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The Financial Independence Show

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Sep 10, 2022 • 1h 26min

Show Notes [Ep 72: This Healthcare is Killing Us.]

In today's Show Notes, Max and 99 continue to discuss the healthcare industry—this time with insight from some of the international Unf*ckers. Plus, 99 has the sniffles and sounds like Squidward. And, as always, (somehow) there’s singing. Enjoy! Listen to Episode 72: This Healthcare is Killing Us: The perpetual cycle of money madness. Chapters Intro: 00:00:20 Emails: 00:06:35 Twitter Shout Outs: 01:18:01 Instagram Shout Outs: 01:18:01 Buy Me A Coffee Donations + Memberships: 01:50:47 Reviews: 01:23:13 Outro: 01:24:27 Resources UNFTR Artist Submission Unf*ckers Facebook Group Media Roots Podcast: Alex Jones Part 1 and Part 2 IndoctriNation Podcast Amanda Montell: Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism UNFTR Episode: Global Order of Money UNFTR Episode: Global Order of Power UNFTR Episode: America Inc. Knudsen in the news -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic."Support the show: for privacy information.
Sep 5, 2022 • 1h 15min

Unf*cking Flashback: Labor Unions: From Pullman to Kellogg’s. Labor’s long, hard road.

We're re-releasing our Labor Union episode in honor of Labor Day. For Unf*ckers outside of the United States, this is the day government set aside as a token of appreciation to the labor movement for eight hour days, weekends, anti-child labor laws, protection from discrimination and more. (In reality, it was a consolation prize after Grover Cleveland jailed Eugene Debs and sent federal troops to beat the shit out of Pullman railcar workers on strike.) We celebrate this glorious day by giving members of the PMC a holiday to shop at stores run by the working poor. -- From Pullman and Carnegie to Kellogg's and the PRO Act, this week we unf*ck the labor movement in the United States. No single episode can possibly do labor justice but we give it our best shot. The episode includes a blow-by-blow analysis of a recent interview with the CEO of Kellogg's to translate Wall Street speak for “how to fuck workers and influence inflation.” And we rip off a few Milton references to exercise our #FMF muscle. Chapters Intro: 00:00:42 Segment 1: 00:02:11 Segment 2: 00:04:25 Segment 3: 00:12:18 Segment 4: 00:17:46 Segment 5: 00:21:29 Segment 6: 00:28:00 Segment 7: 00:30:20 Segment 8: 00:41:22 Show Notes: 00:52:15 Book Love: 00:57:17 Pod Love: 00:58:02 Emails + Shoutouts: 00:58:45 Outro: 01:10:42 Resources American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) The New York Times: Starbucks workers at a Buffalo store unionize in a big symbolic win for labor Kellogg Company: Investor Relations The Nation: Striking Kellogg’s Workers Need the PRO Act U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics: Work Stoppages OECD: Trade Union Dataset  U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics: Union Members — 2020 Economic History Association: Labor Unions in the United States History of Recessions in U.S. Unionization rates by industry in the United States, 1880-2000 More Perfect Union: Kellogg's Factory Working Conditions Media Matters: Joe Rogan Wrapped: A year of COVID-19 misinformation, right-wing myths, and anti-trans rhetoric Book Love Philip Dray: There Is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America Nelson Lichtenstein: State of the Union: A Century of American Labor Kurt Andersen: Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America Joseph Stiglitz: People, Power and Profits Robert Shiller: Narrative Economics Pod Love Economic Update with Professor Richard Wolff: S11 E47 -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list. Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by Eugene Debs and distributed by the Pinkertons. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: for privacy information.
Sep 3, 2022 • 54min

This Healthcare is Killing Us: The perpetual cycle of money madness.

The first installment of our healthcare series encapsulated the magnitude of the industry that accounts for 20% of our nation’s GDP and how efforts to pursue universal healthcare were scuttled over the years. Today’s episode examines the role of private insurance in our system and details how Obamacare came to life with little discussion around a public option or the possibility of Medicare for All.  Chapters Intro: 00:01:58 Chapter One: Understanding the scope of healthcare. 00:03:12 Chapter Two: The Insurance Class System: 00:16:29 Chapter Three: Making the Sausage: 00:26:32 Post Show Musings: 00:46:27 Outro: 00:51:50 Resources The New York Times: U.S. Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Setback Health System Tracker: How does health spending in the U.S. compare to other countries? The Atlantic: Did a Conservative Think Tank Really Invent the Individual Mandate? The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: The Burden of Medical Debt: Results from the Kaiser Family Foundation/New York Times  UnitedHealth Group: Annual Report Humana: 2021 Annual Report Anthem, Inc: Annual Report National Association of Insurance Commissioners: U.S. Health Insurance Industry Analysis Report  Book Love Paul Starr: The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry Steven Brill: America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Join the Unf*cker-run Facebook group: Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written by means and hosted by regression analyses. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic."Support the show: for privacy information.
Sep 1, 2022 • 1h 52min

Show Notes [Topical Cream 6: Biden’s Big Student Debt Announcement.]

In today's Show Notes, Max and 99 continue talking about the student debt announcement and its impact, address more feedback from the healthcare episode, plus feedback from the last show notes re: Big Pharma, natural medicine and vaccines. Listen to Topical Cream 6: Biden’s Big Student Debt Announcement. Chapters Intro: 00:00:20 Emails: 00:09:22 Facebook Shout Outs: 01:37:40 Twitter Shout Outs: 01:45:19 Buy Me A Coffee Donations + Memberships: 01:50:47 Outro: 01:51:16 Resources UNFTR Merch Store Trust Me Podcast: Virginia Heffernan: Edge, Jeffrey Epstein, & the Intellectual Dark Web Conspirituality Podcast Maintenance Phase Podcast Unf*ckers Facebook Group UNFTR Episodes: Libertarians Are Exhausting Part One and Part Two. UNFTR Episodes: Corporate (Ir)Responsibility Part One and Part Two. UNFTR Episodes: F*ck Milton Friedman. ProPublica: How a Secretive Billionaire Handed His Fortune to the Architect of the Right-Wing Takeover of the Courts The Intercept: Joe Biden’s Role In Creating The Student Debt Crisis Stretches Back To The 1970s Generations X,Y, Z and the Others -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic."Support the show: for privacy information.
Aug 30, 2022 • 1h 2min

Phone a Friend: Lily Geismer, author of Left Behind: The Democrats’ Failed Attempt to Solve Inequality.

Lily Geismer wrote an incredible book called Left Behind. Unf*ckers who listened to our three part series on the Clinton years are familiar with it and know how important it was to framing this series. We had some follow up thoughts and questions for this esteemed author and are thrilled she obliged. Max and Lily have a wide ranging conversation about her book and the long tail effect of Clinton’s brand of neoliberalism in the second installment of Phone a Friend. Resources UNFTR Episode: The Clinton Years (Parts One, Two, and Three) Lily Geismer: Left Behind: The Democrats’ Failed Attempt to Solve Inequality Lily Geismer: Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Party Nathan J. Robinson: Superpredator: Bill Clinton’s Use and Abuse of Black America UNFTR Episode: The Economics of Racism: Bootstraps, Black Banks and Redlining Michelle Alexander: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness Mehrsa Baradaran: The Color of Money: Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap Richard Rothstein: The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America Gary Gerstle: The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order: America and the World in the Free Market Era Lily on Twitter -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Join the Unf*cker-run Facebook group: Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written by Max and hosted by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: for privacy information.
Aug 28, 2022 • 22min

Biden’s Big Student Debt Announcement: PITOTWIU for the Indebted Masses.

It’s here! It’s finally here! Today we review our predictions for student debt relief and square them with Biden’s proposed plan. There’s a lot to like about the announcement, several unanswered questions and some gaping holes in the plan going forward. Max breaks down the politics, the details and biggest misses of the Biden student debt relief plan and why it’s in danger of being PITOTWIU. Resources The Balance: How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government World Population Review: Average Family Income 2022 PBS NewsHour: President Biden announces decision on student debt forgiveness Committee For a Responsible Federal Budget: New Student Debt Changes Will Cost Half a Trillion Dollars Penn Wharton Budget Model: The Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Plan: Budgetary Costs and Distributional Impact Josh Mitchell: The Debt Trap: How Student Loans Became a National Catastrophe UNFTR Episode Resources Student Debt. Modern Monetary Theory. Corporate (Ir)Responsibility (Part I) and (Part II). -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic."Support the show: for privacy information.
Aug 26, 2022 • 2h 16min

Show Notes [Ep 71: U.S. Healthcare.]

In today’s Show Notes Max and 99 talk for 30 hours…Okay, exaggeration. But they talk for a long while, because there’s a lot of U.S. healthcare feedback to run through, as the Unf*ckers are so smart and dedicated (as usual). All hail Nettie. Listen to U.S. Healthcare. Chapters Intro: 00:00:20 UNFTR Healthcare Update: 00:03:13 Emails: 00:08:13 Facebook Shout Outs: 01:57:12 Twitter Shout Outs: 02:02:30 Instagram Shout Outs: 02:05:05 Substack: 02:06:57 Buy Me A Coffee Donations + Memberships: 02:10:34 Reviews: 02:14:42 Resources Nettie's Fund Ron DeSantis Standing Maintenance Phase Podcast      -Weight Watchers      -Super Size Me      -Jordan Peterson Part 1 and Part 2 Unf*cker-run Facebook Group Majority Report with John Abramson Nathan J. Robinson: The Intellectual We Deserve An Arm and a Leg Podcast Elisabeth Rosenthal: An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back UNFTR Artists -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic."Support the show: for privacy information.
Aug 26, 2022 • 17min

All Hail Nettie.

A note for one of our original Unf*ckers. Sending our love, light, and thank yous to Nettie for being the patron saint of this show, and making us all better. If you're able, please consider donating to Nettie's fund: the show: for privacy information.
Aug 20, 2022 • 1h 14min

U.S. Healthcare: America’s Hypocritical Oath.

Today we’re doing some level setting on healthcare in the U.S.—a long requested topic. We navigate this unf*cking based on direct queries from the Unf*ckers, creating a baseline that helps establish a foundation for related features down the road and an understanding of the moving parts and shared language for the challenges we face. Stay tuned, as next week we’re going to delve deep into the Affordable Care Act. Chapters Intro: 00:01:28 Chapter One: 00:02:40 Chapter Two: 00:09:31 Chapter Three: 00:18:32 Chapter Four: 00:32:54 Post Show Musings: 00:38:54 Book Love: 00:46:12 Pod Love: 00:48:03 Outro: 01:12:14 Resources The New York Times: Big Changes Are Coming for Health Care Costs Health System Tracker: National Health Spending Explorer GovTrack: H.R. 5376: Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 NHE Fact Sheet Milton Friedman: How to Cure Health Care Medtronic: Annual Report Abbott Laboratories: Annual Report Stryker: 2021 Comprehensive Report HCA Healthcare, Inc: Annual Report Fierce Healthcare: Kaiser Permanente reports $8.1B net profit in 2021 despite shrinking operating income UHS: Annual Report UnitedHealth Group: Annual Report Humana: 2021 Annual Report Anthem, Inc: Annual Report Pfizer: Annual Report Merck & Co: Annual Report AbbVie Inc: Annual Report CNBC: The wealthiest 10% of Americans own a record 89% of all U.S. stocks Book Love Paul Starr: The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The Rise of a Sovereign Profession and the Making of a Vast Industry Steven Brill: America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System Pod Love Congressional Dish: CD255: Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) Sawbones -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Join the Unf*cker-run Facebook group: Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by costs and distributed by outcomes. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, ‘Unf*cking the Republic.’Support the show: for privacy information.
Aug 18, 2022 • 1h 50min

Show Notes [Ep 69: Max Unfiltered + More.]

In today's Show Notes, Max and 99 shoot the shit and catch up on what the world’s been up to since they took a lil vacation. Listen to Max Unfiltered. Listen to A Chat with Tom McGovern. Listen to UNFTR x Best of the Left. Listen to The Clinton Years (Parts One, Two, and Three). Listen to UNFTR X News Beat. Chapters Intro: 00:00:20 Emails: 00:18:00 Facebook Shout Outs: 01:25:54 Twitter Shout Outs: 01:28:03 Buy Me A Coffee Donations + Memberships: 01:35:30 Reviews: 01:46:52 Outro: 01:48:58 Resources UNFTR Merch Store Uncertain Hour Podcast: Season One Unf*ckers Facebook Group Ike McCorkle (Colorado) Mother Country Radicals Podcast Chesa Boudin on News Beat Tom McGovern: Someone Ate My Corn  Behind The Bastards: The Second American Civil War You Never Learned About UNFTR on Youtube The Captain’s Band (Hold Fast) -- If you like #UNFTR, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts: and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @UNFTRpod. Visit us online at Buy yourself some Unf*cking Coffee at Subscribe to Unf*cking The Republic on Substack at to get the essays these episode are framed around sent to your inbox every week. Check out the UNFTR Pod Love playlist on Spotify: Visit our page at to find the full UNFTR book list, and find book recommendations from our Unf*ckers at Access the UNFTR Musicless feed by following the instructions at Unf*cking the Republic is produced by 99 and engineered by Manny Faces Media ( Original music is by Tom McGovern ( The show is written and hosted by Max and distributed by 99. Podcast art description: Image of the US Constitution ripped in the middle revealing white text on a blue background that says, "Unf*cking the Republic."Support the show: for privacy information.

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