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The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source

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Feb 23, 2012 • 53min

The League of Moveable Type (Interview)

Adam and Wynn caught up with Micah Rich from The League of Moveable type to talk about open source typography. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Adam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XWynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: Micah Rich, from The League of Movable Type. Caroline Hadilaksono, co-founder of The League. League Gothic, one of Caroline’s popular faces is Wynn’s favorite. Several of League fonts are available on TypeKit. Dave Crossland, designer of Cantarell. Chunk was created by Meredith Mandel. The League fonts are forkable on GitHub. FontForge is an outline font editor that lets you create your own postscript, truetype, opentype, and more. Glyphs is a professional font editor for Mac OS X. Wynn’s slide decks make use of League Gothic and Hand of Sean. Lettering.js gives you more control over kerning on the web. The Manifesto lays out the vision for The League. Haley Fiege contributed Sniglet. Barry Schwartz has contributed several fonts. Want to help Micah introduce typographers to git? Get in touch. Wynn asks about vertical rhythm, which Compass makes easier. Lettercase is a social font manager. Adam uses FontExplorer X but wishes it did more. Micah on Dribbble. Lettercase is powered by Sinatra, Warden, and Grape. Hoefler & Co. are Micah’s heroes in typography design. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Feb 17, 2012 • 38min

tmux, dotfiles, and Text Mode (Interview)

Wynn sat down with Brian Hogan and Josh Clayton to talk about tmux, dotfiles, and the joys of text mode. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Wynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: Brian Hogan speaker, trainer, and author of _Tmux: Productive, Mouse Free development, out now from PragProg. Josh Clayton is a developer at Thoughtbot. Factory Girl - fixture replacement for Ruby. tmux is a terminal multiplexer similar to GNU screen. tmuxinator helps you manage tmux sessions. taskpaper.vim - Vim interface for Taskpaper. Josh’s dotfiles are extensive. A patch to reattach to user namespace in tmux. Palette lets you write Vim color schemes with Ruby Evergreen - Run Jasmine JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications The latest iTerm2 ships with tmux integration. tslime.vim is a simple vim script to send portion of text from a vim buffer to a running tmux session. vim-turbux - Ruby testing with tmux. Justin Smestad turned Wynn onto tmux for pair programming. Derick Bailey from Watch Me Code. gives you a one-button, collaboration-friendly dev environment for your GitHub repo. Jesse Dearing is the unnamed “DevOps guy” at Pure Charity. Thoughtbot has a company-wide dotfiles repo. Josh rolls his own Vim setup with Tim Pope’s pathogen. Brian uses TTYtter, is a terminal-based Twitter client, Wynn uses Earthquake. Josh likes irrsi for IRC. Brian likes Alpine over mutt for mail. Search GitHub for “tmux.conf.” Zach Holman says dotfiles are meant to be forked. Zach’s own dotfiles. Yan Pritzker’s dotfiles are opinionated. Josh says that if you don’t think your dotfiles are the best out there, you’re doing it wrong. (29:55) Joe Ferris at Thoughtbot inspired Josh’s dotfiles. Brian and Josh say Janus and oh-my-zsh are great to get started, but you need to understand your dotfiles. Wynn uses this shell function to list colors to put into his tmux config. Dotshare is web site to share dotfile configs plus screenshots. Pianobar is text-based command line interface for Pandora. Wynn uses for Be sure and check out the Tmux Crash Course. NEW: Humans Present: tmux a Thoughtbot Workshop. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Feb 9, 2012 • 26min

Vagrant and virtualized environments (Interview)

Wynn caught up with Mitchell Hashimoto from the Vagrant project to talk about virtualized environments, DevOps, and more. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Mitchell Hashimoto – Website, GitHub, XWynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: We’re now @TheChangelog on Twitter. Mitchell Hashimoto from Vagrant. Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments by providing automated creation and provisioning of virtual machines using Oracle’s VirtualBox. Vagrant is currently a Ruby gem. Mitchell uses Vagrant to test his Chef cookbooks, featured in Episode 0.3.8. Travis CI uses Vagrant extensively. Show Travis some love, tell ‘em to come on The Changelog. Mitchell just returned from FOSDEM. John Bender has helped out Mitchell with Vagrant. VeeWee: the tool to easily build vagrant base boxes or KVM, VirtualBox, and Fusion images. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Dec 20, 2011 • 23min

Spine and Client-Side MVC (Interview)

Wynn caught up with Alex MacCaw to talk about Spine, CoffeeScript, writing books, and working at Twitter. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Alex MacCaw – Website, GitHub, XWynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: Alex MacCaw, O’Reilly writer and open source developer now working on the front-end for Twitter. Spine Lightweight MVC library for building JavaScript applications, inspired by Backbone. Spine is written in CoffeeScript Eco is Alex’s favorite client-side templating engine. Alex suggests trying to use the same templating engine server-side and client-side, perhaps with Mustache, is a pipe dream. Spine integrates with Rails out of the box. Hem is like Bundler but for Node.js. Juggernaut enables realtime server push with node.js, WebSockets and Comet “Effortlessly generate Spine, CoffeeScript and Hem applications. Spine.App gives your applications structure, CommonJS modules, a development server and more.” Alex is working on The Little Book on CoffeeScript in printed form for O’Reilly. JavaScript Web Apps covers building client-side MVC apps in a framework agnostic way. Twitter is hiring! Got the chops? Get in touch. Jeremy Ashkenas is Alex’s programming hero. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Dec 7, 2011 • 35min

Foundation and Other Zurb Goodies (Interview)

Wynn caught up with Jonathan and Matt from Zurb to talk about Foundation, their HTML5 front end scaffold and many projects from the Zurb playground. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Wynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: Jonathan Smiley - Design lead at Zurb Matt Kelly is a developer at Zurb The Zurb playground showcases many Zurb’s front end experiments. Zurb foundation is an easy to use, powerful, and flexible framework for building prototypes and production code on any kind of device. Bootstrap from Twitter bakes in more style opinions and currently does not target mobile devices. Zurb Foundation ships in Rails, Compass, two WordPress, and ASP.NET MVC flavors. Flickr Bomb is a more entertaining alternative to Joyride is a fun way to do feature tours. Zurb buttons are super awesome. Orbit is a lightweight image slider for jQuery. The version bundled with Foundation supports responsive layouts. Reveal is an easy way to add great looking modals to web apps. Zurb also offers a set of free apps including Axe and Strike. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Nov 3, 2011 • 47min

Spree and Ecommerce in Rails (Interview)

Wynn sat down with Sean and Brian from Spree to talk about ecommerce in Rails, SpreeConf, and their recent $1.5M funding round. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Wynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: Sean Schofield, Spree founder and CEO of Spree Commerce, Inc. Brian Quinn, long time Spree contributor and CTO of SpreeCommerce Spree (née RailsCart) is a Rails engine that provides an out-of-the box, customizable ecommerce platform. Spree fully integrates into the Rails 3.1 Asset pipeline Rails engines have accelerated Spree adoption Spree is built on actively maintained community projects including Devise, Kaminari, Paperclip, ResourceController, State Machine, and ActiveMerchant. Spree recently closed a $1.5M funding round SpreeConf is geared to both business and developer audiences Everybody loves Sticker Mule Shoedazzle and SecondLife run highly customized versions of Spree. Spree has a growing list of community extensions. RailsDog Radio is a great showcase of Spree functionality. Grab the source on GitHub If you actually need a satellite radio, check out TSS Radio. Spree will unbox a new demo installation on Heroku just for you. Deface allows you to customize HTML ERB views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view. Ryan Bigg, Ruby Hero and co-author of Rails 3 in Action has joined Spree as community manager. Like Changelog Episodes, Spree is not SemVer compliant. Sean wants to explore using RailsAdmin into Spree Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Oct 11, 2011 • 44min

Growl and Open Source in the App Store (Interview)

Adam and Wynn caught up with Chris Forsythe, lead of the Growl project to talk about Growl, their App Store launch, and his work on Adium and Perian. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Adam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XWynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: We recently launched The Sass Way so you can get your fix of all things Sass and Compass Chris Forsythe is the project lead for Growl. Growl is a popular notification system for Mac OS X. Growl is now in the App Store and on GitHub Chris was formerly the project manager for the Adium. Your $1.99 will help send Chris to his first WWDC. GrowlMail is now a separate project. Over two hundred applications support Growl notifications. Designers have created many visual Growl styles to make Growl look great. Wynn’s favorite is Hud from @Rogie. Growl now supports GNTP, allowing Linux and Windows notifications apps to share a common protocol. Wynn uses Growl for visual feedback for his test suite. Chris also is a founder of the Perian project, a free, open source QuickTime component that adds native support for many popular video formats. Chris says that the GPL prevents Perian from taking the App Store path. The OSI is a non-profit corporation with global scope formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community. Chris relates the impact Steve Jobs had on his open source work. Evan Schoenberg inspires Chris. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Aug 19, 2011 • 58min

HTML5 Boilerplate and JavaScript (Interview)

Adam and Wynn caught up with Paul Irish of Google’s Chrome developer relations team to talk about HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, polyfills, and more. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Adam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XWynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: Paul Irish - Chrome dev relations guy at Google. Dion Almaer - Host of Function Source, all around JavaScript, frontend expert. “HTML5 is a jewel that we need to cut into a weapon” - Dion /via Yehuda Katz Adam is in love with GitHub’s new editor powered by Cloud 9 HTML5 Boilerplate contains a set of best practices to use as a starting point for new projects or pick what you need a la cart. Boilerplate now includes Normalize.css, a customisable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more consistently and in line with modern standards. Normalize is a collaboration between Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal Modernizr is an open-source JavaScript library that helps you build the next generation of HTML5 and CSS3-powered websites, from Faruk Ate?, Paul, and Alex Sexton. rack-modernizr from Marshall Yount brings Modernizr to the server Paul coined the term FOUT - Flash Of Unstyled Text. HTML5 polyfills implant html5 functionality in browsers that don’t natively support them. Paul makes micro microapps for CSS3, text shadows, and HSL picking. Paul is a fan of Chris Coyer of CSS Tricks Need an idea for a weekend project, check out Paul’s Lazy Web Requests Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Aug 4, 2011 • 58min

RVM and BDSM (Interview)

Steve and Wynn caught up with Wayne Seguin to talk about his Ruby enVironment Manager and BDSM shell scripting framework projects. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Wynn Netherland – GitHub, XSteve Klabnik – Website, GitHub, XShow Notes: Look us up at LSRC V next week. Madison Ruby Conference August 19-20, 2011 in Madison, WI. Wayne Seguin, developer at EngineYard, creator of RVM and BDSM. RVM is a command line tool which allows us to easily install, manage and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems. BDSM aims to create a framework for maintaining and sharing server side scripts while exposing them through a consistent command line interface (CLI). Dr. Nic Williams, Wayne’s boss was on Episode 0.5.0 Peter Cooper helped get the word out about RVM. Michal Papis has been giving Wayne a hand with RVM and BDSM. Ryan McGeary says “Vendor Everything” while Wayne says he vendors nothing and uses rvm gemsets in most cases. Bundler now plays nice with RVM. Using BDSM, you can create consistent service interfaces for everything in your stack. Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!
Jul 26, 2011 • 1h

Code for America (Interview)

Adam and Wynn caught up with Erik and Max, Fellows at Code for America to talk about civic-focused development and open source. Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Featuring:Adam Stacoviak – Website, GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XWynn Netherland – GitHub, XShow Notes: Apply now to be a 2012 Code for America Fellow - Deadline is July 31 LSRC V is just around the corner Follow @TheSassWay for your Sass news Code for America enlists the talent of the web industry into public service to use their skills to solve core problems facing our communities. Erik Michaels-Ober is a Rubyist and Fellow at Code for America Max Ogden is also a Rubyist and Fellow at Code for America Erik is using (and improving) the LinkedIn Ruby gem Max loves Underscore.js from Jeremy Ashkenas Max’s GitHub page tells recruiters to get lost. Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org aims to make government information more accessible. The Sunlight Foundation, featured on Episode 0.1.3 Code For America’s GitHub page features 120 projects. Rails Admin is Erik’s Rails 3 engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data Erik and Wynn met through John Nunemaker’s Twitter Gem Faraday is Rick Olson’s slick Rack-like HTTP client library. Mislav Marohni? helps maintain Faraday Want to create your own programming language like Jeremy Ashekenas? Read this book! Max is a fan of Request from Mikeal Rogers Erik is a fan of Sam Stephenson, featured in Episode 0.6.4 Brian Ford, Evan Phoenix, make Rubinius rock. Steve Richert aka @LaserLemon helps out with the Twitter gem. Best username evar. TextMate users: be nice to your Vim friends. The opportunity for Civic Startups Fight for the User Literary Machines is a thirty year old book from Ted Nelson. - The Redirectory Project is a free and open directory of social services and resources that anyone can contribute to. Test your Ruby projects against multiple Rubies with Travis Gemcutter powers is an HTML5-based document editor from Michael Aufreiter Be sure and follow Substack on GitHub. Apply now to be a 2012 Code for America Fellow - Deadline is July 31 Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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