Narcissist Apocalypse: Patterns of Abuse cover image

Narcissist Apocalypse: Patterns of Abuse

Latest episodes

Dec 31, 2021 • 1h 28min

How to Use Transactional Analysis Theory to Spot a Toxic Narcissist? - Q&A With Erika Guest, Behavioral Therapist

Brandon talks with Erika Guest about Transactional Analysis Theory and how to identify past/future forms of coercive control with a toxic narcissist. By analyzing real text conversations using Transactional Analysis, Brandon and Erika give you a new set of tools in your healing process and fight against domestic violence. A fun and informative episode.Thank you to our sponsor BOMBAS. Go to and get 20% off your purchase of socks, underwear, and t-shirts. Bombas donates an item to a homeless shelter for every item purchased. They are a wonderful company. We love Bombas.Thank you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 24, 2021 • 54min

Top 12 Hoovering Tactics of a Toxic Narcissist - Q&A With Alisa Stamps LCSW

Brandon talks with Alisa Stamps (LCSW) about the Top 12 Hoovering Tactics of a Toxic Narcissist & Narcissistic Abuse. Plus they discuss, threats, self harm, love bombing, future faking, faith based abuse, and much more.Alisa's website can be found at you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at our Tiktok at you want to be a guest on our show, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 20, 2021 • 1h 40min

22 & The Competitive Physically Abusive Narcissistic Mother - Emotional Abuse, Shame, Self Forgiveness, Narcissist.

Brandon talks with 22 about growing up with a competitive physically abusive narcissistic mother. It’s a story of physical abuse, shame, hyper vigilance, self forgiveness, and the healing process. Plus they discuss, triggers, taking your power back, pride, Tara Brach, Brene Brown, insinuation, story telling, fear of judgement, being voiceless, and much more. This is an unconventional episode with a little bit of a different structure. *** Trigger Warning - This episode discusses graphic depictions of physical abuse ***Thank you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at our Tiktok at you want to be a guest on our show, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 17, 2021 • 60min

15 Bizarre and Maddening Things a Toxic Narcissist Does to Control You - Q&A With Julie L. Hall

Brandon talks with Julie L. Hall (Author, Researcher & Coach) about 15 bizarre and maddening things a toxic narcissist does to control you. Plus they discuss, body issues, trauma, narcissistic families, emotional abuse, gaslighting, and much more.Julie can be reached at you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at our Tiktok at you want to be a guest on our show, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 13, 2021 • 1h 43min

Roman & the Smear Campaign Bluffing Narcissist - Narcissistic Abuse, Divorce, Court, Gaslighting, Custody.

Brandon talks with Roman about his marriage to a narcissistic chameleon that used a bluff and smear campaign against him. It's a story of mirroring, facades, victim playing, threats, triangulation, and the normalization of chaos. Plus they discuss, fear, obligation, guilt, reverse confessions, parallel parenting, gps tracking, recording devices, circular arguments, gaslighting, baiting, reactive abuse, and much more. *** For our female listeners, Roman has a very calm demeanor and is very sweet person. I don't think he will be triggering for any of you. *** SEARCH KEYWORDS - Relationship, Male, Reactive Abuse, Post Separation Abuse, Divorce, Custody, Smear Campaign.Thank you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at our Tiktok at you want to be a guest on our show, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 10, 2021 • 1h 7min

12 Unspoken Rules of Engagement in the Narcissistic Family & the Effect on Future Relationships - Q&A With Julie L. Hall

Brandon talks with Julie L. Hall (Author, Researcher & Coach) about the unspoken rules of engagement in the narcissistic family and the effect on future relationships. Plus they discuss, attachment trauma, narcissist behavior, perfectionism, people pleasing, codependency, the normalization of chaos, emotions, vulnerability, depression, boundaries, CPTSD, disconnecting from your body, and much more.Julie can be reached at you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at our Tiktok at you want to be a guest on our show, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 6, 2021 • 1h 41min

Heira & the Physically Abusive Narcissistic Addict - Domestic Violence, IPV, Narcissist Abuse, Infidelity, Trauma.

Brandon talks to Heira about her physically & verbally abusive relationship to a narcissistic addict. It’s a story of narcissist rage, victim playing, infidelity, fear of judgement, and the hope for change. Plus they discuss, gaslighting, fear, shame, guilt, embarrassment, boundaries, justification, trauma, ptsd, memory gaps, depression, no contact, isolation, anxiety, people pleasing, and much more. ***TRIGGER WARNING - This episode discusses graphic depictions of physical abuse and has graphic sexual language.***Thank you to our sponsor "Operator". Follow “Operator” on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or you can listen early and ad-free by subscribing to Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts or the Wondery App.Thank you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at our Tiktok at you want to be a guest on our show, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 3, 2021 • 1h 9min

Top 10 Signs of a Covert Narcissist & Covert Narcissistic Parents - Q&A with Tracy Malone

Tracy Malone, Author & International Educator, discusses the top 10 signs of covert narcissists, passive-aggressive behavior, gaslighting, smear campaigns, and her book on divorcing narcissists. They delve into trusting oneself, ruminating thoughts, and the impact of covert narcissistic parents on children's self-worth.
Dec 1, 2021 • 57min

J.D. McCabe & The Third Gift: My Dance With The Devil & Her Mother - Domestic Violence, Narcissist Abuse

Brandon talks to J.D. McCabe (Abuse Survivor & Author) about his shockingly true memoir 'The Third Gift: My Dance With The Devil & Her Mother and all of the abuse manipulation tactics that he endured. J.D. maintained a loving relationship with his wife for nearly twenty years before the underpinnings of their marriage, family, and world began to crumble. One day, for reasons Danny could not fathom, his wife became suspicious of his every move. Phone calls, text messages, and work emails were manufactured into proof of infidelity, drug addiction, and a network of lies. The accusations accumulated, twisting reality, and eventually resulting in Danny s involuntary hospitalization. Come listen to his story.To reach J.D. McCabe's website, click here.To buy J.D. McCabe's memoir on Amazon, click here.J.D. McCabe's Instagram can be reached here.If you want to be a guest on our survivor story podcast, please click here or send us an email at narcissistapocalypse@gmail.comThank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Nov 29, 2021 • 1h 48min

Lotus & the Enmeshed Narcissistic Family - Narcissist Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Enmeshment, Coercive Control.

Brandon talks with Lotus about enmeshing with her controlling narcissistic parents. Lotus' story hits all the hallmarks of a romantic abuse/coercive control story, and as her story unfolds, the similarities between the manipulation tactics are impossible to deny. Lotus is 19 and the youngest person to be a guest on our show. However, she's very quotable throughout and wise beyond her years. ***TRIGGER WARING - Physical abuse is briefly discussed on the episode***Thank you to our sponsor "Operator". Follow “Operator” on Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, or you can listen early and ad-free by subscribing to Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts or the Wondery App.Thank you to our sponsor HELLOFRESH. Go to and use code nap14 for up to 14 free meals AND 3 free gifts! Enjoy America’s #1 Meal Kit today!Thank you to our sponsor BETTERHELP. If you need online counseling from anywhere in the world, please do go to Get started today and enjoy 10% off your first month.Thank you to our sponsor Tru Niagen. Tru Niagen is a supplement that’s clinically proven to boost N-A-D levels, an essential coenzyme required for cellular energy and repair. Add more vitality to your life today, with Tru Niagen. Right now, new customers can save 10% on their first purchase by going to and use code nap.If you or someone you know are experiencing abuse, you are not alone. offers an extensive library of articles and resources that can help you make sense of what you're experiencing, connect you with local resources and find ways to heal and move forward. Visit to access this free resource. Join our new Community Social Network at our Instagram Channel at our Youtube Channel at our Tiktok at you want to be a guest on our show, go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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