Naylor's Natter Podcast
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Naylor's Natter Podcast 'Just talking to Teachers'

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Feb 28, 2022 • 43min

Kindness Matters with John Magee

Kindness Matters Founder – John Magee My name is John Magee AKA The Kindness Coach and Founder of Kindness Matters. I have been teaching kindness and wellbeing to school children and teachers since 2010.My motivation and passion for education began after the credit crunch of 2008, when I lost my family business, my marriage broke down and I battled bankruptcy and consequentially deep depression.I was given the opportunity by Community Business Partner CIC CEO, Amanda Meachin, and Darwen Community Academy Headteacher, Brendan Loughran, to speak at an event called Inspiring Communities.Looking back, never would I have imagined the impact this talk would have across the UK in raising awareness around mental health.The talk gave me the visibility and opportunity to create an AQA accredited PSHE course, to quickly become a best-selling author of Kindness Matters, be recognised as an inspirational speaker and develop online courses that would go on to transform staff and pupils’ wellbeing with kindness at the heart of insets and pupil interventions.In 2012, I formed Kindness Matters to share that knowledge with others, to lead healthier and happier lives inside and outside of school.A bit more about me:AQA PSHE curriculum designer School governor North West Community Cohesion Award Winner NLP Coach & Mentor to leaders in education Best selling author of Kindness Matters Dad to three wonderful children I hope you find this website and the resources I share helpful for pupils and staff to understand the many ways we share and receive kindness! Thank you for your kindness,John Kindness Matters “If you read one book this year to help transform your life and the lives of others… this has to be it!” – Hal Elrod, #1 bestselling author, The Miracle Morning When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.
Feb 21, 2022 • 56min

'What Every Teacher Needs to Know: How to embed evidence-informed teaching and learning in your school' with Jade Pearce

Book exclusive- Jade's summary The book has three parts. In part one I have attempted to summarise twenty of the most seminal pieces of education literature. I hope this part of the book will make learning about evidence-informed teaching more accessible. This includes a summary and takeaways for teaching. The final section of the book then looks at how schools can embed evidence-informed teaching and develop an evidence-informed culture. It begins with an account of the research and literature in this area and then details my school’s journey over the past six years. I have also included case studies from two more school leaders and hope this will show a range of ways in which schools can reach this goal.Part two brings together the research on what I believe are six of the most important areas of evidence-informed teaching. The aim here was to summarise the (in-depth) research on each of these aspects as succinctly and accurately as possible, allowing readers to gain an in-depth knowledge of the most important elements of each strategy. I have also tried to bridge the gap between evidence and practice by providing practical examples of how these strategies may be implemented in the classroom. Naylor's Natter-the book In this exciting, one-of-a-kind book, Phil Naylor revisits the very best interviews from three years of education podcasting, drawing on the advice and opinions from some of the world’s most innovative educators, including Doug Lemov, E. D. Hirsch, Daisy Christodoulou, Pritesh Raichura and Mary Myatt. Divided into six key areas – behaviour, assessment, school leadership, curriculum, pedagogy and continuing professional development (CPD) – this book is perfect for primary and secondary NQTs, teachers and school leaders looking for new takes on hot topics, as well as tips and strategies to improve their practice. There are QR codes throughout linking to the episodes discussed, so you can listen to the interviews and explore the topics in even more detail. Full of valuable insights into the current state of education, and what the road ahead may look like, this is an indispensable tool for starting conversations and transforming the way you teach.
Feb 6, 2022 • 1h 14min

The Juggling Act- Leadership and Life with Professor Toby Salt

Being a leader in education is an always-on job. There’s always more to do, more staff and children to help. So how can a leader ensure that they are doing the right things, at the right time, without burning themselves out? Professor Toby Salt has worked in some of the hardest, most stress-inducing jobs in the wider education space, as well as juggling a large family. How did he make it work? Sometimes with great techniques, sometimes with bitter experience. The Juggling Act gives leaders in education and the wider public sector clear advice about how to manage the constant juggling act of professional and personal life. It reveals how to handle the logistics of management life: meetings, time management, technology. As well as how to handle the emotional parts: births, deaths, redundancies, missing your kids’ important moments, sticking to your values, and everything in between. It is an accessible read filled with anecdotes humour and experience. Naylor's Natter- The book In this exciting, one-of-a-kind book, Phil Naylor revisits the very best interviews from three years of education podcasting, drawing on the advice and opinions from some of the world’s most innovative educators, including Doug Lemov, E. D. Hirsch, Daisy Christodoulou, Pritesh Raichura and Mary Myatt. Divided into six key areas – behaviour, assessment, school leadership, curriculum, pedagogy and continuing professional development (CPD) – this book is perfect for primary and secondary NQTs, teachers and school leaders looking for new takes on hot topics, as well as tips and strategies to improve their practice. There are QR codes throughout linking to the episodes discussed, so you can listen to the interviews and explore the topics in even more detail. Full of valuable insights into the current state of education, and what the road ahead may look like, this is an indispensable tool for starting conversations and transforming the way you teach.
Jan 31, 2022 • 44min

Must do better with Harry Hudson

Must do better challenges this damaging and pernicious status quo. It examines the origins of our problem with teaching, it shines a light on the exciting reality of teaching in the 21st century, and it charts a new course for the image of the modern teaching profession. The book is written to be easily read by the general reader, because ultimately it is with the general reader – the parent, the employer, the politician – that lies the power to effect the change that society needs. We can and we must change the image of teaching for the better. Launch event Naylor's Natter- The Book Pre-order available  In this exciting, one-of-a-kind book, Phil Naylor revisits the very best interviews from three years of education podcasting, drawing on the advice and opinions from some of the world’s most innovative educators, including Doug Lemov, E. D. Hirsch, Daisy Christodoulou, Pritesh Raichura and Mary Myatt. Divided into six key areas – behaviour, assessment, school leadership, curriculum, pedagogy and continuing professional development (CPD) – this book is perfect for primary and secondary NQTs, teachers and school leaders looking for new takes on hot topics, as well as tips and strategies to improve their practice. There are QR codes throughout linking to the episodes discussed, so you can listen to the interviews and explore the topics in even more detail. Full of valuable insights into the current state of education, and what the road ahead may look like, this is an indispensable tool for starting conversations and transforming the way you teach.
Jan 17, 2022 • 60min

Never assume when it comes to behaviour- Habits, routines and norms with Scott Fletcher

My conversation on Habits, routines and norms with Deputy Headteacher Scott Fletcher  Never assume when it comes to behaviour Behaviour, behaviour, behaviour. It is on everyone’s lips. When things are good, behaviour is celebrated. When things are bad, behaviour is the cause. We must ensure that there is clarity, clear communication and consistency before implementation. Once it leaves the ‘training ground’ (this is how I refer to our CPD sessions) each and every member of staff must know everything about everything. All questions must have been answered, solutions found and most importantly whatever system is put into place must be sustainable at the hardest of times. We wanted to find a way where the system relies less on people and more on cultural behaviours. Cultural norms – they happen because this is what we do here. What do we want to achieve through the implementation of a systematic behaviour policy with a focus on cultural norms? To have the highest expectations of student behaviour in order to maximise opportunities to strive for success. To ensure all students develop the good learning habits that they need to be successful in school and life. To realise and celebrate the potential of all students through promoting our core values of: show you care, succeed together, be yourself always and do what matters most. To create an environment in which students are supported to become self-disciplined, hardworking and able to accept responsibility for their own actions. To form an active three-way partnership with families and students to encourage excellent behaviour and to establish improved patterns of behaviour where there are difficulties. These aims are supported by regular staff CPD focusing on: core routines and developing appropriate strategies for managing behaviour; bespoke teaching and learning strategies and how to ensure the highest quality provision for all students including those with special educational needs and disabilities. When you introduce new material in your lesson, we would avoid saying “Off you go, learn.” With behaviour, we cannot just say: “Off you go, behave. This is what I expect and this is what I want to see.” We must teach it. We must break each component down, start with the why and deliver behaviours as concepts in granular steps. So how have we decided to do this? It is important to know what you want to focus on. After reading Doug Lemov’s Practice `Perfect, we came up with ten cultural bright spots. We will consistently apply these with the highest of expectations and utilise CPD time to ensure the implementation is the best it can be, all day, everyday. Bright spots are what we will hang our hat on to say “These are outstanding elements of our day to day routines and behaviours.”
Dec 13, 2021 • 1h 3min

Miss I don't give a .......... with Adele Bates

In this down-to-earth book Adele Bates shares practical approaches, strategies and tips from the classroom on how to help pupils with behavioural needs thrive with their education. Packed full of real-life classroom scenarios, student voice and relevant theory, every chapter offers an Action Box helping you to implement these strategies – next lesson, next week and long term. From relationship building and teaching self-regulation, to fostering inclusivity, paying attention to your own self-care and schoolwide approaches, Adele Bates unpicks some of the most difficult aspects of being a teacher and empowers you to grow as a confident classroom professional. My book: Naylor's Natter: Ideas and advice from the collective wisdom of teachers, as heard on the popular education podcast Inspired by interviews from the popular education podcast of the same name, Naylor’s Natter brings together a wealth of advice from the most influential voices in education today. In this exciting, one-of-a-kind book, Phil Naylor revisits the very best interviews from three years of education podcasting, drawing on the advice and opinions from some of the world’s most innovative educators, including Doug Lemov, E. D. Hirsch, Daisy Christodoulou, Pritesh Raichura and Mary Myatt. Divided into six key areas – behaviour, assessment, school leadership, curriculum, pedagogy and continuing professional development (CPD) – this book is perfect for primary and secondary NQTs, teachers and school leaders looking for new takes on hot topics, as well as tips and strategies to improve their practice. There are QR codes throughout linking to the episodes discussed, so you can listen to the interviews and explore the topics in even more detail. Full of valuable insights into the current state of education, and what the road ahead may look like, this is an indispensable tool for starting conversations and transforming the way you teach.
Nov 29, 2021 • 60min

Teaching Secondary Science: A Complete Guide with Adam Boxer

Teaching science is no simple task. Science teachers must wrestle with highly abstract and demanding concepts, ideas which have taken humanity's greatest minds thousands of years to formulate and refine. Communicating these great and awesome theories involves careful forethought and planning. We need to deliver crystal clear explanations, guide students as they develop their embryonic knowledge and then release them to develop their thinking independently, all the while curating and tending to their long-term understanding as it develops over time. In Teaching Secondary Science: A Complete Guide, Adam breaks down the complex art of teaching science into its component parts, providing a concrete and comprehensive set of evidence-informed steps to nurturing brilliant science students. Adam hopes that you find this book interesting, but his main aim is for you to find it useful. Useful when it comes to sketching out your curriculum, useful when preparing your explanations, useful for mapping out how you will check student understanding and useful for all other aspects of science teaching. This is a truly complete guide, and science teachers of any experience will find it packed with ideas that are new, challenging, interesting and, most importantly, useful. Buy book here: Naylor's Natter: Harnessing the collective wisdom of the teaching profession Inspired by interviews from the popular education podcast of the same name, Naylor’s Natter brings together a wealth of advice from the most influential voices in education today. In this exciting, one-of-a-kind book, Phil Naylor revisits the very best interviews from three years of education podcasting, drawing on the advice and opinions from some of the world’s most innovative educators, including Doug Lemov, E. D. Hirsch, Daisy Christodoulou, Pritesh Raichura and Mary Myatt. Divided into six key areas – behaviour, assessment, school leadership, curriculum, pedagogy and continuing professional development (CPD) – this book is perfect for primary and secondary NQTs, teachers and school leaders looking for new takes on hot topics, as well as tips and strategies to improve their practice. There are QR codes throughout linking to the episodes discussed, so you can listen to the interviews and explore the topics in even more detail. Full of valuable insights into the current state of education, and what the road ahead may look like, this is an indispensable tool for starting conversations and transforming the way you teach.
Nov 21, 2021 • 52min

Effective Professional Development with Dr Sam Sims

About Dr Sam Sims I’m a quantitative education researcher, interested in teachers and education policy. I work at UCL Institute of Education, where I lecture on policy analysis and evaluation. I’m also a researcher at Education Datalab. This site contains links to my research and teaching material, as well as links to resources that I think people will find useful. I regularly give talks to schools and at conferences, on topics including effective professional development, teacher motivation and retention. You can find me on Twitter @DrSamSims, read a short Q&A with me here or listen to me giving an overview of some of my research on this podcast here About the EEF guidance report: Supporting high quality teaching is pivotal in improving children’s outcomes. Indeed, research tells us that high quality teaching can narrow the disadvantage gap. It is therefore hugely encouraging to see a host of new initiatives and reforms that recognise the importance of teacher quality such as the Early Career Framework and the new National Professional Qualifications. These exemplify a growing consensus that promoting effective professional development (PD) plays a crucial role in improving classroom practice and pupil outcomes, and this guidance further reflects this, offering recommendations on how to improve professional development and design and select more impactful PD. PD has great potential; but it also comes with costs. We know that teachers engage in professional development activities whilst balancing multiple and, at times, competing commitments and time pressures. The need is clear, therefore, for PD to be well‑designed, selected, and implemented so that the investment is justified. This guidance will support schools in selecting external PD and designing and delivering their own PD. It will also support external providers in designing, delivering, and explaining their offering to schools. To develop the report’s three recommendations, we reviewed the best available international research as well as current practice, and consulted with school leaders and academics. As with all EEF guidance reports, its publication is just the start of how we aim to support schools in implementing these recommendations. We will be working with the sector, including through our colleagues in the Research Schools Network, to build on them with further training, resources and tools. Naylors Natter - the book is available for pre-order here:
Nov 15, 2021 • 60min

The next big thing in school improvement- Professor Becky Allen

Full unedited transcript This is a book about educational fads, why they arise, and how we might learn to live with them. Those working in schools are subject to perpetual waves of novelty in the name of school improvement. And yet, in the long term very little actually changes. Big ideas come and go, leaving only faint clues as to their existence. The trouble is that the appealing stories that take hold will never solve the fundamental problems of modern schooling. The school system is too complex, too diverse, and too uncertain to be fixed by any Big Idea. Before too long, the Next Big Thing replaces the Last Big Thing. ’The Next Big Thing in School Improvement’ brings together the unique perspectives of a policy analyst, a headteacher, and a classroom teacher, to explain why it is that the school system often resists our attempts to improve it. Drawing on the recent history of English education policy, a variety of disciplinary traditions, and the emerging field of complexity science, the authors present a new take on why the school system behaves in ways that defy our attempts to change it. This is a book about finding a better way to improve our schools. It is not the Next Big Thing, but it does explain why there will inevitably be one, and what to do when it arrives.
Nov 8, 2021 • 53min

Celebrating Teachers Making a Difference- with Gary Toward and Chris Henley

Full Transcript here Celebrating Teachers: Making a difference, written by Gary Toward and Chris Henley, is a feel-good celebration of all that is great about teachers and teaching – and an exploration of the difference teachers make and how they do it. Forewords by Ben Bailey Smith (aka Doc Brown) and Sir Anthony Seldon. Gary Toward and Chris Henley believe that teaching is the best and most important profession. Now, you might argue that it would be medicine that should take that accolade – as medics save lives and mend people. But teachers create lives and ‘make’ people. They, in fact, create medics! This book celebrates the superhero of the classroom: the teacher. Teachers make a difference, and often that difference is life-changing. In this book, Gary and Chris look at some of the many cases where such a difference has been made and examine exactly what it was that made such an impact on the life of the young person – and they also highlight the key approaches that teachers might want to try out in their own classroom, with their own pupils. The authors link the real-life case study stories to what educational research and cognitive science tell us, and point the way for all teachers to adopt, adapt and develop these effective strategies and approaches in their own practice. And, in sharing these inspiring stories, Gary and Chris hope to offer an antidote to the negativity that too often circulates in the media around education and the teaching profession. An uplifting and insightful read for all teachers and educators.

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