness and being at home in the universePutting practice and compassionate mindfulness into our daily livesThe power and strength of loveA guided metta practice from SharonBoth inner and outer harmonizing and turning metta towards ourselvesThe Bodhisattva tradition and taking on the suffering of othersLoving motivation and using wise discernmentThe continual process of letting goForgiveness and not allowing pain to overtake our livesAbout David Nichtern:David Nichtern, founder of Dharma Moon, is a senior Buddhist teacher who has been practicing and teaching meditation for over 40 years. He was one of the initial American students of renowned meditation master Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and studied closely with him soon after his arrival in the United States in 1970. He is also a business consultant with companies creating a variety of offerings integrating meditation in a larger health and well-being context. David is also a multiple Grammy-nominated and Emmy award-winning musician.About Sharon Salzberg:Sharon Salzberg is a meditation pioneer, world-renowned teacher, and New York Times bestselling author. She is one of the first to bring mindfulness and lovingkindness meditation to mainstream American culture over 45 years ago, inspiring generations of meditation teachers and wellness influencers. Sharon is co-founder of The Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA, and the author of twelve books, including the New York Times bestseller, Real Happiness, now in its second edition, and her seminal work, Lovingkindness. Her podcast, The Metta Hour, has amassed five million downloads and features interviews with thought leaders from the mindfulness movement and beyond.Learn more about Sharon and pre-order her new book at www.sharonsalzberg.com“You can ask yourself the question, what do I really want to see? What do I care about most right now? Is it winning or is it being kind? It brings us to wisdom we already have, that we can then bring forth and have it inform our action as best we can.” – Sharon SalzbergSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Jan 17, 2025 • 60min

Ep. 577 – Finding God Everywhere with Dakota Wint

Sharing spiritual mementos from his world travels, Dakota Wint sits with Raghu to explore finding God everywhere and at any time.This time on Mindrolling, Raghu and Dakota converse about:Dakota’s travels throughout EthiopiaRastafarian tradition and its origin in EthiopiaReminiscing about their time shared in IndiaConfronting the weirdness of our collective stateFinding spirit in all cultures across the worldHow travel and curiosity have affected Dakota’s growthThe central Buddhist value of impermanenceTurning within and connecting to GodStories of the Aghori people in IndiaThe tribes of Papua New GuineaAbout Dakota Wint:Dakota Wint is a documentary filmmaker, vlogger, podcast host, and spiritual teacher from Detroit, Michigan. His films and podcasts revolve around current events, strange spirituality, and taboo traditions. You can subscribe to his podcast, A Place for Humans, HERE. Dakota grew to fame as an internet personality via his popular YouTube channel, Dakota of Earth. Dakota hosts retreats around the world and runs a non-profit focused on cultural and language preservation. Learn more about current happenings on his website.“The same spiritual lessons I’m finding all over the world. There’s a similar feeling, a shared feeling, to what I find when I’m in India, or Japan, or in Mexico. I can find the spirit or God hidden in the symbols.” – Dakota WintSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Jan 10, 2025 • 1h 6min

Ep. 576 – Redefining Sainthood with Lama Rod Owens

Redefining sainthood as a deep care for ourselves and others, Lama Rod Owens and Raghu discuss reclaiming our sacredness and our identity.Check out Lama Rod’s book, The New Saints, to learn more about becoming a spiritual warrior.Within this episode, Raghu and Lama Rod discuss:Healing through music and other mystical experiencesLama Rod Owens’ college experience and getting into activismRe-framing our relationship to religionThe freedom to be our most authentic selvesOwning our own identity and sacrednessCommunity and collective as the hero we all needThe apocalypse as an unveiling of the truthCreating a culture of care and prioritizing well-beingDisrupting habitual reactivity and transforming our responsivenessLoneliness on the spiritual pathAbout Lama Rod Owens:Lama Rod Owens is a Black Buddhist Southern Queen. An international influencer with a Master of Divinity degree in Buddhist Studies from Harvard Divinity School with a focus on the intersection of social change, identity, and spiritual practice. Author of Love and Rage: The Path of Liberation through Anger and co-author of Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love and Liberation, his teachings center on freedom, self-expression, and radical self-care. Highly sought after for talks, retreats, and workshops, his mission is showing you how to heal and free yourself. A leading voice in a new generation of Buddhist teachers with over 11 years of experience, Lama Rod is highly respected among his peers and the communities that he serves. From these intersections, he creates a platform that’s very natural, engaging, and inclusive. Check out Lama Rod’s most recent publication, The New Saints and his podcast on the Be Here Now Network, The Spirit Underground.For current offerings and programs, click here. “I think that the most important spiritual practice is care, compassion love; I think that’s the common expression across many paths. A saint is defined by the depth of their care for others.” – Lama Rod OwensSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Jan 3, 2025 • 1h 2min

Ep. 575 – Poetic Spaces and the Creative Process with Joseph Goldstein & Noah Markus

Noah and Raghu Markus catch up with Joseph Goldstein to talk about poetry, imposter syndrome, trust, and more.Grab a copy of Joseph’s poems and reflections HEREIn this episode, Raghu, Joseph, and Noah connect through these topics:How Joseph revitalized his poetic spirit while traveling in SpainRevision as the most important process of writingStruggling with imposter syndromeHow poetry overlaps the meditative spaceSilence as an integral precursor to creativityThe beauty within very ordinary experiencesHow aversion traps us just as much as desireCompassion as the activity of emptinessLoneliness and the myth of intimacyBuilding trust and self-confidenceArtistic versus scientific ways of understandingAnger as a messenger and using wise discernmentBe sure to check out this talk on quantum mechanics, as suggested by Joseph in today’s episode.About Joseph Goldstein:Joseph Goldstein has been leading insight and loving-kindness meditation retreats worldwide since 1974. He is a co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, where he is one of the organization’s guiding teachers. In 1989, together with several other teachers and students of insight meditation, he helped establish the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.“A lot of creativity comes out of the silence because then it’s more intuitive rather than thinking through something. It’s that overlap that I really love. I can be in a quiet space and a very ordinary perception of something takes on more meaning because I’m not just rushing through it, I’m actually there in it.” – Joseph GoldsteinSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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