Welcome to "The Blind Chick," where hosts Penn and Moses Street navigate the world of vision loss with humor, heart, and resilience. Penn, who began her journey into vision loss at the age of nine, is joined weekly by amazing members of the blind community sharing stories of hope, love, and triumph. Conversations range from informative insights to tales of denial and grief, forming a supportive community. Join us to discover that life doesn't end with vision loss; it's an opportunity to thrive. Subscribe now for a podcast that goes beyond challenges to showcase the vibrant and resilient lives led by "The Blind Chick" community. It's time to embrace life, laugh, and learn that there is indeed life "AFTER sight."
This service is made possible by generous donations. Consider supporting us at www.aftersight.org
to help keep these resources free. Aftersight also provides free white canes, support groups, and more, all thanks to contributions from our community.