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Quantum Revolution with Karen Curry Parker

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Mar 23, 2021 • 26min

The Nature of Life's Intelligence is Coherence with Dr. Ervin László, Ph.D.

In an orderly Universe, everything unfolds in a systematic and natural way. In our human story, we live in an orderly Universe, but we have the freedom to choose to be connected to this order or not.   In this very special Quantum Conversation I chat with Professor Ervin Laszlo. Professor Laszlo’s biography is long and inspires deep respect. He received the Sorbonne’s highest the degree, a Doctorate in Letter and Human Sciences. He’s lectured and taught at various US Universities, including Yale, Princeton, Northwestern, the University of Houston and the State University of New York. He’s run global projects at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and at the request of the Secretary General.   Laszlo's research led him to the discovery of the Akashic Field, which is the subject of his new book, The Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field: Universal Truths for a Better Life and a Better World.   The author of more than 100 books, Professor Laszlo shares with us the dire need for humanity to return ourselves to our connection with the natural order that is Life’s Intelligence. Laszlo argues that we are at a crucial time on the planet and choosing to live in harmony with the world and the order that emanates from what he calls “The Source - will spare us and future generations from the pain and divisiveness that has the potential to destroy us all. In an open letter to his followers, Professor Laszlo writes: We are in the midst of a “bifurcation” - a critical period of change and transformation. We are at the cusp of a health crisis and are nearing the crisis-point in the economy as well as in the ecology and in the system of human societies. To wind up the health crisis, and to tackle the multiple challenges we face, we must learn to think and act differently. We must take a new path. Fortunately, we need not select that path randomly, on the basis of trial and error. We can be guided by a deep and real, but largely unsuspected Source.   We are intrinsically oriented towards wholeness and love and are linked to each other and the Universe. Join me for a powerful conversation that will instill in your a sense of urgency and hope as we face the challenges of our own evolution in consciousness. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Mar 16, 2021 • 26min

Activating The Divine Spark with Stephanie James

What does it mean to live a spark-filled life? It means waking up to a morning of possibility and potential that you intentionally plug into. I means moving past your past and learning to fully be in the present moment to create the kind of future you want, full of joy, abundance and magical moments. This is an excerpt from Stephanie James book, The Spark. It sounds so simple - just let go of the past and be present. But the reality of this simple solution isn’t always easy in the beginning. To make the transformation and to embody the choice to be present means that we have to undo our past programming and rewire our brains. In the traditional personal and spiritual growth community, there is a lot of talk about how simple it is to transform and create a magical life. We don’t often look at the work involved in rewiring the brain and undoing past programming. Transformation can be painful and difficult, but that doesn’t mean we should back pedal from it and avoid the pain. Pain is an essential part of healing and often the painful experiences we have as part of the normal course of life are catalysts for massive growth and enlightenment. Author, podcast host and filmmaker, Stephanie James, has pulled back the curtain on some of the world’s top spiritual teachers. In her new film, When Sparks Ignite, she documents a special gathering of spiritual thought leaders, including, Jacob Israel Liberman and Larry Dossey, to reveal how pain and struggle were essential parts of the evolutionary journey of these leading experts. In the movie, When Sparks Ignite, Stephanie James gathers a group of spiritual teachers in a potent round table mastermind for several days prior to jointly leading a powerful transformational event to members of the general public. James documents the sharing of vulnerable and honest stories about the transformational journeys of these noted leaders. With candor and kindness, this group of visionaries lovingly embrace and confirm that challenge, pain and struggle are all normal parts of life and can give rise to the magic that initiates the beginning of living a spark-filled life. This powerful Quantum Conversation will affirm you, help you embrace exactly where you are in your own journey and give you hope that you will find the light from the heaviness of the experiences you may be traversing right now. (Learn more about Stephanie James here: www.stephaniejames.world and www.thesparkpod.com) Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Feb 4, 2020 • 23min

Tapping into the wisdom of the Heart with HeatherAsh Amara

What if the Heart holds the key to helping us access a deeper state of alignment, peace and clarity? HeatherAsh Amara believes it does. In her new book, the Warrrior Heart Practice, HeatherAsh lays out a revolutionary system based on the four chambered structure of the human heart. Walking through each of the four chambers―Feeling, Story, Truth, and Intent―readers learn to take stock of their current emotional and mental state and reframe their situation in a new healing light. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Jan 27, 2020 • 30min

Do you have Patriarchy Stress Disorder? with Dr. Valerie Rein, Ph.D.

Despite checking off the boxes of worldly accomplishments, most high-achieving women are secretly dissatisfied. They feel stuck in lives that look perfect on the outside, yet on the inside, they’re unfulfilled, plagued by the nagging feeling that there’s got to be more.  They feel guilty and ungrateful for feeling trapped in lives that are so good. They disown their pain, or numb it with excessive work, eating, drinking, shopping, social media, or exercising. They search for solutions in books, meditation, yoga, therapy, medication, and workshops, but something is still missing. In her new book, Patriarchy Stress Disorder, Dr. Valerie Rein, talks about what women really need to do to change the metrics of feminine success and how to heal from generations of being discounted and being told to sit down and be quiet - or worse… Join me in for this conversation. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Jan 14, 2020 • 28min

Re-Connecting to Source with Dr. Ervin László, Ph.D.

We are at a crossroads in the evolution of humanity.  We are facing a vital choice.  Do we evolve or do we devolve? We have the power to influence the direction in which we steer the future of humanity.  But if we become disconnected to Source - nature, our hearts and the heart of who we are as human beings, we lose our rudder in a chaotic, disrupted world. Our connection to Source offers a wellspring of natural guidance, a kind of cosmic GPS that may prove to be humanity’s salvation, for it shows that we don’t have to be devout followers of spiritual and religious doctrines to reconnect with the universe. Ervin Lazslo, in his new book, Reconnecting to the Source, The New Science of Spiritual Experience, How It Can Change You, and How It Can Transform the World, shares with us a unique, never before available instruction manual for people who want to know how they can consciously align with the forces and “attractors” that governs the universe, and bring us, living, conscious people who can mindfully steer the processes of evolution that unfold here on Earth. In our Quantum Conversation, Professor Lazslo talked about how simple and yet how vital it is that we re-connect with Source in order to influence the future of the world.  He shares with us his an urgent message about why re-connecting to Source is the most vital act we must all commit to ensure the future of the world. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Jan 6, 2020 • 44min

Wholeness as the Key to Healing the World with Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. and Dr. Valentina Onisor, M.D.

The marriage of science and ancient wisdom not only empowers us to find new meanings and create new realities, it empowers us to move beyond the limitations of strict materialistic thinking and opens us up to finding new and fundamentally creative solutions to the challenges facing humanity at this time. We are in a cycle of tremendous change and disruption that promises to completely change the way in which we create and what we create in the world. For many of us, it feels like we’re lost and confused. Our minds, bodies and spirits are longing for something…but we don’t always know what that “something” is and where to find it. In their new book, Quantum Spirituality, Dr. Amit Goswami and Dr. Valentina Onisor, propose that the thing we are longing - the key to our inner happiness - is wholeness. And that for us to achieve wholeness we have to look to both ancient mysticism and modern science. This precise connection between ancient wisdom and the knowledge of science can catapult us light years beyond conventional thinking when it comes to our capabilities and our potential. Join me, Dr. Goswami and Dr. Onisor for a Powerful Quantum Conversation. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Dec 31, 2018 • 35min

Quantum Consciousness and Human Evolution with Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D.

Over the past few decades, science is undergoing a major paradigm shift from a materialistic way of seeing the world to a Quantum world view. Material perspective, rooted in Material Consciousness, sometimes referred to as Newtonian Consciousness is rooted in concepts such as: The idea of Finite amounts and solution Fixed laws with probable, possible and predictable results Formulas Reasoning Logic Nature and Natural Law A drive for “certainty” In material consciousness we are trapped in assessing the world from a material point of view which we tend to quantify using money, predictability and material worth as the gold standard of value. With the emergence of Quantum Physics in the 1920’s, we saw the manifestation through scientific understanding of a new consciousness, sometimes called Quantum Consciousness. Quantum Consciousness brought us: The “New Thought” movement Thought leaders such as Ernest Holmes, Edgar Cayce, Madame Blavatsky, Rudolph Steiner, Maria Montessori We saw the emergence of the idea, “Thoughts create your reality” We discovered that We are all connected by virtue of the Quantum Field We create non-locally and instantly That we are Fundamentally creative and our consciousness can deliberately harness the power miracles and transcend the limitation of logical beliefs. Quantum Consciousness is rooted in the drive for Well-being and teaches us to embrace change, uncertainty and the fulfillment of potential Quantum science has given scientific validity not only to our potential oneness but also to our subtle experiences of feeling, meaning, archetypes, and spiritual wholeness. According to the quantum worldview, the creative exploration of these experiences propels us toward a transformational mindset. Join me for a powerful Quantum Conversation with Quantum physicist Amit Goswami, PhD, a retired full professor from the University of Oregon's Department of Physics. He is a pioneer of the quantum worldview. His insights and teachings, available in the form of several books and documentaries, are in line with the world's wisdom traditions, especially the Indian Vedanta/Yoga/Buddhism tradition. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Sep 28, 2018 • 50min

Mind to Matter with Dawson Church

Every creation begins as a thought, from a symphony to a marriage to an ice cream cone to a rocket launch. When we have an intention, a complex chain of events begins in our brains. Thoughts travel as electrical impulses along neural pathways. When neurons fire together they wire together, creating electromagnetic fields. These fields are invisible energy, yet they influence the molecules of matter around us the way a magnet organizes iron filings. In Dawson Church’s new book, Mind to Matter, we learn how our minds create matter. Different intentions produce different fields and different material creations. The thoughts and energy fields we cultivate in our minds condition the atoms and molecules around us. We can now trace the science behind each link in chain from thought to thing, showing the surprising ways in which our intentions create the material world. Neuroscientists have measured a specific brain wave formula that is linked to manifestation. This "flow state" can be learned and applied by anyone. New discoveries in epigenetics, neuroscience, electromagnetism, psychology, vibration, and quantum physics connect each step in the process by which mind creates matter. They show that the whole universe is self-organizing, and when our minds are in a state of flow, they coordinate with nature's emergent intelligence to produce synchronous outcomes. Join me for an inspiring Quantum Conversation with researcher, energy healer, best selling author and teacher, Dawson Church. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Aug 28, 2018 • 45min

The Truth behind Science and Spiritual Practice with Rupert Sheldrake

We live in a tremendously interesting time. A time when the line between science and spirituality are blurring and we are cultivating the “proof” that spiritual practices that have been in place since the beginning of time are actually valid and powerful ways to harness a greater sense of meaning, access to greater health and even expanding states of awareness and creativity. The effects of spiritual practices are now being investigated scientifically as never before, and many studies have shown that religious and spiritual practices generally make people happier and healthier. In this Quantum Conversation, Rupert Sheldrake, the botanist who has, over the span of his career, made evolutionary biologists and other scientist very nervous by suggesting that evolution and life itself may be more conscious and deliberate than we previously thought. In his new book, Science and Spiritual Practices: Transformative Experiences and Their Effects on Our Bodies, Brains, and Health, Sheldrake shows how science helps validate seven practices on which many religions are built, and which are part of our common human heritage. Join us as we talk about the science of meditation, gratitude, connecting with nature, relating to plants, rituals, singing and chanting, and pilgrimage and holy places. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/
Jun 26, 2018 • 45min

The Magic of Science (and the science of magic) with Dean Radin

According to noted scientist and bestselling author of The Conscious Universe, Dean Radin, magic is a natural aspect of reality, and each of us can tap into this power with diligent practice. But wait, aren't things like ESP and telepathy just wishful thinking and flights of the imagination? Not according to the author, who worked on the US government's top secret psychic espionage program known as Stargate. Radin has spent the last forty years conducting controlled experiments that demonstrate that thoughts are things, that we can sense others' emotions and intentions from a distance, that intuition is more powerful than we thought, and that we can tap into the power of intention (think The Secret, only on a more realistic and scientific level). These dormant powers can help us to lead more interesting and fulfilling lives. The history of science is rooted in the traditions of magic. Science emerged as a way of understanding the mystery of magic. But science, as a stand alone body of knowledge is incomplete and doesn’t account for the fact that more than 90% of scientists reporting that they themselves have had mystical experiences. Scientists also report that more than 50% of scientific discoveries come from serendipity, divine “accidents’ or, dare I say - magic. But magic, without science is also an incomplete way of understanding the world. Magic without science is superstition and keeps us from understanding how to harness the power of science AND magic to solve the challenges facing humanity today. Join me for this week's Quantum Conversation with Dean Radin, author of Real Magic. Learn more about remembering the truth of you are and get your free Quantum Human Design Chart at https://freehumandesignchart.com/

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