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The Empathy Edge

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Jan 10, 2023 • 59min

Saira Rao: Why White Women Need to Talk About Our Racism

Talking about racism is hard. But ignoring it doesn't make it go away. Empathy requires us to be humble and curious and to sometimes have hard, honest, emotional conversations. Only in acknowledging wrongs can we make things right -and that actually benefits all of us. Today, my guest Saira Rao gets real about the role seemingly well-intentioned and even Liberal white women play in supporting the patriarchy and oppression. Our conversation goes far deeper than DEI efforts - which Saira will share her opinions on. We talk about how Race2Dinner got started, what Saira experienced in her run for Congress a few years ago, how she and Regina’s voices have been both censored and maligned by major media, both in the US and the UK. We also talk about why white women's conditioning to be nice and not rock the boat is killing people of color, and the hard choices we need to make if we truly want to save our country and communities. As Saira says in the interview, we are dying and we need to take risks, become aware, and have hard conversations with each other. As she states, once white supremacy goes away, many of our societal problems will go away, too. Key Takeaways:White women have more power than they know, but consistently choose whiteness over everything else. You have the power to talk about racism and to make changes. So do it.It takes all kinds of people, of all backgrounds, to do this work. Start the conversations, point out the inequalities around you, and start doing the work on yourself first.Individualism is colonialist behavior. White supremacy hurts everyone, including white people.There is nothing micro about a microaggression. "The amount of energy white women spend - time, money, and energy - to say ‘not me,’ use that energy to go turn other white women - your neighbors, kids, friends, parents, teachers. Get to work. Instead of patting yourselves on the back, start turning other people in your community. Because we can't. You can." —  Saira Rao"Let's start feeling comfortable having these conversations. We're not going to be able to affect any change until we start being honest with ourselves and each other." —  Saira Rao About Saira Rao, Co-Founder, Race2DinnerSaira Rao is the co-founder of Race2Dinner, New York Times Bestselling co-author of White Women: Everything You Already Know About Your Own Racism and How To Do Better and co-subject and Executive Producer of the documentary Deconstructing Karen.Saira grew up in Richmond, Virginia, the daughter of Indian immigrants. For forty years, she wasted her precious time aspiring to be white and accepted by dominant white society, a futile task for anyone not born with white skin.  Several years ago, Saira began the painful process of dismantling her own internalized oppression.  Saira is a lawyer-by-training, a former congressional candidate, a published novelist and an entrepreneur.Connect with Saira RaoRace2Dinner: https://www.race2dinner.comTwitter: Women: Everything You Already Know About Your Own Racism and How To Do Better: Deconstructing Karen Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Jan 3, 2023 • 35min

Anita Nowak: How to Engage in Purposeful Empathy Whenever You Need It

You don't have to wait for empathy to strike. You can intentionally choose to engage in what my guest today calls Purposeful Empathy to change the dynamic of any interaction. But how? And how do you maintain your own boundaries when being empathic is part of your job?  Today, my guest, Anita Nowak, shares what purposeful empathy is, how and when to engage it, and even how to step back and reclaim your boundaries when empathy could burn you out. We both share personal stories of when we've actively chosen empathy in tough situations and how it transformed the exchange. We discuss the physiological changes to  our bodies that occur when we are engaged in empathy - and how empathogens, or certain psychedelics that have been shown to increase empathy, could be applied for therapeutic treatments to heal trauma, control aggression, or other instances where human connection can be challenging.  Key Takeaways:We are born empathetic creatures, that is how our species has survived. For those who think they aren’t empathetic, that muscle has atrophied and can be rebuilt again. Our brains cannot be in a state of anxiety or stress and in the state of empathy simultaneously.There has been a resurgence of research on the study of psychedelics and the potential it has for therapy. Previous research showed a positive relationship between taking these drugs, being accompanied by a trained professional, and outcomes as a result.  "When it comes to the way we design our world, the way we design public policy, the way that we think about foreign aid, the way we think about how we treat each other and our families and our relationships across political divides, that we need to engage in empathy on purpose." —  Anita Nowak"If you're feeling triggered by emotions, and you want to down regulate or self regulate, one of the best on ramps to empathy is through a little visit of gratitude." —  Anita Nowak"We, as human beings, want a sense of belonging by nature. That's how we survived as a as Homo sapiens. We really need to draw on that." —  Anita Nowak About Anita Nowak, PhD, Author of Purposeful EmpathyAnita Nowak, PhD is passionate about leveraging empathy for personal, organizational and social transformation. She is also dedicated to teaching and mentoring the next generation of changemakers.She is a two-time TEDx speaker and author of Purposeful Empathy: Tapping Our Hidden Superpower for Personal, Organizational, and Social Change (Broadleaf Books, April 2023). She hosts a podcast and YouTube series by the same name, dedicated to amplifying the voices of people from around the globe who understand the world needs more empathy – and are doing something about it.For the past fifteen years, Anita has held various leadership roles in higher education at McGill University dedicated to social innovation. She teaches Leadership, Ethics in Management and Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the Desautels Faculty of Management. She was named Professor of the Year in 2014 and 2019 and recipient of the David Johnston Faculty and Staff Award in 2021.As a certified personal and professional coach, she helps purpose-driven leaders and organizations create cultures of empathy through her boutique advisory firm, Purposeful Empathy by Design. Anita also advises High Net Worth (HNW) families to translate their philanthropic goals into social impact.Resources Mentioned:How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence (,addiction%2C%20depression%2C%20or%20death.) by Michael PollanPurposeful Empathy: The Connection between Empathy and “Oneness” ft. Elif M. Gokcigdem, PhD ( Force for Good: The Dalai Lama's Vision for Our World ( ) by Daniel Goleman Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Dec 27, 2022 • 54min

Berwick Mahdi Davenport: The Solution to Ending Racism and Building Stronger Teams

Racism was designed to keep us apart, It was designed to create conflict and a scarcity mindset. When we're socialized to hide our authentic selves and not bring who we really are to every interaction, we just cannot connect. Leaders, whether tackling diversity and inclusion or just everyday engagement and performance, can learn a lot of lessons about how authenticity and connection lead to better outcomes.My guest today, Berwick Mahdi Davenport, and I tackled big questions for amazingly useful insights.  We discussed what is the ultimate human need, what role authentic connection plays in satisfying that need, and how listening is the hardest but most effective practice for leaders. We defined honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity in meaningful ways you can apply to your leadership right now, and how the lack of them gets in the way of effective performance. Finally, we talked about how racism and racial inequity play out in the workplace and society, preventing us from creating together and making smarter decisions.Key Takeaways:When you talk less and listen more, your leadership will transform. The ultimate human need is significance - this can look like a job package, a job title, a connection, relationships, love, and so much more. But it is all the same thing - they want to matter.When we are not authentic to ourselves and to those around us, people notice and feel that, and it causes a disconnect within ourselves. Everybody deserves to have the respect and space to grow. Nobody gets to where they are now overnight."What we have to realize as a leader is that you cannot pay people anything of equal value, no matter how much it is, to their life. Please don't forget to live, because this thing happens so quickly." —  Berwick Mahdi DavenportAbout Berwick Mahdi Davenport, CEO, Soul Focused GroupMahdi, CEO of Soul Focused Group, brings over thirty years of experience as a practicing life coach and anti-racist organizer, facilitator, and spiritual teacher. Mahdi’s primary focus has been and continues to be facilitating human connection that helps people recover and heal from racism and other forms of mental and emotional trauma. This expertise and passion allowed Mahdi to expertly hold space for leaders to explore and heal from the cultural programming that allows racism to sustain.Mahdi brings patience, wisdom, and lightning-bolt directness to his mission.  He is an alchemist at creating space for healing to make a new way of seeing possible.Mahdi's honest, transformative, and healing approach at facilitating human connection gives birth to genuine relationships, friendships, and partnerships. People who once didn’t see eye to eye find themselves standing on common ground. The shift happens on common ground.References Mentioned:The Empathy Edge podcast with Paul Marobella: Empathy Edge podcast with Daniel Jahn: Empathy Edge podcast with M.E. Hart: Empathy Edge podcast with M.E. Hart: with Berwick Mahdi DavenportEmail: berwickdavenport@gmail.comSoul Focused Group: https://www.soulfocusedgroup.comLinkedIn: New Workshop: Creating Human Solidarity: The Solution To Ending RacismDon’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy: with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Dec 20, 2022 • 46min

Brandon Miller: Leaders: Do You and Your Team Really Know Your Strengths?

Great leaders are self-aware about their own strengths and encourage their teams to be as well. They harmonize everyone's strengths, including their own, so folks know when to lean in or rely on others.  These leaders actively leverage strengths to achieve high performance, but it starts with being willing and curious about your strengths.Today, Brandon Miller and I talk about the GALLUP Clifton Strengths Finder - and I share a little about my results from 2016, and how they led to researching and writing The Empathy Edge! Brandon shares why you as a leader should care about strengths-based development, and the role emotional intelligence plays in it. We discuss the strength of empathy and how it influences organizational outcomes. And Brandon tells us about times when he's had to recommend decision makers use empathy to support their teams. We even talk about the shadow sides of some of the strengths. It’s a fascinating discussion all you leaders and aspiring leaders will just love - and Brandon has a very special offer for all of you at the end, so stay tuned. Key Takeaways:Emotional intelligence, at its core, is thinking with our frontal lobe. It's just thinking logically, carefully and, at times, slowly, through situations.The strength of empathy and the dictionary definition of empathy are not the same thing. Even if you do not have the strength of empathy, you can be empathetic. Utilizing the strengths finder will allow your team to have a common language to talk about your strengths. "Any effective psychometric assessment gives the gift of self-awareness. I get to know myself and my best place, my worst place, and everything in the middle. If I can get to the point where I know myself that way, without judgment, I have climbed the ladder of emotional intelligence." —  Brandon Miller About Brandon Miller, Author, Certified Strengths Coach, CEOBrandon Miller is one of the FIRST 7 Certified GALLUP Clifton Strengths Finder Coaches in the world. Over 15 years ago, he was a very early practitioner of Clifton StrengthsFinder using it as the Executive Leader for a non-profit organization. He has since coached hundreds of leaders to find and leverage their strengths for themselves and their teams. He is the CEO of 34 Strong, a coaching and consulting firm dedicated to improving employee engagement. He has nearly 15 years of experience providing specialized leadership training, coaching, advising, and facilitating.Brandon is also the Co-Founder of Incredible Family, a consulting agency that educates, empowers, and encourages working parents to take a strengths-based approach to parenting in order to unlock their best selves and raise strong, happy children and teens. He and his wife Analyn Miller are successful business owners, parents to seven children, and authors of Play To Their Strengths and Incredible Parent.Brandon's Special Offer!If you're interested in taking the Clifton Strengths Finder assessment for FREE to learn more about your strengths, please email Brandon at for complimentary test access.Connect with Brandon Miller34Strong: Play to Their Strengths by Analyn and Brandon Miller Incredible Parent by Analyn and Brandon Miller Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Dec 13, 2022 • 9min

December Hot Take: Who Do You Want to Be Next Year?

It's already time to make space in your exceedingly full schedule to plan your goals for next year. So why does this happen to us, every year? I propose it's because we go about planning all wrong. We start with all the things we think we “should” want, rather than focus on what's already going right and setting intentions into motion that not only get us where we want to go, but give us more ease, flow, and clarity. Today,I share how you can set meaningful goals based on your values and some different ways you can look at planning for the new year. And how a new perspective  on asking the right question can lead to more joy, ease - and success.  Happy holidays, in whatever way you celebrate and catch you in the new year. Thank you for being part of my community!  Key Takeaways:Your values can support your goals, rather than being contorted to fit after the fact. You can set meaningful goals for your business, just like you can for yourself, you just need to understand who you, as a company, want to be in the next year. When you ask questions about how your employees and stakeholders feel about your organization, the goals that are made after that understanding will be supported by the understood culture and mission. "It is possible to holistically align our professional and personal goals for more joy, but only if they're supported by asking the right questions." —  Maria Ross References Mentioned:Book: Who Do I Want to Become? Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Book your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Dec 6, 2022 • 47min

John Buford & Sean Georges: On Mission Leadership

We all know that when it comes to leadership and accomplishing a mission, the US Military is hard to beat. But we think we understand what that means - it's actually not about cold commands or ranks and titles. If you want to become a more effective leader, then tune in! My guests, John Buford and Sean Georges, both former military leaders themselves, unpack the fundamentals of good leadership so you can be more effective.Jonn and Sean view leadership as a real, human-centric responsibility, not a romanticized, mythical calling. Today we talk about what authentic leadership really means, why leadership doesn’t derive from power, and how to put people and a shared mission at the heart of your leadership model. They share how military leadership principles can lead to business success (and why some civilian leaders misunderstand what that means) and the important difference between leading and managing. We discuss the mistakes well-intentioned leaders make, and how to balance supporting your team and being human with strength, confidence, and excellence. Enjoy these practical and timeless leadership lessons. Key Takeaways:There is a responsibility of care and service that comes with real leadership. It’s not about demanding and ordering, it’s about serving with your team for the larger mission. The best leaders don’t need to remind you that they outrank you; they serve you. Leadership doesn’t work the way an org chart looks. Being a follower first will allow you to better understand and empathize with those you are later leading.  "Real, authentic leadership is an upside-down world:  It’s you at the bottom, conceptually influencing from that place looking up at your teammates, in alignment with mission." —  John BufordAbout John Buford, Ph.D., Co-founder, On MissionJohn Buford served as a Marine Corps officer for more than 20 years, conducting operations overseas and teaching at officer training schools. After retiring from the Marines, John earned a doctoral degree in education (training and performance improvement specialization) and became a certified wilderness medicine instructor, college professor, and outdoor educator. He is the co-founder of On Mission Leadership, a certified leadership coach, professional wilderness guide, whitewater kayak/canoe and sea kayak instructor, human performance consultant, and board member of several nonprofit organizations.About Sean Georges, J.D., LL.M., Co-Founder, On MissionServant Leader, retired General Counsel and SVP of Human Resources for a publicly traded retailer with 5,000 employees in 400 stores; Naval Academy Graduate and Marine Corps Officer and Judge Advocate; Law degrees from the University of Illinois and The Judge Advocate General's School of the Army at the University of Virginia.References Mentioned: Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by Simon SinekThe Empathy Edge podcast interview with Val Ries: How to Be the Leader Everyone Wants to Work ForConnect with John and Sean:Website: https://onmissionleaders.comBook: On Mission: Your Journey to Authentic Leadership Buford on LinkedIn: Georges on LinkedIn:  Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Nov 29, 2022 • 11min

Hot Take: Empathy for the Real Story of Thanksgiving

As we slide into Thanksgiving here in the United States, I'm facing mixed emotions about this holiday as I get older and wiser. Now, don't get me wrong, I have a lot to be thankful for, but let's talk for a second about the myth of thanksgiving. From a traditional perspective, gathering with friends and family and reflecting on all we have to be grateful for holds comfort and joy. No matter how dysfunctional our communities or our families may be, many of us are able to come together on this holiday, to eat amazing food, watch the kids play, catch some football, and gracefully sidestep any divisive political debates, which in recent years has taken on a whole new level of Herculean effort, but having a more realistic understanding of the roots of this holiday, gives me pause. Listen in to hear about the true story of the first Thanksgiving, get some tips around being truthful and compassionate, while still honoring tradition, and recognize the evolution of knowledge and truth and how it can help us to become better as humans. Happy Thanksgiving to all who are listening! Key Takeaways:The first Thanksgiving was a harvest festival, not a banquet that the pilgrims and indigenous people were both invited to, and after which, relationships turned sour.We can be honest and still honor our own family traditions.We can’t have conversations around empathy without acknowledging that one of the country's most revered holidays is a false picture of history, and has roots in oppression.Shatter facades and replace them with something that is honest, true, and loving, both in your personal life and in your professional life.  "Please don't be afraid of how our knowledge evolves, even if it means uncomfortable mindset shifts. That's how we get better over time as humans." —  Maria Ross  References: Jasmine Bradshaw, First Name Basis podcast, The Untold Story of Thanksgiving (Encore)The Empathy Edge podcast: Elisa Camahort Page: The Art of Empathy in Politics, Activism, and Media BSThe Empathy Edge podcast: M.E. Hart: How to Have Honest Conversations at WorkThe Empathy Edge podcast: Mónica Guzmán: How to Have Fearlessly Curious Conversations in Divided Political TimesThe Empathy Edge podcast: David Weissman: From MAGA to Jewish Liberal Progressive   Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Book your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Nov 22, 2022 • 54min

Esther Weinberg: How to Grow, Scale, and Thrive Through Change You Never Asked For!

We've been through some serious business and culture shifts the last few years. But this is the way things always are. If it's not COVID, it will surely be something else in the future. Remember, the only constant is change, even if you don't ask or plan for it. How can you examine, design and measure your organization's ability  - and your own leadership ability - to build trust so you can more easily adapt to change and bring your people along?My guest today is Esther Weinberg, Founder and Chief Leadership Development Officer of The Ready Zone. Esther shares six Zone Performance Indicators, of ZPI's that are paramount to profitable growth. We also had a rich conversation about how emotions, body, and language impact performance in a real way, how emotions are  "signposts" that should not be ignored, and how to look at complaints as commitments - and offer some tough love advice if you're a leader struggling to get comfortable with dealing with emotions if you want to achieve high performance. We both have some choice words for you at the end of our interview! Key Takeaways:As your company changes, it may be time to usher people out of the organization (with empathy and dignity) who are no longer a fit for the changes the company has had and hire someone else who may be a better fit for the new place the company is in. Culture transcends the physical office space. If your culture is not portable, that’s where the effort needs to be.Create a vision narrative (not just a vision tagline). Give the vision a story that people can get behind and want to be a part of creating.If you hear a complaint as a commitment, think about how that changes what you’re hearing and what action you are willing to take.  "Emotions are signposts about what is important to us. You have to actually ground yourself in them to see whether or not your emotions are telling you the truth and are leading you in the direction of something that's important to you." —  Esther Weinberg About Esther Weinberg, Founder, The Ready ZoneEsther Weinberg is a business growth accelerator that equips executives in high-growth industries to create big pivots, big impact and big returns. As Founder & Chief Leadership Development Officer of The Ready Zone, she powerfully fast-tracks an organization’s progress by focusing on The Ready Zone’s six Zone Performance Indicators (ZPIs), that are paramount to profitable growth. Esther’s innovative strategies have assisted clients to grow, scale and thrive in the worst and best of times including Netflix, NBCUniversal, Microsoft, CNN, Adobe, Disney, and IMAX. Esther is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and a contributor to Forbes. Connect with Esther WeinbergWebsite: Book: Better Leaders. Better People. Better Results. 6 Eye-Opening Strategies to Thrive Through Change You Didn't Ask For:  Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Nov 15, 2022 • 46min

Andrea Nakayama: How The Empathy Trap Impacts Healthcare - and Leadership

If you've ever experienced the healthcare system due to a medical emergency or a chronic illness, then you know the system is often set up to deliver cookie cutter outputs based on inputs. There is little room for "true empathy" even though many healthcare professionals want to help people. In healthcare - and in our workplaces and organizations - we tend to get empathy wrong! Empathy is not about being nice, quickly easing someone's pain or solving their problem. Empathy is about being with someone, deeply listening, and adapting based on their history, context and point of view. That's how you find root causes and effectively and collaboratively solve problems for the long term - rather than band-aiding challenges for the short term.It was a joy today to speak to functional nutritionist, Andrea Nakayama. We discuss how a personal tragedy when she was just 7 weeks pregnant led her to the work of empowering health practitioners to rethink nutrition, systems and care protocols. Andrea shares what the Empathy Trap is and why so many of us fall into it, leading to negative results.  Tune in if you say you're empathetic but constantly feel anxious and overwhelmed! We discuss how to balance empathy with personal boundaries through her ART framework for patient care - which is a powerful tool for any leader in any industry. Andrea also shared her perspective on the health conversations coming out of the pandemic around mental health and wellness. I had such an epiphany  in this interview about HOW we can show empathy without losing ourselves - and how to problem solve with empathy - take a listen! Key Takeaways:In functional nutrition and functional medicine, it is about creating a therapeutic partnership, looking for root causes, and taking a systems based approach. Doctors do not get a lot of nutrition training in medical school. They can’t know what they don’t know and, a lot of the time, they are not willing to make recommendations they cannot follow up on or know how to follow up on. In health care, the training is about the x for the y. We need to broaden our perspective of what healthcare is, how people have access, and understand that the solution is multidimensional.  "Oftentimes, we overlap the problem and the solution, we spend five minutes on the problem and 45 minutes on the solution. And we actually have to flip that: When we spend more time in the assessment, we better understand our road to a sustainable solution." —  Andrea Nakayama  About Andrea Nakayama, Functional Nutritionist:As the host of the 15-Minute Matrix Podcast and the founder of Functional Nutrition Alliance, Andrea is leading thousands of students and practitioners around the globe in a revolution to offer better solutions to the growing chronic illness epidemic. By highlighting the importance of systems biology, root cause methodology, and therapeutic partnerships, she helps historically underserved individuals reclaim ownership of their health.References Mentioned:Rhonda Manns, The Empathy Edge podcast, Design Thinking in Healthcare - and BeyondConnect with Andrea Nakayama:Website: https://andreanakayama.comFX Nutrition:  Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-
Nov 8, 2022 • 56min

Cori Lovejoy: A Trans Woman's Journey Transforming Self and Organizational Culture

What is it like to go through life as a man, build a successful career, get married and have kids -  and then come out as a woman in your late 40's? What is it like to experience life from a different gender vantage point? How is your culture creating an environment where diverse people of all backgrounds, such as trans individuals, can do their best work?These are the questions we tackle today with my guest, culture and leadership consultant Cori Lovejoy. In October of 2020, Cori came out as a transgender woman and took a sabbatical to focus on her transition. Now, she is dedicating the next phase of her work to helping leaders create organizational cultures that are inclusive, diverse, equitable, welcoming, and ultimately more compassionate. She is motivated by a deep conviction that workplace cultures can contribute to employee well-being while achieving maximum organizational effectiveness and impact.Today Cori shares her personal journey to coming out as trans, how it has impacted her life, and what she learned about white male privilege and how differently men and women are treated. We also share the important work your leaders and organization can do to create a more inclusive culture where smart, talented people in underrepresented groups can contribute fully to your success.  Take a listen but first a trigger warning: We discuss the topics of suicide, addiction, and eating disorders in this episode. If you're facing mental health issues or thoughts of suicide, please dial 988 in the US or reach out for mental health services in your country.  Please take care of yourself. Key Takeaways:Everybody has their own story, their own journey, and their own challenges. It is not for us to judge what others are going through, regardless of their stage of life.The way men and women are perceived in society is different. With the same behavior, men are perceived as assertive, women are perceived as aggressive. In most cases, this is unconscious bias, but it is happening every day.Respect is the key. Use people’s correct pronouns, affirm their gender identity, and trust that they know who they are. Learning to love yourself unconditionally, whether trans or cis, is a common human experience.  "Proximity, perspective taking, and personal work will unearth these biases, and make the unconscious biases conscious. And that takes a lot of introspection and personal work." —  Cori Lovejoy About Cori Lovejoy , Culture and Leadership ConsultantIn October of 2020, Cori came out as a transgender woman and took a sabbatical to focus on her transition. Now, she is dedicating the next phase of her work to helping leaders create organizational cultures that are inclusive, diverse, equitable, welcoming, and ultimately more compassionate. She is motivated by a deep conviction that workplace cultures can contribute to employee well-being while achieving maximum organizational effectiveness and impact.As Director of Compassion for Brighton Jones, a wealth management company based in the Pacific Northwest of the US, Cori designed and led the company’s Mindfulness-based Emotional and Social Intelligence (MESI) program, established to support employees in becoming more compassionate through training in mindfulness, self-awareness, empathy, and compassion. Cori also led MESI workshops for other companies, local non-profits, as well as Brighton Jones clients. In addition, she co-founded and organized the Compassionate Leadership Summit, an annual conference centered on compassion and mindfulness that grew to over 500 participants and 50 presenters in less than two years, and she taught a course in Compassionate Leadership at Washington State University as a Teaching Associate Professor.Before joining Brighton Jones in 2015, Cori spent over 15 years in various leadership roles within the wealth management industry and then several years as an independent leadership coach and organizational development consultant. She holds an MBA in wealth management and an MA in organizational leadership.Connect with Cori LovejoyLinkedIn: MentionedThe Empathy Edge podcast, Cori's past interview (as Cory Custer) How a Compassionate Culture Leads to SuccessPaula Stone Williams, TEDx talk: I've Lived as a Man and Woman. Here's What I've Learned Don’t forget to download your free guide! Discover The 5 Business Benefits of Empathy:  Connect with Maria: Get the podcast and book: TheEmpathyEdge.comLearn more about Maria and her work: Red-Slice.comHire Maria to speak at your next event: my LinkedIn Learning Course! Leading with EmpathyLinkedIn: Maria RossInstagram: @redslicemariaTwitter: @redsliceFacebook: Red Slice Achieve radical success putting empathy into action with Businessolver. Techlology with heart, powered by people. your free seat to Maria's masterclass here-

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