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Knowing Faith

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Sep 5, 2019 • 34min

#51 – Season 3: Back to the Basics

In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley jump full swing into Season 3! They talk about their summers and what is coming this season of Knowing Faith. They also share some fun Twitter taglines and what listeners are saying about Knowing Faith. This season you can look forward to their discussions of the book of Acts and the Apostle’s Creed.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why do we do Knowing Faith? Why do we enjoy doing theology together?What do listeners say? Why might it be helpful to listen to Knowing Faith?What will we be covering this season and why?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Mosaic ChurchThe Village Church InstituteAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley jump full swing into Season 3! They talk about their summers and what is coming this season of Knowing Faith. They also share some fun Twitter taglines and what listeners are saying about Knowing Faith. This season you can look forward to their discussions of the book of Acts and the Apostle’s Creed.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why do we do Knowing Faith?Why do we enjoy doing theology together?What do listeners say?Why might it be helpful to listen to Knowing Faith?What will we be covering this season and why?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Mosaic ChurchThe Village Church InstituteAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a the Fact: Building, Leading & Managing a Women’s Bible StudyKyle Worley and Jen Wilkin talk about how to build, lead and manage a women's Bible study.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are some of these things you've learned about the social dynamics that are unique to Women’s Bible Study?What is the right question to ask when starting a Women’s Bible Study?What is the distinct value for having a women’s specific Bible Study?What is the natural byproduct of Women’s Bible Study that requires little to no effort?What are the steps to take to start a Women’s Bible Study?Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a this episode, Kyle, JT, and Jen jump full swing into Season 3! They talk about their summers and what is coming this season of Knowing Faith. They also share some fun twitter taglines and what listeners are saying about Knowing Faith. This season you can look forward to their discussions of the book of Acts and the Apostle’s Creed. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Aug 8, 2019 • 1h 4min

#50 – Live from Proclaim Truth

#50 - Live from Proclaim TruthJen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley, and Elizabeth Woodson talk about the doctrine of God—who God is and how God is—live from the Proclaim Truth Conference.Questions Covered in This Episode:What do I mean when I distinguish between theology and theology proper?Let me just ask our big question right up front: “Can I know who and how God is?”What difficulties/weaknesses/realities complicate my ability to know who God is?When I come to the bible should I lay down my theological beliefs and conclusions?Any advice for women in churches where the pastors want the women's ministry to happen organically and resist having any sort of coordinator?Are the creeds a part of the canon? If not, why not say they are an imperative part of understanding the bible but they are not the bible?I help teach and lead a bible study at my church but the more I study God and his word the more I feel like I don’t know enough to teach. Should I stop?When the women in our studies see God as a cuddly bear/daddy, how would you approach this with grace and attribute to God’s holiness as well?  Helpful Definitions:Anthropology: Doctrine of manSoteriology: Doctrine of salvationEcclesiology: Doctrine of the churchTheology Proper: The doctrine of God. How can we come to know God? Who is God? How does God make himself known to us?Incommunicable Attributes: Things that can only be true of God. Communicable Attributes: Things that are true about God that can also be true about us. Incomprehensible: Not able to be fully understood. General Revelation: God reveals his divine attributes in the world.Special Revelation: God reveals who He is in the Word of God incarnate and the Word of God inscripturated.Rationalism: The quest for certainty and knowledge is sourced in reason and the mind of the individual.Empiricism: The quest for knowledge is sourced in sensory experience and nature.Romanticism: The quest for knowledge is sourced from our feelings.Modernity: Epistemology leads to metaphysics.Pre-Modernity: Metaphysics leads to epistemology.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:John 1:1-18, Hebrews 13:7, Exodus 20, Hebrews 12Proclaim Truth Conference“Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 1” by Herman BavinckThe Nicene CreedChalcedonian CreedAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley and Elizabeth Woodson talk about the doctrine of God—who God is and how God is—live from the Proclaim Truth Conference. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jul 11, 2019 • 57min

#49 – A Conversation with Dr. Ligon Duncan

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr. Ligon Duncan to talk about everything from catechism to baptism and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:What doctrinal, historical, cultural, or philosophical issues have your attention right now?How helpful can confessionalism be in an age where a church can be divided over cultural issues?Can we talk about catechism for a bit? For Presbyterians in your spheres, is catechesis still important? How does it work itself out in the homes and churches of Presbyterian families?How should we think about catechizing our children into distinctly christian beliefs and orthodoxy?Talk to me about baptizing babies. What am I missing? Is this just a natural outgrowth of covenantal theology? Are we, those who want to embrace a covenantal perspective but not baptize children, the inconsistent ones?Helpful Definitions:Ecclesiology: The doctrine of the church.Sacramentum: The epaulet or badge that would be worn on a Roman army officer's uniform. An oath taken by a Roman military officer. Guest Bio:Dr. Ligon Duncan is the Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. Richards Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology. And has authored, co-authored, contributed, or edited more than 35 books.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Acts 2, Genesis 17“Trinity, Revelation, and Reading” by Scott Swain“Grounded in Heaven” by Michael Allen“Reformed Catholicity” by Michael Allen“The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching” by St. IrenaeusNew City Catechism“Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants” by Gentry and Wellum“God's Kingdom through God's Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology” by Gentry and Wellum“The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith” by Peter MastersWestminster Confession of FaithAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jun 13, 2019 • 47min

#48 – You Ask…We Answer (Kinda, Sorta, Not Really)

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions from listeners. They cover topics like eternal subordination of the Son, the closed nature of the canon and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:Eternal Subordination of the Son and Complementarian Theology: Let’s talk.How do we defend the closed nature of the canon?What is the meaning of 1 Timothy 2:15 -- “women are saved through childbearing?”The doctrine of justification: reformed view v.s. NT Wright’s position?What did Jesus do in the three days between his death and resurrection?Why do women no longer cover their hair in worship? (Cor. 11:2-16)Does prayer change God’s mind?How do you define what is theologically essential?Per our episode on kid theologians: Is it dangerous to say things like “Jesus loves you” to potentially unsaved kiddos?If you’re a lay person, thinking about formal theological training to help you lead as a lay person, how do you approach choosing a degree? Master of Arts? Theology? MDiv? Focus in apologetics? Theology? Biblical studies? There’s so many options it’s hard to know where to start.Helpful Definitions:Eternal Functional Subordination of the Son: A position that subordinates the Son’s divine will to the Father’s divine will.Tritheism: Three different god’s with three different wills.Complementarianism: All humans, both male and female, have been created in God’s image. We share in dignity, power, authority, the mission of God; but men and women are not interchangeable; they are distinct.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Genesis 1-2, 1 Timothy 2:15, Acts 15, Galatians 2, 1 Corinthians 11:2-26TVC The Role of Women ShortTVC The Role of Women LongKnowing Faith Episode #19 - Can You Trust Your Bible with Dr. Michael Kruger“Justification Reconsidered” by Stephen WesterholmAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a, Jen and Kyle answer questions from listeners. They cover topics like eternal subordination of the Son, the closed nature of the canon and more. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jun 6, 2019 • 34min

#47 – King David Can Count: 2 Samuel 24 with Elizabeth Woodson

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley conclude their discussions of 1 and 2 Samuel as they discuss 2 Samuel 24.Questions Covered in This Episode:We are at the end of 2 Samuel...what’s the story so far?So, in 2 Sam. 24, we find out David can count….and God is angry about that...right? Why does this matter?Isn’t this kind of an abrupt ending for 2 Samuel?What are some takeaways from 1-2 Samuel?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:2 Samuel 24, Psalm 20:7, 1 Chronicles 21:1, Genesis 50:20, 1 Kings, 2 Samuel 7, 2 Kings 25, Knowing Faith Episode #25 - Providence, Sovereignty, Aseity—Oh My!1 Samuel The Village Church2 Samuel The Village ChurchSponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a Wilkin, JT English and Kyle Worley conclude their discussions of 1 and 2 Samuel as they discuss 2 Samuel 24. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
6 snips
May 30, 2019 • 33min

#46 – What is Jesus Doing Right Now?

Have you ever wondered what Jesus is currently doing? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley share scripturally rooted thoughts about this question on Episode 46.Questions Covered in This Episode:In a previous episode, we talked about the ascension...but what was Jesus ascending to?What is Jesus doing right now?The present ministry of Jesus: When is it happening, where is it happening?How should this change the way we view prayer?Why is this work significant?Helpful Definitions:Theopneustos (θεόπνευστος): God-BreathedUnivocally: One-to-one correspondence between what is being said and what is happening.Equivocally: No correspondence between what is said and what is happening.Analogical: Expressing or implying analogy. The way the Bible is speaking is 100% truthful, accurate, inerrant, it's the inspired word of God but it is analogous to what is actually going on.Anthropomorphic: A way of expressing, in humanly understandable terms, something that is true.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Acts 28, 1 Timothy 3:16, Deuteronomy 18:14-22, Hebrews 1:1-2, Romans 8, Hebrews, Hebrews 10, Ephesians 1:7-10, Revelation 21-22, Matthew 6:5-15Knowing Faith Episode #43 – And Don’t You Forget It: The Ascension of Jesus with Mason King“Salvation by Allegiance Alone” by Matthew Bates“The Letter to the Ephesians” by Peter O’BrienAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a you ever wondered what Jesus is currently doing? The Knowing Faith crew shares scripturally rooted thoughts about this question on Episode 46. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
May 23, 2019 • 33min

#45 – David Sings His Story: 2 Samuel 22

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back with more on 2 Samuel and how to read poems and songs in Scripture.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the story so far?Is this a Psalm? Why is David singing? Is he a poet? Why is he expressing himself in this way?What are some weaknesses in how we often approach the Psalms?What are some of the attributes of God and his work that David magnifies?What does this teach us about tying in our story with God’s story?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:2 Samuel 22, 1 Samuel 2, Psalm 18, Exodus 20, Genesis 1:2, Revelation 21:1“The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness” by Tim KellerAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a Knowing Faith crew is back with more on 2 Samuel and how to read poems and songs in Scripture. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
May 16, 2019 • 1h 10min

#44 – A Generous Complementarianism

On this episode of Knowing Faith, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley talk about something that’s been getting a lot of buzz: complementarianism. What does it mean and how can we practice this well within the church?Questions Covered in This Episode:What is complementarianism?Why do we care about this doctrine?How should theological method play a role in the complementarianism discussion?What arguments are put forward in regards to trinitarianism? Our views on complementarianism have to live in the tensions of scripture: What is New Testament preaching? How do we synthesize 1 Cor. 14 with 1 Tim. 2? What is the nature of authority?What offices of the church are available to men?What offices of the church are available to women?Helpful Definitions:Complementarianism: All humans, both male and female, have been created in God’s image. We share in dignity, power, authority, the mission of God; but men and women are not interchangeable; they are distinct.Theological method: How do you appropriately draw conclusions from the bible. Eternal functional subordination: A position that subordinates the Son’s divine will to the Father’s divine will.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:1 Timothy 2, Judges 5:2-31TVC The Role of Women ShortTVC The Role of Women LongKnowing Faith Episode #10 - Brothers & Sisters: Can we Do Theology Together?“Classical Trinitarianism and Eternal Functional Subordination” by Steve HolmesSponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a this episode of Knowing Faith, we talk about something that’s been getting a lot of buzz: complementarianism. What does it mean and how can we practice this well within the church? Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
May 9, 2019 • 32min

#43 – And Don’t You Forget It: The Ascension of Jesus with Mason King

Mason King joins Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley to discuss Christ’s ascension and its significance.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why is the ascension the forgotten act of Christ?What is the ascension? Where is it in scripture?Is this his Coronation ceremony? KingshipDoes the ascension connect with any larger biblical themes or motifs?’Could we be saved apart from the ascension?Why is Jesus seated?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Acts 1:6-11, 1-2 Samuel, Ephesians 4:8, John 17 “The Cross and the Christian Life” Ligon Duncan Forum“The Trinity and Christian Prayer” Sam Alberry SermonThe Apostles Creed“Jesus Ascended” by Gerrit Dawson“Educated” by Tara Westover“Who God Says You Are” by Klyne Snodgrass“Where Mortals Dwell” by Craig Bartholomew“Apologetics at the Cross” by Josh ChatrawAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a King joins Jen Wilkin, JT English and Kyle Worley to discuss Christ’s ascension and its significance. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
May 2, 2019 • 37min

#42 – Absalom’s Daddy Issues: 2 Samuel 14-20 with Taryn Mays

Jen Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley, and special guest Taryn Mays dive back into 2 Samuel to discuss what transpires between David and his son, Absalom.Questions Covered in This Episode:Who is Absalom and why does he matter?What is the conspiracy that Absalom undertakes?Is God choosing Absalom?Let’s look at David’s response in 2 Samuel 16:5-14.What is special about the way David mourns Absalom's death?Does the Lord actively bring harm upon people?Why care about the family of this ancient king that has a messed up family?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:2 Samuel 14-201 Samuel The Village Church2 Samuel The Village Church“Leap Over a Wall” by Eugene PetersonAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a Wilkin, JT English, Kyle Worley and special guest Taryn Mays dive back into 2 Samuel to discuss what transpires between David and his son, Absalom. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.

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