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Feb 14, 2025 • 1h 34min

Episode #212: Peptide Bioregulators with Nathalie Niddam, CNP, BPC

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about the emerging world of peptide bioregulators in restoring health. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Nathalie Niddam.  Nathalie Niddam, CNP, BPC is a holistic nutritionist and longevity educator and is a trailblazer in the sphere of longevity and healthspan.  Focusing on strategies that range from health tech to ancestral health to resilience training, Nathalie is dedicated to helping us all live joyful and vibrant lives well into our 50s, 60s, and beyond.  As the host of the Longevity Podcast with Nathalie Niddam, Nathalie is not just exploring new horizons; she’s reshaping them. Her show is a guidepost for those who want to enhance the quality of their lives and extend their vitality well into their later years.  Nathalie has a deep expertise about bioregulator peptides; which are leading edge compounds with the power to awaken the body's innate rejuvenation systems.  This groundbreaking field is a cornerstone of her approach, as science and holistic care can and do come together to create real, meaningful results. Key Takeaways: What are peptide bioregulators?  How are they different from peptides? What is the history of peptide bioregulators? What are bioregulators derived from? What can bioregulators do physiologically in the body? Do bioregulators act as epigenetic influencers? How do bioregulators support cellular DNA repair mechanisms? Can bioregulators reverse biological age? How important is lifestyle optimization and stress reduction when using bioregulators? What are the potential applications of the original 21 bioregulators? How might bioregulators be dosed? Are there any side effects or contraindications? Is there a feedback loop that reduces the body's own production of these bioregulators? Connect With My Guest: Related Resources: Find Peptide Bioregulators at Profound Health Use code BETTERHEALTH for 15% off Interview Date: February 6, 2025 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook - Instagram - X - TikTok - Disclosure: is an affiliate of Profound Health. Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Feb 3, 2025 • 1h 51min

Episode #211: Actinobacteria and Endotoxins in CIRS with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, MD

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about the role of Actinobacteria and Endotoxins in CIRS. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker.  Ritchie Shoemaker, MD is a recognized leader in patient care, research, and an education pioneer in the field of biotoxin related illness.  While illness acquired following exposure to the interior environment of water-damaged buildings (WDB) comprises the bulk of Dr. Shoemaker’s daily practice, other illnesses caused by exposure to biologically-produced toxins are quite similar in their “final common pathway.”  What this means is that while the illness might begin acutely with exposure to fungi, spirochetes, apicomplexans, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria, for example, in its chronic form, each of these illnesses has similar symptoms, lab findings, and Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) findings.  Taken together the inflammatory illness from each of these diverse sources is known as  Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Key Takeaways: Is CIRS generally caused by a single trigger or multiple triggers? What HLA-DR types may be susceptible to Actinobacteria or endotoxins? How does one determine when MARCoNS are making polycyclic ethers? What is the latest on biotoxin illness testing through HumanBiomics? Is it the Actinobacteria or a toxin produced by the bacteria that leads to illness? Is it best to start by testing the environment or by testing the person? Are some Actinobacteria a healthy part of our microbiome? What criteria are used to evaluate Actinobacteria testing? Is the solution to Actinobacteria a traditional remediation? How do people acquire skin Actinobacteria? How are skin Actinobacteria reduced over time? Are Actinobacteria in the sinuses a factor? How are Actinobacteria in the oral cavity addressed? How do endotoxins enter the body? Can endotoxin production be from endogenous bacteria? What is the best way to establish CIRS causation? What is the role of beta glucans in CIRS? Connect With My Guest: Related Resources: Actinobacteria Presentation Endotoxin Presentation Interview Date: January 22, 2025 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook - Instagram - X - TikTok - Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Jan 20, 2025 • 1h 48min

Episode #210: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome with Dr. Derik Anderson, DC, CPT, CSN

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and effective approaches to treatment. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Dr. Derik Anderson.  Derik Anderson, DC, CPT, CSN helps his patients be healthier by utilizing his education and personal and professional backgrounds.  Dr. Anderson grew up wanting to help people and initially planned to go to business school to work in energy conservation.  After a good friend’s life was positively changed by chiropractic care, he had a change of heart. His friend spent two years with horrific intestinal problems and saw over a dozen providers, but no one could help her – until she saw a chiropractor.  The chiropractor knew that the vertebra and muscles around them affected the nerves that controlled the intestines. After treatment, she was no longer bed-ridden and went back to teaching, traveling and leading an active life.  Dr. Anderson realized that health care was his calling and his passion for helping people was channeled into chiropractic.  Dr. Anderson lives what he practices.  He is an avid runner, nationally competitive sailor, surfs, and is a youth coach.  Dr. Anderson eats a diet high in vegetables, low in starch, and drinks several quarts of water each day. Why? Food is our bodies’ fuel and muscles consume 70% of that fuel (the brain consumes another 20%), so to reach our maximum potential, our food chain needs to be clean, appropriate, and healthy for our needs. Key Takeaways: What is the overlap between hypermobility and EDS? What conditions are people often diagnosed with when they are dealing with EDS? What symptoms are observed in those with EDS? Is EDS genetic? How is EDS diagnosed? What are the physical, chemical, and emotional aspects of this whole-body disorder? What is the overlap with CVID and autoimmunity? What role do MCAS and POTS play in EDS? Does mold or vector-borne infections play a role? What is the role of glyphosate in EDS? Do oxalate lead to more pain in those with EDS? How does stress impact the condition? What is the overlap between EDS and CCI? What are the components of the Release, Remobilize, and Restore approach to treatment? How might Shockwave Therapy benefit patients? What does living with EDS look like with adequate care? Connect With My Guest: Interview Date: January 8, 2025 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Jan 2, 2025 • 1h 59min

Episode #209: The Glutathione Guy with Nayan Patel, PharmD

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about the role of glutathione in health and advanced glutathione delivery systems. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Nayan Patel.  Nayan Patel, PharmD is an alumnus of the University of Southern California School Of Pharmacy, where he now serves as adjunct faculty.  A pharmacist for over three decades, he is an internationally recognized expert, consultant, and lecturer on the Master Antioxidant Glutathione and has traveled the world educating practitioners and pharmacists on advanced biochemistry and antiaging science.  Dr. Patel founded Auro Wellness in 2011 to create products to help the body function at an optimal level and reduce the long-term impact of stress on the body.  Through his research, Dr. Patel stabilized Glutathione, improved absorption, and increased its effectiveness with the Auro GSH™ Antioxidant Delivery System.  He is the author of "The Glutathione Revolution: Fight Disease, Slow Aging & Increase Energy" which addresses how powerful and essential Glutathione is to the body’s detoxification system and how to increase the body’s levels naturally. Key Takeaways: What are the mechanisms through which glutathione supports optimal health? What symptoms and conditions are associated with lower levels of glutathione? What causes low glutathione? What are the components of the glutathione tri-peptide? Does glutathione arrive as glutathione at the cell? What is the role of glutathione in mitigating the effects of environmental toxicants? What does glutathione do with toxins found in the body? What phases of detoxification does glutathione support? What happens when the body shifts from oxidative stress to reductive stress? Can glutathione support the body against viruses and other microbes? Does supplementing with glutathione reduce endogenous production? How can glutathione recycling be optimized? Can glutathione support those dealing with glucose regulation issues and diabetes? Does glutathione assist in hormone metabolism? What is the role of glutathione in fatty liver disease? How is Auro Wellness Glutaryl different from other glutathione options available today? How is Glutaryl used clinically? Connect With My Guest: Use code BETTERHEALTH for 10% off Interview Date: December 9, 2024 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclosure: is an affiliate of Auro Wellness. Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Dec 13, 2024 • 2h 3min

Episode #208: The Perrin Technique™ with Dr. Raymond Perrin, DO, PhD

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about The Perrin Technique™ and the importance of detoxification and drainage in ME/CFS, Long COVID, and other conditions. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Dr. Raymond Perrin.  Raymond Perrin, DO, PhD is an osteopath and neuroscientist and the creator of “The Perrin Technique™”.  The Perrin Technique™ is an osteopathic approach developed in 1989, originally for ME/CFS, that aims to manually drain toxins from the cerebrospinal fluid into the lymphatic system.  Movement of the spine and massage of the soft tissues in the head, neck, back, and chest direct all the toxins out of the lymphatic system and into the blood, where they are eventually detoxified by the liver.  Eventually, with less poisons affecting the central nervous system, the hypothalamus and the sympathetic nervous system begin to function correctly, restoring health to the patient.  His latest book is “Through the Looking Glass: Diagnosing and Treating Long COVID Using the Perrin Technique”. Key Takeaways: What conditions might The Perrin Technique™ be helpful for? What is the process or experience of the technique? What is the role of sympathetic dominance in chronic illness? How does sympathetic dominance lead to an accumulation of toxins and toxicants? Can tools such as limbic system retraining and vagal tonification be helpful adjuncts? What is the connection to EDS and hypermobility? How do we support endothelial health in our modern world? Do patients benefit from treatment interventions aimed at MCAS? How might a neodymium magnet be used to explore the potential for heavy metal toxicity? Does the lymphatic system have a pump? Can lymphatic fluid move in the wrong direction? Are these conditions of persistent infection? Can the Perrin Technique™ help the body to remove cytokines and lactic acid? Are binders and drainage remedies helpful adjuncts? Connect With My Guest: Related Resources: Book: Through the Looking Glass: Diagnosing and Treating Long COVID Using the Perrin Technique Interview Date: December 4, 2024 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Nov 5, 2024 • 1h 59min

Episode #207: Hypercoagulation with Ruth Kriz, MSN, APRN

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about the important role of hypercoagulation in chronic illness.  About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Ruth Kriz.  Utilizing her functional medicine background as well as experience in microbiology and teaching pharmacology, Ruth Kriz, MSN, APRN has spent the majority of her professional career as a Nurse Practitioner working with Chronic UTI and Interstitial Cystitis patients; as well as those dealing with hypercoagulation.  Her practice expanded to patients from almost all the states in the US as well as from 35 countries who came to her seeking answers beyond symptom management.  Through molecular testing, an understanding of the genetics common to these patients, and an understanding of how genetics contributes to chronic infection, hypercoagulation, and biofilms, she has been able to very successfully treat this population.  These factors have broad implications for other chronic infections (sinus, prostate, ear infections, wounds, etc.) as well as fibromyalgia, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions in which hypercoagulation and biofilms are an important contributor.  She has closed her medical practice, but she reinvented as a consultant to help practitioners learn how to utilize her approach for curing these patients and currently is working with MicroGenDX. Key Takeaways: What are the symptoms and conditions associated with hypercoagulation? Why is the "fibrinolytic pathway" a better term than "hypercoagulation"? What genetic predispositions are involved in coagulation disorders? Can hypercoagulation be treated naturally or are pharmaceutical interventions required? What is the role of vitamin K in coagulation? How might long-term antibiotics for chronic Lyme disease contribute to coagulation issues? What is the difference between fibrin and a biofilm? What are some of they key labs to explore in order to assess for the potential of hypercoagulation? Are statin drugs contraindicated in those with high Lp(a)? What role do platelets play in the coagulation discussion? What is the connection between long COVID and biofilms? How does lumbrokinase compare to nattokinase? Why are D-Dimer and PT/PTT not ideal tests for exploring hypercoagulation? Connect With My Guest: Related Resources: To review additional resources mentioned in the episode including details about the LabCorp panel, visit Interview Date: October 29, 2024 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Oct 15, 2024 • 2h 6min

Episode #206: Thiamine and Beyond with Elliot Overton, DipCNM, CFMP

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about the role of thiamine in supporting those with various complex, chronic conditions. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Elliot Overton.  Elliot Overton, DipCNM, CFMP is a nutritionist based in France and the founder of EONutrition, a private nutritional practice.  His primary research area focuses on the clinical use of high-dose thiamine (vitamin B1) for managing chronic diseases.  Elliot frequently lectures and speaks at educational events aimed at practitioners, helping to broaden the understanding and application of thiamine in clinical settings.  He also runs the YouTube channel EONutrition and manages the website, which provides clinical protocols on High Dose Thiamine that have been used by over 3,500 individuals, many of whom are healthcare practitioners treating their patients. Furthermore, he is cofounder and CEO of Objective Nutrients, a nutraceutical company specializing in excipient-free thiamine derivatives and related supplements.  Elliot’s overarching aim is to increase awareness about the benefits of thiamine through education and advocacy, striving to make this knowledge accessible to both practitioners and the general public.  Key Takeaways: What are the key components of addressing SIBO? How important is sulfate deficiency in SIBO? How might a low oxalate diet help to resolve SIBO? What is the role of therapeutic phlebotomy in high iron? What tools can be used to support those with "spikeopathies"? What are some strategies for supporting the microbiome? What symptoms or conditions might lead one to consider thiamine deficiency? What are the best approaches for testing for thiamine deficiency? What factors lead to thiamine deficiency? How might thiamine be relevant in those with a high anion gap? What are the various forms of thiamine? How might one incorporate and dose thiamine for maximum tolerance? What factors might explain paradoxical reactions? What is the role of thiamine in those with biotoxin illness? What has Elliot been doing to detoxify his own high lead levels? Might thiamine support those with EMF sensitivities? Connect With My Guest: Related Resources: Objective Nutrients Use code BETTERHEALTH for 10% off Interview Date: October 4, 2024 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclosure: is an affiliate of Objective Nutrients. Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Sep 20, 2024 • 1h 43min

Episode #205: GENIE Testing in CIRS with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, MD

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about the use of GENIE testing in Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker.  Ritchie Shoemaker, MD is a recognized leader in patient care, research, and an education pioneer in the field of biotoxin related illness.  While illness acquired following exposure to the interior environment of water-damaged buildings (WDB) comprises the bulk of Dr. Shoemaker’s daily practice, other illnesses caused by exposure to biologically-produced toxins are quite similar in their “final common pathway.”  What this means is that while the illness might begin acutely with exposure to fungi, spirochetes, apicomplexans, dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria, for example, in its chronic form, each of these illnesses has similar symptoms, lab findings, and Visual Contrast Sensitivity (VCS) findings.  Taken together the inflammatory illness from each of these diverse sources is known as  Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Key Takeaways: What is GENIE? Is HLA-DR still relevant? What are the common triggers of CIRS?  Actinobacteria?  Endotoxins?  Mold and mycotoxins? What is hypometabolism? How does CIRS impact insulin and blood sugar? What is apoptosis? What is the role of coagulation in CIRS? Are upregulated cytokines seen in CIRS? Can GENIE identify those that may have Lyme? What are defensins? What is Ikaros? What is the role of MAP kinases in CIRS? What do Toll receptors tell us? How are B and T cells involved in CIRS? How many CIRS markers are needed in GENIE to suggest CIRS? What is the PTSD gene? How often is histamine involved? What are the cytoskeleton and microtubules?  What can be determined around the function of Treg cells? What are the recent additions to GENIE in the realm of Parkinson's disease? What has GENIE told us about MARCoNS? Connect With My Guest: Interview Date: September 11, 2024 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Aug 12, 2024 • 1h 48min

Episode #204: Healthy Kids, Happy Kids with Dr. Elisa Song, MD

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about integrative pediatrics and how to create whole child resilience.    About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Dr. Elisa Song.  Elisa Song, MD is a Stanford, NYU, UCSF-trained integrative pediatrician, pediatric functional medicine expert, and mom to 2 thriving children - and she is on a mission to revolutionize the future of children’s health.  Dr. Song is the bestselling author of the "Healthy Kids Happy Kids: An Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to Whole Child Resilience".  Dr. Song created Healthy Kids Happy Kids as an online holistic pediatric resource to help practitioners and parents bridge the gap between conventional and integrative pediatrics with an evidence-based, pediatrician-backed, mom-approved approach.  In her integrative pediatric practice, she’s helped 1000s of kids get to the root causes of their health concerns and empowered parents to help their children thrive by integrating conventional pediatrics with functional medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and essential oils.  Dr. Song is chair of A4M’s pediatric education and has lectured around the world at leading integrative and functional medicine conferences and premier parenting events.   She has also been featured in hundreds of top podcasts, print and online media outlets, including the Wellness Mama podcast, BloomTV, Forbes, Healthline, MindBodyGreen, National Geographic, PopSugar, Parents, Motherly, Parade, Verywell Health, and New York Post. Key Takeaways: Can Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's be resolved? What role do environmental toxicants play in children's health? What are the more common patterns of GI dysbiosis? Can the fingerprint of the microbiome paint the diagnosis? When does neurotransmitter testing make sense? How important is exploring SNPs in children? What are some tools to address intestinal hyperpermeability? What is the role of autoimmunity and immune modulation in persistent conditions? What increases and decreases endotoxins or LPS in the body? Is it more important to add more good guys or to reduce the bad guys? Is kombucha a health food? How do artificial food dyes and colorings impact the microbiome? Are all seed oils bad? Which artificial sweeteners support our microbiome and which harm it? How does glyphosate impact health? Is EMF hygiene in the sleep location important? Are prebiotics feeing the bad guys as much as the good guys? What are the best tools for evaluating and treating parasites? Connect With My Guest: Related Resources: Book: Healthy Kids, Happy Kids Interview Date: August 1, 2024 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 
Jul 19, 2024 • 2h 12min

Episode #203: Gadolinium Deposition Disease with Dr. Richard Semelka, MD

Why You Should Listen:  In this episode, you will learn about the role of gadolinium in chronic conditions and about the entity of Gadolinium Deposition Disease. About My Guest: My guest for this episode is Dr. Richard Semelka.  Richard Semelka, MD has been in practice as a radiologist for 28 years and is a world authority in body MRI, safety in radiology, and gadolinium toxicity.  He is a leading published expert in radiology for body MRI and gadolinium toxicity and has made presentations at major meetings all over the world.  Dr. Semelka has written over 370 peer-reviewed papers and 16 text-books.  He is the first doctor to publish on the entity of Gadolinium Deposition Disease. Key Takeaways: What is gadolinium? What are the symptoms of Gadolinium Deposition Disease? Are certain populations at higher risk for GDD than others? Should gadolinium be treated before the immune priming event? How is gadolinium tested for? What is the primary route of gadolinium excretion? Are the symptoms toxigenic or immunogenic? Does gadolinium cross the blood brain barrier? Does gadolinium have an effect on the mast cells? How does gadolinium impact the mitochondria? Is there a correlation between methylation and response to gadolinium? Is supporting drainage pathways important? What are GAD removal and re-equilibration flares? How is gadolinium chelated from the body? Can glutathione be helpful in addressing gadolinium toxicity? Is there a role for sauna therapy? Connect With My Guest: Interview Date: July 10, 2024 Transcript: To review a transcript of this show, visit Additional Information: To learn more, visit Disclaimer:  The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority. 

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