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Jul 10, 2022 • 3h 6min

Enrique "Ric" Prado - Senior Cia Special Ops - The Legend Of The CIA - 911 - Bin Ladin - Best Selling Author Black Ops - MSCS MEDIA #211

Enrique "Ric" Prado, best-selling author, Black Ops is a paramilitary, counter-terrorism, and special/clandestine operations specialist, with a focus on international training operations and programs. Mr. Prado is a twenty-four year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency where he served as an Operations Officer in six overseas posts. He was Deputy Chief of Station and "Plank Owner" of the original Bin Ladin Task Force/Issues Station under Senior Analyst, Michael Scheuer, as well as Chief of Station in a hostile Muslim country. He also served as Chief of Operations in the CIA's Counterterrorist Center (CTC) during the September 11th attacks, where Mr. Prado helped coordinate CIA/CTC's special operations (SPECOPS) activities with the National Security Council and FBI, as well as with elite U.S. military representatives from Delta Force and SEAL-Team Six, then detailed to CTC/CIA. He retired as Senior Intel Service-2 (SIS-2, Major General equivalent at CIA). Mr. Prado spent his first ten years at CIA as a paramilitary officer in Special Operations Group/Special Activities Division (SOG/SAD, Ground Branch) which is CIA's "special operations force." His service included 36 months in Central America jungles as the first CIA officer living in the anti-Sandinista "Contra" camps. Subsequently running counter-terrorism/insurgency operations in Peru and in the Philippines. Other key positions included head of the CIA's Korean Operations and Chief of CIA Liaison in Seoul, ROK. He is fluent in his native Spanish and once held a 2+ level in Japanese. Mr. Prado is now co-owner of Camp X, Special Operations Lone Operator Training Group and continues his service training and supporting the "SPECOPS" Community as Subject Matter Expert (SME ) at the SWCS' ASOT (Advanced Special Operations and Techniques) and ASOT Managers Course, Dragon Warrior, Emerald Warrior, among others. The Legend Enrique "Ric" Prado ( What an honor)  Website: New York Times Best Seller, Amazon Best Seller BLACK OPS ( Awesome book ) IG: This episode is sponsored by: $5 off free shipping  Unleash The Beast With Monster Energy:   See if any of your passwords have been compromised.  If you think it can’t happen to you, know that American consumers lost $56 billion due to identity theft scams in 2020:  Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video
Jul 9, 2022 • 3h 28min

Kalen Chase From KORN - VIMIC - Performs 2 New Singles In Studio MSCS MEDIA #210

In 2006, Kalen joined Korn on tour, primarily on backing vocals, and can be heard and seen in the MTV Unplugged: Korn release in 2007 where he was featured playing an exotic array of instruments. He remained with Korn – often seen as The White Rabbit – until 2008. While working with Korn, Kalen fronted the band The Changing, where he collaborated again with Jonathan Davis on single Jerry Bruckheimer. His career in metal would continue as the lead vocalist for the band Superfix, before joining forces with Joey Jordison (formerly of Slipknot) as the lead vocalist for Vimic in 2016. Kalen has worked extensively in the studio providing backing vocals for artists including 10 Years, Pop Evil, Dragonforce and singing on the Lego Batman movie soundtrack. Now, Kalen Chase has embarked on a new path, building upon his singer-songwriter roots, hard rock persona, and production experience to create a sound of his own. His contagious energy and stage presence captivates the room. His percussive delivery and sweet but cynical lyrics naturally draw an audience to join in harmony. Kalen recently relocated to Nashville from Los Angeles. In LA, he recorded Good Things, featuring Brian Viglione of The Dresden Dolls on drums at the iconic El Dorado Recording Studios. The follow-up release, Let Them Come, features Pete Thorn (Chris Cornell/Melissa Etheridge) on guitar. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:05:38 Live performance "Good Things"  02:54:10 Live Performance "Happy" Check out Kalen Chase and grab that new single which was performed in studio "Happy" Website: New Singles: Spotify:  Good Things: (Performed during this episode) Happy: (Performed during this episode) Let The Come IG: Tiktok: Youtube: (Video Singles)  Are your testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 30% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked for sponsoring this video. This episode is sponsored by: $5 off free shipping Unleash The Beast With Monster Energy:  See if any of your passwords have been compromised.  If you think it can’t happen to you, know that American consumers lost $56 billion due to identity theft scams in 2020:  Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video Prize is announced 2nd Wednesday of every month! Announced Only on Spotify 
Jul 6, 2022 • 2h 19min

Noah Rosenfarb - Forensic Account Found Money Buys More Then Soda - Rich Beyond Money - MSCS MEDIA #209

Noah is a 3rd generation CPA, he minored in philosophy and has always approached life holistically. In his experience, money offers choices, but not happiness. In order to achieve freedom, he believes we need to develop healthy relationships with those around us. As a result, we focus on measuring and monitoring financial assets and also the value in life - including our health, spirituality, relationships and the impact we make within our community. From a young age, Noah learned the value of hard work and the choices that money can offer. He grew up with a single mother who was incredibly hardworking but still struggled to put food on the table. Living in an affluent New York suburb, many of his friend’s mothers were full-time homemakers and their families often enjoyed luxurious second homes and vacations. His father owned a CPA firm and, while he had his own ups and downs, they were able to go out to dinner and order dessert, or go bowling during the day and see a movie at night. Noah quickly learned that having money allowed more choices in one’s life and he too wanted that freedom for himself one day. As a CPA, his father’s focus was on forensic accounting, which provided many stories of clients whose families often fought over money. It became clear to Noah that money couldn’t buy happiness or make people behave kindly to one another. When he began his own career in forensic accounting, Noah specialized in helping families cope with divorce. He encountered entrepreneurs that ultimately prioritized their desire for success over the needs of their partners, resulting in divided wealth and lackluster portfolios. Noah went on to create the world’s first family office for divorced women, where he focused on the transition of being a financially stable spouse to a new reality of being solely responsible for investing, budgeting, taxes and estate planning. His skill of translating complex issues into straightforward lessons became invaluable as his clients became more confident in their decision-making. Utilizing his experience coaching entrepreneurs with selling their companies and seeing an overlap with the challenges faced by affluent divorced women, he wrote a book, launched a podcast and became a thought leader in the area of exit planning. His family office evolved to concentrate more on entrepreneurial families, especially those planning an exit or succession. Noah's unbelievable book. It really does change the way you think: ^ must have! Website:  Free Stuff! Download 23 Overlooked Tax Strategies for Entrepreneurs at Learn how to generate infinite returns in real estate at  If you’ve you can download a free guide for to consider before taking the next step. ►NOTE! SPOTIFY EXCLUSIVE VIDEO PODCAST: If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify ignore the settings pop-up tap the screen then you will see the video playing at the bottom of the screen tap it. You only have to do that once.  ► Follow me on Spotify, take a screenshot of a 5-star rating, and email it to  1 winner a month will be picked to receive the prize for that month. Prizes for each month will be announced on the 1st of the month only on Spotify.
Jul 3, 2022 • 51min

Darren Prince - Super Celebrity Agent - Best Selling Author "Aiming High" MSCS MEDIA #208

Darren Prince, International Best Selling author of his memoir “Aiming High” is a prominent sports and celebrity agent and global advocate for addiction and recovery. The book is an unbelievable read, anyone can relate to it. Through his agency, Prince Marketing Group, he represents icons such as Magic Johnson, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Jerry West, Oscar Delahoya, Roy Jones Jr, Chevy Chase, Denise Richards, Carmen Electra, and many others as well as the late Smokin’ Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali and Evel Knievel to name a few.  As a leading authority in this space, his insights have been featured in WSJ, NYT, USA Today, CNN, Fox and Friends, Chris Cuomo, Tucker Carlson and Dr. OZ. From selling his first business at 19 to building a multimillion-dollar sports and entertainment marketing agency, Darren has experience what life is like in the celebrity world. Unfortunately, he also saw the dark reality of addiction through his own personal struggle. With close to 13 years of sobriety, it’s now Darren’s mission to help others avoid and break free from addiction. Through his new cause, he has become a highly sought-after speaker on addiction recovery and mental health. Prince started his own 501C3 Aiming High Foundation where 100% of the proceeds provide treatment for this suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues. Aiming High is a must-read, everyone knows someone with an issue. Here's Darren Prince every celebrity in the world knows him, got burried in addiction, but found his way out. If he can, anyone can, and what a man of his background to take the time to focus on helping others. I can't say enough.  Get Aiming High! Amazon Best Seller: Website: Helping young adults and professionals avoid the pitfalls of addiction. Prince Marketing Group: IG: agent_dp David Meltzer Season 2, Episode 2 Darren Prince: Are your testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 30% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked for sponsoring this video. $5 off free shipping ►NOTE! SPOTIFY EXCLUSIVE VIDEO PODCAST: If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you choose the video you want settings pop up will show on the lower left, tap settings and turn data saver on and off, then tap the thumbnail or picture in the lower left and video will play. This only needs to be done once on mobile.   ► Follow me on Spotify, take a screenshot of a 5-star rating, and email it to  1 winner a month will be picked to receive the prize for that month. Prizes for each month will be announced on the 1st of the month only on Spotify.
Jun 30, 2022 • 4h 39min

Elijah Desmond - DJ Smiles Founder Of Dental Implant Marketing, Author, Speaker & MC - MSCS MEDIA #206

Elijah Desmond aka DJ Smiles, One of Elijah's slogans for one of his man businesses, "Everyone wants to hit the inbox as a business would you like to hit 50k in one email?  Elijah is a serial business owner, author, speaker, and founder of Driven Dental Implant Marketing and believe it or not and MC. He has partnered with Dentists from all over the United States & internationally to connect patients seeking Implant Care to providers. Driven is a niche marketing company that strives to provide patient-centered marketing and continues to lead changes in the industry.   Check out my man DJ Smiles:  ERC Specialist: Grab your 200k in stimulus money Here:  ( REAL W2 MONEY) Websites:  https://www.smilesatsea.comSpeaking:  https://www.elijahdesmond.comIG: dj_smiles_ $5 off free shipping   Unleash The Beast With Monster Energy:   See if any of your passwords have been compromised.  If you think it can’t happen to you, know that American consumers lost $56 billion due to identity theft scams in 2020:  Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video ►➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA ►All Episodes Will Be Released Exclusively On Spotify 72hrs prior to Youtube. (Video): you like to watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT? We are now part of the Spotify Exclusive Team: Go to  ►NOTE: If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify, WHEN YOU HIT PLAY - A SETTINGS BOX POPS UP - TAP SETTINGS - MAKE SURE DATA SAVER IS OFF - GO BACK AND ENJOY.  ► Follow me on Spotify, email a screenshot, a prize winner will be picked the 2nd wed of every month!
Jun 27, 2022 • 2h 53min

Nick AgnellI and Pete Price - Took Nothing & Turned It Into Something. MSCS MEDIA *204

Nick AgnellI and Pete Price. Pete from setup in a sting by Florida state university, got into hospitality, at 19 gm of Cucina in palm beach, and opened another within the same group, to private tattooing and podcast. Nick, college wasn't for him. However, he was able to take over and run one of the most successful construction businesses around. Nick lost 40lbs in 70 days, and both have a new podcast Millennial Mentality Spotify. Nick and Pete show, that anything is possible.   Check Out Nick & Pete:    Nick Instagram: My personal: nickagnelli My business: a_a_development Pete:  Instagram: _petecasso_ Website:  TikTok: _petecasso_ Our podcast:  Instagram: themillennialmentalitypodcast TikTok: millennialmentalitypod YouTube: the millennial mentality podcast  Merchandise: Are your testosterone levels falling? Diet? Sad? Moody? Thank you to LetsGetChecked for sponsoring this video Unleash The Beast With Monster Energy:   See if any of your passwords have been compromised.  If you think it can’t happen to you, know that American consumers lost $56 billion due to identity theft scams in 2020:  Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA ►All Episodes Will Be Released Exclusively On Spotify 48-72hrs prior to Youtube. (Video): ► FOLLOW ME, WINNER, EVERY 10 DAYS  ►SPOTIFY EXCLUSIVE VIDEO PODCAST: If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you choose the video you want settings pop up will show on the lower left, tap settings and turn data saver on and off, then tap the thumbnail or picture in the lower left and video will play. This only needs to be done once on mobile.
Jun 23, 2022 • 2h 2min

Dr. Peter Goldman - Top Chiropractors In States, Turned Healer Risking It All. MSCS MEDIA #204

Dr. Peter Goldman, aka Dr. Pete is the personal chiropractor to many of the world’s top professional athletes, from UFC fighters, to NFL and NHL players, pro cyclists, and Olympians. Some of Dr. Pete’s clients: Nick Diaz, BJ Penn, Rickson Gracie, Bas Rutten, Lucia Rijker, Bruce Gradkowski, Clark Gracie, Gilbert Melendez, Jake Shields, Justin Tuck, Rob Kaman, Casey Morton, Kron Gracie, Eddie Bravo, Rigan Machado, Andrew Talansky, Cesar Gracie.Dr. Pete he was a student athlete at Brandeis University, where he played varsity tennis for four years and graduated Cum Laude with a B.A. in Economics.During his time in chiropractic school, Dr. Pete was mentored by the legendary healer, Dr. Thurman Fleet. After training with this mentor, Dr. Pete refined what he’d been taught, and developed his own Zone Technique, and is now The Zone School Of Healing. Take the time to look:  Check out Dr. Pete, it's worth it!   Events coming soon:  Don't believe it? :  Youtube: IG: zoneschoolofhealing  Unleash The Beast With Monster Energy:   Are your testosterone levels falling? Diet not so good moody? Use MSCS to get 30% off your at-home test find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked for sponsoring this video  See if any of your passwords have been compromised.  If you think it can’t happen to you, know that American consumers lost $56 billion due to identity theft scams in 2020:    Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video    ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA ►All Episodes Will Be Released Exclusively On Spotify 72hrs prior to Youtube. (Video): ► FOLLOW ME, WINNER, EVERY 2nd Wednesday of the month.   ►SPOTIFY EXCLUSIVE VIDEO PODCAST: If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you choose the video you want settings pop up will show on the lower left, tap settings and turn data saver on and off, then tap the thumbnail or picture in the lower left and video will play. This only needs to be done once on mobile.
Jun 20, 2022 • 3h 12min

Wally Green - The Ping Pong Legend - Co Founder Of Spin MSCS Media *202

Wally Green, gentlemen. Growing up in one of the most dangerous housing projects in Brooklyn, at a very young age I sought protection through gangs, guns, and violence. Home life was one of constant abuse and domestic violence by my stepfather. I was repeatedly told by him that I was no good and would never amount to anything, and with my mother being abused and yet still protecting him, I was filled with extreme hatred. He swore that the only future I would have would be in jail or dead somewhere. Wally has appeared in numerous local and international newspapers, magazines, and local as well as international TV, including The New York Times, New York Daily News, Check out Wally Green, a great guy! IG: wallygreennyc ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA ►All Episodes Will Be Released Exclusively On Spotify 48-72hrs prior to Youtube. (Video): ► FOLLOW ME, WINNER, EVERY 10 DAYS  ►SPOTIFY EXCLUSIVE VIDEO PODCAST: If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you choose the video you want settings pop up will show on the lower left, tap settings and turn data saver on and off, then tap the thumbnail or picture in the lower left and video will play. This only needs to be done once on mobile.
Jun 12, 2022 • 3h 3min

Stuttering John, Scott The Engineer After Years On Howard Stern They Reunite. MSCS MEDIA #200

Scot Salem, known as Scott The Engineer comes with a long time and all off lol Stuttering John. These guys are excellent. Be sure to check John's podcast and upcoming events. Scott can't wait to get you back to talk Engineering lol. Scott worked at the Stern show 33 years. We talk about the good days. John worked with Stern, Leno, and more!  Are your testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 30% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked for sponsoring this video. Unleash The Beast With Monster Energy: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.   If you think it can’t happen to you, know that American consumers lost $56 billion due to identity theft scams in 2020  Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video ►All Episodes Will Be Released Exclusively On Spotify 48-72hrs prior to Youtube. (Video): ► FOLLOW ME, WINNER, EVERY 10 DAYS  ►SPOTIFY EXCLUSIVE VIDEO PODCAST: If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you choose the video you want settings pop up will show on the lower left, tap settings and turn data saver on and off, then tap the thumbnail or picture in the lower left and video will play. This only needs to be done once on mobile.
Jun 1, 2022 • 2h 54min

Lillo Brancato - New Movie Released - 17 Yrs Old At A Pool, Overnight Success - A Bronx Tale #197

Lilli Brancato has a series of films to be released, Sleep Head which is set for 2023 where he plays a man in hell, I'm On Fire with Meadow from the Sopranos and a film just released Made In Mexico. Lillo was discovered while swimming at Jones Beach by talent scouts who were searching for Robert De Niro look-alikes. It was his impersonation of De Niro from Taxi Driver (1976) that won him the role of young Calogero. His younger brother, Vincent Brancato, had a small uncredited part in A Bronx Tale (1993). Vincent was one of the boys who jumped onto the back of the bus driven by Robert De Niro. Vincent was the one closest to the screen. Lillo is a family friend and a great man! Are your testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 30% off your at-home test and find out:  Thank you to LetsGetChecked for sponsoring this video. Check out Lillo Brancato  IG: New Movie - Made In Mexico: See if any of your passwords have been compromised.   If you think it can’t happen to you, know that American consumers lost $56 billion due to identity theft scams in 2020  Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura for sponsoring this video  Unleash The Beast With Monster Energy: ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA: ► Website:

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