Today, I'm joined by Gami. Gami is a crypto creator and the founder of GnarsDAO, the skateboarding-centric nounish community.
Gami is one of a small number of practitioners in an emerging discipline that I call "crypto production." Gami led the creation of several onchain happenings, including GnarsDAO, a DAO dedicated to onboarding skaters to Web3, Forgeries, a nounish open edition and onchain Noun raffle, as well as an arts patronage dao, an onchain tontine, and much more.
In this episode, Gami and I discuss his creative practice, and how he manages to be so prolific. We discuss his positive sum philosophy, his belief that crypto is a counter cultural movement, and his collaborative working relationships with Iain Nash, Volkey, and 0xlght.
It was great getting a chance to chat with Gami, who is doing fascinating work summoning onchain happenings with social media and the blockchain. His perspectives on leadership were particularly surprising and exciting. I learned a lot from Gami in this call. I hope you enjoy the show.
As always, this show is provided as entertainment and does not constitute legal, financial, or tax advice or any form of endorsement or suggestion. Crypto has risks and you alone are responsible for doing your research and making your own decisions.
Omega Build
Art Haus
That's Gnarly
Nouns HD
Forgeries team on Def.Crypto (Youtube)
Lght on Mirror
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:01:32) Welcome Gami
(00:04:30) Gami's origins
(00:10:02) Online events that bring people together
(00:13:00) "Everything is about context"
(00:15:05) Crypto facilitates social interactions because onchain activity is verifiable kinship
(00:18:00) Embracing transient events in an immutable medium
(00:19:49) Hyperrealism: High fidelity representations are nevertheless representations; blockchains are one medium for recording history
(00:24:15) Forgeries: Working with Iain Nash, Emre, Jordan and others
(00:29:16) Raffle protocol
(00:31:20) Open edition sketching, minimum viable ideas, Jack Butcher
(00:34:30) How GnarsDAO got its start
(00:36:30) Volkey
(00:37:30) How to find collaborators
(00:39:35) Hypercommons: Positive sum world
(00:47:15) Branding, "SubDAOs," and the relationship between genesis DAOs and their offspring
(00:51:28) Gnars, skating, and its brand
(00:53:20) Shademark
(00:56:35) How do you design projects so you can be prolific without becoming burdened with too much accumulated responsibility over time?
(01:00:00) TimShel collaboration
(01:02:40) Distributed data systems
(01:04:46) Derek Sivers' video: Lessons in Leadership. The first follower is the CEO.
(01:06:45) Domain names, ENS, and new ideas
(01:10:15) Change in Gami's style after discovering Nouns. Lower fidelity artwork is easier to remix
(01:12:00) Always leaning into creating
(01:14:00) Private twitter, Twemex, Nicholas's twitter extension ideas
(01:18:00) Reserved issuance in Nounish DAOs
(01:21:00) Nouns HD on Zora and Base
(01:24:40) Crypto producers inspire and relinquish ownership
(01:27:00) 0xLght; Crypto as a countercultural movement
(01:31:32) Limitations of the Twitter Algorithm hinder tweet engagement and reach
(01:32:37) Algorithms vs curation, and freedom
(01:39:08) Curating and letting go
(01:45:15) Deviating from the original idea: That's Gnarly, a platform for extreme athletes
(01:51:04) Gnars' values