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Lisa Harper's Back Porch Theology

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Feb 17, 2025 • 40min

When Scars Become Beauty Marks: The Spiritual DNA of BPT

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. During today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology we’re going to dive deep into a miraculous, modern story that highlights how God can take what seem to be the absolute ruins of a life and restore them into a spiritual leader. Sometimes we forget that Abraham was a lunar worshipper before God tapped him to be the father of a theocracy; that Moses was guilty of homicide before God tapped him to lead His people out of captivity; that Elijah had a massive meltdown under a broom tree after witnessing God’s powerful presence on Mt. Carmel; or that John the Baptist – the forerunner of our Messiah – literally doubted the divinity of Jesus when he was languishing in prison. Biblical narrative is riddled with stories about saints who lost their way, only to run headlong into divine mercy in the middle of literal and proverbial deserts. Playwright Oscar Wilde – whose reputation was much more playboy than choirboy – sure spoke the truth when he wrote,“Every Saint Has a Past and Every Sinner Has a Future.” The testimony you’re about to hear is a poignant antidote for shame and loneliness…it will expose ugly, insidious lies like, “I’m too dirty or too damaged to deserve true love” to the light of the Gospel where they’ll shrivel up and die. Frankly, some of the most radiant believers I’ve ever met – certainly the most authentic and grateful Christ-followers – are the ones with the most brokenness in their backstory. In light of John’s proclamation in Revelation 12 – that the enemy is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony – I believe the next forty minutes has enough tangible hope to help more than a few begin to break free from heavy emotional bondage. However, some of the subject matter we’re going to cover isn’t suited for little ears so if you normally listen in the car with your kiddos in the backseat, please wait until those precious punkins’ aren’t within earshot to pull your chair up to the porch. And when you do so, please bring a large cup of coffee, a few of your favorite snacks, and your Bible - then feel free to exhale and prop your feet up because this is a safe place to relax and lean further into the unconditional love of Jesus, no matter what your backstory is.
Feb 10, 2025 • 55min

Jeremy & Adie Camp - The Theology of Worship – Part 6

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. We can hardly believe we’ve come to the end of this series called the Theology of Worship! I hope it’s encouraged you as much as it’s encouraged us. Sometimes I found myself white-knuckling it in order to hang onto love, joy, peace and hope during all the public discord and rancor of 2024, so it’s been really lovely to start out 2025 with this deep dive into worship. It’s been like an oasis, where much like the woman at the well I’ve encountered Living Water and have experienced renewal that I wasn’t even aware my heart was yearning for until it found me. Modern theologian John Ortberg wisely said, “I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on.” We’re wrapping up this series with a super special bow because Jeremy and Adie Camp let Alli and me twist their arms and they’ve come back to help us seal that sense of wonder and gratitude that comes with being a fully devoted worshipper of Jesus Christ. So please grab a cup of coffee, your Bible, a journal and make sure you’re wearing your comfy pants because today’s going to be like a spiritual spa day for your heart. Thanks so much for pulling a chair up to the porch with us, we’re glad you’re here.
Feb 3, 2025 • 51min

Jeremy & Adie Camp - The Theology of Worship – Part 5

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. Today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology is the second to last in our series The Theology of Worship, and it’s a really special moment for Alli and me because we get to share two dear friends with y’all for the first time here on BPT, Jeremy and Adie Camp. Of course, many of you are probably already familiar with Jeremy because while he’s only 46, he’s already a legend in Christian music with over 6 million albums sold, 44 #1 singles, and more than 2 billion streams. And many of you probably watched the 2020 movie, I Still Believe, which tells the unforgettable story of how Jeremy’s first wife, Melissa, died of cancer when she was very young, and how that tragic loss tested his faith, taught him how to hang onto the goodness of God when life is anything but good, and ultimately led him to Adie. The most believable believers I’ve ever met are those who’ve waded honestly through woundedness without letting go of God’s hand. Those who’ve trudged through dark nights of the soul only to come out on the other side trusting Him more fully, despite still having questions that will never be answered this side of Glory. Jeremy and Adie are those kind of people. Alli and I love them and can unequivocally say that we see Jesus more clearly as a result of their friendship. I can almost guarantee that you will too after hanging out with them today so please grab your favorite beverage, a couple snacks, and your Bible and come camp out on the porch with the Camps and us! 
Jan 27, 2025 • 46min

Darlene Zschech - The Theology of Worship - Part 4

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. Today's conversation on Back Porch Theology is the fourth in our series on worship and is part two of last week's episode with Darlene Zschech, who many consider to be the mother of modern day worship music. Brooke Ligertwood ~ who's one of the most anointed people I've ever had the pure joy of being led to the throne room of Jesus by and whose songs are also beloved by millions of Christ followers around the world ~ was mentored by Darlene in Australia and Brooke not only refers to her as a mother of worship music, she explains that her longevity of service to the church and devotion to God and His people make her accolades pale in comparison. Because while Darlene paved the way for how so many of us now praise our Creator Redeemer in public sanctuaries, as well as the privacy of our cars and kitchens, she carries her calling with tangible humility. But don't mistake her humility for weakness because she continues to tutor the body of Christ in how worship is a weapon through which we can push back the darkness and hang on to the goodness of God when our circumstances are anything but. Y'all better strap yourself into your rockers on the porch today, because our Aussie "Aunty" is about to take us to church! So please grab an extra large cup of coffee, as well as your Bible and get ready to have your spiritual sword sharpened because you're going to be inspired to plunge it into the scaly heart of that evil dragon, satan, in short order. I truly believe today's going to be a turning point for some of you who've almost given up hope that you'll survive ~ much less win ~ the battle that's currently raging in your heart and mind. We're so glad and so grateful you're here on the porch with us today ~ hang on, I promise fresh hope is right around the corner. He's got you...He has NOT abandoned you and He never will. 
Jan 20, 2025 • 52min

Darlene Zschech - The Theology of Worship - Part 3

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. Okay I really need your help during today's conversation on BPT ~ which is part of a new series we started this year called "The Theology of Worship." And I'm playing my phone-a-friend card with all of you amazing backporchers because I have the wildly undeserved privilege of hanging out with one of my heroines of the faith and while I'm going to do my very best not to fan-girl since that's tacky and biblically indefensible, I can assure you I'm about to be discombobulated. Plus, when I'm around a saint with as much integrity and wisdom as Darlene Zschech, I tend to babble even more than usual so please pray for me and you might want to hover your finger above the fast forward icon so you can leapfrog over my wind-baggyness! Darlene Zschech is an Australian singer-songwriter, worship leader, author, and speaker. She and her husband Mark are the Senior Pastors of Hope Unlimited Church (HopeUC) on the Central Coast of New South Wales, Australia, which now has churches in the US and India. She's won more awards than you could fit in the back of a Ford F150 ~ including the Gospel Music Association's International Award for influence in praise and worship ~ and has recorded a slew of gold and platinum projects over the past three decades. She's probably the most well-known for writing and singing “Shout to the Lord,” a worship anthem that's been sung by millions and translated into multiple languages. However, when you meet Darlene it becomes immediately apparent that her kindness and humility actually dwarf her extraordinary musical gifts. Today is a really special, red-letter sort of day on the porch so please grab your favorite drink, some yummy snacks, your Bible, and a journal and come prop your feet up with me and "Darls." And don't forget to pray y'all, because I'm already feeling light headed! 
Jan 13, 2025 • 1h 6min

Hope Darst, Tasha Layton, Hillary Scott and Rita Springer – The Theology of Worship - Part 2

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. Today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology in our on-going series on the theology of worship is a continuation of last week because we had such an awesome time leaning into all that Scripture reveals Jesus to be, learning from each other’s stories – especially the difficult chapters - and laughing that we simply had to have a part two of this conversation! Aren’t you grateful that being serious about our faith and being serious about ourselves aren’t synonymous? I thoroughly enjoy getting to spend time with people who are fully devoted to Jesus Christ but aren’t full of themselves! And saints who feel free enough to laugh at themselves are my absolute favorite kind of people. Which aptly describes the girl gang we’re hanging out with again today. Hope Darst, Tasha Layton, Hillary Scott and Rita Springer are too young to be called legends, but they have written and sung a multitude of songs that have shaped the musical landscape of worship. Between them they’ve won multiple Grammys and CMA’s and Doves and KLove Fan Awards, and yet this foursome reeks humility. They are much like the Skinhorse in the story of the Velveteen Rabbit…life has worn them thin enough to recognize that whether they have a number one song or fall completely off the charts, Jesus is the only Hero of humanity’s story and commercial success apart from intimacy with our Creator Redeemer is devoid of any real meaning. Mind you, as we continue to emphasize in this series, music is only one facet of how we worship as Christ followers – in fact, the Bible describes worship more as the posture of our hearts than the melody that falls out of our mouths. Which is why the theme of today’s conversation is less about melodic tunes than it is about biblical truths. What does worship look like when we aren’t singing or listening to Christian music? How do we maintain the posture of worshipping God when we’re dealing with deep disappointment, disillusionment, or debilitating depression. Is it possible to have a broken heart and hands raised in praise at the same time? It’s going to get raw and real today y’all, so please grab your Bible, a notebook, and some yummy snacks – I always find chocolate to be an excellent companion when taking raw and real adventures – and come give that great big, beautiful heart God placed in your chest some time and space to exhale on the porch with us. We’re really, really glad you’re here. 
Jan 6, 2025 • 1h 3min

Hope Darst, Tasha Layton, Hillary Scott and Rita Springer – The Theology of Worship - Part 1

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. During today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology, Alli and I are both bouncing with enthusiastic expectancy because we’ve gathered a phenomenal foursome of wise women whose hearts, minds, and ministries have been shaped by worship. Hope Darst has been leading worship – both in her home church and on stages around the world for decades, although unlike most artists she signed her first record deal at the age of 39 in 2019. Since then, she’s penned several singles that have blessed millions of believers including Peace Be Still, Come Alive, and If the Lord Builds the House. Tasha Layton’s vocational and life experience is crazy colorful – before coming to faith in Jesus Christ, she studied Buddhism and spent four years touring all over the world as a back-up vocalist for pop superstar Katy Perry. She’s now a Christian music favorite and her latest single – Worship Through It – which is especially pertinent for today’s conversation – was number one on the charts recently. Our third worship tutor today is Hillary Scott. If you’re a country music fan, you’re familiar with my dear friend Hillary because she’s part of the platinum selling, multiple Grammy and CMA award-winning band, Lady A. What you might not know is that Hillary began her storied musical career as a worship leader and has never stopped using her pipes to point people to Jesus. Rounding out this fabulous foursome of guests on the porch today is Rita Springer. If you mention the name Rita Springer in the company of young worship leaders, it’s likely one or two will involuntarily gasp because she’s sort of like the Michael Jordan of worship leading. In addition to writing and recording songs for the church at large for the past 30+ years, Rita has also mentored hundreds of Christian artists and worship leaders around the world. Having Hope, Tasha, Hillary and Rita here together to dive into the theology of worship is the equivalent of having Muttiah Muralitharan and Richard Hadlee here to dive into the subject of bowling because they are two of the greatest professional bowlers the world has ever seen. Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best analogy since bowling does seem to be more of a niche sport, but the bottom line is we’ve got a few of the most experienced and humble worship leaders of this generation gathered on the porch today to help us lean more fully into the embrace of Jesus, which is what shapes how we live and lead as Christ followers. I’m so excited about how God is going to reveal Himself to us today so please grab your Bible and your favorite beverage and your most comfortable chair and pull it up close to ours on the porch because believe me, you’re going to want to hear every single word these saints share today.
Jan 1, 2025 • 1h 8min

Scotty Smith – Theology of Worship Bonus

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. Today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology is all about the contextual biblical scaffolding for a series we’re calling the Theology of Worship. But lest you think we’re going to be talking about the three or four songs before a sermon or our preferred style of music, let me assure you this conversation isn’t just for people who can carry a tune or for those who know how to navigate their Apple music ap! Frankly, our tendency to associate worship solely with music is like limiting ourselves to one food group for every single meal for the rest of our lives – I love Tex Mex y’all, but if I had to eat chips and queso three times a day, every day, for the rest of my life it would be sadly and unnecessarily reductive! In the Christian context, worship is so much wider and deeper and more comprehensive than a song list or a musical genre. Case in point, listen to what one of our favorite theologians here at BPT – Dr. N.T. Wright – says about the centrality of worship: "All kingdom work is rooted in worship. Or, to put it the other way around, worshipping the God we see at work in Jesus is the most politically charged act we can ever perform. Christian worship decares that Jesus is Lord and that therefore, by strong implication, nobody else is. What’s more, it doesn’t just declare it as something to be believed, like the fact that the sun is hot or the sea wet. It commits the worshipper to allegiance, to following this Jesus, to being shaped and directed by him. Worshipping the God we see in Jesus orients our whole being, our imagination, our will, our hopes, and our fears away from the world where Mars, Mammon, and Aphrodite (violence, money, and sex) make absolute demands and punish anyone who resists. It orients us instead to a world in which love is stronger than death, the poor are promised the kingdom, and chastity (whether married or single) reflects the holiness and faithfulness of God himself. Acclaiming Jesus as Lord plants a flag that supersedes the flags of our nations, however 'free' or 'democratic' they may be." In other words, WORSHIP is the fruit and fuel of our faith, the flagpole we rally around as those who’ve been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Worship is the very essence of our spiritual DNA. Just as a half dozen and six communicate the same number of eggs, to have faith in Jesus Christ and to be a worshipper should be synonymous. Worship isn’t simply a verb for the musically inclined among us, it should be the passionate preoccupation of God’s people. Okay, as you can tell we’re pretty fired up today so you’d better grab a cup of something caffeinated and your Bible – unless you’re listening to this while simultaneously trying to figure out how to increase the incline on the treadmill at the gym you just joined because you’re determined to ditch the Spanx in 2025 – and come hang out on the porch with us for some genuine, digital community and hopefully some real encouragement. We’re really grateful to get to spend this time hanging out with y’all.
Dec 30, 2024 • 53min

How Dumbing Down Our Phones Can Increase Our Peace, Hope, Joy, and Relational Intimacy

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. Today's Happy New Year conversation is akin to dancing with a 500-pound gorilla with balance issues because most of us are going to get our proverbial toes pinched! The reason why is we're going to get real about how our daily digital gluttony ~ from scrolling through social media, Googling down one rabbit trail after another, perusing the pretend aisles of Amazon Prime, and reconnecting with old high school flames who slid into our DMs ~ is making us heartsick. Multiple highly regarded scientific studies over the past few years have revealed that the excessive time most of us spend staring at our phone screens has a negative impact on our neuro-pathways, as well as our primary relationships. Plus, there's irrefutable proof now that adolescents’ brains ~ which are still developing ~ become more sensitive when anticipating social rewards and punishments over time with increased social media usage. In other words, the measurable result of all those hours our kids are spending on TikTok and viewing reels, is a heightened sense of insecurity and self-doubt. Not installing boundaries on the amount of digital data we're consuming every day is the neurological and emotional equivalent of giving a hungry fox the key code to our chicken coup, y'all! So here's the deal ~ after hanging out with my pastor today, Dr. Darren Whitehead ~ who's an expert when it comes to the corrosive consequences of the constant digital barrage of modern culture ~ we're going to invite you to join us for a relatively brief digital detox here at the beginning of 2025 and learn how making our smart phones a little dumber will make our relationships with God and each other a whole lot richer! For some of you saints this single conversation has the potential to change the trajectory of '2025 and not only redeem huge chunks of time locusts have devoured in your life but quite possibly begin the closing the intimacy gap you've unwittingly allowed your phone to create between you and the people you love. So please grab a cup of coffee, your Bible, and a notebook or journal and pull your chair up on the porch with us for this caboose of 2024 conversation. Happy New Year ~ we're really happy you're here. 
Dec 23, 2024 • 1h 3min

When The Delay Is Divine

Learn more about The Promise and Power of Easter here. During today’s Christmas-is-here-y’all conversation on Back Porch Theology we’re talking about the unlikely gift of waiting. Now if you’re anything like me and you got the gift of waiting this season, your first reaction would be to hope it came with a receipt so you could return it! It’s taken me a really long time – no pun intended – but I’m finally learning that when God authors a pause in my story, there’s redemptive purpose in it. Ancient theologian and beloved pastor, Charles Spurgeon explained it much better than I can: If the Lord Jehovah makes us wait, let us do so with our whole hearts; for blessed are all they that wait for Him. He is worth waiting for. The waiting itself is beneficial to us: it tries faith, exercises patience, trains submission, and endears the blessing when it comes. The Lord’s people have always been a waiting people. It may initially seem like wishful thinking, if not downright rude and intrusive, to emphasize slowness during the week of Christmas ~ which all too often is filled with more frenzy than figgy pudding, especially when those gifts we ordered on Amazon Prime still haven’t shown up yet the relatives we didn’t order do show up ~ but to quote a dear friend and beloved pastor from this modern era, Steven Furtick: “The only thing harder than waiting on God, is wishing that you had!” So please step away from the scissors and Scotch tape and wrapping paper, put the pot on simmer, dial the pace of the elliptical down to meander, and come exhale on the porch with Alli, Dr. Howard and me. We’re grateful that hanging out with y’all has become part of our holiday tradition.

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