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Mscs Media Podcast

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Dec 6, 2022 • 2h 37min

Victor Concepcion - Super Bowl Host Committee | Miami Dolphins/Hard Rock Stadium Team | Luxury Event Planner Mscs Media #265

Victor Concepcion was part of the Super Bowl Host Committee,  Miami Dolphins/Hard Rock Stadium Guest Experience Team, Co Founder of Wheels, Wings & Fashion, Luxury Event Planner, International Polo Club Associate, Insurance Agent,  Fashion Show Producer and more including a Private social club Speak Easy, the challenges of a private club and constant events, promotions and more. Victor wears more hats on his head then anyone I have met.  Stay in touch with Victor Concepcion:  Wheels Wings Fashion: Social Media : @wheelswingsfashion Chamber Palm Beach @clubchamberpb 335 speakeasy @capone335Pb Friends Giving Eve Crawl 12 Bars Of Christmas: 335 CAPONE PRIVATE CLUB: CONTACT ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test: Ty LetsGetChecked. ➔Weston Jon Boucher - Lucery Men's Clothing At an Affordable Price Without Losing Quality: ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy:   ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT.: ► (1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing.) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Dec 1, 2022 • 4h 3min

Weston Bouchér - Mega Star Model ( Rolls Royce, Mens Health, Benz) Creator | Luxury Clothing Line | Creator Mscs Media *264

Weston Bouchér is an agency-repped model, YouTuber, and menswear designer, 25% off use code TOMMY and Amazon LIVE A-List Creator based out of San Diego. Weston’s love for the creative world has translated into a body of work spanning multiple industries. Weston was born in Los Angeles, California, and then relocated at a young age to San Diego and has been there ever since. Weston's Luxury Men's fashion wear has taken off at a massive pace as well as his YouTube channel which I have been watching for years. Weston has also been on the cover of more than 1 Xbox game as well as in the game itself. Weston has come full circle, is very intelligent and has worked with the highest of highest companies in his ongoing highly successful modeling career. One of the most down-to-earth men I have met, congrats to Weston and Katie on their engagement and all they do! Stay connected with Weston Bouchér: West Jon Bouchér  - 25% off use code TOMMY ( The quality is matched to any high-end line in Saks and so on by far )  Website: IG: Youtube: ( have followed and watched since 2017ish )  ➔Please check out our Sponsors  ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test: Ty LetsGetChecked. ➔Weston Jon Boucher - Lucery Men's Clothing At an Affordable Price Without Losing Quality:  ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy:   ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura #podcast #mensware #creator #westonjonboucher #westonboucher #mscsmedia 
Nov 30, 2022 • 1h 47min

Dr. Peter Goldman Dr. Nate Browne - Chiropractors Solving Issues VS Bandaid & Charge | Dr. Goldman's 9/11 Story - Mscs Media *263

Peter Goldman and Nate Browne are both Chiropractors, Nate lives in the same neighborhood as the Migos. Nate tells some funny stories. We discuss the Chiropractic school stories. Chiropractors, whether it is a real thing or a reoccurring charge/bandaid. Nate saw Peter at a conference as hard as it is to believe within min healed a man who could not hear, someone who was legally blind on stage. This caught Nate's attention. Over time Pete and Nate became closer and closer, while Nate still with his own Chiropractic office, joined Pete at Zone School of Healing where they solve an issue, not a bandaid. Dr. Goldman and Dr. Browne have found more sufficient ways to heal those in need and share the knowledge with others in the profession. Dr. Goldman's office was across the street during the 9/11 attack. He recalls watching each plane go into the building and the madness. Dr. Browne has probably the most hilarous college stories of all time.  Stay in touch with Dr. Goldman: Site: YT: IG: Stay in touch with Dr. Browne  Site: FB: IG: @natebrownedc ➔Please check out our Sponsors  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura  ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test:  Weston Jon Boucher - Lucery Men's Clothing At an Affordable Price Without Loosing Quality: ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash    ➔Monster Energy:
Nov 29, 2022 • 2h 55min

David Icke - Writer for over 30 Years On Humanity | Reality | Simulation | Illusion | Facts - Mscs Media #262

David Icke has been writing for nearly 30 years of a coming global Orwellian state in which a tiny few would have control of the rest of humanity through the tools of finance, government, media, and military police. He has said that “physical” reality is an illusion, and what we think is the “world” is a holographic simulation or “Matrix” created to entrap human perception in ongoing servitude. For the past 30 years, he has been compiling information across a vast range of subjects and connecting them in a way that gives us a clearer picture of our reality. By connecting the dots between major world events, he provides us a more precise context to better understand the simulated reality that we have been living in. Learn how we have been led to believe in this illusion, and the ways we can shift our perceptions to finally be free from this control. Oddly enough many of the things David has written in the 90's were exactly right on the money.  Stay In Touch With David Icke! New Book The Trap: All Books: Website: Videos: ➔Please check out our Sponsors  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura  ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test:  Weston Jon Boucher - Lucery Men's Clothing At an Affordable Price Without Looing Quality: ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash    ➔Monster Energy:
Nov 27, 2022 • 3h 11min

Ivan Law - Producer - Anther Look At 2Pac Biggie, Marksmen Shots | Eazy E? - Mscs Media *262

Ivan Law Law is best known for his book The Hollyhood Cover Up, which explores his ideas on the murders and controversies circling popular artists such as Eazy E, Tupac, and Bigge. Ivan dug up Suge Knight on Jimmy Kimmel talking about Eazy E, we compare the bullet holes in Tupacs car and Biggies truck. Extremely accurate in both, especially Tupac for someone leaving the Mike Tyson fight at midnight... We compare. Ivan is a pastor and a musician based in the United States. He currently works at one of the oldest churches in Los Angeles – Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church. Stay In Touch With Ivan Law: Youtube: Blog Including Suge Knight On Jimmy Kimmel Talking About Eazy E: Website: (Hip Hop Homicides) of Holly Hood : Who Killed Tupac Amaru Shakur and Christopher Biggie Smalls Wallace - Kindle edition by Law, Ivan , Law, Ivan. Professional & Technical Kindle eBooks @ Pre-order ➔Please check out our Sponsors  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura  ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test:  ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash    ➔Monster Energy:
Nov 24, 2022 • 3h 28min

John Rourke | Border Cleanup, Dog Rescue At Border Del Rio & Eagle Pass, Tx | Hurricane Ian Relief - Mscs Media #261

John Rourke owner of has been on a mission to clean up America one step at a time. Through his moving company, he has raised funds for multiple border clean-ups in MD, TX, and others. John has seen it all and captured real-time videos of how it really is. Johns's last visit was to a dog rescue, along with Big Dog Ranch Rescue. They were able to rescue 40 dogs that would have been put to sleep starved or worse. John was also a major part of hurricane Ian relief. John was born and raised in America, father of four kids, running a full-time business there is no match to his dedication to cleaning up America. Stay in touch with John Rouke | Blue Line Moving | Future Clean up's and Rescues: Website:  Border Clean up: | IG: IG: BigDogRanchRescue: IG: ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test: Ty LetsGetChecked. ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy:  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT.: ► (1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing.) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA: #podcast #border #bluelinemoving #johnrourke #mscsmedia
Nov 21, 2022 • 2h 31min

Magic Jack - Master Magician - Super Bowl, American Express, Coke Cola Deals Performs Live Mscs Media #260

Jack Maxwell, known professionally as “Magic Jack,” is a professional magician who performs throughout South Florida, the entire United States and abroad. A master magician, he first uncovered his passion for performance when he was only seven years old, committing himself wholeheartedly to developing his act ever since. Landing a job at a magic shop when he was eleven, he found ample opportunity to build a stage presence. By the time he was in high school, he had found his voice, which humor and pizzazz characterized his performance above all else. Throughout his early 20s, he operated his own magic shop, The Wizard’s Apprentice. He closed the magic shop in 2009 to shift all his attention to his performance career. Magic Jack is known for his corporate entertainment offerings, but he also offers close-up magic, stage magic, private magic lessons, and group magic lessons. On top of that, he has produced DVDs to instruct others in honing their own performance skills. He has served as a public relations ambassador for such blue-chip companies as GE, Coca-Cola, and Brother, and in 2016, Lionsgate Entertainment enlisted him to promote Now You See Me Too in South Florida. Continuing to perform throughout the area, Magic Jack also teaches magic to students ages 6 to 13 at the Boca Raton JCC, steadfast as ever is his commitment to passing on magic to the next generation. Check out Magic Jack: Youtube: IG: ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test: Ty LetsGetChecked. ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy:  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT.: ► (1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing.) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Nov 19, 2022 • 3h 10min

Dr. Charlie Ward - Religious Cult To International Money Mover For The Worlds Governments - Charlie Tv - Author - Mscs Media #259

Dr. Charlie Ward, during the Great Pandemic of 2020, a new voice arrived on YouTube that was searching for "The Truth" and because of his endearing personality, inside information, and fascinating guests, the phenomenon that is Charlie Ward was born, reaching over 23 million subscribers! But, before Charlie became an online sensation, he had a whirlwind 60 years on the planet that saw him go from being a humble English kid brought up in a bizarre religious cult in the 1960s to being an international financier and mover of money for the World's governments. Charlie Ward now has his own Charlie TV millions of viewers per day. Charlie is also the author of his own book "I Am Just Charlie" . We also discuss many things behind closed doors such as who is really who. Dr. Charlie Ward from England is one of a kind.  Stay in touch with Dr. Charlie Ward: ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test: Ty LetsGetChecked. ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy:  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT.: ► (1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing.) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Nov 17, 2022 • 3h 39min

Teddy Atlas - Trained By Cus D'Amato | Trained Mike Tyson At 12 | ESPN Friday Night Fights - Mscs Media *258

Teddy Atlas is an American boxing trainer and fight commentator. The son of a doctor, Atlas grew up in a wealthy area of Staten Island, New York City, New York. His mother, Mary Riley Atlas, was a former contestant in the Miss America pageant system, as well as a model. Atlas was involved in a street fight in Stapleton, Staten Island, in which his face was severely slashed with a "007" flick knife. The wound took 400 stitches in total to close, with 200 on the outside of his face and 200 on the inside. The attack left him with a distinctive scar. Atlas trained as an amateur boxer with Hall of Fame trainer Cus D'Amato Atlas was an assistant to D'Amato, although his role in the Catskill Boxing Club assisted in the training of D'Amato's teenage protégé Mike Tyson. The Dr. Theodore A. Atlas Foundation is a New York-based 501community service organization that provides financial and emotional support to individuals and organizations in need and focuses particularly on the needs of children. Teddy’s his biggest success as head trainer to Michael Moorer, whom he guided to the world heavyweight title in 1994 Atlas served as a commentator for ESPN, formerly for ESPN2's Friday Night Fights and Wednesday Night Fights and later for ESPN's Premier Boxing Champions fights. Teddy Atlas:  Please visit the Dr. Atlas Foundation: Youtube: Clothing line BoxRaw 36: Book: FROM THE STREETS TO THE RING: A SON’S STRUGGLE TO BECOME A MAN: Training Films: ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Horome levels falling? Use MSCSMEDIA to get 25% off home test: Ty LetsGetChecked. ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy:  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT.: ► (1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing.) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Nov 15, 2022 • 4h 23min

Dr. Robert Epstein - Over 40 Years As A Top Research Psychologist | What Is Google & Others Really Doing? Mscs Media *257

Dr. Robert Epstein is an author, professor, and one of the top, if not the top, Research Psychologists in the world. Dr. Epstein founded the American Institute for Behavioral Research Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. A non-profit organization that offers data regarding the power of Google and other Big Tech Companies and how they can sway the mind in many aspects. I think it is important to note; Dr. Epstein does not hate Google however he shows what Google and the others are really doing, oddly he and his team are the only ones doing this kind of research.  Dr. Epstein is passionate about educating the public about advances in mental health and the behavioral sciences. The former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today. UPCOMING ARTICLE (upcoming article, "How Google Stopped the Red Wave") THE CASE AGAINST ADOLESCENCE (Dr. Epstein's book on raising teens, cited by SCOTUS) GOOGLE ALTERNATIVES  BIG TECH (to support & learn more about AIBRT research on Big Tech) (Epstein article on privacy, updated Feb. 2022) (15-min. video about AIBRT's 2020 election findings) (7-min. video, Epstein 2019 Congressional testimony) (Epstein's new "Google's Triple Threat" booklet) (Epstein on Tucker Carlson, 56-min. video, PASSWORD: "epstein") (90 min. video, interview on Big Tech) https://EpsteinOnSTEMTalks (90-min. biographical audio interview) (90-min. documentary about Big Tech, features Epstein research) (article about AIBRT's 2016 monitoring project) (new research on personal assistants) (new research on Twitter) (2015 SEME paper in PNAS) (Nov. 5, 2020 letter from US Senators to Google CEO) COVID-19 (beating the virus without lockdowns or vaccines) (peer-reviewed scientific article about CSP)➔Sponsors:

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