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Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

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May 9, 2013 • 58min

Mike Vardy on Doing Less Productivity and Being More Productive

Mike Vardy is a writer, speaker and podcaster on productivity. His main site is He’s given talks on productivity and technology, as well as several featured keynotes and workshops related to time, task, project, and goal management.Covered in this episode: Productivityist = a person who wants to get more efficient and more effective with their work Working on ways to get better work done How do you determine the need for a new tool, how do you test a tool A More Meaningful To Do List – The Omnifocus Setup Projects first, tasks second Projects vs. tasks Jon Acuff – START Green Lantern – Willpower vs. Fear Chris Brogan You Are Your Own Superhero Getting Things Done by David Allen The Best Upgrade Is You by Patrick Rhone Low energy productivity The Front Nine Mike’s on Mic’s Stop doing productivity and start being productive. - @MikeVardyClick To Tweet Have to do’s are fine, but you also need to have want to do’s. - @MikeVardyClick To TweetPlease connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for busy women ONCE: Once Upon a Time podcast Welcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcast Are You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinking the Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 1, 2013 • 1h 2min

Bryan Allain on the What, Why, and How of Building Tribes and Pursuing Your Dream

Bryan Allain is a blog coach, author, humor writer and mammal. He also created and organized the Killer Tribes conferences in Nashville in 2012 and Atlanta in 2013, where people learn to find their voice, share their passions, connect with others, and grow their brand.He lives with his wife, Erica, and their two children in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Covered and mentioned in this episode: Caedmon’s Call Derek Webb Don Miller Ben Arment Dream Year program Jon Acuff Killer Tribes A tribe doesn’t necessarily involve a pedestal. - @BryanAllainClick To TweetThe chief of the tribe is still part of the tribe. - @BryanAllainClick To TweetTribes (and especially wives!) make you brave.Click To TweetCommunities aren’t formed by formulas. - @BryanAllainClick To TweetFinding time often means hustling in the margins. - @BryanAllainClick To TweetJust because you have more time doesn’t mean you automatically end up more productive. - @BryanAllainClick To TweetGet the Killer Tribes 2013 Audio!Don’t forget a number of the Killer Tribes 2012 or 2013 speakers have been guests on this podcast!Make sure to grab all of Bryan’s books! 31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo Community Wins: 21 Thoughts on Building a Thriving Online Tribe This Is Not A Treasure Map Actually Clams Are Miserable Don’t forget the homework for this episode: Leave a comment below about what tribes you are a part of, and which members of your tribe you are thankful for.Tweet at Bryan and I on Twitter to let us know what you got from this episode, and start interacting in our tribes.Please connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for busy women ONCE: Once Upon a Time podcast Welcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcast Are You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinking the Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 25, 2013 • 46min

Crystal Paine on Stewardship, Goals, and Discipline

Crystal Paine created in order to showcase ebooks, workbooks, seminars, and other materials challenge people to live beyond the status quo. The site is a huge resource for anyone who wants to thrive in life, business, and home, and time management.Covered in this episode: Crystal’s Book: 21 Days to a More Disciplned Life Andy Traub’s Early To Rise book – Why have you not grabbed this yet? Investing in yourself You have to know where your going in order to get there Moms need to set goals too Stress is a choice You can’t overhaul your life overnight. Pick one change to focus on for 3-6 weeks. - @MoneySavingMomClick To TweetDiscipline begets discipline. - @MoneySavingMomClick To TweetAny success I’ve had in my life is the result of standing on a huge pile of failure. - @MoneySavingMomClick To TweetMake sure to tweet Crystal @MoneySavingMom to let her know you appreciated this episode!Please connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for busy women ONCE: Once Upon a Time podcast Welcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcast Are You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinking the Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 18, 2013 • 54min

Chris Locurto on Leadership, Balanced Living, and Being There for Hurting Team Members

Chris Locurto, formerly one of Dave Ramsey’s key leaders over the past 12 years, Chris served as the Vice President of Live Events. Together, Chris and Dave developed and built EntreLeadership from their shared experiences. Through their close relationship and Dave’s personal council, Chris has not only become an expert in teaching the EntreLeadership principles, but has lived and implemented them daily.On Chris’s blog, you will learn his personal insights on leadership, managing people, and financial stewardship.Covered in this episode: EntreLeadership EntreLeadership Podcast Start the morning with a dump, a brain dump Early to Rise Series by Andy Traub Culture = Actions and Attitudes Zig Ziglar’s wheel of life Setting goals Be honest with where you are Be there for others out of the resources you have You either force the culture that you want in your business, or it will be forced upon you. - @ChrisLoCurtoClick To TweetIt’s the guys that deny their leadership is struggling that continue to fail. - @ChrisLoCurtoClick To TweetIf you understand that what you do is what you do, not who you are, it changes your life. - @ChrisLoCurtoClick To TweetTweet Chris to let him know what you got out of this episode: connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for busy women ONCE: Once Upon a Time podcast Welcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcast Are You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinking the Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 15, 2013 • 36min

Dave Delaney on Building Your Network Before You Need It

Dave Delaney is recognized leader and speaker on digital marketing, social media strategy, and community enthusiasm. Moving to Nashville in 2007, he co-founded two annual unconferences, PodCamp Nashville and BarCamp Nashville. He also launched two monthly events, Nashcocktail and Geek Breakfast, the latter now has chapters across the US, South Africa and Australia. Dave also has a book available for preorder: New Business Networking: How to Effectively Grow Your Business Network Using Online and Offline MethodsDave’s Podcamp Nashville SessionErik’s Podcamp Nashville SessionCovered in this episode: Events are not just about the speakers or the topics It’s about the people! Best practices to be productive in your event networking – Before:Do your homework Look to see who is attending ahead of time check the list of atendees and speakers Make notes of who you want to make sure to meet or meet up with Start connecting even before the event Take note of the sponsers Prepare business cards Practice your ‘elevator pitch’ introducing who you are, what you do, why your at the event During:Make use of lanyards and nametags Look for the interesting people Look for the people in similar sessions to you You don’t have to rush Listen to what people are talking about around you Follow the event hashtag, start interaction online to bridge offline We all need a safety net – by Carla Swank How an introvert can network without going crazy by Britt Raybould It takes courage! After:Take notes as you are meeting people ASK for business cards, don’t just give Follow up with them digitally Connect on Linked In Dumbars Number Following up is important Dunbars number 32 Tips for #SXSW (Applicable elsewhere also) For more great networking insight to add to what was in this episode, make sure to preorder Dave’s Book!Tweet at Dave and let him now what you got from this episode! connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for busy women ONCE: Once Upon a Time podcast Welcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcast Are You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinking the Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 1, 2013 • 34min

Jon Acuff on Rescuing Time, Hustle, and Escaping Average

Punch fear in the face. Escape average. Do work that matters. So begins the new book from Wall Street Journal best-selling author Jon Acuff, and it’s a call to which that millions of people have already responded. From the halls of the companies he’s helped—The Home Depot, Bose and Chick-fil-A—to the homes of the 4.5 million people who have read his blog, Jon Acuff is leading a movement away from the status quo. You will be challenged, encouraged and equipped to thrive in the swirl of generational shift everyone must face in the next three years.Covered in this episode: The 5 Seasons – Learning, Editing, Mastering, Harvesting, Guiding Be a student of you Be selfish at 5am Andy Traub – Early to Rise Dan Miller – Wisdom Meets Passion EntreLeadership Podcast How do you rescue time? Not just time management, energy management Making sure to reserve thinking time How do you figure out what your 90 percent is? The first thing a dream costs is time and hustle. - @JonAcuffClick To TweetYou don’t always have to know the finish line before you cross the starting line. - @JonAcuff #StartBookClick To Tweet90% perfect & published always changes more lives than 100% perfect and stuck in your head. - @JonAcuff #StartbookClick To Tweet You don’t need to monetize every single moment of your day. - @JonAcuffClick To TweetPlease connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for busy women ONCE: Once Upon a Time podcast Welcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcast Are You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinking the Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 29, 2013 • 54min

Farnoosh Brock on Focus, Traveling, and the Effects of Health on Productivity

Farnoosh Brock was born and raised in Tehran, Iran. After leaving Iran at 11 and living in Turkey for 3 years, she moved to the United States. She studied electrical engineering and French at university and then entered the corporate world. In 2011, she left a 12-year successful career at a Fortune 100 company to start her own company, Prolific Living Inc. Today, she is a professional blogger, author, speaker, business coach and an expert green juicer. She is passionate about showing her readers and clients how to define their own freedom in their health and their careers. She infuses her love of green juicing, Ashtanga yoga, writing, photography, entrepreneurship, and world travel into her work to show you that your dreams are accessible and possible too. Her favorite quote, the one that led to that resignation from Corporate America is: “The lust for comfort kills the passions of the soul.” by Khalil Gibran.Covered in this episode: Asana Pomodoro technique The Daily Interaction Podcast Your Comprehensive Green Juicing Guide The Healthy Juicer’s Bible: Lose Weight, Detoxify, Fight Disease, and Live Long Find the tools and systems to keep you honest about your processes. - @ProlificLivingClick To TweetPlease connect with me Subscribe, rate, and review in iTunes Follow @ErikJFisher Check out more Network shows The Audacity to Podcast: "How-to" podcast about podcasting Beyond the To-Do List: Personal and professional productivity The Productive Woman: Productivity for busy women ONCE: Once Upon a Time podcast Welcome to Level Seven: Agents of SHIELD and Marvel’s cinematic universe podcast Are You Just Watching?: Movie reviews with Christian critical thinking the Ramen Noodle: Family-friendly clean comedy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 19, 2013 • 1h 6min

Daniel J. Lewis on Success and Failure While Building a Business Without It Controlling Your Life

Daniel J. Lewis shares his successes and failures as a new entrepreneur.Daniel hosts several award-nominated podcasts: Award-winning “how-to” podcast about podcasting and using Audacity Once Upon a Time podcast clean-comedy podcast Covered in this episode: Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, start! Jump in and start Even a dream job can be a dead end, if you accomplish every dream you want to do there Technology can help or hinder you Transition from full time employee to entrepreneur, as well as a newlywed Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 2, 2013 • 1h 3min

Derek Webb Talks About Creative Talent, Artistry, Business and Technology

Derek Webb started his music career over 20 years ago as a founding member of the Texas-based folk/rock band Caedmon’s Call. After 10 years, Derek left to pursue a solo career that quickly garnered him a reputation for being a provocative singer/songwriter, challenging the political and spiritual status quo. Derek is also a co-founder of and I talk about: The super hero origins of his passion and gift for music The moment he knew he was good at it His path to being in a band, and path to being a solo artist Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 25, 2013 • 1h

Christin Taylor on Shipwrecks, Seasons and Writing

Christin Taylor is the author of Shipwrecked in L.A.: Finding Purpose in a Life Adrift.Most people encounter at least one “shipwreck” during their twenties. Everything you think you know about yourself, your life, your future, and even your faith suddenly breaks apart. You’re left scrambling to construct a lifeboat that will take you back to the shore.Christin Taylor knew how her life was going to turn out, but just eight weeks after moving to L.A., her hopes and dreams were shattered. The next four years found Christin circling around, into, and back out of the film industry, until she finally found her way home.Christin lives in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with her husband, Dwayne, and their children, Noelle and Nathan. They have lived and worked with college students since 2008. Christin teaches writing at Gettysburg College.Covered in this episode: Shipwrecked by Christin Taylor Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott Strengthfinders 2.0 by Tom Rath Just because you say no to something now for a season, doesn’t mean you’ll never get to pick it back up again.Click To TweetThe strength of responsibility means you put your name to whatever you take on.Click To TweetYou don’t start something you can’t finish, if you can’t finish it well.Click To Tweet Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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