Urgency of Change • The Krishnamurti Podcast cover image

Urgency of Change • The Krishnamurti Podcast

Latest episodes

Jun 14, 2023 • 1h 20min

Krishnamurti on Seeking

‘When you seek, you are seeking something away from the actual fact, towards something that will give you greater pleasure. One seeks because one is dissatisfied with the normal, shallow, narrow, cunning existence.’ This week’s episode on Seeking has three sections. The first extract (2:47) is from Krishnamurti’s fourth talk in Madras 1967, titled: What Are You Seeking? The second extract (44:14) is from the sixth talk in New York 1966, titled: There Must Be an End To Seeking. The final extract in this episode (1:08:35) is from Krishnamurti’s sixth talk in New Delhi 1962, titled: A Mind No Longer Seeking. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from our archives, representing Krishnamurti’s different approaches to fundamental issues and questions we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Seeking. Upcoming themes are Reactions, Limitation and Power. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, based at Brockwood Park in the UK, which is also home to the Krishnamurti Retreat Centre. Situated in the beautiful countryside of the South Downs National Park, the Krishnamurti Centre offers individual and group retreats for those wishing to inquire into themselves in light of Krishnamurti’s teachings. The events programme for 2023 now includes two further Young Adults Retreats, in September and November, for those under 35. We have lowered our rates for this retreat, and further concessions are available. All other events at the Centre have no upper age limit. Please visit krishnamurticentre.org.uk for more information.
Jun 7, 2023 • 1h 4min

Krishnamurti on Humility

‘Humility is not the subjugation of the desire that seeks fulfilment in success. Nor is it the religious humility of monks, saints and priests that cultivated austerity brings about.’ This week’s episode on Humility has four sections. The first extract (2:51) is from Krishnamurti’s fourth talk in Bombay 1962, titled: Without Humility You Cannot Learn. The second extract (11:47) is from the tenth talk in Saanen 1962, titled: You Cannot Cultivate Humility The third extract (26:09) is from Krishnamurti’s seventh talk in Saanen 1978, titled: Power and Humility. The final extract in this episode (35:12) is from the fourth talk in Saanen 1961, titled: Humility Implies Total Destruction of the Self. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from the archives, representing different approaches to many of the fundamental issues and questions that we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Humility. Upcoming themes are Seeking, Reactions and Limitation. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, based at Brockwood Park in Hampshire, UK. Brockwood is also home to Brockwood Park School, a unique international boarding school offering a personalised holistic education for around 70 students. It is deeply inspired by Krishnamurti’s teaching, which encourages academic excellence, self-understanding, creativity and integrity. Please visit brockwood.org.uk for more information. You can also find our regular Krishnamurti quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a review or rating on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.
May 31, 2023 • 1h 26min

Krishnamurti on Resistance

‘There is an action in which there is no resistance, no interference of the past, no response of the 'me'. That action is not in the field of time; it is instantaneous and therefore complete.’ This week’s episode on Resistance has three sections. The first extract (2:47) is from Krishnamurti’s eighth talk in New Delhi 1962, titled: Our Lives Are Built on Resistance. The second extract (23:32) is from the first talk in Madras 1969, titled: We Seek Security Through Resistance. The final extract in this episode (52:37) is Krishnamurti’s sixth talk in Saanen 1971, titled: To Live in This World Without Resistance. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from the archives, representing different approaches to many of the fundamental issues and questions we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Resistance. Upcoming themes are Humility, Seeking and Reactions. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. Please visit our updated website at kfoundation.org, where you can find a new introduction to Krishnamurti, a growing collection of articles, a wide selection of quotes and a new index of topics for easy access to carefully selected texts and recordings. Our online store stocks all available Krishnamurti books and ships worldwide. You can also find our regular quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a review or rating on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.
May 24, 2023 • 1h 9min

Krishnamurti on Culture

‘What is it that brings about a culture totally different from the mechanistic culture we have accepted for thousands of years?’ This week’s episode on Culture has five sections. The first extract (2:24) is from Krishnamurti’s sixth talk in Ojai 1982, titled: What Is Culture? The second extract (9:45) is from the second talk in Saanen 1973, titled: Trapped in This Culture, How Am I To Change? The third extract (22:58) is from Krishnamurti’s fourth talk in Saanen 1973, titled: Our Culture Is Based on Pleasure. The fourth extract (48:07) is from the third talk in Saanen 1971, titled: Culture Has Conditioned the Observer. The final extract in this episode (1:01:58) is from Krishnamurti’s third talk in Saanen 1973, titled: Intelligence Has Nothing To Do With Culture. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from the archives, representing Krishnamurti’s different approaches to many of the fundamental issues and questions we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Culture. Upcoming themes are Resistance, Being and becoming and Power. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. Please visit the official YouTube channel for hundreds of advert-free full-length video and audio recordings of Krishnamurti’s talks. In addition, the Foundation’s own channel features hundreds of specially selected clips. You can also find our regular Krishnamurti quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a rating or review on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.
May 17, 2023 • 1h 22min

Krishnamurti on Urgency

‘There can be understanding only when there is tremendous urgency. When there is an urgency, there is attention; and out of that comes freedom.’ This week’s episode on Urgency has five sections. The first extract (2:40) is from Krishnamurti’s first talk in Ojai 1966, titled: When There Is Urgency There Is Attention. The second extract (34:29) is from the fourth talk in Saanen 1970, titled: The Very Urgency of Change Is the Change. The third extract (38:51) is from Krishnamurti’s second talk in Saanen 1977, titled: Urgency Puts the Background in Abeyance The fourth extract (52:42) is from the fifth talk at Rajghat in 1964, titled The Urgency of Love. The final extract in this episode (1:14:22) is from Krishnamurti’s first talk in Saanen 1978, titled: Urgency Removes Interference. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from our archives, representing Krishnamurti’s different approaches to fundamental issues and questions we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Urgency. Upcoming themes are Culture, Resistance, and Being and Becoming. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, based at Brockwood Park in the UK, which is also home to the Krishnamurti Retreat Centre. Situated in the beautiful countryside of the South Downs National Park, the Krishnamurti Centre offers individual and group retreats for those wishing to inquire into themselves in light of Krishnamurti’s teachings. The events programme for 2023 now includes two further Young Adults Retreats, September 1st to the 5th and November 16th to the 19th, for those under 35. We have lowered our rates for this retreat, and further concessions are available. All other events at the Centre have no age limit. Please visit krishnamurticentre.org.uk for more information.
May 10, 2023 • 1h 5min

Krishnamurti on Conformity

'Only when we are free of conformity can we find out what is original, essential, true. Unless we find that out, we will always live a counterfeit, second-hand life of imitation.' This week’s episode on Conformity has four sections. The first extract (2:43) is from Krishnamurti’s third talk in Madras 1964, titled: Most of Us Live a Life of Conformity. The second extract (16:54) is from Krishnamurti’s fifth talk in Saanen 1965, titled: To What Extent Can Conformity Be Ended? The third extract (37:23) is from Krishnamurti’s third talk in Ojai 1973, titled: Are We Educated To Conform? The final extract in this episode (44:20) is from the second talk in Saanen 1970, titled: Freedom from Conformity. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from the archives, representing different approaches to many of the fundamental issues and questions that we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Conformity. Upcoming themes are Urgency, Culture and Resistance. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, based at Brockwood Park in Hampshire, UK. Brockwood is also home to Brockwood Park School, a unique international boarding school offering a personalised holistic education for around 70 students. It is deeply inspired by Krishnamurti’s teaching, which encourages academic excellence, self-understanding, creativity and integrity. Please visit brockwood.org.uk for more information. You can also find our regular Krishnamurti quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a review or rating on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.
May 3, 2023 • 1h 14min

Krishnamurti on Words and Language

‘Words divide the fact from the observer. The word, or the screen of words, has separated the observer and the observed.’ This week’s episode on Words and Language has five sections. The first extract (2:40) is from Krishnamurti’s second talk in New Delhi 1963, titled: A Mind Caught in Words. The second extract (13:19) is from the fifth discussion in Saanen 1976, titled: Separating Words From Facts. The third extract (30:20) is from Krishnamurti’s first talk in Ojai 1978, titled: The Pressure of Language. The fourth extract (46:40) is from the third discussion in Saanen 1974, titled: Words Separate the Observer From the Observed. The final extract in this episode (56:44) is from the sixth discussion in London 1965, titled: Looking Without Words. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from the archives, representing different approaches to many of the fundamental issues and questions we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Words and Language. Upcoming themes are Conformity, Urgency and Culture. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. Please visit our updated website at kfoundation.org, where you can find a new introduction to Krishnamurti, a growing collection of articles,  a wide selection of quotes and a new index of topics for easy access to carefully selected texts and recordings. Our online store stocks all available Krishnamurti books and ships worldwide. You can also find our regular quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a review or rating on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.
Apr 26, 2023 • 1h 6min

Krishnamurti on Sensation

‘We live by the senses, by sensation, and it is only when thought creates the image out of sensation that all the complexities of desire arise.’  This week’s episode on Sensation has four sections. The first extract (2:29) is from Krishnamurti’s fourth talk in Saanen 1966, titled: Our Lives Are Based on Sensation and Desire. The second extract (13:53) is from the eighth talk in Ojai 1949, titled: Ideas Are the Result of Sensation. The third extract (32:59) is from Krishnamurti’s third talk in Saanen 1976, titled: Total Sensation. The final extract in this episode (49:46) is from a direct recording by Krishnamurti in Ojai 1983, titled: A Spring Morning. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from the archives, representing Krishnamurti’s different approaches to many of the fundamental issues and questions we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Sensation. Upcoming themes are Words and language, Conformity and Urgency. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, based at Brockwood Park in the UK, which is also home to the Krishnamurti Retreat Centre. Situated in the beautiful countryside of the South Downs National Park, the Krishnamurti Centre offers individual and group retreats for those wishing to inquire into themselves in light of Krishnamurti’s teachings. Please visit krishnamurticentre.org.uk for more information. You can also find our regular Krishnamurti quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a rating or review on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.
Apr 19, 2023 • 1h 4min

Krishnamurti on Conclusions

‘Distortion exists because you have opinions and conclusions. To observe, the mind must be free to look with no distortion, so that it is fresh to look and to learn.’ This week’s episode on Conclusions has three sections. The first extract (2:58) is from Krishnamurti’s first talk in San Francisco 1973, titled: Can the Mind That Functions on Conclusions Be Free? The second extract (17:15) is from the second talk in Santa Monica 1974, titled: Preventing Conclusions in Relationship. The final extract in this episode (35:18) is from Krishnamurti’s second talk at Brockwood Park in 1973, titled: Why Do We Draw Conclusions? Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from our archives, representing Krishnamurti’s different approaches to fundamental issues and questions we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Conclusions. Upcoming themes are Sensation, Words and language, and Humility. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. Please visit the official YouTube channel for hundreds of advert-free full-length video and audio recordings of Krishnamurti’s talks. In addition, the Foundation’s own channel features hundreds of specially selected clips. You can also find our regular quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a rating or review on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.
4 snips
Apr 12, 2023 • 1h 14min

Krishnamurti on Wisdom

‘Perception reveals the truth, and out of that perception wisdom comes. Intelligence is the action of that wisdom in daily life.’ This week’s episode on Wisdom has six sections. The first extract (2:45) is from Krishnamurti’s fourth talk in Paris 1965, titled: Wisdom and Self-knowledge. The second extract (17:45) is from the second public discussion in Saanen 1973, titled: Wisdom and Clarity. The third extract (32:02) is from Krishnamurti’s fifth talk in Saanen 1972, titled: Wisdom and Helping Another. The fourth extract (39:51) is from the fifth talk in Saanen 1974, titled: Wisdom and Sorrow. The fifth extract (49:28) is from Krishnamurti’s third talk in Bombay 1982, titled: Wisdom and Security. The final extract in this episode (57:08) is from the sixth talk in Ojai 1976, titled: Wisdom and Meditation. Each episode of the Krishnamurti podcast is compiled from carefully chosen extracts from the archives, representing different approaches to many of the fundamental issues and questions that we all face in our lives. This week’s theme is Wisdom. Upcoming themes are Conclusions, Sensation, and Words and Language. This is a podcast from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, based at Brockwood Park in Hampshire, UK. Brockwood is also home to Brockwood Park School, a unique international boarding school offering a personalised holistic education for around 70 students. It is deeply inspired by Krishnamurti’s teaching, which encourages academic excellence, self-understanding, creativity and integrity. Please visit brockwood.org.uk for more information. You can also find our regular Krishnamurti quotes and videos on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. If you enjoy the podcast, please leave a review or rating on Apple Podcasts, which helps our visibility.

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