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Unstressable with Alice Law

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Jun 30, 2022 • 1h 20min

Episode 47 -Pegah Ghaemi on living in the world of Kurdistan and coming back to her own polarised reality

In this episode I am joined by the wonderful Pegah Ghaemi.  Pegah is an award winning film director, producer, writer and entrepreneur. Her famous documentary 'I Am Yazidi' which she co-produced with the BBC is an incredible insight into the true power of documentary film and what it allows us to see beyond the realms of our own small worlds. In this episode we talked all about: Her own story of becoming a documentary film maker Her experience of going into Iraq and Kurdistan The making of ‘I am Yazidi’ How she came to adjust to life back in normality  How we are all the same – we want the same things Speaking from human to human – heart to heart – not ‘language’ as we know it Being close to a kidnapping Honour killings in Yazidi culture The moments that changed her own outlook on life Accepting reality as it is How empathy towards others is what inspired her to make films The killed, the predator, the bystander – we are all those people in different roles in our lives The power of empathy and becoming the patient Why people think it’s ok to do something that’s really not ok The standards we accept in our different realities – are we really that different? How we see things as a spiritual journey when we are open to receiving life that way How there are always things being reflected back to us in life that we need to relearn ourselves And so much more... Pegah is an award-winning writer, director, producer and an entrepreneur. Her body of work is a wide scope of films – Independent, commercial, fiction and non-fiction. Her films have been selected at many film festivals including the Cannes film festival, Clermont Ferrand, Rotterdam, and Slamdance. She is also a jury member at global film festivals. Her work has been broadcasted on BBC, CNN, Disney, and MBC. She’s the co-founder of The Works Network. The Founding Director at My Film Works and the founder of the creative production company- PEGAH. https://www.pegahghaemi.com/ If you enjoyed listening to this episode then please share it on social media and tag us in your stories we would love to hear from you... Find Pegah IG @pegahghaemi https://www.pegahghaemi.com/ Find Alice IG @lawali_life www.lawali-life.com    
Mar 18, 2022 • 1h 13min

Episode 46 - Michelle Bolling on surviving an abusive relationship & how energetics and spirituality saved her life

* Please note this episode has a trigger warning for those suffering or having suffered from domestic abuse https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/   In this episode I am joined by the wonderful Michelle Bolling. Michelle is a Certified Transformational Coach with a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, an Energy Therapist and an Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner.  She is the founder of Sacred Life, a company that’s dedicated to helping others thrive in their full potential through holistic healing, personal and spiritual development. This was a wonderful and moving conversation with Michelle's incredible personal story of survival and how her own spiritual awakening and using energetics is what got her though and out of an abusive relationship. In this episode we talked all about: Her own story of getting herself out of an abusive relationship Why learning to work with energy is what saved her life Divine Intervention in the form of people and books How her prayer for compassion and empathy gave her influence over her abuser How our own energy can shift the dynamics of energy outside of us The soul is seeking to take the lead in our lives What is a spiritual awakening Understanding our own karmic patterns Soul contracts – the meaning The 8 different energy centres of the soul that we have access to What is means to live in alignment with your soul Why self-love is really a spiritual practice & the practices we can do to cultivate it Why an empathic centre of connection is the key to healing The importance of holding space for joy within sadness Why connecting to the heart is where we connect to the soul And so much more... Michelle offers a combination of transformational coaching, energy psychology, and intuitive spiritual counselling, providing a unique and highly customised experience, integrating the body, mind, heart and soul. Further, she teaches transformational tools for daily life for optimal self-mastery and well-being.   She is also a writer, teacher, workshop facilitator, and a trainer of other holistic wellness professionals. She regularly shares transformational tools and resources on her blog and through her newsletter, The Power In You.   Find Michelle here:   IG: Michelle's Instagram Website: sacredlifeempowerment.com   If you did enjoy the episode then share it with someone you love and tag us on social media, we would love to hear from you!   Get in touch with Alice here: IG: @lawali_life LinkedIn www.lawali-life.com          
Mar 3, 2022 • 1h 12min

Episode 45 - Skip Archimedes on being told he would never walk again to changing his destiny and helping others to change their own

In this episode Alice is joined by the amazing Skip Archimedes - Skip is an International Speaker, Transformational Coach and a former Gymnastics and Aerobatics World Champion. Skip was a competitive gymnast who overcame serious injuries, illnesses, a family break-up, obesity and depression to become a Gymnastic Champion. Then during training he experienced a living nightmare and broke his back! Doctors and Specialists said he would never walk again. Unwilling to accept this prognosis and inspired by Bruce Lee, he used the power of his mind and self-belief to find a cure. Within just 6 months he started to learn how to walk again. Within 18 months he had returned to become English Sports Acrobatics Champion. In this episode we talked all about: - His life before gymnastics - Becoming a gymnastics champion - The accident that Doctors believed would see him never walk again - How he healed himself to go on and become an acrobatic champion -  Why people stop themselves from living their true potential - The 'Super Charge Frequency' that allows us to create the life we want - The intelligence beyond our physical body and how to reconnect to that part of ourselves - The importance of asking your soul for guidance & pushing the fears of the mind away and so much more... For Skip's free gift to listeners click here - https://breakthrough.skiparchimedes.com/3-key-masterclass-registration   Skip went on a worldwide journey to meet and work with international experts to discover the truth about why some people get stuck in thoughts and programs that don’t serve them, while others have the inner strength to move forwards and live an empowered life of fulfilment, financial abundance, success, personal achievement, health and vitality. Armed with these often forgotten secrets he is now a transformational coach and internationally acclaimed speaker and author, dedicating his life to helping people overcome the physical, financial, personal, nutritional, emotional and spiritual problems in their lives to become the best they can be.   Find Skip below: https://skiparchimedes.com/ IG: @skiparchimedes If you enjoyed today's episode with the wonderful Skip then please share it on social media and tag us to let us know, we would love to hear from you!   You can find me below: IG: @lawali_life www.lawali-life.com LinkedIn  
Dec 9, 2021 • 1h 7min

Episode 44 - Polly Bateman on how our past affects our future & becoming the master of both

In today's episode I am joined by the wonderful Polly Bateman. Polly is a straight-talking & humorous mindset & performance mentor. After turning her own life around Polly's main focus is to restore your relationship with yourself which enables you to step into being empowered and free, so you can truly live your best life personally and professionally. I loved this episode talking all about how our past effects our future & what we can do to change that to the outcome we want. In this episode we talked all about: Why the trauma of her childhood made her want to be an entrepreneur How the abuse from her stepdad lead her to truly understand empathy The power of studying yourself – what makes me do what I do, think what I think & feel the way I feel Piecing together how we get coded as humans If we don’t know how we have come to be in this moment, then we can’t direct our life The 2 things we are all coded by The 3 awareness’s we have from a young age  Why her greatest loss was the loss of those years where she wasn’t her own friend How restoring her relationship with herself led her to like everyone else Learning that forgiveness is accepting it, not validating it How every single polarity sits inside of all of us Accepting our past as the way to transform our future Why we can’t manage our past until we understand how it’s managing us Why vulnerability is so misunderstood Why we need to push the boundaries of mental health with things like psilocybin How she restores people’s relationships with themselves How our own personal biases filter things in and out – we see what we want to see Why we are all constantly manifesting, but directly in correlation to your view of yourself in the world The power of just being And so much more... Straight-talking, empathetic, and disarmingly humorous, mindset and performance mentor Polly Bateman is here to disrupt your beliefs and break through the self-imposed barriers that limit your potential. Her clients come from all walks of life, from entrepreneurs and C-suite executives through to public figures and world-class athletes.    www.pollybateman.com IG: @thepollybateman   If you enjoyed today's episode with the wonderful Polly then please share it on social media and tag us to let us know, we would love to hear from you! IG: @lawali_life www.lawali-life.com  
Nov 26, 2021 • 1h 9min

Episode 43 Tori Jenae - On understanding soulmates & why our own healing is the key to finding true love

In this episode I am joined again by the wonderful Tori Jenae (go to episode 1 if you haven't already listened to her incredibly inspiring story.  But today I bring Tori back to talk about a topic close to everyone's hearts - relationships & love. Tori is a Spiritual Counselor &  Energy Therapist, I just loved talking to her about this topic and getting her infinite wisdom on something that so many struggle with when both in a relationship & when searching for one. She comes at the topic of love & relationships from a spiritual perspective & a deeper understanding which is so powerful. In this episode we talked all about: - Love & relationships - What the real meaning of a soulmate is & why Hollywood have it wrong - Why we sabotage ourselves within our relationships through not healing our wounds - Why dating is meant to be a spiritual partnership - Why children will come to you when they are meant to spiritually, so we shouldn't be in fear  - Manifesting love & being clear on what you want - The importance of falling in love over and over in a long-term relationship - Why when the universe wants you to find a soul it will help you to do so - Surrendering our heart to someone & being unattached - Why people get their karma & destiny mixed up in love & so much more... Tori Jenae is a Spiritual Counselor and Energy Therapist.  She helps women become powerful creators of their own life by aligning with their soul and healing the mind and body to manifest the health, love and abundance they deeply desire.    Tori holds a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Psychology as well as a secondary Masters degree specialization in transformational coaching. She’s also a certified yoga and meditation teacher at the 500 hour level and trained in Energy Psychology. Energy Psychology is an energy modality, approved by the American Psychological Association, that clears deep emotions, beliefs, and difficult experiences like emotional trauma.    She effortlessly blends Western Psychology and Eastern Vedic Wisdom to help her clients get big results.   Find Tori here: website: www.torijenae.com IG & FB: @manifestsoulsuccess    If you did enjoy this episode then please share it on your stories tag us on IG & let us know, we would love to hear from you.   Alice: www.lawali-life.com IG: @lawali_life LinkedIn: Alice Law Stress Management
Nov 11, 2021 • 55min

Episode 42 - Dorota Stanczyk on understanding Self-Love & the power of being unapologetically aligned with who you really are

In this episode I am joined by the wonderful Dorota Stanczyk.  Dorota is a Polish transformational artist, creative director, conscious creativity trainer, speaker and author of the book “(Re)-Create Yourself”. She designs digital products and experiences in the wellness industry, that merge fine arts, interactive technology and personal growth. Dorota delivers talks and training on Conscious Creativity and Self-Love, and consults on creating strong brand awareness and visual identity for brands and artists around the world. She is the co-founder of Appii App and founder of Moonkava and INNERART. I loved this episode as we explored the topic of what true Self-Love is and most importantly is not. As well as the link it has to our Romantic life. In this this episode we talked all about: What self-love is not The physical and mental abuse from her brother that resulted in her rejecting herself & her own journey to self-love The physical ailments she suffered due to her own self-rejection Being guided to surrender by life The moment she detached from her body & healed Why you can’t explain self-love to someone who isn’t ready to love themselves Overcomplicating the simplicity of life Why when you are unapologetically aligned with who you are everything is simple How our childhood shapes our future The liberation in breaking your heart Why love can't actually hurt you & so much more...   Dorota has worked with brands including Christian Dior, Sony, Alexis Mabill, Nouvelle Vague Music, Under the Influence Magazine, 25th Street Recording, Pinna Records and others. Her talent has been recognised through numerous awards, including Photo Awards for Creative Direction and the Oakland Independent Artist’s Award for “Best Music Video”. As the Executive Creative Director of Mindvalley for two years, Dorota applied her knowledge to support innovative learning approaches and led a large 30+ people team of filmmakers, designers, writers, and content marketing specialists. She has worked with authors and influencers such as: Wim Hof, Jason Silva, Steven Kotler, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Lisa Nichols, Jim Kwick, Russell Simmons, Nassim Haramein, Vishen Lakhiani, Gelong Tubten, Dave Asprey, Nicole Bradford, Mo Gawdat, Erick Edmeades, Srikumar Rao, Marisa Peer, Dona Eden and more. In 2020, Dorota co-founded Appii App with Mo Gawdat, the former chief business officer for Google X and author of the book Solve for Happy. Appii is a global happiness app, a “how to be happy” platform for anyone with experience and knowledge to share anything on happiness. It’s a digital marketplace experience for ‘acquiring knowledge on happiness' that makes learning affordable, accessible and social. In March 2022 her first  book “Re-create yourself” will be published by Hodder&Stoughton | Hachette, UK.   If you enjoyed this episode then share and tag us on social media - we would love to hear from:   Dorota Stanczyk IG: @dorotastanczykart https://www.dorotastanczyk.com/   Alice Law IG: @lawali_life www.lawali-life.com  
Nov 2, 2021 • 1h 9min

Episode 41 - Mo Gawdat on the threat of A.I & how the best parts of our own humanity are what will save us

In today's episode I am joined once again by the wonderful Mo Gawdat (if you haven't already listened to his previous episode, flick back and hear his incredibly inspiring outlook and story). Mo is the Ex Chief Business Officer of Google X & Author of International Best-Seller Solve For Happy & his new Best Seller Scary Smart and a serial Entrepreneur. In this episode we discuss the amazing combination of Artificial Intelligence & our own humanity, in his incredible new book Scary Smart which highlights the impending reality of Artificial Intelligence from his unique perspective of having built some of the A.I we now all take for granted & the truth about where it is going, but how our own best qualities of humanity will be what makes this a good thing, if we show up to ensure it. I loved this conversation, talking about this topic from such an emotionally intelligent perspective and listening to Mo's innate wisdom at every turn. In this episode we talked all about: - Mo's incredible career in the tech industry as the Chief Business Officer of Google X (Google's Moonshot & Innovation Arm) - The threat of A.I & how know one knows where it is going to go - The reality of having always lived on a planet as the smartest beings, when soon we shall not be - How our own humanity is what will save us - How our Spiritual values are needed to help the machines learn the best parts of us - How machines really learn - Why we must all try to do our best so that A.I follows us - How showing up as your best self is what is the most important for A.I & the world -  The 3 values humanity agrees on & why we must use them now & so much more.... After a 30 year career in tech and serving as Chief Business Officer at Google [X], Google's 'moonshot factory' of innovation, Mo has made happiness his primary topic of research, diving deeply into literature and conversing on the topic with some of the wisest people in the world. In 2014, motivated by the tragic loss of his son, Ali, Mo began pouring his findings into his international bestselling book, Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy. His mission to help one billion people become happier, #OneBillionHappy, is his moonshot attempt to honor Ali by spreading the message that happiness can be learned and shared to one billion people. In 2020, Mo launched his chart-topping podcast, Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat, a weekly series of extraordinary interviews that explores the profound questions and obstacles we all face in the pursuit of purpose and happiness in our lives. ​His latest book is Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World, a roadmap detailing how humanity can ensure a symbiotic coexistence with AI when it inevitably becomes a billion times smarter than we are. If you enjoyed this episode then find us here on social media & tag us in your stories we would love to hear from you:   Mo - Instagram Alice - Instagram    www.lawali-life.com
Sep 17, 2021 • 60min

Episode 40 - Sophie Elwes on the party that left her paralysed from the chest down & how we can always find something to be thankful for

In this episode Alice is joined by Sophie Elwes. Sophie is a mentor for the spinal injuries charity, backuptrust.org.uk, a para-athlete waterskiing & wake-boarding for Great Britain and host of her podcast - A Life Less Ordinary with Sophie Elwes. In 2011, at age 22, Sophie fell 8 meters while at a party and was given a 40% chance of survival. She was left paralysed from the chest down and dependent on a wheelchair. Despite this adversity, she went on to spend several years alpine skiing as a member of the British Disabled Ski Team and then decided admirably that wasn't actually what she wanted and it was time to come back to London.  Since then she works as a mentor for the Back Up Trust and now waterskis for Great Britain!  She is truly such an inspiring human to listen to and learn from.  In this episode we talked all about: - The accident that left her paralysed & life beforehand - Her experience of waking up in hospital afterwards & coming back to life after her accident - Feeling isolated and losing friends after - How we become wiser with time after trauma - The struggles of people's general reactions to a spinal chord injury - Being on track for the Paralympics GB ski team and the refreshing realisation that wasn't what she actually wanted - How we can educate ourselves on ableism  - The growth she experienced from becoming paralysed - The true power of being in service to others And so much more... I hope you enjoy this truly inspiring episode! If you do enjoy this episode then find us below on social media, tag us in your stories! We would love to hear from you Find Sophie here on: Instagram & her Podcast A Life Less Ordinary with Sophie Elwes. www.backuptrust.org    Find me here on: Instagram: @lawali_life LinkedIn www.lawali-life.com
Aug 6, 2021 • 1h 5min

Episode 39 - Yalda Alaoui on how she healed the auto-immune disease that nearly took her life & the power of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle

In this episode Alice is joined by Yalda Alaoui. Founder of the platform Eat Burn Sleep. Yalda Alaoui is a gut health and inflammation expert, former capital market professional, and a mother of two boys aged 10 and 12. Yalda has always been interested in health. However, it is her own health journey and the fact that she was diagnosed with two auto-immune diseases – Ulcerative Colitis in 2017 and Auto-Immune Haemolytic Anaemia- in 2012 – that made her begin to extensively research nutrition and health. During her research, Yalda began to understand that the key factor in many non-communicable diseases is chronic inflammation and, as a consequence, also gut health.  I loved this episode as I found Yalda's story so inspiring and her research amazing - since recording I have been using the platform myself and have found it is doing wonders for my own health. In this episode we talked all about: - Yalda's own incredible story from curing herself from the multiple auto-immune diseases that nearly took her life - The health journey that led her to understand how she was eating could save her life - The true importance of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle - What her platform Eat Burn Sleep is all about - The importance of understanding the difference and varied strengths of both natural & functional medicine and emergency medicine - Why being a perfectionist to ourselves is not worth it - Her own NDE (Near death experience) in hospital - The power of not being scared of death - How the loss of her cousin to a terrorist attack changed how she viewed life - The difference between Eastern and Western cultures approaches to grief and death and so much more... If you would like to try Yalda's Eat Burn Sleep platform and use the discount she has kindly given all of you wonderful listeners of mine - then click the link below and enter the code ALICE20 at checkout for 20% off https://eatburnsleep.com/improve-gut-health/ After many years of trial and error, she has finally managed to keep herself in remission and live a normal life again. Not only that, but Yalda is also healthier than she has ever been. Many medical professionals now consider Yalda to be an authority in this area and often contact her to help solve new medical issues arising which are challenging the medical establishment. As a result of this success and her passion for health, Yalda decided to share her knowledge and help more people. In 2018 Eat Burn Sleep was born and by now, thousands of people around the globe have embraced the Eat Burn Sleep anti-inflammatory lifestyle and have managed to significantly improve their health.   If you enjoyed the episode then come find us on social media - share and tag us in your stories, we would love to hear from you! Me: IG: @lawali_life www.lawali-life.com   Yalda: IG: @eatburnsleep https://eatburnsleep.com/ Just use the code ALICE20 at checkout for 20% off    
Jul 30, 2021 • 48min

Episode 38 - Jamie Clements on the power behind not 'man'ing up' & the contagious nature of vulnerability

In this episode Alice is joined by Jamie Clements. Jamie is a breathwork coach and mental health advocate and Founder of The Breath Space and the Man Down Podcast. Jamie's work is centred around emotional awareness and integration through vulnerability, with a specific focus on breathwork & masculinity. I loved this conversation as it was really amazing to hear a male perspective on things like the power of vulnerability and why toxic masculinity has come to this point and what we can all do to change that! In this episode we talked all about: - How the loss of Jamie's friend George to suicide, led him to move towards the work he now does around mental health - The generational gap between men's vulnerability - The contagious nature of vulnerability for both men & women - Why we can't expect others to be honest with us if we are not willing to be honest with ourselves - Masculinity & men's mental health - The power of our breath to heal our traumas - Why so many of us are not using the greatest tool we all have properly (our breath) & so much more...   If you do enjoy this episode then find us below on social media, tag us in your stories! We would love to hear from you Alice: @lawali_life www.lawali-life.com   Jamie Clements: @jamieclements_ www.thebreathspace.co.uk    

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