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The Stem Cell Podcast

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Jun 20, 2017 • 1h 21min

Ep. 94: “Unlimited Blood Cells” Featuring Drs. Shahin Rafii and Raphael Lis

Guest: In this episode, we welcome Drs. Shahin Rafii and Raphael Lis. Dr. Rafii is director of the Ansary Stem Cell Institute, chief of the Division of Regenerative Medicine, and the Arthur B. Belfer Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine. His lab investigates stem cell biology and angiogenesis using in vivo mouse models. Dr. Lis who was the first author on their recent Nature paper and is an Instructor in Medicine and the TRI-SCi Flow Cytometry Core Manager at Weill Cornell Medicine. Featured Resource: Bone Marrow Niches and HSC Fates Wallchart Resources and Links US to Pull Out of Paris Climate Accord – President Donald Trump announced June 1 that the United States will leave the Paris climate accord, calling it “simply the latest example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the United States.” Plants – A Source of Air Pollution When Temperatures Rise – During heat waves, city trees actually boost air pollution levels with as much as 60 percent of ground-level ozone created with the help of chemicals emitted by urban shrubbery. Climate Change May Be Beneficial for Earworms – Researchers analyzed 21 years of data from Maryland cornfields and suggest that rising temperatures might help corn earworms (Helicoverpa zea) develop resistance faster to a widespread genetically built-in crop protection. Humans Love Looking at Faces Even Before Birth – In the first-ever study of prenatal visual perception, fetuses were more likely to move their heads to track facelike configurations of light projected into the womb than non-facelike shapes. New Therapy “Flags” DNA to Boost Cancer Fighting T-Cells – An antibody sold as the drug Keytruda helps turn on cancer-fighting T cells by blocking PD-1 proteins, freeing T cells to attack the cancer. Trump Retains Collins as NIH director – President Donald Trump has decided to appoint the director of the National Institutes of Health even though pro-life advocates called on Francis Collins to be replaced because of his support for embryonic stem cell research that involves the destruction of human life. Using Stem Cells to Reverse Brain Death?? – The company, Bioquark, plans to initiate a study later this year to see if a combination of stem cell and protein blend injections, electrical nerve stimulation, and laser therapy can reverse the effects of recent brain death. Skin Stem Cells to Treat Congenital Brain Defect – Researchers developed a stem cell-based therapy for generating skin grafts to cover myelomeningocele defects before birth according to a study published in Stem Cell Reports. CryoPause: A New Method to Immediately Initiate Experiments after Cryopreservation of Pluripotent Stem Cells – Researchers describe a modification of PSC workflows that eliminates a major variable for nearly all PSC experiments: the quality and quantity of the PSC starting material. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Shahin Rafii  Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
Jun 6, 2017 • 1h 5min

Ep. 93: “Blood Brain Barrier” Featuring Dr. Clive Svendsen

Guest: Dr. Clive Svendsen is the Director of the Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute and Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Cedar Sinai Medical Center. One focus of his current research is to derive cells from patients with specific disorders, which can then be “reprogrammed” to a primitive state and used as powerful models of human disease. The other side of his research involves cutting edge clinical trials. Featured Resource: iCell® Human iPSC-Derived Products Resources and Links New Administration Budget Would Bludgeon Science Funding – Under President Donald Trump’s 2018 budget proposal, federal research spending would decline abruptly. Mouse Sperm Survive Trip to Space – Sperm freeze-dried and sent into space for months of exposure to high levels of solar radiation later produced healthy baby mice. 40 More Intelligence Genes Identified – By sifting through the genetics of nearly 80,000 people, researchers have uncovered 40 genes that may make certain people smarter which brings the total number of suspected “intelligence genes” to 52. Statin Drugs May Not Benefit Older Adults – This article reveals that statins did not cause a meaningful reduction in heart attacks, coronary heart disease deaths or deaths from any cause in people age 65 and older. Bookmarks on Stem Cells – Stem cells preserve their identities after cell division by using a series of protein “bookmarks” on their genes, according to new research published by scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine. High-Throughput Protocol for Deriving Microglia from Human Stem Cells – Scientists from the New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute have developed a robust, efficient method for deriving microglia, the immune cells of the brain, from human stem cells according to a paper published in Stem Cell Reports. HIV May Cause Emphysema by Taking Over Stem Cells – HIV may cause emphysema by reprogramming the stem cells, called basal cells, to produce enzymes that can destroy lung tissue. A Cure for Baldness? – Scientists have found that immune system cells that control inflammation play a key role in hair growth. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Clive Svendsen Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
May 23, 2017 • 1h 8min

Ep. 92: “Stem Cells for Arthritis” Featuring Dr. Farshid Guilak

Guest: Dr. Farshid Guilak, a Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University and Director of Research for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. His laboratory is pursuing a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the etiology and pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, as a basis for the development of new pharmacologic and stem-cell therapies. Featured Resource: Mesenchymal Stem and Progenitor Cell Research Resources and Links Toddlers’ Screen Time Linked to Speech Delays and Lost Sleep, But… – The use of tablets and other handheld digital devices are associated with speech delays and less night sleep in young children, links that scientists, doctors and parents are all eager to explore. Breast Cancer Cells Spread in Groups – A study says breast cancer cells may break away from the main tumor in clumps, already bearing most of the mutations that will drive cancer recurrence. An 'Exercise Pill' – An experimental drug touted as “exercise in a pill” has dramatically increased endurance in couch potato mice, even after a lifetime of inactivity by adjusting the body’s metabolism, allowing muscles to favor burning fat over sugar. Immune Cells May Help Regulate Our Heart Beat – Immune system cells called macrophages, which usually protect the body from invading pathogens, also help electricity flow between muscle cells to keep the heart pumping. Bone Marrow Stem Cells for ALS – Researchers at the University of South Florida show in a new study that bone marrow stem cell transplants helped improve motor functions and nervous system conditions in mice with the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by repairing damage to the blood-spinal cord barrier. Large Bank of Human Stem Cell Lines Made in Europe – The 711 induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from 301 healthy volunteers were released by a large European consortium – the Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Initiative – in the journal Nature. Vitamin Deficiency Not Good for Blood Stem Cells – According to this article, lack of vitamin A in the body has a detrimental effect on the hematopoietic system in the bone marrow. Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Maps Development of Human Germline Cells and Gonadal Niche Interactions – Researchers performed single-cell RNA-seq analysis of over 2,000 human fetal germ cells and their gonadal niche cells in female and male human embryos spanning several developmental stages. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Farshid Guilak Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
May 9, 2017 • 1h 13min

Ep. 91: “3D Cell Library” Featuring Dr. Rick Horwitz and Dr. Graham Johnson

Guest: In this episode, we bring you Drs. Rick Horwitz and Graham Johnson from the Allen Institute for Cell Sciences. They discuss the Allen Cell Explorer, a 3-D cell library created using induced pluripotent stem cells. Featured Resource: STEMdiff™ Trilineage Differentiation Kit Resources and Links A March for Science Happened – Scientists had to engage and take their demands to political leaders and policymakers, so they stood for hours on a sodden National Mall and then marched through puddles to Capitol Hill. HPV Vaccine as a Cancer Prevention Needs to be Emphasized – In the United States, HPV vaccination rates lag for girls and boys mainly because the message that the vaccine prevents cancer isn’t getting out there. All Crossed Up-Neuron Miswiring Can Lead to Depression – Researchers have pinpointed a gene called Pcdhαc2 that keeps important brain cells in mice from crossing their wires, providing a possible link between brain wiring and mood disorders like depression. Zika Virus Hangs Out in Your Body – Weeks after the virus disappears from the bloodstream, it still lingers in the lymph nodes and the central nervous system of rhesus monkeys. CIRM is on Its Last Leg – Major investment in regenerative medicine enters its last stage — and the money might run out before treatments are ready. CRISPR Editing to Fight Arthritis – Scientists have rewired stem cells' genetic circuits known as SMART cells (Stem cells Modified for Autonomous Regenerative Therapy) to produce an anti-inflammatory arthritis drug when the cells encounter inflammation. CRISPR and Stem Cells Identify Novel Chlamydia Drug Targets – Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and their colleagues at the University of British Columbia have developed a novel method for studying how the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis interacts with the human immune system. Activating Stem Cells for Quicker Healing – Recent research, led by assistant professor of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine at the University of South Carolina Joseph T. Rodgers, has found a way to increase the body’s ability to heal after injury. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Rick Horwitz and Dr. Graham Johnson Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
Apr 25, 2017 • 1h 10min

Ep. 90: “Eating Disorder Gene” Featuring Dr. Alysson Muotri

Guest: Dr. Alysson Muotri is a Professor at the School of Medicine, University of California in San Diego. His research focuses on modeling neurological diseases, such as Autism Spectrum Disorders, using human induced pluripotent stem cells. His lab has developed several techniques to culture human neurons and glia for basic research and drug-screening platforms. Most recently he and his group published a paper reporting the first cellular model of anorexia nervosa, reprogramming induced pluripotent stem cells derived from adolescent females with the eating disorder. Featured Resource: CloneR™ Defined Supplement for Single-Cell Cloning of Human ES and iPS Cells Resources and Links How a Budget Squeeze Can Lead to Sloppy Science and Even Cheating – A funding crunch for scientific research is creating incentives for scientists to cut corners and even occasionally to cheat. New Tech Harvests Drinking Water from (Relatively) Dry Air Using Only Sunlight – A new device the size of a coffee mug can generate drinkable water from desert air using nothing but sunlight. New CRISPR Tool Can Detect Tiny Amounts of Viruses – The new exquisitely sensitive and specific CRISPR tool promises to help detect diseases that other diagnostics miss, and it’s simple and cheap to use. Allen Cell Explorer – Graham Johnson and the Allen Institute for Cell Science’s team of nearly 50 cell biologists, microscopy specialists, and computer programmers revealed what they’ve been working on the past two years: the Allen Cell Explorer, which is the largest public collection of human cells ever visualized in 3D, that serves as fuel for the project’s engine: the first-ever deep learning model to predict how cells are organized. The EPS Cell, a New Stem Cell – Salk Institute and Chinese researchers said they have created a new kind of stem cell called an extended pluripotent stem cell or EPS cell, one that is more versatile than any other grown in the lab and can grow into any tissue in the body. Patient-Specific iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells Uncover Pathways that Protect against Pulmonary Hypertension in BMPR2 Mutation Carriers – Researchers used comparison of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells from three families with unaffected mutation carriers, familial pulmonary arterial hypertension patients, and gender-matched controls to investigate this variation. Analysis of Transcriptional Variability in a Large Human iPSC Library Reveals Genetic and Non-genetic Determinants of Heterogeneity – This article reveals that ∼50% of genome-wide expression variability is explained by variation across individuals and identified a set of expression quantitative trait loci that contribute to this variation. Reprogramming the Brain’s Own Cells for Parkinson’s Treatment – A study from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm shows it is possible to coax the brain’s own astrocytes—cells that typically support and nurture neurons—into producing a new generation of dopamine neurons. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Alysson Muotri Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
Apr 11, 2017 • 1h 28min

Ep. 89: “MSCs in Vivo” Featuring Dr. Fabio Rossi

Guest: Dr. Fabio Rossi is a Professor at the Department of Medical Genetics and Director of Biomedical Research Centre at the University of British Columbia. He joins us to discuss the role of mesenchymal stem cells in regeneration and fibrosis in vivo. Featured Resource: CloneR™ Defined Supplement for Single-Cell Cloning of Human ES and iPS Cells Resources and Links New Steel Modeled After Bones – A new type of steel mimics bone to make the metal more resistant to failure. The First Fluorescent Frogs – Scientists say South American polka dot tree frog gives off an “intense greenish-blue glow” under UV light. Brain Differences Seen Between Girls and Boys with ADHD – Girls and boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder don’t just behave differently but parts of their brains look different, too like the cerebellum. Getting Dengue First May Make Zika Infection Much Worse – Experiments in cells and mice suggest that a previous exposure to dengue or West Nile can make a Zika virus infection worse by facilitating entry of the Zika virus into susceptible cells, and exacerbating the disease outcome. For Kids Daily Juice Most Likely Won’t Pack on Pounds – This article shows that an analysis of existing studies linked daily juice drinking to very small amounts of extra weight in young children. Man Receives Someone Else’s Reprogrammed Stem Cells – Doctors took skin cells from a donor bank and reprogrammed them into induced pluripotent stem cells, grew them into a type of retinal cell, and then injected them into the retina of the macular degeneration patient's right eye. Stem Cell Fabric Innovation Regrows Rotator Cuff Tendons – A team of researchers from University of Connecticut Health has found a way to regenerate rotator cuff tendons after they’re torn, using a nano-textured fabric seeded with stem cells. New Stem Cell Screening Platform Opens Door to Novel Ways to Treat Neuro Diseases – Scientists at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have successfully grown stem cells from children with a devastating neurological disease to help explain how different genetic backgrounds can cause similar symptoms. Stem Cells Help Some Men with Erectile Dysfunction after Prostate Surgery – Scientists report that men who are unable to have an erection after prostate surgery enjoyed normal intercourse thanks to stem cell therapy. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Fabio Rossi Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
Mar 28, 2017 • 1h 21min

Ep. 88: “Homing Neural Stem Cells” Featuring Dr. Shawn Hingtgen

Guest: For this episode’s interview, we bring on Dr. Shawn Hingtgen, Assistant Professor at the Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics at UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and Dr. Matthew G. Ewend, Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at UNC School of Medicine. Dr. Hingtgen’s research focuses on utilizing molecular imaging to characterize and validate novel stem cell-based targeted therapeutics for treatment of highly aggressive brain cancers. Most recently, Hingtgen and Ewend published a paper in Science Translational Medicine describing a novel method using neural stem cells to home to and infiltrate brain tumors in mouse models. Featured Resource: Sample Request: NeuroCult™ NS-A Proliferation Kit (Human) Resources and Links New Administration Will Deeply Cut Science Budgets – The harshest budget cuts appear to be directed at biomedical research, which will see a dramatic 20 percent drop in funding for the National Institutes of Health Making a Mistake Can Make Your Brain Pause – When facing a fast and furious stream of decisions, even the momentary distraction of noting an error can decrease accuracy on the next choice. Genetically Engineered Corn to Ward Off Fungal Growth – Genetically altered corn infected with Aspergillus fungus may be able to prevent the fungus from releasing carcinogenic toxins or aflatoxins. Insight into Neandertals’ Diet and Disease from Preserved Dental Plaque – Dental plaque preserved in fossilized teeth confirms that Neandertals were flexible eaters and may have self-medicated with an ancient equivalent of aspirin. 3 Women Blinded by Unproven Stem Cell Treatments – Researchers document the cases of three elderly women who were blinded after getting stem cells derived from fat tissue at a for-profit clinic in Florida. A New Report Aims to Decipher How the Body Controls Stem Cells – Researchers from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of the University of Luxembourg and an international team have now identified an ingenious mechanism by which the body orchestrates the regeneration of red and white blood cells from progenitor cells. Turning Old Gut Stem Cells Young – It may be possible to partially reverse aging in gut stem cells, at least in a petri dish according to a paper in Cell Reports March 14. A New Antibody Therapy That Targets Cancer Stem Cells – Scientists have described a novel antibody therapy with a two-in-one antibody, called CT16, that may be able to both shrink tumors and target cancer stem cells. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Shawn Hingtgen Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
Mar 14, 2017 • 1h 13min

Ep. 87: “Cancer Stem Cell Evasion” Featuring Dr. Justin Lathia

Guest: For this episode’s interview, we bring on Dr. Justin Lathia, Assistant Professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Lathia’s research focus is on how stem cell programs drive tumor progression and therapeutic resistance. Most recently his group published a paper in Cell Stem Cell, describing a novel method on how stem cells in brain tumors evade immune signals around them. Featured Resource: Sample Request: NeuroCult™ NS-A Proliferation Kit (Human) Resources and Links Certain Birth Defects Are on the Rise Since Zika Arrived in the U.S. – Certain birth defects were 20 times more prevalent in babies born to Zika virus–infected mothers in the U.S. in 2016 than they were before the virus cropped up in the United States, a CDC study suggests. Bacteria Genes Offer New Strategy for Sterilizing Mosquitoes – A pair of bacterial genes called cifA and cifB, connected to the sterility mechanism of Wolbachia may enable genetic engineering strategies for curbing populations of virus-transmitting mosquitoes. New Imaging Technique Catches DNA ‘Flickering’ On – This article describes a new imaging technique that takes advantage of DNA’s natural ability to “blink” in response to stimulating light. Gastric Bypass Controls Diabetes Long Term Better Than Other Methods – People who undergo gastric bypass surgery are more likely to experience a remission of their diabetes than patients who receive a gastric sleeve or intensive management of diet and exercise, according to a new study. Scientists Use Two Types Of Stem Cells To Grow Artificial Mouse "Embryo" – Scientists combine mouse embryonic stem cells and extra-embryonic trophoblast stem cells in a 3D-scaffold to generate structures whose morphogenesis is remarkably similar to natural embryos. Stem Cell Science in Space Happening with SpaceX Rocket – SpaceX rocket carrying samples of donated adult stem cells from a research laboratory at Mayo Clinic’s Florida campus launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., on Feb. 19. Australian Researchers Have Discovered Stem Cells in the Breast That May Be Linked to a High-Risk Form of Breast Cancer – Located in a region near the nipple, the newly-found stem cells have many molecular similarities to a subtype of 'triple negative' breast cancers known as claudin-low cancers. Obesity Can Reprogram Muscle Stem Cells – According to this article, by comparing the DNA methylation in immature and mature muscle cells from healthy individuals, Cajsa Davegårdh discovered that the actual degree of methylation had a major impact on the maturation process. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Justin Lathia Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
Feb 28, 2017 • 55min

Ep. 86: “Human-Pig Chimera” Featuring Dr. Jun Wu

Guest: For this episode, we bring on Dr. Jun Wu, a Staff Scientist in the lab of Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte at the Salk Institute. Dr. Wu will discuss his latest work published in Cell on human-pig chimeras. Featured Resource: Wallchart: Stem Cell States - Naive to Primed Pluripotency Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Jun Wu Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe
Feb 14, 2017 • 1h 13min

Ep. 85: “Killer Antibodies” Featuring Dr. Christopher Park

Guest: Dr. Christopher Park is an Associate Professor and Director of Pathology Education and Translational Research at the NYU Langone Medical center. His lab is currently looking at new ways to combat blood cancers like leukemia by attacking and destroying the blood stem cells. In this episode, Dr. Park discusses his lab’s work and the details of their most recent publication in Science Translational Medicine. Featured Resource: Hematopoiesis Hub: Culture Your Expertise in Hematopoiesis with Us Resources and Links Scientists Plan to March – A few months from now, thousands of scientists will leave their labs and take to the streets to rally on behalf of publicly funded, openly communicated, evidence-based research. CRISPR Used in Cows to Help Fight Tuberculosis – Researchers are able to obtain transgenic cattle with increased resistance to tuberculosis through somatic cell nuclear transfer. An Artist’s Amnesia Could Help Better Understand Memory – Despite having amnesia, artist Lonni Sue Johnson can still create art, which makes neuroscientists curious about Johnson’s brain in part because her education and expertise before her illness contrast sharply with that of the most famous amnesiac known to science, Henry Molaison. Shining Light on Eggs Leads to More “Chilled” Out Chickens – Researchers at the University of California, Davis found that broilers given at least 12 hours of light daily during incubation were less fearful. First Human-Pig 'Chimera' Created in Milestone Study – Scientists from the Salk Institute have created a human-pig hybrid in a milestone study that raises the prospect of being able to grow human organs inside animals for use in transplants. Study by Cleveland Clinic Researchers Explains How Brain Cancer Cells Avoid Immune System – A new study by Cleveland Clinic researchers has uncovered some of the mystery behind what enables glioblastoma – one of the most deadly and recurring brain cancers – to resist most cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy. Endocrinology Stem Cell Research Engineering Thyroid Cells from Stem Cells May Lead to New Therapies – Researchers found a way to coax genetically modified embryonic stem cells from mice to develop into thyroid cells. Direct Reprogramming of Mouse Fibroblasts toward Leydig-like Cells by Defined Factors – Induced Leydig-like cells (iLCs) expressed steroidogenic genes, had a global gene expression profile similar to that of adult LCs, and acquired androgen synthesis capabilities. Photo Reference: Courtesy of Dr. Christopher Park Subscribe to our newsletter! Never miss updates about new episodes. Subscribe

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