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Mastering Agility

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Nov 8, 2021 • 51min

S02 E10 Dynamic Reteaming at Redgate with Chris Smith

In last week’s episode, Heidi Helfand talked to us about her book “Dynamic Reteaming”. Dynamic Reteaming has great potential to provide when treated correctly. We took the Tuckman model and stable teams for granted for decades. Now Dynamic Reteaming is taking over in complex domains.The thing with theory is, though, that theory does not always map well in practice. Theory is picture-perfect, while practice almost never is. Chris Smith, Head of Product Delivery at Redgate Software, provides a great case study of how this can work in practice!  What you’ll discover in this show:-        What format Redgate uses to do Dynamic Reteaming-        How softskills come to play when working with trust-        What benefits were uncovered at Redgate  Speakers:Chris SmithHead of Product Delivery at Redgate SoftwareChris is Head of Product Delivery at Redgate. His job is to lead the software development teams that work on Redgate's ingeniously simple database software, building teams with clarity of purpose, freedom to act, and a drive to learn. For the last three years, Chris has led Redgate's annual reteaming process which gives people a strong influence over which team they are part of, encouraging them to move towards the work they find most engagingContact Chris: Blog: Email: Sander Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Masteringagility.org Additional resources: Leave a review: Find the book:     Support the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
Nov 1, 2021 • 51min

S02 E09 Dynamic Reteaming with Heidi Helfand

Do you know how most organizations and frameworks advocate for keeping stable teams? Where there is little change in team composition? Today we’re talking about doing the exact opposite. Where a change in team structure is welcome.Heidi Helfand, the author of the book Dynamic Reteaming, sits down with us to discuss the benefits that could be achieved by having more occurring change, rather than keeping things the way they are.  What you’ll discover in this show:-        How Dynamic Reteaming relates to the Tuckman model-        What the effect is on the delivery of value-        What potential could be missed when keeping teams the way they are   Speakers:Heidi HelfandAuthor of Dynamic ReteamingHeidi Helfand is the author of the book Dynamic Reteaming. She coaches software development teams using practical, people-focused techniques, with the goal of building resilient organizations as they double and triple in size.Heidi is currently VP of Engineering Growth at Kin Insurance, which offers affordable coverage to homeowners in catastrophe-prone regions.  Her 20+ year career in SAAS launched Procore Technologies and AppFolio to IPO and Expertcity to acquisition by Citrix. She was on the original development team that built GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar. Heidi is based in Southern California.  Contact Heidi Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Masteringagility.org Additional resources: Find the book:     Support the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
25 snips
Oct 25, 2021 • 44min

S02 E08 Professional Agile Leadership with Evidence Based Management with Magdalena Firlit

Magdalena Firlit, an Agile Transformation Consultant and Professional Scrum Trainer, delves into the interplay between Agile leadership and Evidence-Based Management. She emphasizes the importance of meaningful metrics, fostering dialogue between management and teams, and engaging in cultural shifts for successful goal-setting. Firlit discusses the significance of OKRs and KPIs in enhancing customer satisfaction and driving innovation. With practical insights, she advocates for prioritizing value and collaboration in Agile transformations to achieve strategic organizational goals.
Oct 18, 2021 • 51min

S02 E07 The End of Scrum? with David Pereira

Ever since the industrial revolution, we’ve been working with bosses and managers. Two/three decades ago, business agility started to take over the way organizations have been developing their products and thinking about how to overcome the challenges they’re facing. Now we’re in the second half of 2021, and David Pereira sees a massive impediment in making an agile transformation stick. In today’s show, David discusses what he sees could potentially introduce the end of Scrum.  What you’ll discover in this show:-        The current state of Scrum implementations could be improved-        Leadership and management plays a crucial role in that-        Letting go of command and control is keeping organizations from advancing Speakers:David PereiraHead of Product ManagementI am a passionate Product Leader with ten years of product management experience. Over the last years, I led many product teams in successful endeavors.  Some highlights of my journey are: • Reinventing the route planning for thousands of people over Brazil. I led this project from concept to go-live. It resulted in 4M USD cost saving with a 200K USD investment. • Innovate the secondhand car market in Brazil. We created a business of 200M USD per year. I was responsible for three Product Teams. I led them in discovering solutions that innovated this market. • Exponential marketplace growth: from 500K € to 45M € revenue per year. My role was to find alternatives on how to scale the business, I was the Product Owner of it.  Curiosity drives me daily. My biggest fear is the comfort zone. Curiosity spurs action; knowledge kills it.   One of my hobbies is writing articles. I share my ideas on Medium, and I'm an editor at Serious Scrum.Contact David: Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Masteringagility.org Additional resources: Find David on: o   Mediumo   LinkedIno   YouTube  Find David’s Udemy courses: articles:Sorry Scrum the game might be over for youSupport the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
Oct 11, 2021 • 53min

S02 E06 Embracing Conflict with Tricia Broderick

People are complex. When we work with other people for a while, the probability that some form of conflict will arise goes up. Conflict can be truly uncomfortable. However, no progress is without conflict. It’s the way we handle it that creates that progress. Constructive disagreements with the right support can be very powerful. Communication is key. But it could go sideways real fast, too.In this episode of Mastering Agility, Tricia Broderick (leadership and organizational advisor, founder at Ignite) is passionately open about what conflict does to her, how teams and organizations can use it, and a whole lot more! What you’ll discover in this show:-        The difference between drama and conflict-        Conflict, when handled correctly, is useful in your evolution as a team-        What to do with feedback that’s not that clear   Speakers:Tricia BroderickFounder at Ignite insight + innovation Tricia Broderick is a leadership and organizational advisor. Tricia has over twenty years of experience in the software development industry. Her transformational leadership, at all levels of an organization, ignites the growth of leaders and high-performing teams to deliver quality outcomes.  Tricia boldly role models putting people first.  Her aim is to create inclusive connections and collaborations that challenge and support people in an authentic, vulnerable, and engaging way. As a result, she is a highly-rated trainer, coach, facilitator, and motivational keynote speaker.  In 2020, she founded Ignite Insight + Innovation.When not traveling to experience the world, Tricia lives in Denver with her family.Contact Tricia: Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Additional resources:  Support the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
Oct 4, 2021 • 53min

S02 E05 Applying Scrum with Kanban with Andy Hiles

Scrum is purposely incomplete. It is a framework that perfectly lends itself to build upon. There are so many complimentary practices that can be used with Scrum. Kanban is one of those. You might even have used aspects of it without knowing it! Andy Hiles, Owner of Agile Rocks - Training and Coaching, just released his first book on Applying Scrum with Kanban. Personally, I think it’s a masterpiece that’s easy to read. And the best thing about this show.. He’s giving signed copies away!What you’ll discover in this show:-        Scrum and Kanban are not mutually exclusive -        Even though the title suggests otherwise, this is not a pointless book-        Behavior changes trump any framework    Speakers:Andy HilesOwner of Agile Rocks - Training and Coaching Andy is a highly experienced agile practitioner, Scrum coach, and Professional Scrum and professional Kanban Trainer.  Over his years of working in both the private and public sectors, he has developed a deep understanding of the challenges around organizational complexity and the impact on delivery teams and behavior.  A firm believer that great teams build great products, Andy strives for success and in doing so displays his experience and passion for agile in every engagement.  Contact Andy Hiles: Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Additional resources: Buy the book!:  Support the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
Sep 27, 2021 • 41min

S02 E04 Workplace Jazz with Gerald J. Leonard

I frequently ask people where they see any form of agility outside of regular development. Joe Justice initially triggered me with that thought during our conversation in the previous season’s episode. A lot of answers passed the revue but never has anyone mentioned Jazz. Yet, Gerald J. Leonard has written a book around this very example. The smooth sound and the way jazz musicians play work together are similar to how agile teams work together. Inspecting and adapting how they create the value, that beautiful sound. Gerald has some very excellent comparisons to share with us!What you’ll discover in this show:-        Concert halls can help you in delivering value -        Jazz players adapt to each other like people in Agile teams-        Beauty, as always, lies in the eyes of the beholder    Speakers:Gerald J. LeonardAuthor | Online Courses | Strategic PMO Advisor for Government and Fortune 500 | C-IQ Coach | TEDx Speaker | Bassist | Angel Investor | Gerald J. Leonardoffers a unique approach to accomplishing more productivity in the workplace. As an accomplished musician, creativity, innovation, and peak performance are part of my world. Gerald leverages these very principles to give your business the edge needed to succeed in a highly competitive workplace. He's the author of Culture Is The Bass: 7 Principles for Developing A Culture That Works and Workplace Jazz: How to IMPROVISE – 9 Steps to Creating High-Performing Agile Project Teams.  Contact Jurgen Appelo: Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Additional resources: Support the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
Sep 23, 2021 • 53min

S02 E03 flOwKRs with Jurgen Appelo

OKRs provide perfect opportunities to guide your product or experience to value. The thing with OKRs, though, is that they seem to be challenging to truly implement and use to your benefit. Where do we start? How do they relate to Product Goals? Is this the classic chicken-egg story when it comes to the Product Backlog (or ‘wish lists’) and OKRs? Jurgen Appelo (TedX speaker, thought leader, workshop king, and keynote speaker) joins Mastering Agility to take us through his thoughts about setting objectives and measuring their results. What you’ll discover in this show:-        Creating habits help when implementing OKRs -        These objectives are relevant on all levels-        Continuous flow supports the achievement of goals Speakers:Jurgen AppeloEntrepreneur, Author, and Top 100 Keynote Speaker on Agility, Leadership, and Innovation. Manage the System and Lead the People!Jurgen calls himself a creative networker. But sometimes he’s a writer, speaker, trainer, entrepreneur, illustrator, manager, blogger, reader, dreamer, leader, freethinker, or… Dutch guy. has called him a Top 50 Leadership Expert and a Top 100 Leadership Speaker. Since 2008, Jurgen writes a popular blog at NOOP.NL, offering ideas on the creative economy, agile management, organizational change, and personal development. He is the author of the book Management 3.0, which describes the role of the manager in agile organizations; How to Change the World, which describes a supermodel for change management; Managing for Happiness, which offers you practical ideas to engage workers, improve work, and delight clients; and most recently, Startup, Scaleup, Screwup, which contains 50% inspiring stories and 50% practices to follow and dives into the major topics that business leaders and entrepreneurs are confronted with.Contact Jurgen Appelo: Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Additional resources: discussed new blog poSupport the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
Sep 2, 2021 • 40min

S02 E02 The Impact of Passion with Lyssa Adkins

Frequent listeners of the show know that throughout the episodes “engagement” has been a recurring theme. Engagement of employees, with the organization, with their work, and with themselves. Today’s show zoom in a little bit deeper on that. Lyssa Adkins, one of the most influential people out there when it comes to Agile coaching, joins us to talk about where she discovered her passion and what the impact of passion is.What you’ll discover in this show:-        Passion impacts your everyday life on a large scale-        Lyssa discovered her impact by doing rather than defining upfront-        Quality of work goes up when working with passionate people    Speakers:Lyssa AdkinsCoach. Facilitator. Teacher. Inspirer.My current focus is improving the performance of top leadership teams through insightful facilitation and organization systems coaching.Making difficult decisions faster and with clear alignment, unknotting challenging multi-department impediments, creating the conditions for smooth organizational delivery, helping leaders take up the “Agile transformation” that is theirs to make…this is where I thrive and help thrive.My Agile community focus is amplifying women’s voices, which is why I am a founder of the TENWOMENSTRONG #WomeninAgile programs.I have been pleased to serve the emergence of Agile Coaching as a profession. In 2010, I co-founded the Agile Coaching Institute which has developed over 10,000 people in the knowledge, skills, and being-ness needed to yield genuinely competent agile coaching. I am the author of Coaching Agile Teams which, as a top-ranking Agile book, was released as an audiobook in its 10th year.I like to explore facilitating intense conflict, societal change, organizational change, the benefits and costs of being human in the workplace, agile coaching, agile transformation, adult human development, human systems dynamics, the role of nature, and books of all sorts. I tend toward a balance of the provocative and practical.Contact Lyssa Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Additional resources: Personal website:www.lyssaadkins.comBooks: the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.
Aug 16, 2021 • 55min

S02 E01 Empirically Unfucking with John Riley

John Riley is the founder of ReadySetAgile and PST for When I talked to him about the topic for this episode, he brought up to talk about empirically unfucking things. I have no clue what it meant, so I was eager to find out. Empirically unfucking things means getting out of a messed-up situation supported by empirical evidence. This might be harder than it sounds. How do return to a good state from a messy scenario? What you’ll discover in this show:-        It could be helpful when Sprint financials are transparent -        Competitors are stakeholders too- Therefore we can invite them to Sprint Reviews    Speakers:John RileyPrincipal Agile Coach & Trainer at Ready Set Agile John Riley is an experienced Agile Coach, Professional Scrum Trainer, and community speaker helping others embrace the values and purposes of agility.  He believes in the simple principles of continuous learning, a test-first mindset, and enabling teams to be self-organizing to foster creativity and continuously deliver the highest value to users.   John's background in manufacturing and software delivery allows him to lead by example to coach individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve their highest abilities.  Contact John Riley: www.readysetagile.comSander Dur (host)Scrum Master, Agile Coach, trainer, and podcast host for ‘Mastering Agility”Sander Dur is a business agility enthusiast, with a passion for people. Whether it’s healthy product development, agile leadership, measurement, or psychological safety, Sander has the drive to enable organizations to the best of their abilities. He is an avid article writer, working on a book about Scrum Mastery from the Trenches, and is connecting listeners with the most influential people in the industry. Additional resources: the Nordstrom Innovation Lab: Support the showContact us at:Masteringagility.org by Ausha. See for more information.

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