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Jun 11, 2021 • 37min

Favorite Historical Figures

You know what they say -- “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”It’s very important to know where things came from and who created them.Today Mike and Dan going to go back in history because this is one of Dan's very favorite topics. Mike is going to ask him three questions: Who are his favorite historical figures?#1 a business builder#2 a leader#3 a woman and why for each question. As soon as Dan learned to read when he was six years old, his mother got him interested in history. The people we are going to talk about today are ROLE MODELS for Dan and people he gained insight from into his own goals. Sit back, get comfortable, and get ready for a fun episode. Listen and maybe you’ll have a new role model by the end!Dan’s number one favorite “business builder” historical figure lived around 300 BC. His name is Euclid, he lived in Alexandria and worked at the very famous Library of Alexandria collecting documents (scrolls mostly.) His specialty was everything mathematical. He collected everything, made sense of it, organized it and put it into systems. If you think about who had the greatest influence on what the world looks like today, a case can be made for Euclid. The things that are permanent in the world architecturally all depend on the elements of geometry that were put together in 300 BC. When Dan went to college, the very first book he read was by Euclid and it had 47 elements that he memorized. The book contained the notion of building structures that influenced a great deal of what he does in Strategic Coach today.They’re his version of codes and basic elements of geometry and says this is how you build entrepreneurial thinking, unique abilities, and time systems. It’s his version of Euclidean geometry but used to identify the foundation of how entrepreneurs think.If you have this way of thinking as an entrepreneur, you're going to do well. Next up is Dan’s favorite historical figure in leadership; Winston Churchill.He’s convinced that Churchill was one of the greatest leaders in history at a very crucial time. There was a period in 1940 where Winston Churchill saved the world from very bad people. (The Nazis.) Everybody around him wanted to reach a peace agreement but he said “You can't do a deal with a tiger because he'll eat you.”Churchill had an enormous amount of social and political pressure on him and was getting beat up pretty badly. The enemy seemed invincible and the Americans had no trust that the British were going to survive. Dan thinks Churchill, as an individual, decided he was going to be the person to turn the situation around. Dan says circumstances often make great leaders and war is one of those situations.Lastly, Dan's favorite female historical figures.Three of the greatest female leaders EVER are Queen Elizabeth the first, Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the second.If you look at England's greatest monarchs all three are women. Together they have ruled for over 170 years. There is no man in British history that compares to these three women.The stories of the three queens are radically different but in all three cases there was no preparation for them to be the monarch. In each case it was a surprise of circumstances that they ended up ruling and not without enemies. For whatever reason, it seems as though the women are able to hold this position of power very effectively and in all their cases they happen to live a very long time. It also seems like the men in the monarchy get themselves into trouble and are willing to sacrifice the position for sex or love while the women make do.This was a really fun and educational episode. To hear about even MORE inspiring historical figures, like Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher and possibly… Elon Musk, make sure to listen to and Watch this episode on YouTube.
May 20, 2021 • 52min

A Hero Mindset and Scorecards

Imagine being able to attract a perfect, right fit client (what we call a “hero”) into your business. How do you communicate to get anyone who's around you, whether it's an employee, a friend, or a spouse to get on the same page in the shortest period of time? Today you’ll learn one of Dan Sullivan’s greatest “intellectual shortcuts”, the “scorecard.” Every single one of Dan's 30+ books includes a scorecard with 8 mindsets. You look at the mindset, read some text and score yourself from 1 - 12. There are dozens of scorecards to measure every aspect of your life or business.You can use scorecards to attract “right fit”, compatible people into your life. Whether they’re customers, spouses or partners.In this episode, you’ll learn how Dan makes them and how you can adapt your brain so you can make them quickly too. Dan created his first scorecard after his divorce in 1978. Back then there was a lot of encouragement from society to “work things out,” but Dan knew it wouldn’t work. They were going in completely opposite directions.Then and there he made a commitment to himself that he would be married again but NEVER divorced. During the time before the divorce, he realized that the problem was that he was looking for a person, and what he should have been looking for was a relationship. He decided not to put his goals in terms of a particular type of person, but to outline some standards or what his relationship had to be. The mindset “scorecard” was born.He decided that his next relationship should not be one that required work but rather a relationship that just works. (Because his last one was ALL work) One year to the day after his divorce and the scorecard were finalized, he was at a weekend conference and arrived late. There was only one seat left so he sat down. Next to him was a very tall redhead. He looked at her a few times and she said “what are you looking at?” He said, “I’m looking at you and I like what I see.” They've been together ever since.There was an ease and comfort to their relationship. In both your personal and work life, trying to make relationships work is a very wasteful experience. It’s all about creating the right of mindset. The behavior mindset. We generally get into trouble with people's behavior because we haven’t checked the mindsets out beforehand.The big takeaway is effortlessness is the key function. Recently Mike met with Kim White, his energy coach and one of the key things that he needs to work on is a very complex relationship that has turned weird because of a lack of communication. The thought of trying to make it work has kept Mike up at night.There are a lot of positives about the relationship but the negatives, energetically, outweigh the incredible financial and celebrity aspects of it to the extent that it makes Mike feel gross. Mike thinks it’s very important to check in with your body and say, “Do I feel good?” and “Am I happy?” “If not, why?” If it's out of your control and it's relationship oriented, take some inventory, and end it fast.One thing that Mike's noticed as he ages is that he really sees how perfect nature is and how it's like tapping into universal consciousness. The way he has experienced things is the more he (you) meditates, more answers and solutions appear.Dan has been meditating daily for 49 years but is not a believer in Universal Intelligence like Mike is. He believes that as a species we’ve had a couple of 100,000 years experience and our nervous systems have been formed out of a lot of struggle, persistence and breakthroughs.He believes we're hardwired based on our experiences and when someone really gets in touch with who they are, major shifts happen.A core secret to creating breakthroughs? Dan says that you have to LIKE who you used to be.If you're alway trying to get away from who you used to be, you haven't learned anything. Dan believes that when people spend the time trying to understand WHO they actually are they will constantly grow and transform. The more we get in touch with our experiences, the less conflict there is between what we're thinking and our feelings and when we communicate from that point… that’s when the magic happens.To hear more strategies on how to implement the scorecard and hero mindset into your life PLUS a story Mike's never told before about his early days as a HACKER (you're not going to want to miss this one!) 
Apr 22, 2021 • 53min

David Horsager; The Most Researched Expert on Trust

What is the best way to drive results in all areas of your life?Do you struggle with your employees, clients, marketing or your net promoter score?Maybe you’re struggling with your marriage, or your relationship with your kids?There is a KEY CHALLENGE that you have and it's one simple word… TRUST.The question to ask yourself is “how do you create trust in the most effective way?”Mike has a very special guest today. He's a fellow Minnesotan from a small town, not too far from where Mike grew up. His name is David Horsager and he's the most research expert on trust, organizational trust and leadership in business.He's also the author of many books, with his latest out now, called “Trusted Leader, Eight Pillars That Drive Results.” John C. Maxwell calls it “A pivotal guide for today's leader!”Research has proven that output, morale, retention, innovation, loyalty, and productivity increases when trust increases and that’s what today’s episode is all about. Building trust that drives the results you want so make sure to listen and watch us on YouTube.David believes that lack of trust is the biggest expense of any organization.Organizations think they have a leadership issue. They never do. (The only reason people follow a leader is trust.) They think they have a sales issue. They never do. (The only reason people buy is trust.)The only way to amplify a marketing message is to increase trust in that message. The only way to deal with the diversity issues of our day is to increase trust. The only way to increase innovation and creativity in a team is to increase trust.The root issue is always a trust issue.So how do you build and create the maximum amount of trust with teams internally in the shortest time period that’s genuine and authentic? (when you've got that, you're going to get teamwork and more results which means happier clients and customers on the other side.)The Eight Pillar Framework, from David’s new book, has been validated through research, as the way trust is built globally.Clarity: People trust the clear and they distrust the ambiguous or the overly complex. Most people, even in marketing, think they're clear when they're not.Compassion: People trust those that care beyond themselves. It's hard to follow or buy from someone that we don't feel cares beyond themselves. The most trusted person in the world is not Oprah or the Pope. It’s mom. People trust their mom’s because they care beyond themselves.Character: We trust those who do what's right, not what's easy. Many companies de-incentivize character when they should be doing the opposite.Competency: You might trust a good friend to take your kids to a ballgame because they have character and compassion, but you wouldn’t trust them to give you a root canal. If you're selling and leading the way you were 20 years ago, people won't trust you. You have to stay fresh and relevant.Commitment: We trust those that stay committed, even in the face of adversity. Think about anyone who's left a legacy. Mom, Dad, Mandela, Gandhi, Jesus or Joan of Arc, and you'll find someone that's trusted because of their commitment beyond themselves.Connection: This pillar is the willingness to connect and collaborate. In a lot of big companies or global governments, you’ll find counter forces of connection, siloing, or selfishness and that’s the opposite of what you want.Contribution: You need to contribute results and outcomes. You could be a compassionate, high character person, but if you don’t get results, no one is going to trust you.Consistency: The only way to build a reputation is consistency. The only way to build a brand is consistency. For good or bad. If you're late all the time, people will in fact trust you to be late.David believes you can solve every leadership, organizational and marketing issue against these eight pillars. He’s done his research and tested it on six continents and found that most people are actually solving the wrong problems.It’s never about engagement or communication. It’s ALWAYS about trust.Wondering why David is so passionate about his work on trust? When his daughter was 13 years old, they were out for a walk, talking about life and she looked up at him and said, “Dad, you wouldn't understand, you're perfect.” That might sound sweet but he knew he had a big problem. He knew that she wouldn’t share her life with him if she thought he was perfect.In reality when he started his first company, he had $1.42 to his name and was living in a basement apartment with black mold, no windows, bathroom or kitchen. He struggled and lost everything a few different times but his daughter didn't see those first 10 years of struggle.When he finally found success with his first best selling book and started doing things like traveling in private jets, that’s what his daughter saw.He started sharing all of the times he made mistakes with his daughter on their walks. The time he lost all of their money before she was born, the mistakes he made with his team, etc… and it changed their relationship forever.The willingness to be transparent about your mistakes can be used in leadership but it can also be used at home. When parents try to act like they're perfect and were perfect as kids, what do their kids learn to do? They learn to hide stuff better.David has been doing this research on trust for many years. (since his grad work days) If you go to his websites,, there's a research tab where you can read it all for yourself.In his work, David has developed a 10 step process to rebuild trust. To find out more pick up a copy of his new book and don’t forget to Listen to and Watch this episode for the more details.
Apr 15, 2021 • 39min

Presentism; Understanding History

What is “Presentism?” It’s defined as: uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts.Let’s put it in terms that might be easier to understand in 2021.Today there is a general lack of understanding of history and geography.Generation Z has been raised with their phones in their hands so history for them (unless it was forced on them by school) is based on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat.Mike knows this from experience. His son, Zak, is 18. He was the last kid in his class to have a phone. Mike and his wife acquiesced because he couldn’t do his schoolwork without one. His entire generation communicates in ways Mike still doesn’t understand.They learn through accidental browsing. The algorithm drives the content that is in front of them and whatever they see, they believe. At the same time, they don’t trust traditional “anything”. They trust themselves and only certain kinds of media.Today Dan and Mike deep dive into what “presentism” is, why it’s happening and why it’s really important that we don’t forget our own history in order to be successful entrepreneurs.Dan went to school in the 1950’s when they studied history, geography, civics, and religion. Part of your education was to learn things that happened centuries ago, in this country and around the world.In talking to parents who are entrepreneurs – his Strategic Coach clients and their children really don’t get history, geography, or the things that provide context for why things are they way they are. Most of their images of history comes through television, movies, and video games.Their understanding of history is that things that happened before today are deficient versions of what they have now and therefore they can stand in judgment of how things were 100, 200, or 500 years ago.On the other hand, when Hollywood does history, they give people who are depicted as living 500 years ago, modern emotions, modern attitudes, and modern thoughts.The past is a foreign country.You wouldn’t be comfortable living 100 years ago. And if you did, you would bring back diseases that would wipe everyone out in about 30 days because your immune system is better now. You’ve been immunized to everything people died of back then. You wouldn’t be a welcome guest.There’s a pasteurization of culture going on and we don’t want people to have feelings that make them uncomfortable.Virtually all of yours, Dan’s and Mike’s growth in life has come from encountering things that were uncomfortable, getting used to it and building new insights and capabilities as a result.When Mike thinks about presentism, it has to do with collapsing the trust barrier. In other words, a lot of history is being rewritten by present day outrage filters, or a lack of an ability to deal with discomfort.Look at what universities have become. People are being banned from speaking and silenced on the left and right because it makes someone uncomfortable. Social Media, the best and most efficient delivery mechanisms we have today are selectively censoring, cancelling, and banning people.It’s gotten ridiculous – some of Mike’s very non-polarizing and educational videos are being flagged as being inappropriate and they can’t be boosted on YouTube. These are super benign content about health.If growth comes from things that make us uncomfortable and building new insights and capabilities, how do we encourage curiosity, loving the discomfort and making that a habit and a discipline?The best approach that Dan has found is getting people familiar and comfortable with their own history.He’ll ask his clients about their childhood and what they were focused on. Maybe a goal that was beyond their present capabilities, and how they would go about achieving it or overcoming difficulty and transforming themselves, which is really the key to all history.When Mike first joined Strategic Coach, he and Dan talked about the six companies heI created. Dan asked Mike questions that no one else had asked before and got him thinking about those experiences in an entirely new way. Mike had an audience. In the past, he didn’t see the connections between his first and sixth business without feedback. Dan pulled out common features of what Mike was looking for when he started a new business, what he learned from that and what they all had in common. Most entrepreneurs don’t like looking back. They want to get on to the next thing because they still feel the discomfort from earlier stages of their life. Dan says, “big deal, you’re doing new things that are boosting your capabilities and confidence and things you’ve never done before.”Instead of trying to get people interested in history, (like a history book,) get them comfortable with their OWN history. Eventually they’ll become comfortable talking to other people about their history, and at some point, they’ll be comfortable dealing with it. They don’t have to know the history of the country, but they have to feel it’s a PART of them. People need to be very interested in their OWN history to be successful.The past is extraordinarily valuable and it should be respected.Presentism is staying in love with who you are and continuing to fall in love with who you’re about to become in a positive, constantly moving future.There is an enormous amount of thinking that can be gathered in this episode and what we’d suggest to everyone who Listens or Watches…pay attention to how Dan thinks because there’s some real gold in here! Don’t forget to text CA to (858) 434-5316 to receive a special mini-documentary from Mike.
Apr 6, 2021 • 40min

Everything You Need to Know About NFT’s and Cryptocurrency

Has your news feed been bombarded with articles about NFTs over the last few weeks and months?Did you know that one NFT just sold for $69 million dollars at the world famous Christie’s Auction House?Wondering what the hell NFTs are and why everyone seems to be obsessed with them?No worries… we’ve got you covered.Dan and Mike are going to explain exactly what NFTs are and why you should be paying attention to them. They’ll also dive into what blockchain and cryptocurrency are all about because these digital currencies and investments are the wave of the future. Remember when the internet first came out and people thought it wouldn’t last? 😉 🤣You’ll learn SO much about what the future looks like so make sure to listen and share it with your friends!An NFT is a Non Fungible Token. A Non Fungible Token is described as “using relatively nascent technology that certifies the authenticity and ownership of a token through a digital ledger of all its past transactions.” In other words a blockchain, forms the backbone of cryptocurrency.This technique is gaining an enormous amount of popularity because it’s so flexible in determining and proving the ownership of an asset.The digital world is exactly the same as the physical world in the respect that certain things are more valuable than others. It’s also a medium for great creativity. The entire music industry has shifted over to the digital world. Record stores don’t exist anymore because it’s not a convenient way to sample music but with digital platforms like iTunes and Spotify it’s super easy to sample and download whatever you want instantly.Here’s the thing… The rules that govern property in the physical world don’t apply in the digital world. The creators of physical things have been at risk in the digital world because it’s so easy to copy anything.How do you know if things are real or not? NFTs are a digital version of property.The word “Non Fungible” means one of a kind. On the other hand, the most fungible thing in the world is an American $100 bill. If you look at world trade, 85% of all transactions are done in American dollars because it’s fungible. $1 gets you something, it doesn’t matter where you are.Non fungible is the opposite because there’s just one of them. You can have copies of it, but ownership resides with one person.This is how a digital artist sold his NFT at Christie’s for $69 million dollars.Then there’s blockchain. Without it you have no non-fungible tokens and assets because you can’t prove who the owner is. The blockchain is absolutely crucial. You had to have it in the digital world or there would be chaos because you’d have no way of proving the authenticity of a “one off.”Some of the practical applications are if you own a digital asset, now there is a mechanism where you can set up a rule in the blockchain for monetizing contracts.For example, every time someone sees a piece of art, the owner could get a fraction of a penny. If someone listens to a song that is owned by someone, they’re getting a fraction of a penny. A digital contract in the watching governs the rules and makes this happen automatically.Let’s pretend you’re a musical artist or any kind of creator of intellectual property. You could go out in the digital marketplace and say, “I’m looking for partners. I’m going to create something you can invest in.” In the blockchain, every time someone reads it, you’re going to get a fraction of a penny. You basically become a business owner.This is going to turn the entire world of money raising upside down. You could build this mechanism for paying your partner’s dividends and it won’t go through Wall Street any longer. This is going to happen with virtually everything.There’s also Second Earth. The best way of describing it is they have divided the planet into trillions of squares where you can buy property. What does this mean, and why is it important? Mike recently bought some “land” that his son told him about and it increased in value 20% in about a week. People are going crazy buying up virtual real estate right now.Why should you care? Because games are going to start using the properties. You’ll be able to play games on “Earth” that you can view through augmented reality or virtual reality glasses.These are universally accepted properties that “stuff” will be built on and in the very near future with augmented reality glasses, (which are right around the corner) instead of putting billboards on physical streets, there will be virtual billboards that you’ll be able to lease. Anyone who is wearing glasses will see them but they won’t exist in the physical world. No pollution advertising. Woah. 😱There is SO MUCH fascinating and valuable information packed into this episode that we can’t possibly cover it all here. Listen now to get the full scoop, including facts about Bitcoin AND a new forced evolution that’s occurring involving a scientist who believes autism drives human innovation.
Mar 17, 2021 • 1h 8min

Meet the Guy Who Taught Reese Witherspoon and Bradley Cooper How to Sing

You’ve heard the expression, “find your voice,” but what does that really mean?We all have a “voice” but do you think about using it to get more of what you want out of life?Better relationships, better business deals, more exposure, more income…Roger Love says we need to think about the sounds we make to have great conversations and move people emotionally, showcasing the very best of who we are in every business, or personal conversation and situation.Roger has worked with some of the most famous singers, actors and speakers in the world. People like Reese Witherspoon, Bradley Cooper, Joaquin Phoenix, Jeff Bridges, Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie and many, many more.Roger says you are NOT the voice you were born with, but more importantly, he has some great strategies and ideas that will help you find your voice and share it more effectively.Today you’ll learn what sounds are working for you and what sounds are not, PLUS… Roger will diagnose Mike and help him become a better speaker, step by step. This is an episode you really need to HEAR or or watch on YouTube.Roger believes life doesn’t exist without communication so he’s spent his life helping people figure out what sounds they should be making so that they can have communications that create the relationships, influence, and happiness that lead to them having a better life.For 17 years, he only taught singers. (people like the Beach Boys, Earth, Wind and Fire and Luther Vandross) Then speakers like Tony Robbins and Suzy Orman started coming to him wanting to work on their speaking voices and that led him to where he is today. 50% of his clients want to sing amazingly. 50% of his clients want to be incredible speakers, influencers and presenters.“We live in a world that believes that communication is word-to-word based. If you had the right words, you’d have a great conversation, start a relationship or complete a business deal… if you only had the right words.” But science has proven that the words you say are not effective in the way you should communicate with people.The way the brain processes spoken information is first, for emotion, then for logic. Words by themselves have no emotion. You have to attach sounds to the words. Roger has spent years helping people stop speaking from word to word, and become in control over sounds like the pitch, the pace, the tone, the melodies of their voice, so that others will really understand how they feel when they speak and showcase the best of themselves in every communication.Roger doesn’t work exclusively with celebrities and singers. When he’s training a superstar singer to sing, he’s helping them sell more tickets and t-shirts, but when he’s helping someone find their speaking voice… it changes their life because it actually influences the way that everyone perceives them.People need to know that everyone needs a voice makeover. You’re not “trapped” with the voice you were born with. Most of us hate the way we sound when we hear ourselves on a recording. In fact one of the most popular hashtags in the last 10 years is #ihatemyvoice. We grow up hearing the way our parents and loved ones talk to us and mimic it but it doesn’t have to be permanent.Think of it this way. Actors create characters for the roles they play but they’re not that person in real life, are they? Most of us have a work voice and a home voice and we all know what happens if you bring the work voice home to your family… It’s not very well received 🤣Early on, Roger thought his job was just to teach people how to have great voices. Then he realized that was a small goal and he could use voice to help make great people. His goal is to help people use their voices to achieve the next level of success that they want, both personally and professionally, giving them the ability to communicate emotionally because the people that communicate emotionally, are the people that are remembered and believed.They say that people don’t remember what you say, they remember the way you make them feel and you’re only going to make them feel things with the sound of your voice, not the words.There was an article in ink magazine that said that the average company of 1000 employees wastes $60 million a year each in poor communication. If those same companies had even one leader that was an effective communicator and great speaker, they had a 25% after five years increase in revenue.The greatest leaders of today and tomorrow are the greatest storytellers. They have to be able to move people emotionally, to take the action that they need to make the company thrive and it’s voice more than anything else.Roger firmly believes that the sounds that come out of your mouth, make you happy and healthy or unhappy and unhealthy and those same sounds are making the people that listen to you feel the same way. He’s trying to make a difference in the world by changing it one sound at a time and to that end he’s generously offered a $50 gift certificate towards his voice coaching program. Definitely check it out.Listen now to hear Roger diagnose Mike’s voice and give him advice on how to fix what he is doing wrong AND how he ended up enrolled in Roger’s “perfect voice” program,” then go to Roger’s website to get a $50 gift certificate towards your own voice coaching.
Mar 3, 2021 • 52min

How to Add an Extra 5-10 Quality Years to Your Life

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 Million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s and by 2050 that number is projected to rise to nearly 14 Million.It’s the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or Dementia and it kills more than Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer combined.Those are some pretty scary numbers and statistically-speaking someone you know or love has been affected by Alzheimer’s or Dementia.Mike Koenigs can say that with confidence because it’s directly affected his family (and many of his mentors.) His dad has late stage 5 Dementia. He’s watched him go from a strong, smart, capable guy to a shell. He can’t talk, walk or recognize any of his family. His mom has mid-stage Alzheimer’s.Watching someone you love turn into a vegetable is his most painful life experience.What if there was a cure or prevention for dementia or Alzheimers?This is an extremely emotional episode for Mike but one that he’s really looked forward to doing because of the exciting, preventative information he’s about to share. If you’re interested in extending your life and increasing your productivity, OR if someone you love has been affected by these horrific diseases, keep reading, listen and watch.A wise man once said; “A healthy man has many wishes, a sick man, only one.”If you look at Mike’s genetic profile, he’s going to get either Alzheimer’s or Dementia. It runs in his family so he’s on a search to stop it. Honestly, he’s more afraid of getting old than he is of dying. As a cancer survivor… he knows what dying slowly and painfully feels like and it’s no fun.Mike met our guest, Dr. David Haase 7 years ago. He’s a double board-certified expert in regenerative medicine, (trained and practiced at Vanderbilt and the Mayo Clinic) and he’s found a way to turn back your clock. His work is based on cutting-edge research in plasma exchange, and in the last 20 years, he’s taught over 10,000 physicians his systems.“The worst corresponding disease to dementia is denial.” – Dr. HasseWe live in an information economy. We ARE our minds and when we have memory loss, we feel a threat to our identity and may believe there’s nothing we can do about it. Naturally, we go into “fight or flight” mode but if there’s not an obvious enemy, the natural cognitive response is to deny there’s a problem. We shut it down to stop the stress and make excuses like “I’m just getting older, or I’m having a senior moment.”According to Dr. Haase, after the age of 28, all of us are “Dementing and Alzheimering.” It just depends on the rate you’re doing it at and when your brain is going to degenerate faster than your body can maintain the rest of you.Haase believes we are entering a time where it doesn’t need to be this way. He says that most pharma drugs are just well-dosed poisons, but with Regenerative Plasma Exchange, they’re creating an environment where the body does its natural job of healing, with less inhibition.Regenerative Plasma Exchange is a technology, based in science that has shown remarkable success in both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s patients. It provides a longer, higher quality of life, improves mental acuity, and increases sex drive. BONUS!It’s a modification of Therapeutic Plasma Exchange which has been used for many years in treating severe autoimmune disease. It’s a standard medical procedure often only done in hospitals and generally costs over $10,000.We now recognize that it’s a way to bathe our stem cells in a healthier cellular habitat and as a result, those stem cells do their job of regeneration and repair in a way that they used to when they were young. The promise is a combination of age reversal and neuroregeneration.There was a very interesting study done on mice at Berkley proving the validity of this technology. They took cloned mice, one old and one young, and did a surgical procedure to connect their skin side by side. In a week a remarkable thing happened. The old mouse started to turn young again. Everything from hair regrowth to better muscle recovery, better cardiac output, and most remarkably neurogenesis – (meaning new brain cells started to sprout).If you can get body-wide stem cells to function better, you’re going to age slower and are more likely to live longer. Humans do the same thing. If you’re hanging around young people, you start to act younger, it’s no different for your stem cells.Here’s a case study of one of Dr. Haase’s patients, Harry. He had Parkinson’s disease and withdrew from his life but after one Regenerative Plasma Exchange treatment, within a week he began doing the things he loved and hadn’t done in years. His wife was shocked to see him gardening, attending board meetings, and asking her out on dates. It was nothing short of miraculous.Naturally, Mike is super excited to get these treatments himself. As soon as he begins, he’ll share his results with you! The process is simple and quick. Get some blood tests done, get hooked up to a machine and two and a half hours later, the treatment is done, all for less than $10,000.As an entrepreneur or business owner, if you’re looking for a higher quality of life, longevity, slower aging, or some form of age reversal OR if someone you know has Alzheimer’s or Dementia in your family, it’s 1000% worth it.This episode is filled with possible LIFE CHANGING information. Make sure you listen to or watch the whole thing, then SHARE it with the people you love and could benefit.After you listen to the interview, leave Mike a message and let him know what you think of this episode OR ask a question you’d like Dan or Mike to answer in an upcoming episode!
Feb 16, 2021 • 53min

Think About Your Thinking to Achieve Financial Freedom

Are you clueless about financial planning? Do you have a 401k, sitting there, wondering what it’s doing?Do you even know what it’s supposed to be doing for your future?Are you still under the impression that you shouldn’t touch your 401k until it’s time to retire?Do you think you’ll have no money to retire unless your home is paid off?Our guest is on a mission to make the word “retirement” disappear and change the mindset of every working American. Rather than working your entire life trying to save enough money to hopefully live a life you love… instead of living a life where you get to do all of the things you desire, starting TODAY!His name is Charlie Epstein. He’s a good friend, a client and a 26-year member of Strategic Coach. He’s going to show you how he’s able to make something as dull as paste (i.e: financial planning) interesting. 😱Charlie’s in a highly commoditized, very challenging market that is governed by all sorts of rules and regulations but he also happens to be the only financial advisor in the world with a one-man show, called “Yield of Dreams, Paychecks for Life.” He has the unique ability to get outside of his “box.” He’s open, creative, and expansive, all rolled up in a charismatic personality.Like Mike, Charlie has always been fascinated with the entertainment world. Growing up, his mother was an opera singer, and her father was a starving artist. His father and grandfather were both entrepreneurs, so he was always torn between two worlds.It was that convergence of the right and left brains that made him question everything growing up. If he didn’t think somebody knew what they were doing, he questioned it, so when he started his first business, he didn’t know any better. He thought it was up to him to find creative ways to sell commoditized products.He’s always been enamored with how to create an “experience” for people so they feel special, unique and HEARD. His ministry in life is to ease people’s pain and suffering about their money, whether they’re broke or multimillionaires.Charlie always focused on “how do you allow people to have a different experience about their financial life?” He finds it always came down to, “what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you do now? What happened? Are you going to live your dreams? How do you get around the obstacles that stand in your way?”Those obstacles could be compliance issues, (because every industry and government them.) or life issues. Then it became a balancing act and how to get around them.He’s always looked at the entertainment, marketing, and creative worlds and how to combine those with the financial world (in spite of compliance) and look for industry bypasses. One industry bypass he created in 1992 was something he called the 401k Coaching Program, (which came out of working with Dan Sullivan,) and “thinking about his thinking” inside of the financial industry.He thought, if he could teach financial advisors how to be better at what they’re doing in the 401k retirement world, that would be valuable. People asked him “why would you teach your competitors how to get better? That means they’re going to be better than you and you’ll be out of business.”On the contrary. He was able to get major companies like Nationwide and Fidelity to write him checks for millions of dollars. Today he’s coached over 10,000 advisors around the country. By starting that business, he created a shortcut to not only coach advisors, but consumer too.It was an awakening for Charlie when he realized he could live both in the entertainment and financial worlds simultaneously.Charlie’s company is completely different from any other financial organization you’ve ever worked with in one significant way. Everybody else is in the business of getting you to save and invest your money. Charlie’s only job is to get you to spend your money right now.Most people are holding onto their money because they’re afraid they won’t have enough when they retire, but think of it this way…isn’t right now the healthiest you’re ever going to be? Why wait until you’re even older?Take one of Charlie’s clients for instance. He came to Charlie because he was getting ready to retire and wanted to explore his options. He was a really hard-working guy but never felt like he’d been acknowledged. Charlie asked him “what’s the one thing you don’t have, that you would love to have? What’s the one thing that would “razzle-dazzle” you as a tough guy?”The client immediately got a grin on his face and Charlie said, THAT… what’s THAT?” He said he always wanted a Corvette and without hesitation, rattled off the exact year, color and style he wanted. Charlie asked, “why don’t you buy one?” He said because the people currently handling his finances told him he couldn’t even retire and was going to run out of money. Understandably, he was freaked out.Charlie told him that based on the numbers, he was going to be fine. He showed him how they could refinance his house, by pulling the “dead equity” out, allowing him to buy that corvette PLUS a new barn and driveway so he could work on cars. He reorganized his “thinking about his thinking.”He was able to show the client how to unlock dead assets to pay for joy, happiness, wonderment and play. Guess who the client chose to manage his money? 😉If you’re thinking to yourself, “my advisory firm doesn’t ask these questions, and we don’t have that kind of relationship!” If you’re looking for something like this, something different then you really need to reach out to Charlie and his team. He’s going to send you some really cool, free tools and start a conversation that focuses on possibility and freedom. That’s it, no pressure.To hear more about Charlie’s experiences with stand-up comedy and how that led to creating his own one-man show and podcast, listen today or watch on YouTube and SHARE with all your friends!
Jan 20, 2021 • 59min

How to Generate Passive Income + Cash Flow Quickly with Justin Donald, the Lifestyle Investor

Imagine if you were able to create enough passive income and cash flow from investments so that you never had to work another day in your life?What would you DO with your financial FREEDOM? Travel to exotic places? Buy your dream home? Spend more time with loved ones? Donate lots of $$ to your favorite charities?Mike Koenigs has a confession to make. He’s made equity investments well over seven figures in lots of businesses. Done poorly, equity investments are basically zero-interest loans for an indefinite period of time in exchange for ownership. Unfortunately for him, very few of them have had liquidation events and a couple tanked – a total loss.This interview is just as much a story about how Mike’s entire investment strategy changed, but how that happened – and who influenced him.Meet Justin Donald, author of the brand new book, “The Lifestyle Investor – The 10 Commandments of Cash Flow Investing for Passive Income and Financial Freedom.In the book and this week’s episode, Justin shares how to transition from earned income or needing to have a job or business to creating passive income that provides for your lifestyle and builds equity. He’ll also talk about “invisible deals” that aren’t normally available to the public, how to find them and how to use his “strategy stack” to improve deal terms, and reduce risk.Whether you’ve never invested or are a sophisticated investor, this episode will change the way you think about money and investing. If you are looking for financial freedom to live life on your terms, without a job or a business, this episode is for YOU.PLUS you’ll find out how to get a copy of Justin’s brand new book FREE and when you decide to order the book, all the proceeds are going to charity so no matter what… everyone wins.Mike met Justin a year and a half ago and in minutes, he changed the way Mike thought about investing forever. He has a really unique strategy and investing methodology. He’s a brilliant guy and adheres to strong family values. He is an action-taking MACHINE and we connected deeply.Justin has been investing since he was 18 years old starting with a Roth IRA after hearing a talk that he should start saving for his future. After that, he was hooked and invested every year since (he’s 40 now). In the beginning, it wasn’t a lot. He was making money and paying his way through college so he decided to just put his money somewhere and get it to work for him.His first big win came when he started generating enough cash flow income from an investment so his wife could quit her job. She was a teacher at that time, earning $36,000 a year. She had a rigid Monday through Friday schedule with weekends and summers off. Justin often had to work weekends and summer was his busiest season. They wanted to be able to travel together and live life on their terms so he thought, “if I can replace her income with passive income, then she won’t have to work if she doesn’t want to.”He found a mobile home park for sale, ran the numbers, and knew that by buying it he’d generate the cash flow to be able to replace her income. He also likes cash flow investments that pay TODAY. He doesn’t want to invest in real estate and hope that appreciation kicks in and he makes money in the future.The cash flow from that very first purchase was able to replace her $36,000 a year income. They bought her freedom and started their family. Shortly after that, he replaced his income and what it cost them to pay their bills and live comfortably. It was a huge sense of relief, knowing that he technically didn’t have to work.Justin says he wants all of his investments to protect his lifestyle without working more hours. His goal is to buy his time back. He doesn’t want to work for money. He says if he’s going to work for money, he wants it to be because he loves what he’s doing so much, that he’d do it for free.Another MAJOR takeaway is that the terms someone provides on any particular investment, are terms that are good for them. That’s why they presented them, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to be good for you. Justin likes to push back on terms to get to a point where he feels 100% comfortable. He’s okay with walking away from any deal if they can’t get there. No issues, no judgment, but whatever terms he’s given, that doesn’t mean that that’s the end of the day terms. He looks at it as a starting point.This episode is so jam-packed with valuable, actionable information that we can’t possibly tell you about all of it here. Watch or listen to get the rest of Justin’s investing strategy stack and to hear about a couple of really big brand deals that he did.Mike’s had the time to get to know this man and he’s really extraordinary at everything he does, everything he touches, and the way he treats his wife and his daughter, and everyone that he works with, with the highest degree of respect says a lot about who he is. He has a book, product, mastermind, and he’s doing one-on-one coaching where he teaches people the mindset and strategies he’s using. If you ever get a chance to work with Justin, do it! Mike can assure you as soon as this book gets out, getting access to Justin is going to get a lot harder.Listen now to the episode or watch the YouTube video here. And ake sure to check out Justin’s Podcast and sign up for his Life-Style Investing Course.
Jan 13, 2021 • 1h 11min

10 Post Pandemic Opportunities to Grow Your Business in 2021

What are the TOP 10 Opportunities hidden in plain sight or available right now to grow and scale your business now EVEN IF you were affected by the pandemic?That’s what this episode is all about, along with the latest trends, gadgets and investments to focus on to take advantage of the current climate and use it to grow your wealth instead of staying stagnant and waiting to “see what happens next.”This episode is all about the post pandemic opportunity and what you’re going to do about it.In other words, is your business prepared for the post pandemic crash and crisis? Mike will also be giving you his “10 post pandemic growth strategies to make 2021 your most profitable year yet,” but something that is REALLY important about this episode is that it is very, very visual.If you listen to this episode, Mike will describe everything that’s on screen, but he highly recommends heading over to where you’ll be able to visually see this episode streaming on YouTube. He has lots of props and he’s super excited to share them with you.We don’t have to tell you that this has been a CRAZY year for most people. We won’t repeat what you already know. We like to stay on the positive side of things. That being said, there are a TON of businesses that have done exceptionally well during this unprecedented pandemic.Dan and Mike talk a lot about “future focus,” and what you can do right now and that’s really what this episode is all about.The largest wealth transfer in human history is happening right now.Professor Scott Galloway talks about how in 2009, ecommerce represented about 6% of all retail sales in the United States. That increased 1% each year up until last year when the pandemic struck. Inside of eight weeks, we went from 16% to 27%.The world and business shot ahead about five years due to the usage of Zoom.We had no choice. We didn’t have travel, the hotel industry or live events. Everything crashed and burned but those who changed have done very well. Those who didn’t are struggling to survive. The advancement in mindset, thinking about what has value, shifted dramatically and is a huge part in the preparation for the post pandemic, chaos, crisis and opportunity.Through an entrepreneurs lens, Mike asks, “where are the opportunities inside of this chaos and confusion? How can I add value and serve and provide more value?” That’s what Mike thinks being a great entrepreneur (at this point in time) is all about.Here are Mike’s “Top 10 Post Pandemic Growth Strategies”These come from a variety of case studies, observations, and thoughts Mike’s had this past year. (Watch the Youtube video for links, tools, resources and case studies you can model.)1. Craft a Pandemic Proof Offer:Elevate what you already do and move into a big ticket offer targeted at an audience with $$$Virtualize, Digitize, DematerializeCraft a story that’s tied to your brand that articulates your product experience with social proofElevate you and your brand properly with authority and status using content marketingUse one or more channel to “bring ‘em in.”2. Narrow, Deep and Expensive:Build deep, meaningful relationships with potential clients.Design offers that can exist in any world, any country, any industryDon’t be afraid to double or triple your pricesSeparate yourself as a “category of one”3. ZOOM it up!Sell and deliver with Zoom/videoThe perception of live vs. virtual is zeroThe biggest players increased revenue, sales and satisfaction using ZoomGo international4. Create and Borrow Super CredibilityIf you can’t be found on Google immediately, you’re at a huge disadvantage and have some work to do.Content marketing is critical for generating leads and credibility5. Never trust a Platform. EVER. Email Still rules.Facebook, Google and Social Media in general is EVIL. You MUST control and build your listsEmail reigns for revenueInvest in cold email6. Podcasts to Get Clients and Rapidly Create ContentEither get yourself on podcasts where your ideal clients will hear you or start your own.7. WHO Everything. Stop Stepping in How PiesEliminate fixed expensesStop asking how. Ask who, instead.Create collaborations8. Invert: Prepare to Go Back to PhysicalEvents will come backReinvent and zig when everyone else zagsStand out and be different9. Accept CryptocurrencyPayPal and Stripe are supporting it this yearBig Players are taking partAlmost zero feesEasy, easy, easy!Sign up here The Future “ZOOM” is Artificial Reality and Virtual RealityIt’s intimate, connected and immersiveI’m delivering a new program with VR this year!How can you use it today?To hear and watch a much more in depth description of the Top 10 Post Pandemic Growth Strategies, listen to this episode now, and watch the YouTube video!Dan Sullivan Called this “the finest piece of marketing material Strategic Coach has had in 31 years. It’s a work of art.At the end of this episode, Mike shares a very special video that he produced for Strategic Coach. It was designed to overcome every sales objection they run into and describe a day in the life of a Strategic Coach member, both physical and virtual.It’s the result of having interviewed over 100 members, the executive team, the sales team, looking at years of buyer and customer data. My team and I set out to craft a short story that would be easy to share for salespeople, clients and customers, but also be shareable. More importantly, it’s Mike’s story inside of Strategic Coach. Have a look and let Mike know what you think!After you listen to the interview, leave me a message and let me know what you think of this episode OR ask a question you’d like Dan or Mike to answer in an upcoming episode!

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