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Mscs Media Podcast

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Sep 8, 2022 • 2h 35min

Alana Vandeveer Commercial Property | Franchise | Corporate | Market Predictions | Mscs Media *235

Alana K Vandeveer, Off-Market, Investment Properties, and Local Government,, Commercial Real Estate, Growing up in a real estate professional environment Alana was guided to a real estate career. Obtaining her appraising trainee license immediately out of high school. After earning her Political Science degree Alana immediately obtained her real estate license. Alana started appraising residential properties until she began appraising commercials and fell in love with the industry; from the array of properties to the business leaders she met. Alana is now using that experience to specialize in sales, leasing, and development of commercial properties. Alana has and continues to assist large corporations, small businesses by assisting companies in finding new locations, and subletting current spaces; clients range from the corporate, and franchise, to start-up and growing small businesses. Having such. the experience between Alana and her family who have been in Government, we discuss future predictions in the market and more.  Check out Alana : IG: Https://www.Instagram.Com/alanakvandeveer 1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing. ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Testosterone levels falling. Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked. ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. : ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Sep 7, 2022 • 3h 5min

Sierra MalnoveI| AL Salopek | PB Creamed Honey | Why Bee's Are So Important | Mscs Media #234

Sierra MalnoveI & AL Salopek founders of Palm Beach Creamed Honey . The amazing importance of bees in the environment. All the things we use every single day that without bees they do not exist, furthermore no one is doing anything about some of their endangered population that one would not realize without listening to experts like Al and Sierra, that if we do not keep their population in routine, the loss will be more then devastating.  Sierra has over 500 bee hives, Al is an expert in beekeeping and removal, he does not kill them when a hive needs to be removed. Palm Beach Creamed Honey has tons of flavors from spicey to put on steak chicken you name it, key lime pie all sorts of flavorful items all from bees. They also have a coffee which is the best coffee I have ever had. Bee10Coffee, 1 tables spoon of Bee10Coffee, add hot water or even microwave, mix and you have a serious cup of coffee. No more k-cups. It's really good, affordable, and natural. This is one of the most interesting podcasts. Make sure to check out these 2 wonderful individuals: Creamed Honey Bee10Coffee Best I have had ever, and not saying that because they were guest worth a try.  Sierra Bee's IG: Palm Beach Creamed Honey On Amazon: 1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing. ➔Please check out our Sponsors  ➔Testosterone levels falling. Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked. ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash  ➔Monster Energy:  ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. : ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Sep 4, 2022 • 3h 5min

John Rourke | Just Returned From Eagle Pass TX Border Pre Clean Up | Blueline Moving | Mscs Media #233

John Rourke, Owner of Blue Line Moving NationWide returned from Eagle Pass, TX to help “shine a light” on what's actually happening at the border. John says: “I’ve seen hundreds of deceased people who didn’t make it, including [migrants who died from being] dehydrated,” Benavides said. “But when it comes to children, it’s completely different. An adult can make the decision to cross — but not the children. He didn’t get a chance to decide.” The funeral home director described “decomposed bodies floating on the river,” arriving in numbers he’s never seen in his years working in the funeral home business. “It’s been 16 cases in three days. And it’s not stopping — it’s getting worse. I don’t want this anymore. John Rourke has one of the best-reviewed moving companies in the country: Website: Youtube: Spotify:  1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop-up to watch the video playing. ➔Testosterone levels falling. Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked.➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. : ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Sep 3, 2022 • 3h 12min

Dr. Peter Goldman | Performs Live On Patient | Mscs Media *232

Dr. Peter Goldman performs live on a patient to test his technique. Dr. Goldman has demonstrated that the Zone Technique can deliver life-altering results during just two-minute zone adjustments that stimulate the spinal cord in specific areas to reset related centers of the brain. Dr. Fleet originally called it Zone Therapy. After learning this method of healing in 1993 and refining it over the next two decades, Dr. Peter Goldman of San Francisco, California created his own version. He named it Zone Technique. Dr. Frank E. Kaden, D.C. has completed advanced training in this technique and is Mastermind Certified in Zone Technique. Dr. Peter Goldman has patients flying in all over the world, professional athletes, and more. Everything from Digestive issues to knee, and neck, issues that require surgery, after seeing Dr. Pete, surgery was no longer needed. We go through countless patients stating their results mostly professional athletes for credibility.  Check out Dr. Pete: Youtube: IG: Spotify: Coming soon check back  1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop up to watch the video playing. ➔Testosterone levels falling. Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked.➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. We are now part of the Spotify Exclusive Team: ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Sep 3, 2022 • 2min

Bazzel Baz "CLIP" On Recovery OF Children (ARC) | CIA Special Op Intelligence | Actor, Writer | Co-Star On The Show Black List *231

The Association for the Recovery of Children (ARC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (established 1993) comprised of former intelligence (CIA), military special operators and law enforcement personnel that rescue missing, exploited, abducted, or trafficked American children being held in the US or overseas. ARC’s all-encompassing child recovery program comes at no cost to the custodial parents. We don't come home without the child. ARC WEBSITE: Our WEBSITE is extremely informative and has details about our child rescue operations ARC’s EQUIPPING COURSE WEBSITE: ARC INTRODUCTORY VIDEO: ARC’s FIGHT Child Sex Trafficking Comprehensive Equipping Course: ARC hosts 6-day training courses all over the US. We train communities—people in all walks of life—how to identify child trafficking victims, how the criminal enterprise of human trafficking works, and how to intervene and rescue victims safely and successfully.  DETAILS AT: and ARC’s Brochure Booklet (online version): (Due to the high-quality graphics it might take 30 seconds or more to load the brochure on the page, so please be patient).  The view can be enlarged to full-screen by clicking on the square symbol “Fullscreen” in the lower right corner of the booklet view window. ·  BAZZEL BAZ (Founder and President)  FULL BIO: ·  TINA BAZ BIO ·  PRIMARY ARC RESCUE OPERATORS: ARC Facebook: @recoverchildren ARC Instagram: @recoveryofchildren ARC Twitter: @recoverychildren
Aug 31, 2022 • 3h 8min

Bazzel Baz | CIA Special Op Intelligence | Actor, Writer | Co-Star On The Show Black List Mscs Media *230

Bazzle Baz (Baz) is a former CIA Intelligence Special Operations Group Officer, a Citadel graduate, recipient of the Intelligence Commendation Medal, and a former counter-terrorism officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. Baz was a co-star on the hit show The Black List. One of many series, films, and shows Bas has been on. Baz is also a part of The Association For The Recovery Of Children: Baz is well-known globally for his expertise and extraordinary skillset.  Author of Terrorism Survival Handbook, he has been called on by CNN, FOX, and MSNBC as an advisor and spokesperson on the war on Terrorism and Homeland Security.  He is also a film and television writer, producer, and actor. Check out Baz: Website:  Baz Books: Movie, Film, Series, Tv Credits: (Hope you have time) The Association For The Recovery Of Children: 1st time watching a video podcast on Spotify, when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop up to watch the video playing. Please check out our Sponsors➔Testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked.➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔ Express VPN use code MSCS at check out for 10% off any Annual Plan How to identify child trafficking victims, how the criminal enterprise of human trafficking works, and how to intervene and rescue victims safely and successfully.  DETAILS AT: The Association for the Recovery of Children (ARC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (established 1993) comprised of former intelligence (CIA), military special operators and law enforcement personnel that rescue missing, exploited, abducted, or trafficked American children being held in the US or overseas. ARC’s all-encompassing child recovery program comes at no cost to the custodial parents. We don't come home without the child. ARC WEBSITE: Our WEBSITE is extremely informative and has details about our child rescue operations ARC’s EQUIPPING COURSE WEBSITE: BAZZEL BAZ (Founder and President)  FULL BIO: Facebook: @recoverchildren  Instagram: @recoveryofchildren 
Aug 29, 2022 • 2h 59min

Chris Gillette - Gator Boys - Crocodile Chris - Wild Life Genius - Mscs Media *229

Chris Gillette, was a cast member on Animal Planet's Gator Boys. Chris now have his own website and providing beautiful photos, tours, programs, blog, one on one chat. Gillette is the only guide in the world who provides underwater alligator encounters, which are held at the Everglades Outpost Wildlife Rescue. These encounters are hands-off and involve a net barrier. Gillette's career has been focused on wildlife biology, conservation and education. In 2007, he began working as an alligator handler and show presenter at Everglades Holiday Park, as well as gained experience as a wildlife caretaker working with venomous snakes in the Everglades Outpost. Gillette's experience for his career in animal conservation and education includes the safe capture, handling and data collection, and field identification of reptiles and amphibians, studying the behavioral psychology of large predators, including venomous snakes, large alligators, crocodiles, and large constrictor snakes. Gillette's experience with crocodilians in the wild include American alligator, American crocodile, Nile crocodile, Spectacled caiman, Cuvier's dwarf caiman, Smooth-fronted caiman, Black caiman, and the Yacare caiman. Gillette also has experience working in the water with sharks, including Great White Sharks, Bull Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Silky Sharks, Dusky Sharks, Sandbar Sharks, Lemon Sharks, Caribbean Reef Sharks, Great Hammerhead Sharks, Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks, and Nurse Sharks. Check out Chris Tours, Programs, Blog, and more The most amazing picture you will ever see: 1st time watching video podcast on Spotify, when you hit play a settings pop-up will show, tap under the settings pop up to watch the video playing.➔Testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked.➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. We are now part of the Spotify Exclusive Team: ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Aug 26, 2022 • 2h 29min

Bas Rutten - UFC Hall Of Fame - Inventor O2Trainer - Breathing IQ 182! Mscs Media *228

Bas Rutten is a UFC Hall Of Famer, Inventor of O2trainer. ( ) , Coach, Bas after all the hits has a breathing IQ of 182 which the doctors could not believe. Sebastiaan "Bas" Rutten is a Dutch-American actor, former mixed martial artist, kickboxer, and professional wrestler. He was a UFC Heavyweight Champion, a three-time King of Pancrase world champion, and finished his career on a 22-fight unbeaten streak. Check Out Bas  Www.O2Trainer.Com  Use code: HEALTH15  ( %15 Off )  IG: ➔Testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked. ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. We are now part of the Spotify Exclusive Team: ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Aug 24, 2022 • 1h 34min

Bek Lover - What Happen To Men? Loyalty? Honor? Mscs Media #228

Bek Lover, New York Socialite and Night Life legend, speaks with Mscs Media about the world of today and how bad things have gotten compared to the past. Bek Lover, calls out the weak men of today and many other issues that are perplexing him. Tiktok: IG: Website: Spotify: Coming soon will be updated  Please check out our Sponsors ➔Testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked. ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. We are now part of the Spotify Exclusive Team: ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA:
Aug 22, 2022 • 2h 34min

Larry Roberts - The Podfest Messenger - Chris Krimitsos - Podfest Expo - Mscs Media #227

Larry Roberts has been in coaching and facilitator roles for more than 25 years from corporate environments to teaching martial arts to online course creation. Over the last several years, he has grown to be one of the most highly sought-after podcasting coaches and content creators in the industry. Recently named to Podcast Magazine’s Top 40 Over 40, Larry is also the editor-in-chief of one of the largest podcast industry newsletters, The Podfest Messenger. Chris Krimitsos, starting in the 90s is the founder and creator of the Podfest Expo. Bringing thousands and thousands of podcasters together. Chris has successfully grown Podfest™ Multimedia Expo to an international conference with upwards of three thousand registrants from what started as a meetup at a local café in 2013. Chris has created more than 2,000 live events in his professional career. Chris is in the Guinness World Records as he championed the largest attendance for a virtual podcasting conference in one week, first in 2020, and then breaking it with a new mark one year later. ➔Testosterone levels falling? Use MSCS to get 25%% off your at-home test and find out: Thank you to LetsGetChecked. ➔Please check out our Sponsors ➔Fiji: $5 off free shipping Unleash ➔Monster Energy: ➔Aura: See if any of your passwords have been compromised. Try 14 days for free: Thank you to Aura ➔ Stay Connected With MSCS MEDIA on Spotify Exclusive: Watch all Mscs Media Video Podcasts UNCENSORED and UNCUT. We are now part of the Spotify Exclusive Team: ► (If this is your first time watching a video podcast on Spotify when you hit play a setting pop-up box will pop up for 3 seconds ignore it, tap below the settings pop-up to watch the episode, you will only have to do this once) ► All Links to MSCS MEDIA: #podcast #podfest #socialmedia #creator 

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