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Feb 13, 2025 • 1h 19min

Forbidden Evidence of a Deep Human History – Michael Cremo

Michael Cremo is a known name in the alternate archaeology community. His and Richard Thompson’s 1993 book “Forbidden Archaeology” has been called anunderground classic.But he is an outlier when it comes to extreme human antiquity. Cremo has come to the conclusion that humans – modern humans – have existed on the planet for millions, if not hundreds of millions, of years.This almost dizzying perspective can be derived from the ancient Vedic texts, a tradition that has influenced Michael’s worldview deeply.Michael Cremo looked into standard archaeology and found that many archaeologists and paleoanthropologists, over the last century or so, had found anatomically modern human artefacts like bones or footprints embedded in geological strata that were known to be millions of years old.“I thought, why aren’t these reports mentioned in the literature today?” Michael says.Well, they are, he explains, but they are interpreted in a way that they can fit in with the current ideas of human history.One example are the footprints paleoanthropologist Mary Leakey found at Laetoli in Tanzania in 1979.Another smoking gun is a finger bone found in Olduvai Gorge, not far from the site of the footprints. The bone does not quite look like it would if it were from another primate or a known prehistoric hominid, but it fits well with the anatomy of modern humans.“Theoretical preconceptions can influence how scientists will react to various categories of evidence”, Michael says.“Evidence that conforms to a particular paradigm will easily pass through this social intellectual filter. You will hear scientists talk about it at seminars. Evidence that doesn't conform is filtered out: ‘It’s an anomaly, we’ll get to that later’.”An alternative to the rational, physicalist paradigm that dominates archaeology in the West today would be to have a plurality of archaeologies. Cremo highlights theWorld Archaeological Congress and its scientific journal “Archaeologies”.He appreciates the boom in alternative archaeology in recent years.“But we deal with different parts of the time spectrum.”In Michael Cremo’s view, the study of paleoarchaeology cannot really be separated from the study of consciousness and what a human being is.“The cosmos is no accident. There is a purpose to it.”“But the cosmos goes through cycles of manifestation and unmanifestation. These cycles go on eternally. In that sense, there is no creation, there is an ongoing event.”And part of that ongoing event is the existence of human beings.“We are present, I believe, because it’s in the human bodily vehicle that a conscious self can come to understand the real answer to the question ‘who am I?’”This entails that entire human civilizations have risen and fallen, time and time again, for millions of years.In the Vedic worldview, what science calls the Big Bang is perhaps merely one exhalation in the cosmic breathing, by which universes expand and collapse incessantly.Many people want simple explanations, Michael notes. That goes for Christian literalists and physicalist scientists as well as new age types, who want to explain the mysterious human evolution with extraterrestrial influence.“But the real situation may be a little more complex. There may be threads of all of those things, woven into a beautiful tapestry, and with some overall guiding intelligence”, he says.Our time is crucial in many ways, but with a cyclic Vedic view, this isn’t the only crucial era. We entered the most problematic of the fouryugas, world ages, some 5,000 years ago, and we will not leave it until over 400,000 years from now. But there is a silver lining, according to Michael:“Even in the winter there are warmer periods, and we are entering one such now. It will last for 10,000 years.”Michael’swebsiteMichael’sFacebook
Jan 30, 2025 • 1h 18min

139. Our Everyday Miracles – Ylva Wegler

Hypnosis can be healing and liberating. It isn’t spooky manipulation, like in the movies. No pendulums. No turning into chickens on a stage. “I have a high hit rate with my clients”, says hypnotherapist Ylva Wegler. “I can never guarantee a result, because we all have our unique journeys. But I am still amazed by the results.” She believes the best ingredient in her sessions is that she is good at creating a safe space. She also shares many experiences with her clients. “I say jokingly that I am an excellent grief recoverer. This enables them to open their hearts.” “I put my limited self aside and let my unlimited self work. Then we’re rocking”, she laughs. The crucial part in hypnotherapy is to get the controlling part of ourselves out of the way, Ylva explains. The whole body is involved, especially when working with emotions and feelings. “Many think it’s going to be painful. And sometimes it is, but mostly it isn’t.” That is, if you manage to not resist what you are experiencing. Because resistance is the issue. That is what causes pain. Ylva has had a lot of experience of what is referred to as past lives. Both personally and in treatment. “I am most curious about time as a dimension. Are these experiences previous lives or something else?” Her conclusion is that it doesn't really matter. It is something you can access. Ylva has initiated a large book project, where hundreds of people are invited to share their stories of miracles in their lives. Ordinary or extraordinary doesn’t matter. The main thing is how people experience and interpret these events, which have miraculous impacts in their lives. The spark to this idea came when Ylva was doing the Camino walk in Spain. She was able to realize the project after a major personal financial setback, a lot of inner work and a beautiful synchronicity. “It was a huge, beautiful download. I am just here watching it unfold.” The book series, “A Miracle Cure for the Soul”, also led to the creation of a big event at a theater in Stockholm, which Ylva arranges in collaboration with a friend. What is a miracle? “To me it’s all about the inner state”, says Ylva. “It’s about being aware of our thoughts. A thought births a feeling, and the feeling creates the state. If you stay open to miracles, you see them every day.” “To me it wasn’t about miracles from the start. It was about seeing proof that we’re more than our physical selves.” She is not fond of spiritual labels, she says. But she is convinced that we have a beautiful innate ability to empower ourselves and to create our lives and steer it in a direction we prefer. “The more we see that and learn that, the more harmonious we get. And the end result is a more loving world, a peaceful world. That’s what my whole work is about.” The Ylva of 25 years ago was quite different from the Ylva of today. She has made a journey both within and without. It began with a postpartum depression. One thought in her mind told her to end her life. But there was also another voice that said: ‘There’s something really, really wrong here’. “I chose to listen to that latter voice.” Her spiritual a-ha moment happened during a seance 20 years ago. A psychic medium told details about Ylva’s life that nobody but Ylva herself could have known Our modern society is overdue for a holistic health revolution. And it is underway, Ylva believes. These are crucial times in many ways. It looks messy, but perhaps some of the disruption is necessary. How should people handle it? “First of all: Guard your inner state. We are creating a new world from our inner state. I believe that the 'heaven on Earth' the Bible speaks of is a state. And we can choose it every second of our lives.” “The more we choose to see the good in the world, the more good we are going to get.” Ylva’s websiteFacebook Email address: ylva@trinitycare.se Book seriesMirakeldagen (The Miracle Day)
Jan 15, 2025 • 1h 15min

138. Our Body Is a Symphony and Light Is the Conductor – Meredith Oke

Meredith Oke's calling is to spread the knowledge of the emerging science of quantum biology and the pivotal role of light to health. This devotion emerged in her late thirties, when she suffered from chronic fatigue. (Or maybe it was actually seeded in her late twenties, when she had a spiritual awakening, which later helped her to step up.) “I was unwell. I felt tired all the time. Doctors didn’t have any answers. I tried everything; acupuncture. diets. fitness stuff. Some of it helped. but I wasn’t feeling normal”, Meredith says. In the ‘gift of desperation’ moment, she remembered an interview she had heard with an expert on circadian rhythm, the notion that a balance between light and dark is conducive to health. Meredith re-listened and had an epiphany. It had a hugely positive impact. She knew she wanted to create a structure for this info to be widely dispersed. “It’s now uncontroversial to say that circadian biology controls and affects almost every aspect of our health”, she says. This has become ever more important as our lighting environment has changed. With artificial light 24/7, laptops, tablets and phones, we have inadvertently contributed to the chronic health problems in the industrialized world. “We’re telling our body that it’s noon in June when it’s 8 pm in January.” “The light controls all of our hormone production. Our body is a symphony and light is the conductor”, says Meredith. What happens if we screw up our circadian rhythm? In the short term our energy is low, we feel tired and grumpy, and our digestion is off. “In the long term the disruption leads to alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, cancer and all sorts of diseases.” We have also more or less been lied to about the sun. It is not our enemy. Being exposed to sunlight has all sorts of beneficial effects, and we have a natural understanding of how to get healthy amounts of it. Quantum biology is at the intersection of quantum physics and biology. Meredith highlights the book “Life on the Edge – The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology” by Jim Al-Khalil and Johnjoe McFadden. The weird thing about the current dogma in mainstream science is that quantum effects cannot happen within living systems. Al-Khalil and McFadden challenged that constrained idea and did research that confirmed they were right. Realizing there is a quantum aspect to life has huge practical consequences for human health. “The body is a liquid crystal matrix, filled with fourth phase water that acts as a quantum communication medium”, says Meredith. Does Western medicine do more harm than good? “It does more good in acute situations, like accidents or major infections. But to maintain or regain optimal health, Western medicine does more harm. We can’t outsource our health to our doctors.” Like many other spiritually oriented people, Meredith Oke is convinced we live in crucial times. “I think health care is in for a major shakeup. I already see it in the US.” The media and the education system will also go through big changes, Meredith thinks. When times are shaky, it is important to have like minded people close – one’s ‘soul family’, perhaps. “We have to invest in connections with other humans that we feel safe and free and happy to talk to – to stay aware and taking total responsibility for our experiences.” Quantum Biology Collective podcast and membership Meredith on Linkedin Meredith on Instagram
Dec 12, 2024 • 1h 16min

137. Lured into a Technocratic Future – Jacob Nordangård

Jacob Nordangård used to be an enthusiastic member of the environmentalist movement. Always inquisitive, he began looking into its origins. To his surprise, not to say dismay, he found that much of the green agenda, including the climate change narrative, had been developed by global elites – organizations, associations and large corporations, even Big Oil. “The environmental movement I was a part of was set up by very powerful people. It made me angry.” Jacob started writing hardrock music to let the steam out. He also went into academia to do deeper research. His PhD thesis covered the history of the EU’s biofuel policy. What Jacob did, and what nobody previously had done in this context, was to expose the links between the policies and the coterie of elite figures pushing for them. The head of the Club of Rome tried to stop the thesis. Jacob Nordangård delved further into the matrix of behind-the-scenes decision makers. He wrote books about it. One is about the Rockefellers, a powerful family that, according to Jacob, has been instrumental for the agenda of the global elite. But there is a whole global network of large foundations, corporations, banks, think tanks and families that shape much of the policies that later appear on the national level. “It’s not like they took over the climate agenda, they created it“, says Jacob. He quotes Vladimir Lenin: “It’s better to run the opposition yourself. Then they will work for you.” As Jacob sees it, the goal of this elite is to create a world which is managed globally. There are several avenues to achieve this if you focus on features that are truly global, such as climate, infectious diseases, digitization and money. They also push the now very questionable narrative of ‘overpopulation’. “We won’t need people, they think.” These elite groups have had an enormous impact on the UN policies, Jacob says. His latest book “Temple of Solomon” (out in December of 2024) ties together his earlier work, but it adds a spiritual perspective and has a more personal touch. He makes references to many of the large spiritual traditions, which have been used as an inspiration for the elitist agenda of a ‘new human’. But are those traditions themselves nefarious? “No, they’re not. I follow much of the teachings myself. But the technocratic elite has hijacked them”, says Jacob. He doesn’t want to claim that these people are intentionally evil. A lot of them want a better world. They believe they are doing a good thing. But they try to cheat in a natural system. “They want to create a perfect world with technology. But that takes away what’s human.” __________ ✅ Resources Jacob’s website Books Jacob’s hardrock band Wardenclyffe
Nov 28, 2024 • 1h 24min

136. The Earth Wants to Speak with Us – Sten Linnander

In the midst of a spiritual ceremony in the fall of 1996, Sten Linnander had a deeply transforming experience: The Earth made contact with him. As Sten heard a voice, he could see the planet in all her beauty, as if from space.He was instructed to go up on a mountain in Phoenix, Arizona, to continue the communication.“I hesitated. I am no Moses. But the voice came back. I was asked to come back to the mountain three times a week for three months. Then the transmission would end. And I did. And it was”, Sten tells.At first, he didn’t know what to do within the information, or teachings, from Mother Earth. But almost fifteen years later he went back to his notes, dug deeper, made renewed contact and wrote two books about what he had learned. It is hard for a modern human, detached from nature, to imagine how a planet could communicate.“Well, if you see the Earth from space, like I was made to do, it is obviously a living entity. As I see it, I am speaking to the sum of all the Earth consists of. In a sense, I am speaking to an Earth that includes me. The Earth also told me she experiences everything that we experience. She is so close to us”, Sten says.What was her core message?“The main statement was that she is alive and conscious.”The Earth also told Sten that humans have been like her children, but that we have now grown up. She said: 'I ask you to enter a living relationship with me, and the rest will follow.'She asked us to embrace beauty and sexuality. Beauty means 'mirroring the inside to the outside'.Sten’s communication with our living planet has led to two concrete projects.One is to build a device, preferably simple, that will enable intelligible communication between the Earth and humanity as a whole. Sten has made trials in collaboration with tech savvy people, but so far it hasn’t been successful.The Earth has said that later on, when communication can become more sophisticated, she wants to show us what the history of the Earth really has been like. We are unaware of many things that have transpired, she claims.Another project is to produce small, affordable ‘living globes’ that display what the Earth looks like in real time – daylight, weather patterns etc – and that everybody can have in their living room. The idea is inspired by the so-called ‘overview effect’, the awe astronauts feel when they see our common cosmic home in all its beauty and vulnerability.Many environmentalists hate humanity and blame every adverse event on humans.“If we hate humanity, it’s like a part of the Earth hating itself, because we are the Earth”, Sten says.“I have no time for negativity. There are plenty of negative aspects, but if you want to change things, you have to bet on the positive aspects of both humanity and the Earth.”“Some people are afraid of the Earth being conscious, because they think she’s going to hate us and kill us all.”But we really fear ourselves?“Yes.”The final thing the Earth told Sten was a beautiful prospect: If we were in intimate, conscious connection with our planet, the possibilities would be limitless. We would be able to improve energy systems, housing, transportation, water and food supply, disease prevention, love relations and relations with animals.“When I heard that, I thought, if this is true, I just can’t say ‘this is not for me’. I am on to something that is so incredibly big it’s high time I do something.” Sten’s personal website “I Am With You” website: Living globes project
Oct 31, 2024 • 1h 31min

135. God's Virtual Reality – Simon Duan

As far as research of the non-physical world is concerned, Simon Duan should have quite a bit of credibility. He began his career in a robustly materialist environment. He has a PhD in materials science from Cambridge university and worked for many years with technology commercialisation. Then he had a paranormal experience at a dentist and began exploring what lies behind the material world. Simon has developed a theory known as “Platonic computation”, which unifies consciousness, mind and matter. The theory provides an explanation for how matter is derived from consciousness. According to the theory, this physical world is a finite and malleable simulation, created by consciousness, of which we are aspects, and whose highest form in Simon’s terms is metaconsciousness. Various traditions have given it other names: Brahma, Dao, God. Metaconsciousness is the ultimate reality. It is contentless but contains infinite potential. Simon has adopted Plato’s term for it: the realm of forms. In the realm of forms, everything is perfect. When a concept is manifested on the physical plane, it becomes a poor copy of the original ideal concept. Thus, in Simon Duan’s model, this 3D universe is assumed to be a simulation, rendered by the “Platonic computer” of metaconsciousness outside of time and space. Multiple other realities are also rendered on different levels. Thoughts, feelings and memories are in a database – a modern word for the Akashic records. The brain is a display of thoughts, feelings and memories. It’s not the generator. Psychics can “hack” the codes of the simulation. They can activate their higher selves more easily. For instance, if you can switch off the codes for gravity, you levitate. Why has this simulation been created? “Pure creativity wants to experience itself, so it diversifies”, says Simon. Since the pure creativity of metaconsciousness is the highest aspect of ourselves, it is ultimately we who do it. How do we diversify? We create content. But some of us are less aware of what is actually going on in this divine game. “We can choose to be NPCs, non-playable characters, or to be co-creators”, says Simon. In the latter case, we become conscious that we can shape this world as we wish, or update the simulation. The game we (our highest aspect) have created is so elaborate that we even forget our true nature when we arrive here. In order to keep the game interesting, evolution has to happen. The rules sometimes change. “Then we get a change of perception. In science we call it a paradigm shift.” Simon Duan thinks physical reality will shift in ways that will force people to awaken, sometimes through disasters and suffering. “I think this world will become much better, but it will be worse before it gets better”, he says. He emphasizes that he refers to enlightenment in this particular physical world. “On other levels we are already enlightened. There is no work to be done there.” Metacomputics Labs Simon’s essay “Stop Asking If the Universe is a Computer Simulation” Simon on X Anders’ essay that is mentioned
Oct 9, 2024 • 52min

134. It's a Playful Universe – Marjorie Woollacott

Marjorie Woollacott was a scientist with a materialist worldview when she, in her 30s, had a spiritually transformative experience. Her heart opened. There was a feeling of total peace and equanimity. She felt at home. After the experience, Woollacott gradually reoriented her research and teaching in physiology and neuroscience towards the nonphysical human experience. Many of her 200 peer reviewed scientific articles are about the effects of meditation. “When we meditate, we begin to let go of our feeling of smallness and separateness to a feeling of interconnectedness with everything else in the world”, Marjorie says. Later, she began looking more fully into the nature of consciousness. In that context, she wants to highlight two scientists-philosophers in particular, Bernardo Kastrup and Federico Faggin (the inventor of the microprocessor). “They show us scientifically why seeing consciousness as fundamental is essential to our understanding of the universe.” Woollacott is co-editor of an anthology that is fresh on the shelves as we record this episode, The Playful Universe. It is about meaningful coincidences, something psychology giant Carl Jung called synchronicities. Cultural historian and archetypal cosmologist Richard Tarnas, who has written the introduction to the book, defines synchronicities like this: observed coincidences, in which two or more independent events, having no apparent causal connection, nevertheless seem to form a meaningful pattern in our lives. Synchronicities are often seemingly trivial. It could be something quotidian you haven’t thought about in 20 years, but when you do, that same thing suddenly appears all around you; in newspapers, signs, things you hear. Another contributor to the anthology, Jungian psychologist and mythologist Roderick Main, describes the evolution of our human understanding of the universe as having gone from enchantment to disenchantment (the scientific revolution) to reenchantment, which is happening now. “Life is still mysterious.” How can synchronicities happen? In Marjorie Woollacott’s view, we are points of consciousness within the universal consciousness, and we are all entangled and co-creating this universe. “Within that playful entanglement, we draw the situations to ourselves that are most important for the unfolding of our paths in this universe.” She also points out that our beliefs create our reality, which means that what we pay attention to in our lives is what we allow to unfold. So, how should we act on synchronicities? “Value them highly and explore them.” Marjorie Woollacott believes we have some kind of guidance from the nonphysical reality. She refers to research she has done on mediumship, where mediums say they are in contact with people from “the other side”. “I saw the incredibly strong evidence about these people communicating with us, telling us things we didn’t know that turned out to be true, and that could help us.” This is documented in peer reviewed papers, Many feel – and claim – that this world is unfair, and not only to themselves but to millions. “I believe it’s a fundamental misunderstanding”, Marjorie says. “But we all have these thoughts. We are both a soul with infinite awareness and a tiny point of awareness. And the tiny point, where our ego resides, is always making judgments about what’s pleasurable, what’s painful, what causes suffering, and what causes expansion. And from that point of view, yeah, things can be really difficult.” “But if we can take the view of the whole, which is our essence, there is probably something we can learn from that moment of pain that will move us forward in our expansion of knowing who we are.” Marjorie’s website The Playful Universe Bio at AAPS Bio at Galileo Commission
Sep 25, 2024 • 1h 18min

133. The Thirteenth Sign Is a Portal – Isaac Rodriguez

(Note correction at the end) Isaac Rodriguez discovered, to his big surprise, that mainstream astrologers never really look up at the sky. As John Lash explained in an earlier episode, tropical (mainstream) astrology isn’t really about the stars. The signs are merely named after star constellations that approximately corresponded with the sectors of the signs a few thousand years ago. Isaac Rodriguez learned about sidereal astrology, the kind that goes by the actual star constellations and takes their apparent movement in the sky into account. With the precession of the equinoxes, the positions of the constellations constantly move – or seem to move, from earth’s viewpoint. If sidereal astrology were to replace tropical astrology as it is used today, the painful problem for people who are into this would be that their birth chart would be completely wrong. “I made up a term for this, ‘astrology collapse disorder’”, says Isaac. But the two models seem to work on different levels. A higher and a lower octave, if you will. Or, Isaac claims, in the divine reality (sidereal) and in a false matrix (tropical). “I see it like this: Tropical keeps you human, sidereal makes you celestial.” The tropical model keeps us in what the Hindus call samsara, the karmic cycle. “And if we stick to that, we will probably stay in the loop longer than if we study sidereal, which is the way to break the cycle.” The Church condemned real astrology but then allowed an astrology that is like a broken clock, according to Isaac. “So we’re living in a false matrix. Tropical astrology is about the very human issues, my love life, my job, my relations, whereas sidereal astrology is about ‘show me my deepest, darkest shadows, show me all, I need to get out of here’.” Tropical astrology has twelve signs. The thirteenth sign is crucial in understanding how to get the “broken clock” to work again. It is a constellation called Ophiuchus, which means the serpent-bearer. In ancient cultures it was associated with a serpent of some kind, like the plumed serpent in Mesoamerican traditions. And it is located right at the Galactic center, where there is a supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A . The Maya called it Xibalba, the crossing. This point was pivotal also to the Gnostics. This is where they located Pleroma, from where Sophia and Christos came. “Could it be that we have a connection to another world through that point? We have to pay attention to that part of the sky”, says Isaac. He tells about the many pieces of evidence for the importance of this point in the universe that you can find in Egyptian temples. Some groups have carried the truth about our immortality and our divine origin through history, and been persecuted for that. But why don’t we all know this? Because we have amnesia. There is probably a purpose for that. We are supposed to learn certain things through the illusion of separation and time. But some people who possess the truth hide it for nefarious purposes, Isaac believes. “The symbolism of the age of Pisces is separation from source. The separated parts are supposed to merge through matter, through the physical. But it has also created the opportunity for manipulation and brainwash.” Correction: Between the 13 and 13:30 minute mark, incorrect information about the name of a Vatican telescope is mentioned. Isaac's website The documentary Code 12 Isaac's Youtube channel Isaac's Instagram
Sep 11, 2024 • 1h 18min

132. Deep Down We Know What We're Here to Do – Anthony Chene

When French filmmaker Anthony Chene first came across a story about a near death experience it clicked. It immediately made sense to him, even though he didn’t grow up in a spiritual home. He wasn’t even sure what a psychic was. But NDEs seemed right. “Yes, it was this world that didn’t make sense. I was in finance, but I barely made any money. I didn’t fit anywhere”, Anthony says. “The idea that this physical world is a tiny part and there are other dimensions beyond the five senses – of course it’s like that.” He suddenly remembered that he had these insights as a child. He remembered that he used to think that every human being could become God by activating something inside. This was a turning point. Anthony was 28 years old and had just begun a mainstream business career, but now he embarked on a completely new journey, documenting spiritual experiences. “I couldn't go back. It was sad, I really wanted to fit in, it felt like a failure. But I couldn't, It was either this, or I would collapse”, he says. The universe planted another idea in his mind, that he must make these videos in English, in the US. “I asked my guides, why? I’m French, I don't even have a work permit in the US.” “But I did it. I went to the US to interview people, again and again.” Anthony thinks it is easier to talk about these topics in English-speaking countries than in France. “The problem is mainly Paris. I live in the south, and it’s easier there. It’s a little bit more open and spiritual. But in Paris it’s all about the analytical mind.” He has noted that things are changing, however, even in the materialist hub of the French revolution. Anthony’s latest, and biggest, project is the recently released NDE documentary ‘Renaissance’, featuring three near death experiencers and three experts on the subject. There is no doubt in Anthony’s mind that consciousness is independent of the brain. “We are all connected. A higher version of us, not the mind, is projecting this reality. My higher self is projecting you right now, and your higher self is projecting me”, he says. In ancient spiritual texts, this reality is often called a dream. In modern times it has been referred to as a matrix, and nowadays it’s popular among spiritually oriented people to talk about a simulation. In Anthony’s mind, all these analogies describe the same thing. “It’s a simulation, but our higher selves planned it before we came here, I think. It’s a simulation with certain checkpoints.” People often say they have a hard time finding out what their purpose is, what they are supposed to do. “But you do know. Deep down you know. Just show up in faith and do what you have to do. It’s very simple. But I have to tell myself that sometimes, too.” Anthony believes we live in crucial times. Things are going to change a lot In the next few years, and very deeply so, he thinks. “Time is speeding up. We are approaching a zero point. Time is going to reset. And it will happen before 2030, I think. But it won’t be the end of the world. It will be the same world, but at the same time very different.” Powerful structures try to suppress knowledge about the afterlife and the true nature of reality. But they will not succeed, according to Anthony. No, it’s pointless. It's only short term. Who we are is not affected by that. Anthony’s website Anthony’s Youtube channel 'Renaissance' on Gaia TV
Aug 28, 2024 • 1h 47min

131. Posthumanism Is the End of Us – James Tunney

Apologies for a technical mishap at the 19:12 mark. I had to switch to a suboptimal camera and mic. But James looks and sounds fine the whole time, which is the most important thing. Writer, artist and thinker James Tunney is in the classical sense erudite. I have had very few guests, if any, who so effortlessly covers every historical, philosophical and spiritual aspect of the evolution of mankind. He seamlessly wanders from one discipline to the next, and it all comes across as perfectly natural. Which it should be to all of us, of course. The division of reality into different disciplines is an unnatural thing. A core theme in my interview with James is the choice we have to make in our time: Rediscover our spiritual consciousness or renege our humanness by falling for the siren song of posthumanism and artificial intelligence. Here are some focal points in our conversation: The diluted definitions of mythology and philosophy. There is no hard problem of consciousness. Psychology is the leftovers from the spiritual world. The collective Judas of today’s world are those who give away the essence of who they are, what makes them human, to governments and other authority figures. Human evolution is cyclical “if you want it to be”. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it mimics itself. Development is a spiral. There is a connection between ancient cultures in the Mediterranean and the Celtic and Nordic areas. The fall of humanity: Our focus on materialism. In an indigenous culture it is easier to connect to the divine. As we have become more technological, it has become more difficult. Our job is to find our way back to who we are. The rainbow manifests between light and darkness. Can advanced technology and spirituality exist side by side? “It’s not impossible, but we’re not on that trajectory.” You can benefit from high technology if you also have spiritual development. “Otherwise your society will collapse.” Most of the AI developers are hostile to perennial wisdom. Many say ‘we are creating God’. The powers now attempt to once and for all take control of the populace. This time via the nervous system  “Churchill said already in 1943: The next empire will be the empire of the mind.” “AI is not merely a tool. It's an entire system. It comes from the military-industrial complex.” The nation state has been toppled over because that is part of the agenda of the new world order. (James and I have different views on the virtues of keeping the nation state.) Migration: Which part is natural and organic, and which part is forced migration for nefarious purposes? “Dislocation and disorientation makes it easier to impose a top-down agenda.” Are more or fewer people thinking for themselves? (James and I are not entirely in agreement about that.) Now is the time to choose ways. “Absent an inclusion of genuine spiritual consciousness in our framework, it’s a disaster.” “We will have to leave some things behind.” So, dear viewer and listener, buckle up, hit the play button and go with the flow… James website

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