An episode on the occasion of the publication of the Klaas Schilder Reader. A Neo-Calvinist Bonhoeffer, a "loyal opposition in the Neo-Calvinist tradition", "a theology for the trenches of life". Who was this second generation neo-Calvinist? How did he differ from Kuyper and Bavinck? Join us in a conversation about possible weaknesses in the Neo-Calvinist tradition on sphere sovereignty, common grace, the church as institution etc.
George Harinck, Marinus de Jong and Richard Mouw (eds.), The Klaas Schilder Reader: The Essential Theological Writings (Lexham Academic, 2022)
Marinus de Jong, “The Church is the Means, the World is the End: The Development of Klaas Schilder’s thought on the Church and the World (PhD Thesis, Kampen Theological University, 2019)
Our essential Neo-calvinist reading list:
Primary Sources
Herman Bavinck, “The Catholicity of Christendom and Church” in: Calvin Theological Journal 27 (1992)
Herman Bavinck, “Modernity and Orthodoxy” in The Bavinck Review 7 (2016) also in Bruce Pass (ed.), On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations (Brill)
Bavinck, “The Kingdom of God, The Highest Good” In: The Bavinck Review 2 (2011)
Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism (1898)
Abraham Kuyper, ”Conservatism and orthodoxy: False and True Preservation” in James Bratt (ed.), Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader (Eerdmans, 1998)
Abraham Kuyper, ”Uniformity and the Curse of Modern Life” in James Bratt (ed.), Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader (Eerdmans, 1998)
Secondary Sources
Jessica Joustra and Robert Joustra (eds.), Calvinism for a Secular Age (IVP, 2022)
James Eglinton, Herman Bavinck: A Critical Biography (Baker Academic, 2020)
James Bratt, Abraham Kuyper: Modern Calvinist, Christian Democrat (Eerdmans, 2013)
Cory Brock and Nathanial Sutanto, Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction (Lexham, forthcoming)