Women's Wellness ON AIR WITH ELLA cover image

Women's Wellness ON AIR WITH ELLA

Latest episodes

Mar 3, 2025 • 38min

412: Why is My Hair Thinning? Hormones, Nutrition, & Restoration Options for Hair Loss

Hair loss is a universal struggle for women and men. We’re breaking down the causes behind it - from stress to aging to hormones - and why nutrition is key in the fight against thinning hair. Dr. Alan Bauman shares everything from at-home tips and supplementation to medical options for hair restoration. Whether you're experiencing early signs of thinning or simply want to maintain a healthy head of hair for years to come, this episode is packed with actionable advice.🌟 Guest: @baumanmedical📝 Show notes & transcript: www.onairella.com/post/hair-loss🚨 TIME-SENSITIVE: Listen to this episode for a $50 BUDDY PASS to our Women of Impact event in May!🌟 21 DAYS OF MOVEMENT 🌟 We start our next challenge in IG on March 1st! Get the details here!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 27, 2025 • 15min

410B: Three Strategies for Manifestation & Abundance Thinking {cont'd}

This is Part TWO and we're jumping right back in with the final two strategies for abundance thinking and manifesting our desired reality. Start with PART ONE HERE.📝 Show notes: www.onairella.com/post/410-manifestation-abundance🎧 Related episodes: ▶️ 410A - Perception is Reality - PART ONE of this episode!▶️ 389: "Mastering Identity-Based Change"▶️ 393: "3 Ways to Generate Your Own Motivation"🌟 21 DAYS OF MOVEMENT 🌟 We start our next challenge in IG on March 1st! Get the details here!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 25, 2025 • 31min

410A: Your Perception IS Your Reality: a Science-Based Approach to Manifestation

Why not more money, more enjoyment, and more fun? There's an abundance of good stuff waiting for us, and knowing how to manage our brains is the key to unlocking it. Tune in for the science behind how our beliefs influence our actions, and the strategies we can use to make our brains work FOR us to create a better reality. If you’re ready take charge of your life, let’s get into it ! This was so meaty that I broke it into 2 episodes... you're in the right place to start with PART ONE: 📝 Show notes: www.onairella.com/post/410-manifestation-abundance🎧 Related episodes: ▶️ 389: "Mastering Identity-Based Change" ▶️ 393: "3 Ways to Generate Your Own Motivation"🌟 21 DAYS OF MOVEMENT 🌟 We start our next challenge in IG on March 1st! Get the details here!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 23, 2025 • 3min

🚨 21 Days of MOVEMENT starts March 1st - BRAND NEW INFO 🚨

Connect here: @onairwithellaWe're starting 21 day challenges again! They will happen in IG in a private group available to subscribers only. We will have a private space to communicate and check in daily. It will allow us to interact, for me to share daily inspiration and information - and most importantly, it supports our daily check ins .21 days of ACCOUNTABILITY + COMMUNITY + FUN = NEW HABITS FOREVERIf you’re ready for Spring, this challenge is ready for you!Where else can you get coaching for less than a cup of coffee?March 1 we start with 21 Days of MOVEMENT - you’ll be surprised at what can change in 21 days. I’ll see you in there. xxooElla🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 21, 2025 • 7min

⚡️MINI⚡️ We were designed to MOVE: How to make it happen every day.

A bite-sized boost to your day! (full episode linked below)Daily movement is in alignment with our natural design, but finding time to squeeze it in can feel impossible. But movement doesn’t have to come from killing it in the gym. It can be incredibly simple. Dr. Anthony Balduzzi and Ella chat about how we can integrate more movement into our daily grind without falling into the "all or nothing" trap. 🎧 GET THE FULL EPISODE: 323: Simple Tips for More Energy NOW📝 SHOW NOTES: www.onairella.com/post/323-simple-health-tips🌟 Guest: Dr. Anthony Balduzzi @fitmotherproject🔔 SUBSCRIBE for our full-length, weekly episodes!---------------------------------------Related episodes:▶️ 274: Simple Ways to Feel Better Now ▶️ 305: The Holy Grail of Longevity▶️ 270: Blue Light is Impacting You More Than You Think--------------------------------------🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 16, 2025 • 29min

408: Fit at Any Age - Fiona Lambert is Invincible Not Invisible at 60

Fiona Lambert, renowned UK fashionista, began her fitness journey on a dare before her 60th birthday. She transformed her health and mindset, showing us that it's never too late to prioritize our well-being and transform ourselves - mentally and physically. Fiona is sharing tips for making fitness accessible and fun, and she's is living proof that investing in yourself pays off in spades. She also tells us what menopause was REALLY like and what supplements she's focused on now.I love how Fiona radiates positivity and encourages us to view aging as a celebration - she inspires me!🌟 Guest: @fionalambertofficial📝 Show notes: www.onairella.com/post/fiona-lambert🎧 Related episode: ▶️ 335: "Tosca Reno is Embracing Aging Well"🌟 21 DAYS OF MOVEMENT 🌟 We start our next challenge in IG on March 1st! Get the details here!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 13, 2025 • 9min

⚡️MINI⚡️ Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Relationship 💋 including the 6-second kiss

A bite-sized boost to your day![00:00:46] Healthy relationships and "the positivity ratio"[00:05:09] The importance of touch in relationships.[00:07:12] The role of touch and vulnerability in intimate relationships.🌟 Guest: @luiscongdon🔔 SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW in this app to get our full-length, weekly episodes!--------------------------------------🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 10, 2025 • 20min

406: Why Eating Too Fast = Excess Body Fat; the Best Way to Eat Starchy Carbs; and Hangover Hydration {G/B/Y}

Welcome to the GOOD, the BAD & the YUMMY, where I share one thing I am loving, one thing I am not, and a super simple food tip!The Good: Hydration is more than water! The Bad: Eating too fast is terrible for you - here's whyThe Yummy: A simple tip for getting more benefit out of eating starchy carbs📝 Show notes: www.onairella.com/post/406-eating-too-fast🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 7, 2025 • 11min

👀 EXCLUSIVE PEEK: Audio Newsletter #1

📝 GET THE AUDIO NEWSLETTER: SUBSCRIBE HEREExclusive peek of the audio newsletter, exclusively for email subscribers... because nobody needs another email! In this newsletter:Why an audio newsletter? How does it work?My son's life-altering surgery The new Rx product I added to my skincare - it's good? maybe?The super cheap moisturizer I tried for the first timeLinks mentioned: those are sent in the email, so SUBSCRIBE!🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!
Feb 3, 2025 • 32min

405: Reduce Alcohol Consumption by 80%?! Manage binge drinking (& eating!) - Colleen Kachmann

How much control do we have over our drinking or binge eating behaviors? Do we need to quit alcohol forever? Is addiction a belief state, a behavioral issue, or a chemical one? Is moderation of a 'bad habit' even possible?Mindful drinking coach Colleen Kachmann is sharing her perspective and personal experiences in this hot take of an episode. We're tackling the controversial topic of moderation versus abstinence, addiction versus habit and...00:01:55 - Controversial Perspectives on Alcohol - the mixed messages about alcohol consumption00:02:43 - Colleen's personal experience with heavy drinking 00:04:30 - What is alcohol use disorder & the impact of self-labeling as an alcoholic 00:07:19 - How neuroplasticity can aid in changing habits and beliefs 00:08:08 - What Works for You - choosing the path that aligns with individual beliefs 00:09:49 - The importance of personal choice in recovery 00:10:43 - The belief systems surrounding addiction and the myth of loss of control00:12:59 - Advice for those struggling with alcohol use00:13:30 - The difference between negative & positive goal-setting when trying to change a habit00:16:03 - Interrupting Negative Patterns - Strategies for breaking the cycle of habitual drinking and reconnecting with the body00:19:04 - The importance of identity in the journey of change00:24:40 - Managing Shame and Mistakes - How to handle setbacks 00:27:00 - The Power of Self-Directed Neuroplasticity 🌟 Guest: @thehangoverwhisperer📝 Show notes: www.onairella.com/405-reduce-binge-drinking🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! REGISTER TODAY.🎧 Free Custom Playlist - grab yours here.🛎️ Subscribe to my 🎧 AUDIO newsletter for the behind-the-scenes scoop!-----------------------------------🚨 Join us May 9th for the Women of Impact event in NJ! Code ELLA20 saves $20 for the first 10 people! SAVE YOUR SEAT.💟 Treat Ella to a Coffee? For the cost of a cup of ☕️ you can help us grow - thank you! Make your donation here.🛍️ DISCOUNTS & PROMOS - shop, save and support!Build and keep muscle. Shop Kion Amino Acids - save with promo code ONAIRELLAMy favorite probiotic Oxyceutics - use code ELLA15 to save 15% (use “subscribe & save” for additional 20% discount)>>> See all of my discounts and brands that I love right here!-----------------------------------On Air With Ella is for women who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have more fun doing it. This is where we share simple strategies and tips for living a bit better every day. If you’re interested in mindset and wellness, healthy habits and relationships, or hormone health, aging well and eating well, then you’re in the right place. Connect with Ella: @onairwithella www.onairella.com LinkedInYouTubePrivate Facebook GroupElla's Amazon Shop☎️ Leave a voice message: +1 (202) 681-0388 -----------------------------------------------Want to leave a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review?Click here, scroll to bottom, and tap 5 stars. Then click "Write a Review." If you leave a comment we might read it on the air!

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