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The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

Latest episodes

Apr 23, 2017 • 37min

201: Peter Mallouk - #1 Financial Advisor In America: Tony Robbins Business Partner

Episode 201: Peter Mallouk - #1 Financial Advisor In America: Tony Robbins Business Partner Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "I was not the greatest student, but I loved learning." - Peter Mallouk on why he earned 4 undergrad degrees, an MBA, a JD, and a CFP In This Episode, You Will Learn: Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence: Realize there is a recipe: Like baking a cake Bring incremental value Energy Discipline to do it over and over and over Why start his business?  Was uncomfortable just doing Estate planning and working with unethical people Key to success Great early hires helped propel Creative Planning Time management tips Focuses on doing what he enjoys most - Spending time with clients and employees, not pointless meetings "My #1 job is to be the best option for our clients as an advisor.  I spend 99% of my time with clients and employees." "I loathe meetings and seminars" Key to all of the awards? "Money follows value" -- In 2008/2009, people started looking for another financial advisor "We are very good at taking someone good and help make them great" Interview process: They receive over 100 job applications per week Resume screen all Pick the 5 best and do a phone screen Bring the best of those 100 (1 person typically) for an in person interview Meet with 6 different people Within the first 30 days, it still feels like an interview "We throw the ball and they better catch it, it's hard." Qualities needed: Education Ability to be detail oriented Great communicator Must be task oriented ("We can't make them be this, they need to have it") Make sure they can meet the clients needs How the Tony Robbins relationship started -- Peter informed Tony that he didn't fully understand what he was talking about (in regards to money) "Tony got pissed off and wrote Money: Master The Game..." What to look for in a business? "Find something that is idiot proof because at some point an idiot will be running the company" The keys to look for in a financial advisor Independent - Gets paid the same on every investment no matter what What response has Peter received from other financial advisors? "It has been negative.  I'm okay if they don't like me.  I'm competing against them, I don't expect us to all get along." Continue Learning: Follow Peter on Twitter: @PeterMallouk  Read: Unshakeable - Your Financial Freedom Playbook  Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Peter Mallouk on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by Rhone.  Use the code "Hawk" for 15% off.  Rhone... premium activewear engineered with principle, performance and progress for the modern man.  Rhone builds clothing around 3 main tenants: Cutting-edge Performance, Premium Comfort, and Simplistic Style.
Apr 16, 2017 • 1h 46min

200: AJ Hawk & Keith Hawk - Showing Up, Doing The Work, Earning Trust, Helping Others, Winning The Super Bowl, Celebrating #200

Episode 200: AJ Hawk & Keith Hawk - Showing Up, Doing The Work, Earning Trust, Helping Others, Winning The Super Bowl, Celebrating #200 Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "I've always been obsessed with being accountable to the people around me.  I have to be there for them." In This Episode, You Will Learn: Common themes of great coaches/leaders: A vividly clear picture of what success looks like Mission/Vision -- Habits built Give coaching feedback Look to help them "My success can only follow the success of others" Show up -- Be there (AJ) They are authentic Clearly communicate -- Jim Tressel was great at this, never had to yell Bad bosses/coaches: When they don't know what to do, they just yell They lose the principle that their job is to help people They only focus on numbers and not their people Being retired "It doesn't mean what it used to" "I now have the freedom to work on only what I want to..." "I like not being on someone else's schedule" Key to quickly earning respect from peers? "Be seen, not heard." "Be accountable to your peers/teammates. Always show up, be consistent." Must find a way to do the important "people" things and not just get caught up in the day to day tasks What do you miss? All of the people used to see daily Micro-Coaching The act of coaching others on the small details that lead to sustained excellence. The importance of doing this on a regular basis. Make it a habit Thoughts as a parent "My job to take you to the door, but it's up to you to go through it and thrive." "You need to compete as much as possible... That creates adversity, which is healthy for a kid." (AJ) "I almost feel like we have to create adversity... We don't want our kids to be spoiled." (To AJ) How will you handle it when your daughter Googles you and sees that you signed a 36 million dollar contract? Creating appreciation for your kids -- Making them earn what they get Recommend your kids spend time around those are who less fortunate so they know how lucky they are What do you hope others say about you? (Keith) - "That I helped them."  "My success can only follow the success of others."  "That I was full of integrity, honest, trustworthy." (AJ) - "Accountable to others, that I was a guy who made other people feel good.  That they never had to question me and whether I would be where I was supposed to be.  That I showed up." When people say "Man, it must be sad that AJ is done with football!" -- Not the case at all.  So grateful that it happened. "Don't cry because it's over.  Smile because it happened." "Always be there.  Show up. Don't delegate important tasks, be there.  Don't say no if you can say yes.  You have to earn trust." Continue Learning: Follow AJ on Twitter: @OfficialAJHawk Read: Get Real Selling by Keith Hawk Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing AJ Hawk and Keith Hawk on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by Rhone.  Use the code "Hawk" for 15% off.  Rhone... premium activewear engineered with principle, performance and progress for the modern man.  Rhone builds clothing around 3 main tenants: Cutting-edge Performance, Premium Comfort, and Simplistic Style.
Apr 9, 2017 • 39min

199: John Kralik - The Power of Gratitude (A Simple Act of Gratitude)

Episode 199: John Kralik - The Power of Gratitude (A Simple Act of Gratitude) Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "Until you are grateful for what you have, you won't get what you want." In This Episode, You Will Learn: Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence: Being grateful for what you have will lead to continued excellence How his second divorce impacted him: "The second time around, it's your fault" The power of writing thank you notes -- Learned from his grandfather "Until you are grateful for what you have, you won't get what you want." Writing one thank you note per day for one year "When you're negative, you're angry." His thank you note to his son prompted his son to take him out to lunch... What happened next? Life changing "He took out an envelope and paid me back $4,000 that he owed me." -  Writing all of your employees thank you notes: Why you should do this but most don't "Instead of being mad about my bad clients, I started thanking my good ones." -- The impact this had on John's business was immense "It turns out the one thing I had to be grateful for was my 8 year old daughter." -- "She loved this awful little apartment we lived in" "There are so many things to be grateful for" "When things don't go well, stay positive, stay grateful... Good things WILL happen" How to shift a negative mindset? -- Use a pen, write it out. Write thank you notes.  Use gratitude journals.  Trying to find out the person's address without asking them is part of the fun and the surprise. John has written over 1,100 thank you notes since starting this process Focus on the people supporting you everyday.  Say thank you How to write a great thank you note? -- John describes: 4 Sentences Always start with "thank you" Recognize the gift (or whatever they've done that's created your gratitude) Write one true sentence -- Why you're grateful Tell that person what they mean to you Listen as John reads a thank you note he wrote to his daughter (you might cry). Continue Learning: Read: A Simple Act of Gratitude  Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing John Kralik on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by Rhone.  Use the code "Hawk" for 15% off.  Rhone... premium activewear engineered with principle, performance and progress for the modern man.  Rhone builds clothing around 3 main tenants: Cutting-edge Performance, Premium Comfort, and Simplistic Style.
Apr 2, 2017 • 51min

198: Ian Robertson - The Winner Effect AND How Stress Can Make You Better

Episode 198: Ian Robertson - The Winner Effect AND How Stress Can Make You Better Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "Success breeds success.  The mere act of winning makes it more likely you'll win again." In This Episode, You Will Learn: Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence: Ability to set goals -- Not too big but not too easy Self belief -- Self Confidence Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic motivation There will always be someone better than you.  The focus should be on improving your own self Why Elon Musk and Steve Jobs transcend the norms "A lot of people suffered in Steve Jobs desire to build those products" Steve and Elon are anomalies, not the norm "To be #1 in the industry is NOT a good goal" What happens to lottery winners a year later? -- "Ashes in your mouth" How the brain is complex What it means to be a bad dad -- Pablo Picasso "Success conveys power... Power changes your brain.  It creates narcissism" Bad Dad's "hide the ladder."  They get up the tree, then do not show others how they got there. "Keep a ladder down for others" "They must see that it's not God Like... That they can do it" Study: Kids -- Those who believe they can do better and influence their IQ, do better in school. With fixed mindset, failure hurts the ego How can stress make you stronger? Tiger Woods example -- Being nervous before a competition is a good thing (with the right mindset) If you have a big presentation and you say to yourself, "I'm nervous." You'll do worse than if you say "I'm really excited." Adopting a challenge mindset, visualizing the reward "Create a challenge mindset" If you're nervous, don't say "I feel calm." That's not true and your brain knows it.  Instead, say "I'm excited."  Use that energy for good. Using the Joe Buck "So What" method -- It can help with irrational fear of disapproval Can too much happiness be bad for you? -- Yes, over protecting our children can be bad.  They need to experience adversity. "Leaders by definition have to have a vision." "Success conveys power... Power changes your brain." Continue Learning: Follow Ian on Twitter: @ihrobertson Read: The Winner Effect Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Ian Robertson on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by FreshBooks: FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to and enter LEARNING LEADER in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section.
Mar 26, 2017 • 46min

197: Linda Rottenberg - Why Crazy Is A Compliment

Episode 197: Linda Rottenberg - Why Crazy Is A Compliment Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "The Greatest Risk Today Is Not Taking A Risk At All." In This Episode, You Will Learn: Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence: Cannot rely too much on assumptions/success of the past Can't stop taking risks Must continually challenge yourself Start "Stealth" Women at Cholorox started testing on the playground.  After proving it worked, they went to their bosses to implement "It's the best time ever to test ideas." Why Linda was called the "Chica Loca" -- "The Crazy Girl" "If you're not called crazy at the beginning of something, you're not thinking big enough" "The greatest risk today is not taking a risk at all" "People have to give themselves permission" "One of the most famous spin offs was Amazon Cloud Services" "The hardest person to convince to do something new is yourself" Lin Manuel Miranda - Hamilton. Think... "Can I afford to not do my idea?" "Don't burn the boats, but you do need to close some doors." The Paradox of Choice The problem with hollow mission statements -- Uber Culture can shift based on the leaders -- Satya Nadella leading Microsoft GE - Beth Comstock MTV - How they found the best secrets through breaking corporate molds "Stop focusing on your PowerPoint... Test, figure it out, then share." Jeff Bezos - 2 Pizza Rule Zig when everyone else zags.  Learn to see the world differently The power of being vulnerability to build trust "We'll follow you anywhere Linda" "If You're Not Called Crazy At The Beginning Of Something, You're Not Thinking Big Enough" Continue Learning: Follow Linda on Twitter: @lindarottenberg Read: Crazy Is A Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags  Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Linda Rottenberg on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by FreshBooks: FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to and enter LEARNING LEADER in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section.
Mar 19, 2017 • 48min

196: Anthony Iannarino - The Only Sales Podcast You'll Ever Need

Episode 196: Anthony Iannarino - The Only Sales Podcast You'll Ever Need   Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "Who you are matters more than what you do." In This Episode, You Will Learn: Good vs. Great.  What separates the two? Self Discipline - "Me Management" Prospecting - Opportunity Creation "If your dream client could already get the result they wanted, they wouldn't need you" Qualities of the best: Caring Other Oriented Leading with insight "The skill set doesn't matter until the mindset is there" Competitive Is selling an art or a science? Creation of The Sales Blog Consistent processes "I decided I'm a writer... So I write everyday." Asked to do his first keynote after writing everyday for 10 months "The more you work, the more opportunity finds you" EEA for every keynote: Engage & Entertain Educate - Mindset shift Actionable Ideas - Know how to do something different Interview people from the audience before every keynote.  Get to know them, their goals "The best leaders don't look at the scoreboard, they look at the players" Winston Churchill leadership Learn from both the good and the bad leaders -- Take notes "Leadership is the decision to be accountable for a result" "You need to lead NOW.  You can decide to lead whenever you want, wherever you are." "Leadership is a decision. A choice." "Leadership is the decision to be accountable for a result" Continue Learning: Follow Anthony on Twitter: @iannarino  Read: The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Anthony Iannarino on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by FreshBooks: FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to and enter LEARNING LEADER in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section.
Mar 12, 2017 • 30min

195: Derek Thompson - What Makes Something A Hit? (Hit Makers)

Episode 195: Derek Thompson - What Makes Something A Hit? (Hit Makers) Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "Think of speechwriting like a music composer.  Use repetition and choruses." In This Episode, You Will Learn: What makes something a hit? Is there a formula?  No, there is not a formula... People think there is and that's a mistake Bottom line: "Distribution beats content" -- "This is an unsentimental book" There is power in distribution How did Simon Sinek's TED Talk go viral? It was shared by people with millions of followers on multiple platforms like Reddit Think: Who is my audience? Broadcast your content to the right audience Why do we always watch Dumber and Dumber and Shawshank Redemption? There is nostalgia in art We are always trying to recover existential love How did Bumble spread? Injected into mainstream consciousness through celebrity -- Start with one very attractive sorority and continue to repeat How did Facebook spread? Piggy backed off of other networks (Harvard) How Jon Favreau and President Barack Obama write speeches: They think like musicians Using choruses and repetition The best speeches connect with people where they are -- "The power of repetition in song is remarkable" How has Derek made his book a best-seller? Familiarity and repartition followed by surprise Familiar surprises throughout Great distribution "We don't like pure originality that much.  We like familiarity."  Continue Learning: Follow Derek on Twitter: @DKThomp Read: Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Derek Thompson on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by FreshBooks: FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to and enter LEARNING LEADER in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section.
Mar 6, 2017 • 53min

194: Nate Checketts - CEO Of Rhone: Leaving Comfort To Make An Impact

Episode 194: Nate Checketts - CEO Of Rhone: Leaving Comfort To Make An Impact Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "If I didn't think people could change, then I think life would be less meaningful." In This Episode, You Will Learn: Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence: It's easy to say someone "got lucky" but that is almost never the case Routine - The best have a routine for long term success. Need good years, need good months, need good weeks, need good days.  You must plan for that success.  Create routines Advice from Jack Dorsey: How to stay focused? Focus on one thing at a time Set specific days for certain meetings and do not deviate.  Take ownership of your calendar and schedule Nate's Routine Wake up at 5 am Spritual time, meditation Write in The 5 Minute Journal Exercise, Yoga, Running Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - At his desk by 7:30 "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." - Ben Franklin "Be the dentist of your own calendar" The story of getting Rhone started in 2011 Nobody was doing premium menswear Feb. 2013 incorporated Spent an hour each way on the train commuting to his job working on Rhone "Why does it feel like taboo to talk about inspiring men?  It shouldn't" Describing the fund raising process "Raising capital is much more art than science" "The biggest key for us was photography.  People needed to see it" Why Shane Battier is a Rhone guy After raising $8M, how do you decide where to spend that money? Speaking about the success of his Dad, Dave Checketts (CEO of Madison Square Garden, New York Knicks) How to instill a work ethic in your children? What it was like growing up with ultra successful parents and how that impacted him How Nate and his wife parent their children How the quote "He was born on third base and convinced he hit a triple" has motivated Nate How he made money creating a sports camp in his backyard growing up "You can't teach effort" Books to read: 7 Habits (Covey) How Habits Work (Duhigg) Red Rising (Fiction) Learning Leader = "I love the idea of being an eternal student." "Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." - Benjamin Franklin Continue Learning: Follow Rhone on Twitter: @rhone Follow Nate on Twitter: @natechecketts Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Nate Checketts on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by FreshBooks: FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to and enter LEARNING LEADER in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section.
Feb 27, 2017 • 60min

193: Erik Wahl - How To Rediscover Your Creative Genius

    Episode 193: Erik Wahl - How To Rediscover Your Creative Genius Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "Performing is not an act of extroversion, it's an act of connection." In This Episode, You Will Learn: The fascination with "live theatre" -- Erik is a performer on stage (art, speaking, message, theatrical) "Transport so the molecules in the room change" How to reverse engineer what we love What happened after Erik was told that "Art was not his strength" Relationship with money and success -- how it can be unhealthy Why artists have a different take on life... A life of philosophical gratitude "I built this plane as I flew it" Pursue mastery... Be insatiably curious on how to connect with audiences The power of vulnerability and why you should share more of yourself First paid gig? $1,000 in LA -- "I probably sucked." The tipping point to kick off his speaking/performing career The definition of being introverted... Erik is an introvert.  He gains energy from alone time... Stage time is where the energy is spent Erik's writing process -- "Verbal Vomit" -- Fortunate to have great team of editors Why we should all study acting and stand up comedians Thinking, "What will fascinate the audience?" Pre speech routine -- Stretching, meditation.  Taking energy from "Me and giving it to them" Decluttering of the mind. Meditate. Think at a higher level "Art is about producing... Thinking... Expanding consciousness" Understanding the value of being uncomfortable "Money is not important to us, we do not sell my paintings" Why audiences are drawn to authenticity and trust Why we should rehearse creativity on a regular basis How much does Erik get paid per speech now? $40,000 New ideas? Holographs, Drones, Cirque Du Soleil "Pursue excellence, pursue mastery... Let the money come where it may" "Creativity is a muscle that must face resistance to create more... Be stronger." Continue Learning: Follow Erik on Twitter: @ErikWahl Read: The Spark and The Grind Read: Unthink: Rediscover Your Creative Genius Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Erik Wahl on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by FreshBooks: FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to and enter LEARNING LEADER in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section.
Feb 20, 2017 • 52min

192: Carey Lohrenz - The 1st Female F-14 Tomcat Pilot: Fearless Leadership, Top Gun, Courage

�  Episode 192: Carey Lohrenz - The 1st Female F-14 Tomcat Pilot: Fearless Leadership, Top Gun, Courage Subscribe on iTunes  or Stitcher Radio The Learning Leader Show "The best have the courage to step up.  Don't ever think others are better than you or they have advantages that you don't.  Step up.  Do the work." In This Episode, You Will Learn: Common themes of leaders who sustain excellence: Mindset about how they view setbacks Have a comfort in the uncomfortable They are always learning, constantly striving for more How JJ Watt seems to embrace "the suck" Carey answers the question... "Why was she the first female F-14 Tomcat pilot?" Going to Miramar to train as a fighter pilot -- The experience of it... Some of Carey's classmates flew in the movie Top Gun Call sign: Vixen Where was Carey deployed?  World wide on aircraft carriers.  Discreet missions Carey has landed over 150 times on an aircraft carrier and many times at night Listen to her detailed description of what it's like to fly at night over the ocean (pitch black) An aircraft carrier = "Looks like a postage stamp... I have to land in 1.2 seconds on it" How does Carey overcome the palpable fear? Constant repetition Why write the book Fearless Leadership? The 3 Fundamentals of Fearless Leadership Courage Tenacity Integrity Courage -- You will be filled with self doubt.  "The best have the courage to step up.  The ability to go for it even when they're afraid." "The most successful people I've seen do what they need to do even when they don't want to do it." Keys to building a great culture Be a great wingman Trust Get help with your blind spots - have open lines of communication built on trust Must hold each other accountable What is the military's secret weapon to improvement? Debriefs: What was supposed to happen? What did happen? Why was it different? What can we learn from this? How do we incorporate this next time? The military has the ability and processes in place to learn faster than the competition.  Businesses can do this too, but most don't. It starts with the Leader -- "This is what I did wrong... And how I will fix my mistake." "I went from Mach 2 to pre-school." Continue Learning: Follow Carey on Twitter: @CareyLohrenz Read: Fearless Leadership Connect with me on LinkedIn Join our Facebook Group: The Learning Leader Community To Follow Me on Twitter: @RyanHawk12 You may also like these episodes: Episode 078: Kat Cole – From Hooters Waitress To President of Cinnabon Episode 071: Nate Boyer - Green Beret, Texas Football, The NFL Episode 179: How To Sustain Excellence - The Best Answers From 178 Questions Episode 107: Simon Sinek – Leadership: It Starts With Why Did you enjoy the podcast? If you enjoyed hearing Carey Lohrenz on the show, please don’t hesitate to send me a note on Twitter or email me. Episode edited by the great J Scott Donnell The Learning Leader Show is supported by FreshBooks: FreshBooks is offering a 30 day, unrestricted free trial to my listeners. To claim it, just go to and enter LEARNING LEADER in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section.

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