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Quantum Revolution with Karen Curry Parker

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Oct 31, 2017 • 47min

Love and Evolution with Paul and Layne Cutright

It’s interesting and a little bit ironic that, in spite of our enlightened awareness of the power of love and compassion, we still can struggle mightily in our personal relationships. In my years as working as a psychic medium, one of the most common and often most charged questions people would ask me was, “Is the person I’m dating my soulmate?” Soulmate. What a super charged word. We say the word soulmate and we have fantasies of the perfect relationship with the partner who is our mirror twin, someone who never says “no” to us, never challenges us and gives us a totally perfect union. No fighting. No power struggles. No leaving towels on the floor. It’s interesting that many of us embrace the idea that we need struggle as part of our soul path. Struggle helps us discover what’s truly valuable in life and the depths of our capability and power. But when we struggle in our relationships, we very easily slip into the old pattern of blaming our partner. She’s not “the one”. He’s not my soul mate…. He’s not on the same spiritual path as me… Our soulmates are not here to co-sign on our dysfunctions and smile as us endearingly while we continue on the static path denial and blame. Our soulmates arrive on the doorsteps of our hearts to challenge us, push our buttons, make our lives uncomfortable and show us the depths that our hearts can go to in this very human experience of Life. Join me for this week’s Quantum Conversation with Relationship and Evolution Experts, Paul and Layne Cutright. We’re talking about love, true love and what’s up on the planet right now. What Paul and Layne so beautifully demonstrate and teach is the power of self-awareness and the soul purpose of partnership as a key element for our own personal growth. This life we are living is about being fully expressed soul energy in form. It feels like a nice theory but when we have to live it in our daily lives it can be a bit of a roller coaster. Our soulmates - our true soulmates - come to challenge us, push on us and inspire us to stretch beyond our limitations and to discover how to be and express love beyond the limitations of our human understanding. The world needs love in action. The world needs an army of lovers who can set clear and loving boundaries, who can courageously reveal the truth to each other, who can see with fresh eyes what needs to be healed, released, aligned and brought into the Light. Love, true love, is work. But it’s the work that will, ultimately, save the world. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Oct 23, 2017 • 45min

We don't need to die to remember... with PMH Atwater

Please join me for this powerful Quantum Conversation with PMH Atwater.  There’s more to life than our day to day existence. We are the infinite parts of an evolving intelligence seeking to express itself through us. Jewish tradition teaches that babies in the womb are all knowing. They know the history and the story of the Universe. Just before they are born, an angel thumps them on the top of their lips making a tiny dent and causing them to forget all that they know. It is the process of living our lives that help us remember who we truly are. Our life is a spiral outward, expressing, experiencing, being that causes us to slowly, sometimes very slowly, remember all that we knew before we were born. People who have journeyed to the edge of life often come back with stories that help us deepen our understanding of who we really are and why we are really here. Sometimes it takes a cataclysmic separation from our human condition to bring us literally and figuratively back to the light. We don’t need to die to remember. We are light beings with the capacity to create and see beyond the limitations of our human experience and certainly, maybe now more than ever, we need to pierce the veil of the illusion of our human lives and extend beyond…into a realm of infinite potential and begin to create here, in this dimension, a world of sustainable peace and sustainable resources. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Oct 8, 2017 • 43min

Change your brain, change the world with Dawson Church

We know we are powerful beyond what we realize and yet, we struggle to fulfill our potential. Many of us use this struggle to reinforce self-defeating patterns, old thoughts and beliefs that keep us from tapping into the truth of who we are. We are all part of an infinite super-intelligent mind that has the capacity to create in ways we maybe can’t even imagine. But our brains - that place where we think our true mind is stored - are actually just organs, no different from kidneys, hearts, lungs and even skin…. The brain is part of the body and, like the muscles you try to work out at the gym, the brain can be trained and conditioned, strengthened and used as a master organ to create vitality, longevity and joy. It takes self-mastery and a willingness to crack open the door to your perceived limitations to begin to use your brain better than you’re using it now. Research shows that you don’t have to be stuck in old stories, limitations and pain any more. The brain and the body remembers and the memories keep us stuck. But with energy psychology techniques like the Emotional Freedom Techniques, we can liberate the body and the brain from the prison of our memory. We are not trapped in our brain nor are we trapped by our biology. Our brains and our DNA are much more plastic than we think and with healthy practices and mastery we can begin to change not only our perception of who we define ourselves to be, we can literally change the DNA of our cells…. Imagine this for a moment. If you release the memories that are holding you hostage to a story that leaves you playing less of a role than you deserve, you unlock the potential you’ve been struggling with all of your life. Not only that, you change yourself on a cellular, genetic level…. And you pass these changes on to your children…and their children’s children…and so on and so forth. What if, by changing your brain, you change the world? Join me for this week's Quantum Conversation with Dawson Church, author of The Genie in your Genes. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/  
Sep 26, 2017 • 31min

Awaken Your Inner Fire with HeatherAsh Amara

We are innately powerful. Deep within us all lives a fire, a light that is uniquely our own, that longs to shine out into the world. But sometimes life gets in the way of our light. We are deeply conditioned to surrender our light, to fall into place and do the things we think we have to do to fit in, fulfill our obligations, take our adult place in the world… When we give up our fire, it doesn’t go away. It certainly can feel like it’s gone out. In reality the embers still glow, waiting for us to rekindle our inner light… We feel it as discomfort, depression, even physical pain - all signals that our soul sends us to remind us to tend to our inner fire. Sometimes we feel like we’re drowning in a life we didn’t choose, that the circumstances of our obligations take over and we have no choice but to compromise and give in… The warrior within us reminds us of our power. We have to power to disassemble a life that is out of alignment. We have the power to burn away all that no longer serves us and we have within us a warrior who knows, that our real power does not stem from destruction, but from our capacity to align with the truth of who we really are. This is the path of the awakened warrior. And when we wake up to the power of this path, we can take our right place in the evolution of the world. Please join me for this week's Quantum Conversation with HeatherAsh Amara. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Sep 12, 2017 • 27min

Your Soul is Calling You to Fulfill Your True Purpose with Dr. Mark Thurston, Ph.D.

Edgar Cayce has long been the gold standard of intuitive insights and prophesies. The “Sleeping Prophet” as he was called was able to channel messages and deep spiritual insights that healed people on many, many levels. Cayce left behind a tremendous archive of transcripts and recordings of his private sessions with clients. Through a set of divinely orchestrated event, Dr. Mark Thurston was given the job of organizing and understanding this massive archive of material, giving us the gift of the synthesis of Edgar Cayce’s work as well as his own insights to help us ground Cayce’s insights in our modern world understanding. I find it fascinating that so much of Cayce’s work was devoted to helping people discover their life purpose and that we are still intrigued by the questions of who we are and why we are here. In many of our Quantum Conversations we talk to spiritual teachers and leaders who have created systems to help others discover who they are and why they are here. Dr. Thurston and Edgar Cayce and shared with us a different kind of message about our purpose - suggesting that perhaps there is no one way or system of self-discovery other than the way that works for you. Your soul is calling you to fulfill your true purpose. This powerful conversation with Dr. Mark Thurston will help you understand how to interpret the signposts that are revealing the answers you seek…. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Sep 5, 2017 • 37min

We think we need to “fight” for peace with Carla Goldstein

We think we need to “fight” for peace. We take our anger and push against others who hold different views, different perspectives…we use the language of anti-this or that….we use the word resist and we spend our energy gathering ourselves against others. There is a delicate balance between resistance, fighting for what’s right and using our energy to be fundamentally creative in order to create a true new world order… a new world order where compassion and unity rules. The shift we are experiencing on the planet right now is creating in us deeply polarized perspectives and it’s easy to fall into a mindset of right and wrong, black and white, masculine and feminine…. But what we’ve learned from the past is that anytime we create “othering” of each other, we are at risk of de-humanizing each other. And history has shown us again and again that when we dehumanize a set of people, it becomes too easy to justify marginalizing them or, even worse, hurting them or attempting to wipe them from the face of the planet. It’s a slippery slope and, no matter what your perspective, we are all collectively vulnerable to sliding down that slope. Again, history shows us that “normal” people like you and me bought into ideals and perspectives - albeit oftentimes out of fear - that dehumanized a group of people and that de-humanization created terrible suffering on the planet. If you look at an x-ray of a person, or look at their blood cells under a microscope, you wouldn’t know if that person is a racist, or African-American, if they were Christian or Jewish or Muslim, you wouldn’t know their gender preference or if they are vegetarian or a meat-eater. Underneath our skin we are more alike than different. If we are going to create a world where compassion rules, we can not fight each other in an epic battle of perceived right and wrong. Yes, we have to take action. Love is a verb and we have to disallow acts that are morally and ethically wrong and unacceptable in the name of LOVE. But how do we create a new world order of love and compassion - how do we take right action and not continue to trigger polarized consciousness. Please enjoy this powerful and vital quantum conversation with Carla Goldstein as we discuss how to take fearless action in times of disruption. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Aug 24, 2017 • 41min

The Five Elements with Dondi Dahlin

We often operate on the assumption that humans are all the same. We have similar drives, desires and temperament. It’s almost like there’s some kind of earthly blueprint for being human and any variation that we experience away from this blueprint makes us wrong, bad or less than. Many of you may have had this experience. We are raised in families that either feel comfortable to us or families that we struggle to fit in to. I’m not talking about love here. I’m talking about feeling like you belong or fit or are even SIMILAR to the people you grow up with. The truth is, after coaching people for more than 28 years, most people feel like they don’t fit in or that there is something wrong with them. Most people feel like they don’t quite fit in… Ancient wisdom has taught us for centuries that life is comprised of different energies embodied in the elements fire, earth, water, wood and metal and that these elements have different qualities and characteristics. The five elements originated in ancient Chinese medicine more than two thousand years ago - when scholars theorized that the universe is composed of these forces. If we are part of the world and these elements of energy are contained within the world, it stands to reason that we, as humans embody the themes of these energies. And, given the diversity of the world we live in, it also stands to reason that we are each uniquely configured in the most delicious and diverse way possible because it’s our diversity that makes life possible. What if you’re not broken, stuck or blocked but that you simply have your own unique energy configuration and that this configuration influences your personality, your health and, of course, how you “fit” into the world? What if understanding the nature of your elemental energy allows you to bring yourself back into balance with yourself so that you can understand who you are, build better connections with others and answer the most important question in the world: Who Are You? Join me and Dondi Dahlin for this week's Quantum Conversation. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Aug 15, 2017 • 33min

Heart Imagery with Daniel Mitel

Please join me for this powerful Quantum Conversation with Daniel Mitel.  Daniel invites us to literally take a journey into our hearts.  We can’t live in our hearts if we are not in the heart of who we are. I followed Daniels heart imagery meditation from his book, Journeys into the Heart, and saw myself standing in my physical heart.  As I felt the pink, pulsing walls around me, I was blown away by the love available in my own heart.  Just one little visual journey into my heart and my entire perspective on the world changed. Just one little visual journey into my heart and I had a powerful touchstone experience of what it feels like to be in my heart. The love that resides in our hearts is our most creative energy.  It’s also the energy that connects us to each other.  You can not be in your heart and feel the rich, unconditional nature of true love without experiencing tremendous compassion for your divine brothers and sisters. If the magnetic field of the earth synchronizes and connects us through the beating of our heart, it stands to reason that compassion is the way our hearts speak to each other.  It is compassion that reminds us of the true value of life and the vitality of the existence of each an every one of us. It is compassion that reminds us that we’re all in this together.  There is no me, only we when we stand in the heart of who we truly are. Prepare to step into the power of your own heart.... Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Jul 28, 2017 • 25min

From Uncertainty to Flow with Anne Tucker

Your ability to make decisions is the most vital skill you have.  You are the sum total of all the decisions you’ve made in your life.   The fear of making a wrong decision and worry about the outcome can make it hard for us to be present to the blessings of our daily life.  We worry.  We’re distracted and we actually shut off our creative capacity and stay in a constant state of low-grade fight or flight.   There is a flow of creativity and resiliency available to us if we can learn to navigate our way through uncertainty and trust ourselves.    But, first, you have to know who you are and how to make choices in the way that’s right for you.   Anne Tucker teaches us that there are seven “soul types” and that each “soul type” has different desires, different goals and a different way of making decisions.  When you live true to your “soul type” you access your flow and making decisions become easier and more aligned with what you truly want for you life.   Please join me for this week’s Quantum Conversation with author and leadership mentor, Anne Tucker and discover how you can move from fear and worry into creative flow and alignment with what’s right for you. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/  
Jul 5, 2017 • 34min

"Wholing" with Rashmi Khilnani

We are not healing.  We are “wholing”.  This is the powerful word Rashmi Khilani gave me in our Quantum Conversation together.  Our intention, as we wake up and consciously evolve this world, needs to not be to fix what’s broken, but to instead to focus on what is working and shift our perspective to new meanings. Meanings full of potential and possibility.  Abundance, sustainability, equitable and peaceful for all.  We are in the process of turning our attention to a higher level of experience, creating new meanings that empower us, and solving the challenges facing humanity today.  This is an era of the heart, where compassion rules the day and the meanings we evolve for the world serve the greater great of the whole. “Wholing.” We are shifting, evolving and growing.  We are not broken but exquisitely perfect.  And creating higher levels of alignment each and every day. Enjoy this week’s Quantum Conversation with author, leading-edge movie producer, visionary leader and spiritual teacher, Rashmi Khilnani. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/

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