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Knowing Faith

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Sep 7, 2023 • 32min

#196 — Slavery, Exile, and Wicked Kings (Exodus 1:1-11)

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss Exodus 1:1-11 and explore themes of multiplication, wicked kings, and exile throughout scripture. They delve into biblical theology, tracing these themes in familiar stories and emphasizing hope in the face of persecution.
12 snips
Aug 31, 2023 • 39min

#195 — The Story of Exodus

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give an overview of the book of Exodus, discussing central characters, major events, and themes. They explore the significance of the Exodus event and delve into the connection between Abraham and Moses. The speakers highlight important moments like Moses' encounter with God in the burning bush and the giving of the law at Sinai. They emphasize the importance of understanding the relationships between characters and recognizing God as the central character. Additionally, they discuss the connection between the Old and New Testament within Exodus and the importance of engaging with the text through various reading models.
Aug 24, 2023 • 4min

Season 11 Teaser

Season 11 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on August 31! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 11 as they cover the book of Exodus!Questions Covered in This Episode:What are we going to cover this season?What are our sister podcast shows?Why are we doing all of this? Sponsors:Interested in starting seminary? Learn more about what it means to study #ForTheChurch at Midwestern Seminary and apply for free with code KNOWINGFAITH at learn more about our sponsors please visit our website.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Our Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast | Confronting Christianity | Starting Place | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Aug 3, 2023 • 52min

Knowing Faith Remix — Men and Women In a Broken World with Katie McCoy

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Katie McCoy to ask the question: If God created men and women to live as complements to one another, why do we find so much division and brokenness and confusion between men and women?Questions Covered in This Episode:If God created men and women to live as complements to one another, why do we find so much division and brokenness and confusion between men and women?How might Greek philosophy have impacted the way we think about these things?Has there ever been a time when it has been more confusion to address questions of manhood or womanhood?How did Aristotle subvert the Hebrew world view in our own thinking about our faith? Why have we lost this heritage?Walk us through the most difficult Old testament law for women to read and help us see how our own presuppositions cause us to fear it and how we should resolve it?How would you respond to someone who told you - “Listen, why are you even trying to make this work...the OT is a misogynistic document that subjugates women to male control.”Guest Bio:Dr. Katie McCoy, serves as an assistant professor of theology in Women’s Studies at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She holds a Ph.D. from Southwestern in Systematic Theology where she wrote on OT laws about women’s personhood and what they can show us about human dignity. You can find her online @blondeorthodoxy and Mentioned in This Episode:“The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self” by Carl R. TruemanNumbers 5:11-31Amazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jul 27, 2023 • 35min

Knowing Faith Remix — Theology 101

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the basics of developing a theological method, like looking to your Bible, utilizing your community and praying for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth.Questions Covered in This Episode:When presented with a theological question, assigned a topic, or have an interest peaked...where do you start?Where do you go from there?What are common pitfalls in theological study? How do you avoid them?How to build a biblical and theological library? Outside of scripture, what is your go to resource?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:The Nicene CreedChalcedonian CreedThe Apostles Creed“Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion” by John Calvin“Reformed Dogmatics” by Herman Bavinck“Systematic Theology” by Louis Berkhof“Essential Truths of the Christian Faith” by RC SproulThe New City Catechism“The Doctrine of God” by John Frame“The Doctrine of the Christian Life” by John Frame“The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God” by John FrameKnowing Faith, Ep. 8 – ”Do You Even Theology, Bro?”Knowing Faith, Ep. 10 – ”Brothers & Sisters: Can We Do Theology Together?”“Bad Theology Kills” Article on TVC ResourcesAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a  Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jul 20, 2023 • 26min

#194 – Agents of Grace: An Interview with Dan Darling

Kyle Worley is joined by Dan Darling to discuss his new book, “Agents of Grace.”Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you write this book?Is it divisive to stand firm in Christian truth and doctrine?What is theological triage and how it can be helpful?Is the division we are seeing in our churches based on social, cultural, and political perspectives?How do we prevent the calls for unity to not turn into compromise or uniformity?What is one reason people should read this book?Helpful Definitions:Theological Triage: Ranking and prioritizing what issues and doctrines we cannot budge from and what can we disagree on. First Tier: Christian orthodoxy we cannot depart from; i.e. the trinity, the deity of Christ, etc.Second Tier: Things Christians have disagreed on; i.e. baptism and egalitarianism, etc. This tends to be how denominations are formed.Third Tier: Things that people in the same body of local believers may disagree on; i.e. the age of the earth, the timeline of Christ’s return, educating our kids, etc.Guest Bio:Daniel Darling is an author, pastor, and Christian leader. He currently serves as the Director of The Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Assistant Professor of Faith and Culture at Texas Baptist College. Dan is a bestselling author of several books, including The Original Jesus, The Dignity Revolution, The Characters of Christmas, The Characters of Easte, and A Way With Words. Dan holds a bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministry from Dayspring Bible College, has studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife Angela have four children.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:1 Timothy 6:12, Jude 1:3, 2 Timothy 2:23, John 13:34-35“Agents of Grace” by Dan Darling“The Mark of the Christian” by Francis SchaefferAffiliate links are used where appropriate. We earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Training the Church.Sponsors:Are you ready to take your next step in theological training? Consider Midwestern Seminary and how our For the Church vision can equip you through formal theological education or one of our many free training resources we offer. Learn more about how to get started at Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast | Confronting Christianity | Starting Place Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jul 13, 2023 • 33min

#193 – The Right Time is Now: Training the Church Cohort

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about what the Training the Church cohort is, why they do it, and who can participate. To find out more visit Covered in This Episode:Why did we start the Training the Church cohort?JT, what has been the response to your book about discipleship?What is the Training the Church cohort? How does it work?What are some things we do in the cohort that participants find profitable?Who is the cohort for?What are my next steps?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:“You Are a Theologian” by Jen Wilkin and JT EnglishTraining the Church Cohort“Deep Discipleship” by JT EnglishKnowing Faith: Training the Church CohortAffiliate links are used where appropriate. We earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Training the Church.Sponsors:Are you ready to take your next step in theological training? Consider Midwestern Seminary and how our For the Church vision can equip you through formal theological education or one of our many free training resources we offer. Learn more about how to get started at Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast | Confronting Christianity | Starting Place Support Training the Church and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jul 6, 2023 • 42min

Knowing Faith Remix — A Lesson in Pronouns: The Doctrine of Union with Christ

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss the doctrine of Union with Christ. This is a Knowing Faith Remix episode from Episode #36.Questions Covered in This Episode:Let’s begin: Define the doctrine of “Union with Christ.”Where do we see this in the Old Testament? How about in the New Testament?Why does this doctrine matter?Helpful Definitions:Union with Christ: We enter in by grace through faith into Jesus Christ. Salvation is not just something God gives us it is something we receive.Union with Christ: “The intimate, vital, and spiritual union between Christ and His people, in virtue of which He is the source of their life and strength, of their blessedness and salvation.” Louis BerkhofUnion with Christ: The believer’s identification, participation, and incorporation with, in, through, and into the life, the death, the resurrection, the ascension, and the heavenly session of Jesus.Communion with Christ: Our ongoing cultivation of enjoying every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:1, 2, 3 John, Ephesians 1:3-10, Romans 5, 1 Corinthians 15, Genesis 15, John 15, Acts 9, Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 6:4-5, Matthew 25, Ephesians 2:1-10, 22, Romans 8, John 17:20-26Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jun 29, 2023 • 36min

Knowing Faith Remix — Can Kids be Theologians? with Julie Wilding

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Julie Wilding to talk about the littlest theologians—kids—and how the Church and families can help form them into healthy disciples from their earliest years. This is a Knowing Faith Remix episode from Episode #29.Questions Covered in This Episode:Can kids be theologians?What have we learned about teaching doctrine to children?How does TVC do this?How have you done this in your home?But, aren’t they just repeating what we say? Is it really doing anything?Helpful Definitions:Theologian: One who has beliefs about God and operates from them.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Deuteronomy 6:4-9Your office thermostat is set for men’s comfort. Here’s the scientific proof.TVC Memory Verse Calendar 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018TVC Five Foundation Truths: God is good, God made everything, God is in charge of everything, God wants to talk with us, Jesus came to save sinners.Mosaic Four Foundational Truths: God is good, God is great, God is gracious, God is glorious.The Westminster Shorter CatechismNew City CatechismThe Jesus Storybook BibleSeeds Family WorshipAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
31 snips
Jun 22, 2023 • 1h 4min

Knowing Faith Remix — Live from Proclaim Truth

Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley, and Elizabeth Woodson talk about the doctrine of God—who God is and how God is—live from the Proclaim Truth Conference.Questions Covered in This Episode:What do I mean when I distinguish between theology and theology proper?Let me just ask our big question right up front: “Can I know who and how God is?”What difficulties/weaknesses/realities complicate my ability to know who God is?When I come to the bible should I lay down my theological beliefs and conclusions?Any advice for women in churches where the pastors want the women's ministry to happen organically and resist having any sort of coordinator?Are the creeds a part of the canon? If not, why not say they are an imperative part of understanding the bible but they are not the bible?I help teach and lead a bible study at my church but the more I study God and his word the more I feel like I don’t know enough to teach. Should I stop?When the women in our studies see God as a cuddly bear/daddy, how would you approach this with grace and attribute to God’s holiness as well?Helpful Definitions:Anthropology: Doctrine of manSoteriology: Doctrine of salvationEcclesiology: Doctrine of the churchTheology Proper: The doctrine of God. How can we come to know God? Who is God? How does God make himself known to us?Incommunicable Attributes: Things that can only be true of God.Communicable Attributes: Things that are true about God that can also be true about us.Incomprehensible: Not able to be fully understood.General Revelation: God reveals his divine attributes in the world.Special Revelation: God reveals who He is in the Word of God incarnate and the Word of God inscripturated.Rationalism: The quest for certainty and knowledge is sourced in reason and the mind of the individual.Empiricism: The quest for knowledge is sourced in sensory experience and nature.Romanticism: The quest for knowledge is sourced from our feelings.Modernity: Epistemology leads to metaphysics.Pre-Modernity: Metaphysics leads to epistemology.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:John 1:1-18, Hebrews 13:7, Exodus 20, Hebrews 12Proclaim Truth Conference“Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 1” by Herman BavinckThe Nicene CreedChalcedonian CreedAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast | Confronting Christianity | Starting PlaceSupport Training the Church and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.

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