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The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast | ELA

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Nov 23, 2023 • 5min

241: Highly Recommended: Reframe Argument like This for English Students

This week I want to talk about argument, and why it sometimes seems so esoteric to kids when they learn about it in class, and so relevant when they watch it unfold on their screens.  This week a member of our Lighthouse community threw out a question - is the five paragraph essay dead? It felt like a pretty important question for our community of English teachers, and soon got me thinking about my experience as someone who basically writes all day long. I write podcasts, blog posts, Instagram carousels, social media captions, interview outlines, and emails from morning til night. And I am very often trying to argue something. I argue that slam poetry will help you engage students with poetry. Or that it’s important to build art and design into ELA classes because communication is increasingly through multimedia. Or that student podcasting is not as hard as it seems.  But do I use the 5 paragraph essay structure that I learned back in my high school English and history classes? Do I use formal language and avoid contractions and keep slang out of it and always always always use 3rd person?  Interesting question. I often do use elements of the 5 paragraph essay. Hooks matter. Introducing what a piece is going to be about from the get go so people know what to expect. Supporting ideas with anecdotes, statistics, or relevant visuals to help bring home a point that makes the argument. Wrapping it all up, at least to some extent, with a concluding bow.  But I almost never go with formal language or 3rd person, and the extensive online writing class I took long ago basically told me I had better use contractions or suffer the consequences of sounding stilted and distant. Slang, pop culture references, and a good GIF help me make my point. Even emojis have been recommended to me by professionals in the online community as important additions to certain types of writing. So this week, I want to suggest that you talk with kids about how argument shows up in their world - maybe even ask them to go on a scavenger hunt for argument.  What TikTokers are out there making an argument? What are Youtubers trying to sell, and how do they make their case? What Instagram accounts make an interesting enough point about, well, anything, that your students stick around to read it?  These are arguments being made as surely as students are often asked to make arguments about The Great Gatsby, and the two are more related than it might seem on the surface.  Think about ways you can build argument into other types of assignments, in addition to the argumentative essay. But export the language. Teach kids the power of a hook on a research-based Instagram carousel. Show them how they need to use real evidence to back up the main points in an infographic, and how they still need a full sources cited.  Let them try writing emails to the school board about something they’re passionate about, and don’t stipulate the number of paragraphs so much as the clarity of the ideas and the evidence to support them.  I think of the 5 paragraph essay as a super-scaffolded ELA practice round for the writing waiting for kids in the world. Is it dead? Nope. Is it the end-all-be-all of argument? Definitely not. Can we frame it that way for our kids, kind of like batting practice for a professional athlete? Yep. And this week, I want to highly recommend that we do.    Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   
Nov 21, 2023 • 20min

240: Easy Ways to use Performance Poetry in ELA (and why you Should!)

When it comes to an engaging poetry unit, I believe the #1 building block is performance. There's something about watching contemporary poets stand up and deliver their work that is undeniably engaging. Kids might hate the piece they see performed. They might love it. They might feel their skin crawl watching it because they think the poet is so awkward... or get goosebumps because it so exactly describes their own experience. But whether they love it or they hate it, in my experience, they're INTO it. They're THERE for it. And they love debating about it. So today on the podcast, I want to talk about performance poetry, and how to use it in your classroom. By the end of this episode, you'll walk away with my favorite clips, lesson ideas, and classroom event possibilities. See the Full Show Notes at Spark Creativity The Black Friday Catalogue  Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   
Nov 16, 2023 • 5min

239: Highly Recommended: Use One-Pagers as a Creative Gateway

This week I want to talk about how one-pagers can be a powerful gateway to creative options in your classroom.  Let’s start with the one-pager basics. A one-pager allows students to express their takeaways from, well, just about anything, on a single paper through a combination of words and images. A one-pager can includes quotations, analysis, key terms, imagery, special fonts, symbolic colors, and more. You probably already know that my #1 tip for one-pagers is to give students a template that connects the elements that you want with a location on a template, so kids don’t feel overwhelmed as they begin to experiment.  You can try your first one-pager with a novel, a Ted talk, a poem, a short story, a play, a song, a podcast... You get the idea!  One of the great things about one-pagers is that they open the door to this form of dual expression, where kids are communicating their ideas through both words and visuals. Take a second to talk to them about how prevalent this is in the world. Ask them to consider political campaigns, social media, Youtube, online news. Get them started thinking about how often they see only words or only pictures, and how often it’s actually a combination that expresses ideas most effectively and memorably.  As students realize that their simple first step of a one-pager is actually guiding them into a new genre of expression, one that parallels many forms of real world communication, they may open up to more type of creative projects in class. You may find them more excited about research carousels, infographics, book trailers, and more real-world projects that bring visuals onto the scene to complement their writing. You may find that fewer students scoff that art is a waste of their time.  If you haven’t tried a one-pager yet, this week I want to highly recommend that you dive in! I’ll link my free templates for any novel in the show notes. And if you have, give a little thought to how you can use them as a gateway in students’ minds. It’s a powerful shift in how we see the world, and one that can benefit your creative classroom.  Free One-Pager Templates Here Black Friday Menu for Next Week Starting Monday (Each Button Goes Live on its Day of the Week) Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   
Nov 14, 2023 • 12min

238: Let me Plan your ELA Lessons the Week before Thanksgiving

The week before Thanksgiving it's easy to feel a little scattered! For teachers AND students. It can be nice to take a break from your main unit and focus on some activities that still promote ELA skills but give kids something freshly engaging to focus on. Since I imagine your attention is a bit divided at the moment between lesson planning, menu planning, and maybe even packing lists, I'd like to give you three day's worth of activities that you can plug and play next week to take the pressure off yourself. Links Mentioned in the Show: Preview the fun Black Friday week deals (including The Lighthouse $1 trial) here.  Free Native American Heritage Month Display: You can grab it here. You can make your copy of the guided gratitude journal and thank you notes here. Get the poetry tiles here.  Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!     
Nov 9, 2023 • 7min

237: Highly Recommended: Don't Grade it All

This week I want to share advice I only wish someone had given me long ago - don’t grade everything your students create in class.  It’s easy to feel pressure to put a grade on everything students make. They often come in expecting to see a letter on top of every single piece of paper they create for you.  But ew. It’s impossible to keep up, and it doesn’t necessarily benefit them for you to try.  Instead, think about how you can grade what really shows what they’ve learned, and build in ways to validate their effort on other things. Maybe you do 5 bellringers a week, and the grading load is crushing you. Try walking around with a stamp and stamping them as students complete them. They see that you’re noticing their work, and you can give them a completion grade for the week, taking off for kids who repeatedly DON’T do the work. Or you could invite students to choose their favorite on Friday that really shows their mastery and effort, and turn that one in for you to see. Let’s look at another scenario. Your students are working on their argument writing, and you’re planning to do a series of five prompts with them. Think about how you can build in self-editing stations (with tips from you build into the stations), peer editing, and revision practice focused on specific skills you know they need to work on throughout the unit. Then invite them to turn in a final draft of just one of the prompts for you to grade.  I could go on and on with examples, but the main thing is to remember: you don’t have to grade it all. Use stickers, stamps, check marks, peer feedback, and selected pieces to turn in for grading to validate your students effort, and save your grading time for what really counts.  I highly recommend you give yourself permission to stop grading everything, and see how much creative planning time you can get back into your day!  Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   
Nov 8, 2023 • 19min

236: When your English Students just... Don't Care

We've all been there. You walk into your English class, unveil your new ELA lesson plan with all the joy and care of a museum curator lifting the veil on a new Van Gogh, and your students just... don't care. They've got their own problems. Their own stresses. They decided in 4th grade they didn't like reading. In 5th grade that they "weren't creative." In 7th grade that they needed to give serious attention to social media if they wanted to stay cool. And now they're sitting in your class, eyes not-so-subtly glued to the little glowing screen under their desk or the clock above your MLA poster display. So what do you do? In today's podcast, I'll share five different paths you might take to help them tap back into ELA. Choose your favorite, connect the dots on two or three, or try them all. Focus on Connection One way to chip away at apathy is to focus on connecting with students on a personal level. Maybe you come up with fun nicknames for kids you're trying to gently attract back into the ELA sphere. Maybe you make it to some sports games and get to talking with your student-athletes about the season. Maybe you work on some templates for positive notes home, and you send a slew of them every week. Maybe you do some serious student surveying about their interests, past reading lives, favorite types of projects, favorite EVERYTHING, so you can keep their personalities and histories in mind as you design curriculum. When you focus on connection, you help student start to feel more at home in class and more interested in paying attention. The relationships you have with kids can help them overcome their apathy, often in connection with some of the other strategies we're talking about today. One of the quickest, easiest ways to get started with relationship building in my experience is to use Attendance Questions. This quick five minute activity for the start of class is an automatic point of connection with every student. Whether you go with silly or serious questions, you give every student a chance to tell you something about themselves. You can grab three weeks of fun questions to get started for free right here.  Incorporate Student Interests in your Work whenever you Can I was reminded of how crucial student interests can be last year when I interviewed C.J. Reynolds about enjoyable classroom management strategies. He shared his wish that his teachers could have explained the hero's journey to him in terms of the movies he was loving as a teen, and how quickly that would have helped him understand it. C.J. tries hard to keep a handle on the T.V. shows, movies, Manga, etc. that his students love so that he can build it into class content and assignments, and ask kids about it in the in-between times. It's a strategy worth trying. Might your students be excited about writing argument practice about the One Chip Challenge? Might they enjoy analyzing the tone in Taylor Swift Songs? Might they look up in shock when you reference the crazy trend their favorite Tik-Toker just started as you move into your rhetorical analysis unit? Incorporating your students' interests anywhere and everywhere you can will help you build relationships with them (which we already talked about!) and it can also help you reel them in to be more interested in the work. A kid who dreams of being a Youtuber might be a lot more interested in creating a video documentary about a local change-maker than about writing a research paper about a historical changemaker. And you can build in a whole lot of the same skills... Ride your Choice Reading Program to Better Relationships and Motivation As an introvert, it wasn't always easy for me to chat with my students between periods. I wasn't the teacher out in the hall cracking jokes and inventing hilarious nicknames. But once I started working seriously on my choice reading program, it became a major vehicle for helping me connect with my students and motivate them more across all of our class content. I vividly remember my student Toran, in Bulgaria. He seemed to survey our class from some higher plane, smiling ironically at my attempts to engage him and generally staying out of every activity and discussion he could manage to avoid. He was smart, but he didn't really seem to care. After a few reading sessions in our choice reading unit, I realized he was reading nothing but super dense history books, many hundreds of pages long. He was incredibly interested in history, and willing to spend hours poring over it any time he was given the opportunity. Bingo. Our conversations changed entirely. When he realized how eager I was to help him find books that matched his interests, and to hear what he was learning, he warmed up to me and the class in general. I still remember his incredible slam poem about living in Bulgaria from later in the year, when he was one of our class slam winners. What a long way he came. I could tell you a lot of stories like this, but instead I'll encourage you to go and find your own! When you focus significant energy on your reading program, you'll find new ways to connect with kids, see their reading skills, motivation, and stamina improve, AND oten see their interest in your class go up. That's been my experience across classes, years, and even countries. Not sure where to start with independent reading? I boiled down all my best advice and resources into one epic toolkit for you. Grab my free choice reading toolkit here. Choose Projects with a Hook If you've been around here for long, you'll know I think projects can be a powerful motivator for any unit. I like to use the name "Showcase Projects." With a showcase project, students are going to be sharing something amazing that they create, and they're going to be working on that amazing something all through the unit. In fact, that showcase project is going to function as their motivation to learn the skills needed in the unit. To follow up on the documentary project I mentioned before, maybe you're going to host a film festival of short documentaries your students produce at the end of a unit on research and interview skills. As you teach them about hooks, B roll, researching background information on their documentary subjects, building interview questions, effective film angles, media mixing, and more, they'll have a powerful reason to pay attention. Their documentary will soon be competing in your school film festival, and more people will be watching it than just their teacher. Wrapping a poetry unit with a poetry slam, a theater unit with a play performance, a nonfiction unit with a podcast project, a novel unit with a literary food truck festival - these are all examples of connecting a project with a strong hook and an authentic audience with materials students may or may not be excited about at first. I have had consistent success using special projects as a hook to help students get interested in all different types of content, so I can honestly recommend it as a great way to fight against apathy and disconnection. Try Different Types of Texts Sometimes kids who have been turned off to ELA just need another way to engage with a text than a long novel. A novel-in-verse is a great option, and Jason Reynolds has some stellar ones, but so do a lot of other folks! Check out this fun show from last year about a novel-in-verse book club unit that kept seniors engaged all the way to the end of the year in Caitlin Lore's classroom. Book clubs in general can be a great way to reel students back in, since they provide for choice within any genre or theme focus you want to share. A memoir book club with books by people students admire could work well, or an identity book club with titles that students can relate to. Graphic novels are another amazing option. This genre has exploded in recent years, and the research tells us that graphic novels are a major hook for student readers. Swapping in Gareth Hinds' versions of classics like The Odyssey or Romeo and Juliet might help students re-engage, and you can always bring in parts of the traditional text to complement the graphic novel once students have become interested. Then there are all the options available through the media, like National Geographic's amazing series of short documentaries, podcasts, and short films. You can teach ELA skills with such a range of texts, and online multimedia is freely available, so you can always build a short and engaging unit around it to help start a new chapter with students who aren't engaging. Choose your own Adventure You know best which of these pathways might best help you help your students. Maybe it's a combination, but remember, you don't have to put it all in place at once. Try out some attendance questions this week, start working on some content based on students' interests next time you're building new writing or speaking prompts, think about your choice reading program or start previewing some graphic. novels... whatever you can fit, whenever you can fit it. And slowly but surely, I think you'll see more engagement. More students caring. More classes that gain momentum instead of feeling like a struggle. I'll be cheering for you!   Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   
Nov 2, 2023 • 3min

235: Highly Recommended: Gene Luen Yang's Ted Talk

I want you to watch Gene Luen Yang's Ted talk called “Comics Belong in the Classroom!”  Here's why. It's a hilarious look at why comics are such a powerful medium for our students, how they accidentally got classified as a negative influence on young people (with totally false evidence) and the power they can actually wield for good - Avengers-style. I was so amazed to learn that library usage goes up 82% in libraries that feature graphic novels, according to a School Library journal article.  This Ted Talk is a quick watch. Gene Luen Yang gives a stellar overview of why comics and graphic novels are so helpful for students, how they fell from grace, and why they deserve their current rise to popularity.  Grab a minute to watch it HERE, and then maybe share it with your department! If you've been struggling to get others onboard with a graphic novel book club, a graphic novel unit, or new graphic novels for your choice reading library, this talk just might help.    Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   
Oct 31, 2023 • 31min

234: Closing the Opportunity Gap, with Reid Saaris

Today on the podcast, we’re joined by education leader Reid Saaris. He’s the founder of Equal Opportunity Schools, a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that students of all backgrounds have opportunities to succeed at the highest levels. He is an Echoing Green, a Draper Richards Kaplan, and a Stanford Social Innovation Fellow, and has advised federal, state, & local leaders, teachers, philanthropies, companies, and universities on topics like justice, impact, data analysis, communications, and learning.  His most challenging and meaningful professional experiences have been as a classroom teacher. He’s the author of the new book THE KID ACROSS THE HALL. Today we’ll be talking about why what is often called the achievement gap in schools is actually an opportunity gap, and what teachers can do about it, starting immediately. To follow along with his journey, visit He's currently running for Washington State Superintendent.   Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you! 
Oct 26, 2023 • 3min

233: Highly Recommended: Teach Living Poets

This week I want to share a wonderful website and resource with you, Melissa Alter Smith’s brainchild, Teach Living Poets. When I first started teaching poetry, it couldn’t have been clearer to me that students needed modern poets to relate to. Though we eventually enjoyed unpacking poems like Wallace Stevens’ “13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird,” that was only because we started with a lot of performance poetry, modern poems students leaned into and even loved.  Melissa Alter Smith, founder of the #teachlivingpoets hashtag, creator of the website of the same name, and author of a book on the subject, has created an incredible resource for teachers who want to bring more modern poetry into their classrooms. Since I interviewed her on the show to share her Amanda Gorman lessons, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate on a number of projects with her showcasing other living poets and crafting poetry workshops for teens, and I'm so impressed by her imagination and the way she pushes kids to think deeply about poetry and then express themselves both through analysis and creative writing.  That’s why today I want to highly recommend you go and check out her work. Take a tour of, visit the amazing virtual library of work available to you there, and find a new poetry workshop to add to your lessons this year. See how your students respond, and then go back for more! Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   
Oct 24, 2023 • 45min

232: Building More Inclusive Classrooms with Dr. Mark Gooden

Today on the podcast, we’re sitting down with Dr. Mark Gooden, the Christian Johnson Endeavor Professor in Education Leadership and Director of the Endeavor Antiracist & Restorative Leadership Initiative (EARLI) in the Department of Organization and Leadership at Teachers College, Columbia University. He’s got a new book out, 5 Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership, offering five methods to increase educational equity and eliminate marginalization based on race, disability, socioeconomics, language, gender, and sexual identity, and religion.  In this interview, I asked Dr. Gooden to bring his work right into the ELA classroom. You’re going to hear his thoughts on what it means to be an anti-racist teacher in the long term, how to listen better to the people in your community, how to fight for diverse books, and more.  Go Further:  Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast. Join our community, Creative High School English, on Facebook. Come hang out on Instagram.  Enjoying the podcast? Please consider sharing it with a friend, snagging a screenshot to share on the ‘gram, or tapping those ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ to help others discover the show. Thank you!   

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