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Unf*cking The Republic

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Nov 13, 2021 • 1h 10min

The Global Order of Power: Money, Position & Might.

Last week we reviewed the global order of money. Today we examine money’s sister, power. It’s an American-centric journey spanning 75 years, from the Cold War through the War on Terror. We start with a deep dive into the five years following the Second World War and highlight the men who crafted the policies that would determine the fate of the world. We dissect how these policies changed over the years to suit a narrative that ensured the continued growth of the military industrial complex and show how this outdated and ossified thinking might ultimately bring U.S. domination to an end. Chapters 00:00:40 Intro 00:04:21 Segment 1 00:15:53 Skit 00:18:02 Segment 2 00:48:23 Show Notes 00:48:58 Book Love 00:50:28 Emails + Shoutouts 01:08:00 Outro Resources The New Yorker: The Florentine SourceWatch: Pax Americana Brookings: Decision to Intervene: How the War in Bosnia Ended Book Love Stephen Kinzer: The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince Carl Von Clausewitz: On War Nicholas Thompson: The Hawk and the Dove: Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the History of the Cold War Howard Zinn: Howard Zinn on War Curt Cardwell: Nsc 68 and the Political Economy of the Early Cold War -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by love and distributed by rockets. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Nov 6, 2021 • 1h 13min

The Global Order of Money: How exactly does it make the world go ‘round?

We’ve hit on some big economic themes from capitalism and socialism to deregulation, privatization and Modern Monetary Theory. And we’re typically focused on results and outcomes of policies related to these theories. Today we’re taking a step back to examine the nature of capital and examining the nature of currency, trade and debt. Money is great, but who prints it? Who decides how much to print and what it’s worth? Who creates the rules of engagement for international trade? Big picture stuff only today, Unf*ckers but we do raise some even bigger questions at the end of the show. With that, let’s unf*ck The Global Order of Money.  Chapters 00:00:18 Intro 00:05:51 Segment 1 00:13:51 Skit 00:17:53 Segment 2 00:53:33 Show Notes 00:55:18 Book Love 00:56:45 Emails + Shoutouts 01:11:21 Outro Resources International Monetary Fund: Where the IMF Gets Its Money The Guardian: Working at the World Bank, I can see how it is failing humanity on the climate crisis Reuters: U.S. committed to WTO and wants it to succeed, trade rep Tai says Book Love The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914, by Margaret MacMillan The World for Sale: Money, Power, and the Traders Who Barter the Earth's Resources, by Javier Blas and Jack Farchy Zombie Capitalism: Global Crisis and the Relevance of Marx, by Chris Harman Writings of Eugene V Debs: A Collection of Essays by America's Most Famous Socialist by The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Central Banks and distributed by Lobbyists. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Oct 30, 2021 • 60min

“Independent” Men with Massive Platforms: Jon Stewart, Dave Chappelle & Joe Rogan.

In this week’s installment of how to lose friends and disappoint people, we’re talking about the independent platform media culture, mostly of the male persuasion. So, yes. Much of this will drip with irony as I, a white male with a small platform, attempt to mansplain how to think about other men with platforms. Our three main subjects today have been in the news for various reasons. Dave Chappelle, Jon Stewart and Joe Rogan. These three have a combined audience reach that rivals any major network, which should challenge our assumptions of what defines the “mainstream media” these days. In this Quickie we dissect the changing media landscape, the nature of punditry and who has the power and responsibility in the relationship between platform and audience.  Resources Deadline: ‘World News Tonight With David Muir’ Tops Season In Total Viewers And Key Demos; All Network Evening Newscasts See Ratings Drop Entertainment Weekly: The Problem With Jon Stewart breaks Apple TV+ records — get a peek at episode 2 USA Today: Making the grade?: In these school districts, students are less likely to succeed World Population Review: Murder Rate By State 2021 Moyers: What Does Paul Ryan Really Mean by the Phrase “Inner City”? Google Ngram Offers a Clue News Beat: A Guide To Mass Incarceration In America Pod Love News Beat: Slavery & Genocide: How Indigenous People Remember Christopher Columbus ft. John Kane -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Nigel Tufnel and distributed by MySpace. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Oct 23, 2021 • 1h 2min

Capitasociafascilibdemarxism: Exploring ISMs in the Modern Age.

In today’s cure for insomnia episode, we explore the origins of the ISMs the pundit class abuses each and every day. We’re focusing on the big ones. Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Marxism and Capitalism. The show covers the theorists who created these theories, touch on the circumstances that inspired their thinking and how far from these concepts we have moved as a society. Plus, we’ll talk through how most of these theories (except fascism) are more alike than we’ve been led to believe. (99 and Manny note: “Not the most scintillating episode, but Max was so excited we didn’t have the heart to tell him.”)  Resources Truthdig: Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism Book Love Joseph A. Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte Karl Marx: Das Kapital Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations Pod Love Pitchfork Economics American Scandal: The Ice Pick Surgeon -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Freddy Engles and distributed by leaflets. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’ Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Oct 16, 2021 • 56min

From Bull Moose to Jackass: U.S. Progressivism from 1912 to 2021.

Today’s episode is a mashup of a Quickie and a full fledged Unf*cking. We start by going back in time to tell the origin story of the Progressive Party colloquially known as the Bull Moose Party. We examine the original party platform and draw a straight line between the issues facing the nation in 1912 that still face us today. Then we follow with a Quickie on three progressive members of the House of Representatives that give us hope for the future. Resources Indian Country Today: Theodore Roosevelt: ‘The Only Good Indians Are the Dead Indians’ Smithsonian Magazine: Why Teddy Roosevelt Tried to Bully His Way Onto the WWI Battlefield Britannica: Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act The American Presidency Project: Progressive Party Platform of 1912 Problem Solvers Caucus: Problem Solvers Caucus Unveils "Building Bridges" The American Prospect: The Progressive Caucus Wields Power jayapal.house.gov Progressive Punch: Scores khanna.house.gov Pressley.house.gov Al Jazeera: When it comes to Islamophobia, we need to name names Book Love Henry F. Pringle: Theodore Roosevelt Herbert Croly: The Promise of American Life: Updated Edition Pod Love Majority Report with Sam Seder  Unf*cker Love Robert McDermott: Jone$town -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Mad Larry and distributed by bar backs. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’ Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Oct 9, 2021 • 52min

1 Year Anniversary: Look Back, Go Forward.

It’s the one-year anniversary of Unf*cking the Republic. Yay us. Only 1.6 million other podcasts have passed this historic mark. We couldn’t let the moment pass, however, without offering our profound thanks to those who got us here on this little journey of ours. So today we reflect a bit on the last year, draw some conclusions and tie things up with a bow. We end with a look forward at some of the issues we’re set to tackle in the coming months and remark on a few trends that are both hopeful and troubling as we continue to unf*ck the republic together. Thanks to all the Unf*ckers, Subf*ckers, UnCanuckers, Eurof*ckers and Down Under F*ckers for supporting the show. Onward!  Pod Love TransLash Media: The Anti-Trans Hate Machine Callie Wright: Queersplaining -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by College Street and distributed on Appleton. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’ Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Oct 2, 2021 • 53min

The Washington Consensus: Consensus is not consent.

Economist John Williamson presented a paper titled The Washington Consensus in 1989. More of a reflection than a policy statement, the Washington Consensus became a policy framework in the neoliberal school of expansion and trade, particularly as it relates to Latin America and the Caribbean. Today we examine the legacy of Williamson’s seminal paper, how it has echoed throughout American foreign policy over time and what it portends for an uncertain economic future in the era of climate change. Oh, and it gives us another opportunity to say Fuck Milton Friedman. Resources Nancy Birdsall, Augusto de la Torre and Felipe Valencia Caicedo: The Washington Consensus- Assessing a Damaged Brand Wall Street Journal: Era of Brady Bonds Ends For Developing Nations WWF: Environmental Problems In Brazil Leonardo Gasparini, María Emma Santos and Leopoldo Tornarolli: Poverty in Latin America John Williamson: The Washington Consensus as Policy Prescription for Development John Williamson: The World According to John Williamson: Part II Book Love Imperialism, Neoliberalism, and Social Struggles in Latin America Neoliberal Meltdown and Social Protest by Carlos M. Vilas The Harvest of Neoliberalism by Jose Bell Lara and Delia Luisa Lopez Pod Love Best of the Left: #1426 The Liberation and Assimilation of Pride Month (6/26/21) Gender Reveal: Starter Packs Métis in Space Unf*cker Love China Heritage: On This Day: 11 September 2021, a Commemoration in Three Chapters -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by the Phantom of the Opera and distributed by three blind mice. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’ Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Sep 25, 2021 • 47min

UNFTR on LGBTQ: Behind the Acronyms.

Today we begin a conversation about the LGBTQ movement in the United States, with a nod to our Canadian friends as well. In order to properly introduce issues facing LGBTQ people into the larger context of socio economic and political topics we cover on UNFTR, we wanted to start with a conversation about the evolving language of inclusion and representation within the LGBTQ community.  Resources Edmonton CityNews: Hope blossoms as first two-spirited MP elected Code Switch: Is It Time To Say R.I.P. to P.O.C.? Geneseo: Understanding Gender Identity and Gender Expression PBS: American Experience- Stonewall Uprising New York Times: The Stonewall You Know Is a Myth. And That’s O.K Human Rights Campaign: Fatal Violence Against the Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Community in 2021 National Center For Transgender Equality: LGBTQ People Behind Bars Human Rights Campaign: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Definitions The Williams Institute: Poverty In The Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Community Columbia Journalism Review: How the word ‘queer’ was adopted by the LGBTQ community LGBTQIA Resource Center: UC Davis Resource Book Love  Eric Cervini: The Deviant's War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America Joey Mogul, Andrea Ritchie + Kay Whitlock: Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’ Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Sep 23, 2021 • 46min

BONUS: An interview with Unkechaug Chief Harry Wallace and Native Coffee Trader’s Amy Wallace.

Today we break from our format to introduce you to our partners from Native Coffee Traders on the Poospatuck Reservation in New York. Harry Wallace, the elected chief of the Unkechaug people, founded Native Coffee Traders in 1994. The company is now run by his niece and head roaster Amy Wallace. Harry and Amy joined Max in the studio to discuss issues facing native people today, the importance of economic development and sovereignty, and why their coffee is so fucking delicious. Resources Shop Unf*cking Coffee -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Sep 18, 2021 • 57min

Building the Climate Industrial Complex: Strange Bedfellows, Wildfires and Heat Waves.

The world is more fucked than the United States. And we’re pretty fucked, so that’s saying a lot. Perhaps there’s a way to mitigate this mess by playing upon our worst instincts as a nation and the competitiveness that drives the world. Today we take an alternative view of our response to climate change through the lens of the most dispassionate and powerful observer in the world: The U.S. Military. It’s known for decades that the planet is fucked. And they’ve been preparing in plain sight. Resources IPCC- Summary for Policymakers Institute for Policy Integrity- Gauging Economic Consensus on Climate Change Center for Climate and Security- Chronology of Military and Intelligence Concerns About Climate Change World Economic Forum- This is how climate change could impact the global economy Swiss Re- World economy set to lose up to 18% GDP from climate change if no action taken New York Times- 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River. It’s Drying Up Fast. The Black Vault- 1990 U.S. Naval Report Sub Love Adam Tooze- Chartbook Spencer Ackerman- Forever Wars Book Love  Michael T. Klare- All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change Pod Love Slate- What Next TBD Global Optimism- Outrage and Optimism Unf*cker Love Daron Davis: An unfortunate name but a profound podcast -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: unftr.com/rate and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at unftr.com. Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at shop.unftr.com. Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at unftr.substack.com to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: spoti.fi/3yzIlUP. Visit our bookshop.org page at bookshop.org/shop/UNFTRpod to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at unftr.com/accessibility. Unf*cking the Republic is produced and engineered by Manny Faces Media (mannyfacesmedia.com). Original music is by Tom McGovern (tommcgovern.com). The show is written and hosted by Rick and distributed by Morty. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/unftrSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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