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Feb 16, 2023 • 1h 57min

34: The Replication Crisis, Human Senses, and Pride Flags

Is psychology doomed, or could the reproducibility crisis a good thing?  How many senses do we really have?  And what's the history behind all the pride flags you see?Check out:Maintenance Phase's Episode on Brian Wansink's DownfallStrange Aeons (on My Immortal Authors)Support us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: We’re already learning! god i hate the stanford prison experiment, the four horsemen of the reproducibility crisis, the file drawer effect, honestly this horseman sounds like capitalism, what if we stopped saying “statistically significant”, Brian Wansink’s food studies and The Grad Student Who Never Said “No”, Brian this is a joke right? P-hacking the topic itself, failure to replicate isn’t the end of the world, “I Read ALL 100 Replications”, differences between the social and biological sciences, D.A.R.E for science! pre-registering a meta-analysis on pre-registration, the many good horses that work against the apocalypse, my eyes are named Dex and Sid, gustation, grilling my friends about guessing the 5 flavors, taste subclasses, touching our fingers together for half an hour, different receptors for light and hard touch, referred pain, feeling temperature in our bones, we have more cold receptors than heat, don’t test proprioception if you’re driving, it’s 10 o clock do you know where your limbs are?, the real sixth sense, losing proprioception, interoception, the holiday paradox, animal senses, ancient Egypt invented the rainbow flag, the RGB values of flags, Gilbert Baker, Harvey Milk “we needed something beautiful, something from us”, volunteers coming together to construct the first flag, oh they couldn’t just amazon a flag they had to make it, the pink is just impractical guys, the mile long flag, the Philadelphia Eagles Pride Flag, one flag to rule them all, lavender menaces, lesbian flag losing its lips.Sources:Estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological ScienceNature Survey on Reproducibility CrisisThe Four Horsemen of IrreproducibilityVox on Replication CrisisWansink's Blog PostThe Cut on Wansink's DownfallArstechnica on WansinkSpurious CorrelationsAnalysis of Wansink's ErrorsGelman & Loken on P-HackingScience Reaction to Psychology Replication StudyOpen Science Foundation Data for 100 ReplicationsScience on PreregistrationNature Analysis on Pre-registrationScience on Retraction WatchLessons from Retraction WatchRetraction Watch's Earliest RetractionMeta Analysis of the Retraction PenaltyKurzgesagt RetractionsAPA Teachable Moments from the Replication Crisis---KokumiTaste BudsThe Man Who Lost His BodyThermoreceptorsReferred PainWhy Does Time Seem to Speed Up with Age?The Emerging Science of InteroceptionAlexithymiaHygroroceptionThe Weirdest Senses Animals Have That You Don't---Stradley Ronon: Evolution of the Pride FlagBritannica: The Rainbow FlagBBC Culture: History of the Rainbow FlagGilbert Baker's WebsiteThe Harvey Milk Online BiographyInsersex Inclusive Pride FlagProgress Pride FlagNCYLGBTSites: Lavendar MenaceBiangles - Liz NaniaBiscuit: Bi Flag Histroy Strange Æons: History of the Lesbian FlagHeckin Unicorn: The Gay Man FlagUONC: Other Pride Flags
Feb 2, 2023 • 1h 48min

33: Immortality, Before Trees, and Emojis 💩

Is immortality possible in humans or other animals?  What was on Earth before trees?  And what can we learn from emoji?🤔Things we talk about:The First EmoticonsKurita's EmojisSupport us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: Halloween in January, stories of immortality, the epic of gilgamesh, MR BEAST GRANTS IMMORTALITY IF YOU STAY UP FOR 6 DAYS, the first story of facing AND accepting mortality, teen alexander the immortal, shooting down 9 suns, making your own immortality serum, spoiler alert we don’t find immortality in this topic, the first blood transfusion, oh nevermind not really, testicle rejuvination solves all problems, how do we die? programmed death and antagonistic pliotropy, accumulating insurmountable damage, the Hayflick Limit, shoe telomeres, four nobel laureates behind atlos labs (aaaand also jeff bezos), we’ve never recorded a naked mole rat dying from old age, transdifferentiation in the immortal jellyfish, surprise immortality! the slow and old greenland shark, having to go through puberty and pay taxes is not worth immortality, “I sort of like that the animals are winning, and we haven’t quite got there yet”, you’d make a great tree, Caroline makes us define a tree, trees are “a human concept based on visual criteria”, NOTHING EXISTS, trees put oxygen in the atmosph- wait no that was algae, Caroline wants our bewilderment and fear in the questions, the Cambrian explosion, fossils of a tree fight, sharks are older than trees, what are these spires of life, cockroach t-rex, it really is the second Halloween episode, lovecraftian Earth, letters are pictures, emojis are language, our most used emojis, emoticons, codepoints, the first emoji, standarized emoji, no more flag emojis, people assume the internet keeps records of itself.Sources:Royal Forestry Society Tree DefinitionEncyclopedia Britannica Tree DefinitionNatrual History Museum First TreesWorld's First Tree ReconstructedGiant cladoxylopsid trees resolve the enigma of the Earth’s earliest forest stumps at Gilboa, Stein et al, 2007 (Paper)Timeline: The evolution of lifeSmithsonian Magazine: The Top 10 Greatest Survivors of EvolutionLive Science: Prehistoric Mystery Organism a Humongous FungusRotted wood–alga–fungus: the history and life of Prototaxites Dawson, Hueber 2001 (Paper)Smithsonian Magazine: Giant Mushrooms---NinevehThe Eternal Life of GilgameshThe Search for ImmortalityHistory of the First Blood TransfusionSerge VoronoffThe Long and Gruesome Hstory of People Trying to Live ForeverTheories of AgeingWhat Is Antagonistic Pleiotropy?Evolution and the Biology of AgingDNA damage—how and why we age?Hayflick limitTelomeres2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or MedicineNaked Mole RatsGreenland SharksImmortal Jellyfish---Unicode Emoji StatsLauren Schwartzberg's The Oral History of the Poop EmojiSwiftkey Regional Emoji DataEmojipedia StatsEarly EmoticonsUnicode's Emoji PrinciplesUnicode's Stance on New Flag EmojisCorrecting the Record on the First Emoji Set
Jan 19, 2023 • 1h 52min

32: The Ozone Success Story, Turning Heads, and Eurovision

What's the story of how we successfully saved the ozone?  Why and how can owls turn their heads around, and who else can?  And can Ella convert Tom to the wonder that is Eurovision?Listen to Ella's Full Eurovision PlaylistSupport us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: defining ozone, not wrong but not right, the ozone layer is miles thick and not full of ozone, the sun is a deadly laser, tom feels stupid about the ozone, accidentally finding out about the ozone layer depleting, the dobson ozone spectrophotometer, “being an ignorant physicist”, this is why we monitor things, we need more metaphors actually, CFCs and HCFCs, the impact of humans on the planet, WARNING: MAY CAUSE DEATH FOR ALL FUTURE HUMANS, wait legal proceedings were slow??? supersonic flights between france and the UK only, you’re doing colonialism on US ACTUALLY, 198 parties ratified the Montreal Protocol, early action is important, why don’t we talk about this enough!!! thank your local environmental researcher today, owl 360 no scope, side-eyed Tom, pigeon slander, side and front facing, owls don’t have eyeballs, cone of death, I love it when there’s a but, the guiness book of world records is dumb, breaking the rule of 7, why hang upside down, the first Eurovision was formal, no english songs allowed, the big 5, bicameral voting, Britain’s losing streak, “nobody hates the british entry more than the british”, international politics and Eurovision, it’s like We Didn’t Start the Fire,  “what else would we sing about”, it’s always been political, Ella’s favorite entries, Abba surprises Tom, how eurovision changes with the times, from ballrooms to tiktok, our future plugs.Sources:National Geographic: Ozone Layer EPA: Basic Ozone Layer Science UNEP: Ozone and YouJ. C. Farman, B. G. Gardiner & J. D. Shanklin, 1985 (Paper)The Evolution of Policy Responses to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (1989 Paper)The Impact of High Altitude Aircraft on the Ozone Layer in the Stratosphere (1994 Paper)Impacts of a Near-Future Supersonic Aircraft fleet on atmospheric composition and climate (2022 Paper)The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone LayerThe Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone LayerUN - The Climate Crisis---Krings et al Owl Neck Rotation & AnatomyMcGill on Owl EyeballsOwl Eye MobilityHuman Eye MobilityKok-Mercado & Gailloud Poster on Blood Flow AdaptationsNatGeo on Owl Head TurnsGuiness World Record for Mammal Head RotationBuchholtz & Stepien Sloth Spine PaperSloth Conservation Foundation on Why Sloths HangStudy on Sloth MusclesBecky Cliffe on Sloth Evolution---Ella's Excellent Eurovision PlaylistThe Weird and Wonderful Hisotry of the Eurovision Song ContestMore HistoryAn Actual Academic Paper On Eurovision VotingToward Data Science: Eurovision Voting BlocsArmenia–Azerbaijan Relations in the Eurovision Song ContestEurovision During the Bosnian WarCarnation Revolution
6 snips
Dec 29, 2022 • 1h 40min

31: End of Year Q&A 2022

To round out the year we learn about the most interesting thing: each other!  We talk about the process of researching and writing an episode, future sciences and science fiction, and laugh and cry reflecting on our favorite things from 2022. Support us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: our favorite topics, this is why we don’t do topics on colors, topic lists, science ruining movies, science is just a job, anything goes as long as you don’t explain it to me, hacking the mainframe, the one flaw in the big bang theory, how do we research and when is it done? asking yourself questions, researching vs writing, research wormholes and topic duds, Caroline’s natural defense colors, London and NYC recommendations, religion and science, dealing with burnout, defeating Ella in battle, how we record, our Hollywood writers room, start a podcast if only to try, MUNA and Stromae and AJR, our favorite things this year, Everything Everywhere and Elf, Fortnite and Pokemon, Our Flag Means Death and Succession and Fleabag and Craig of the Creek and Dragula, Yotsuba, Two Headed Calf, making ourselves cry, Scoob & Shag, pandan and coke zero, our favorite pokemon, I am displeased with your lack of brevity, how each of us takes over the world, our personal take and our interest is more important than topic overlap, futue sciences, the birth of a topic, projected to finish everything soon so we can stop talking to each other, asmr speedrunning, today's topic is this pad of sticky notes, our podcast spotify wrapped, what we’re looking forward to (Breath of the Wild 2), really dumb content.
Dec 15, 2022 • 1h 27min

30: The HaLearnDay Spectacular! 2022

On a very special holiday episode, Tom, Caroline, and Ella give the gift of learning!  We've wrapped up our favorite fun facts to give to each other, and even gotten a few presents from some special guests!Support us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: the the gin craze, no free gin advertisements, gin street and beer street, wrapping paper foley work, pumpkin toadlet balance, silly UK laws, yeah and maybebeallowedtoshootacrossbowatacathedral, keep your kite flying private, kite footloose, beached whales for the queen, suspicious salmon makes sense, honey tummys, more grenades on mars by 2025, dinosaur time breaks caroline’s brain, hey these brussels sprouts aren’t bad now, brussels sprouts hipsters, Britain’s dedicated tv popularity analyst, tom regifts a fun fact, and now I’m thinking about animal genitals, Cotesia and Drosophala: like a good cheese and a fine wine.Vine Pair: The Gin CrazeHistory: The Gin CrazeWilliam Hogarth’s Beer Street and Gin LaneSmithsonian Magazine: Pumpkin ToadletSemicircular canal size constrains vestibular function in miniaturized frogsInsect Orientation: Stay on Course with the SunNIH: Vestibular SystemWright Brothers FlightOdd laws you may unknowingly breakLegislation.org: Salmon Act 1986Bee BubblingHuman Objects on MarsWhy it's Hard to Land on MarsPerseverance's 10 Million NamesPhoenix Lander Mini DVDWright Flyer Cloth on MarsTyrannosaurus RexStegosaurusThe Brussel Sprouts RenaissanceTV PickupTV Pickup QuotesThe Length of a Short Sperm
Dec 1, 2022 • 1h 52min

29: What's in a Scientific Name, How Many Cells are in a Human, and What the British Museum Stole

What is the science of scientific naming, and could it actually be life saving?  How many cells are in a human body, and why is it important to know?  And how exactly did the British Museum... "acquire" all these artifacts?Watch Tom's PowerPoint Comedy Show!Support us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: what does tom smell like? naming is hard for computer science, naming is a science, reading 12 million paper titles by hand, single use acronyms, polynomial naming, Ranunculus mother of dragons, the dino hip mixup, smooth transitions, the fermium wars, we all know what happened to element 102, berkelium californium americium, should we name elements after living people, Ella is the only true Swiftie, half of all exoplanets are named Kepler, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now, why? she’s a millipede, Ella will get an answer, humans have 1 cell technically, c elegans has exactly 1031 cells, don’t embarrass yourself by saying how many cells are in a mouse, we enter the wheels and doors debate, Ella sperm fact rick rolls us, the number of kinds of cells, tom is bad at math, every time a scientist questions a number an angel gets its wings, Livers Georg, Ella is heartbroken we don’t have a number, what’s the point of counting cells? the British Museum keeps 99% of things in the disney vault, offering a replica of the rosetta stone instead, Britain legally cannot return items without government approval, all the stuff we never knew about Moai statues, what does queen Victoria need with a Moai statue, her majesty declares finders keepers, actualy these stolen things mean as much to Britain now, most Britains want the items returned, there is so much to learn from this!Sources:Judith Winston's Review of Binomial NomenclatureThe Growth of Acronyms in the Scientific LiteratureThe Long and Short of Abbreviations (UA Medical Acronym)Dinosaur Hip Naming MixupHow Many Named Species are Valid?Review of the Transfermium WarsIUPAC 1994 Naming DecisionNaming ExoplanetsA Flu by Any Other NameNature on WHO NamingTaylor Swift's Millipede---Number of Bacteria In Your BodySpermTypes Of Cells In The Human BodyAn Estimation Of The Number Of Cells In The Human Body---Human Remains in the British MuseumBritish Museum: Rosetta StoneBritish Museum: Moai of rapa Nui (Easter Island Statues)CNN: British Museum Discusses fate of Easter Island StatuesBritish Museum: Benin BronzesThe Guardian: British museum ‘Has Head in sand’ Over Return of ArtefactsBritish Museum: The Parthenon SculpturesBritish Museum: Maqdala CollectionYouGuv: Should Britain Return Historical Artefacts to Their Country of Origin?Culture war: the case against repatriating museum artifactsNYT: Investigators, Citing Looting, Have Seized 27 Antiques From the MetCNN: Manhattan DA returns 58 antiquities to Italy, including 21 seized from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Nov 17, 2022 • 1h 39min

28: Cerebral Organoids, Are Cats Liquids, and The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

How can you study a brain without a brain?  In what ways is a cat actually like a liquid?  And why do we say The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?Images we Discuss:Rat BrainCats Sitting in ThingsBread Crumbs---Watch the SciShow Episode Ella Wrote!Support us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: brains are complex and hard to access, organoids, organettes, organittos, induced pluripotent stem cells are cool, Madeline Lancaster, DNA is amazing, scientific serendipity, try to make a brain and accidentally make a heart, human neurons in rat brains, ethical concerns, that does not make Caroline feel better, brain-on-a-chip, dish brain, great words, Pong, sentience, liquid cats, solid cats, gas cats, Slime, Ig Nobel, first make you laugh then make you think, atoms, God made cats a solid so you can pet them, mountains flow, Ella does not, the joy of the surface, scientists communicating science well, bread was invented in 1954, bread archaeology, cooking is a kind of fossilization, archaeobotanist, that’s what it means to specialize in bread, throwing it all into the bread business, SLICED BREAD IS MADE HERE, sound, sensible, and a progressive refinement, bread innovation, twin style bread, Caroline is not a world leader in bread innovation, a delicious stick of butter, idioms, a manifestation of the peculiar, irreversible binomial, to sell something for a song, don’t shit in the blue cupboard, the burnt bread crumbs of language.Sources:First Brain Organoids PaperStem Cells @ Lunch Digested PodcastThe Use of Brain OrganoidsFirst Electrically Active Brain OrganoidsHuman Neurons Transplanted Into Rat Brain StudyHuman Neuron in Rat Brain ImageBrain-On-A-Chip ReviewNeurons Play Pong---On the Rheology of CatsTed Talk on the Rheology of CatsPBS: Are Cats Liquid?Crustal Melting and the Flow of MountainsA Hydrodynamic Approach To Cancer---NPR on 14,000 Year Old BreadPaper on Analyzing the Oldest BreadArranz-Otaegui's Presentation on the Prehistory of BreadInvention of Sliced BreadFirst Sliced Bread AdSliced Bread AdsThick & Thin BreadDated BreadTwin Style BreadFowler's Modern English UsageSaeed's SemanticsPolish Idiom Translation
Nov 3, 2022 • 1h 27min

27: Zoologist Ash Campbell, Kleptoparasitism, and Australia's Best Animal

Today our guest Ashlen Campbell asks us: how do you stop a seagull from stealing your chips?  And what can that teach us about the wild world of kleptoparasitism?Our Favorite Ash Videos: Erythrism, Blathers ExposedAsh's Kleptoparasitism ListAsh's Follow Recommendations: @luccasbiohub  @drkyliesoanes @zoe_kean_sci @sarawebbscience @astrokirstenVisit our NEW MERCH STORE!Support us with a Maximum Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: Majored in zoology minored in chips, temperature effects on fish, dam spreadsheets, mosquitos don’t like skrillex, bee gom jabbar test, the beach scene, Miriam Rothschild & Theresa Clay coined Kleptoparasitism, bullying birds to throw up, not having a chip and getting hit by Ash’s ford fiesta, peacrabs have to steal to survive, messy definitions are interesting, stealing from siblings isn’t kleptoparasitism, neon cuckoo bees steal candies from babies, snails grabbing food from your throat, fossils caught stealing, mother feed me, taking care of other fishes babies, “he’s such a good father”, sneak spawning, The Real House Nest Husbands of Chesapeake Bay, swat raiding bees, kleptothermy, the answer is a seagull economy, kleptoplasty is eating batteries, floral larsony, hyenas change their sleep schedules to avoid thieving lions, green goblin otter hostage situations, eat worse chips, weighing the complexities of stealing, studying chip stealing, only you can stare at seagulls, the adorable and horny antechinus, “nothing here is okay”, nitpicking jurassic park, am I misrepresnting data? at least I have rainbow fish in animal crossing. being wrong on the internet, erudoot. Sources:Fleas, flukes, & cuckoos; a study of bird parasitesIyengar’s Kleptoparasitism ReviewKleptobiosisPea crab (Pinnotherida)Neon cuckoo bee (Thyreus nitidulus)Wentletrap (Epitonium clathratulum)Brachiopod fossilsBarn Owl Nest SwitchingThree Spined SticklebackLestrimelitta Niitkib (toxin producing bee)Fork-tailed drongoGarter snake (2001)Garter snake (2012)KleptopredationPhotosynthetic Sea SlugToxomerus Larva Stealing from SundewFloral LarcenyPlant Stealing Pollinators from Other PlantsLions and Hyenas, Change in Activity PatternsCougar/ Black Bear CompensationGulls and ploversGull gaze
Oct 20, 2022 • 1h 48min

26: Pain, Vampiric Animals, and Penny Dreadfuls

How do we define pain, and what animals can feel it?  How similar are vampires to real vampiric animals?  And what are penny dreadfuls and how were they actually... good?Visit our NEW MERCH STORE!Support us with a Max Fun Membership!Join our Discord!We also learn about: pain is bad, but pain is good, what animals can feel pain, if they can feel kink pleasure from pain they can feel pain, it’s time to define pain for you guys, ella swoops in on a Tom joke, pain is like art, the international association for the study of pain, a funny example of pain, nuance baby! the 2 nail people is a great couples halloween costume, Descartes' pain theory started off so well, nociceptors, how do you test pain? injured flies, are we JigSaw? injecting bee venom into fish, ASC change fish pain laws, vampires are found in almost every culture, we need to protect the ice caps or the vampires will get out, hematophagy and sanguivores, vampire bugs and fish and birds, the fake vampire squid that eats poop, monogamous but false vampire bats, vampire bats are more beautiful and there’s a reason why, super speed super climbing and super stealth bats, blood heat vision with pit organs, biting with incisors not canines, blood is a thin gruel, vampirism is a radical dietary lifestyle, bats help each other out, barfing blood for friends, Twilight has the most scientifically accurate vampires, Ella bamboozles us, as literacy booms so does the need for cheap exciting stories, Varney came before Dracula and invented the tropes, The String of Pearls: a Romance (allegedly) and the origin of Sweeney Todd, tag yourself I’m women with daggers, 45% of victorian britain was under 20, children reading books to each other, the literature of rascaldom, half-penny dreadfullers, how many books were actually popular at their time, our horror recommendations, Junji Ito.Sources:The Nature and Science of Pain - Pain AustraliaA Biological Substrate for Somatoform DisordersAre We Wrong to Assume Fish Can’t Feel Pain - The GuardianAnimals Can Feel Pain A Biologist Explains Why - VoxA History of Pain ResearchHistory of Pain: A Brief Overview of the 17th and 18th CenturyPain Principles - Neuroscience OnlineCan Ants Feel Pain?Fish Do Not Feel Pain and its Implications for Understanding Phenomenal Consciousness, 2015Insects Can Experience Chronic Pain - Smithsonian MagazineInvertebrate Nociception, 2017Do Fish Feel Pain? A Matter of Scientific Debate (Dr Sneddon Quote)Farmed Fish Feel Pain, Stress and Anxiety - The GuardianWhy Fish Do Not Feel Pain (Key, 2016)Anthropomorphic Denial of Fish Pain (Sneddon and Leah, 2016)---Vampirism LoreHematophagy in InsectsVampire SquidNYTimes on Vampire BatsField Idenfitication Guide for BatsThe 3 Vampire Bat Abilities & Biting HabitsHeat Sensing in BatsHow Vampire Bats BiteComparative Study of Bat IncisorsVampirism as a Radical Dietary LifestyleFood Sharing in Vampire BatsFood Sharing Reciprocation StudyFood Sharing after Grooming Study---Varney the VampyreThe String of PearlsLeaves from a Prison DiaryDisseminating Impure Literature': The 'Penny Dreadful' Publishing Business Since 1860How Gruesome Penny Dreadfuls Got Victorian Children ReadingBritish Library on Penny DreadfulsGuardian on Penny DreadfulsVictorian Children's Periodicals: Penny Dreadfuls
4 snips
Oct 6, 2022 • 1h 42min

25: 🎂 The Timeline of Timekeeping, Origins of Speech, and the Birthday of Birthdays

It's the show's birthday!  And we're going to celebrate with LEARNING!  How much do we really know about the history of keeping time?  When did human speech first arise, and how would we even figure that out?  And when did the concept of birthdays have its birthday?Visit our NEW MERCH STORE!Support us on Maximum Fun!Join our Discord!We also learn about: Your favorite podcast on your favorite torso, the blind watchmaker, time technology is not like iphone upgrades, Ancient or Recent, France’s decimal clocks, counting knots on a ship, of course people cared about keeping time back then, escapements brought us TikTok, the not so timey wimey etymology of clock, putting clock inventions in the right order, we had sundials in the 1800s, you’re holding like 20 different iphones, redefining the second, ephemris time was a “ridiculous decision”, keeping time in space without the Earth, the importance of NTP, UTC is confusing fairly for everyone, what is speech? language vs speech, are there speech fossils? diaphragm is the only one we don’t talk about, laryngeal descent theory, teaching monkeys to talk, is this theory good science? “you guys are so smart”, speech research is so multi-disciplinary, you love a great review, deconstructing the theory, the reconstruction was so bad the mouth wouldn’t have been able to swallow, they forgot to check other animals for descended larynxes oops, speech may have developed waaay earlier, bodies ready for speech vs brains ready for speech, research beef, quoting “mic drop”, “i thought the answer would be simple and i was really really wrong”, one of the hardest problems in science, the birthday of birthdays, what do you need for a birthday? defining birthdays by caesium, Wurdi Youang, pharaoh “birthdays” being born as gods, celebrating my birthday by driving away evil spirits, celebrating the mother on birthdays, i brought you “pure intentions” for your birthday, Claudia Severa’s birthday invitation tablet, the first birthday candles, god i hope they get the short candles this year, and a fun science burrito blanket.Sources:Scientific American Chronicle of TimekeepingHelen Morgolis' History of TimekeepingHistory of the HourglassHistory of 1900s ClocksLouis Essen's Account of Redefining the SecondAtomic Clock HistoryModern Atomic ClocksNPL on Atomic ClocksNasa JPL on Atomic ClocksHistory of NTPGoogle on NTPThe Atlantic on Modern Time Phone LinesUTC FAQ---The New Review of Speech OriginsThe descended Larynx is not uniquely humanA ‘Mic Drop’ on a Theory of Language EvolutionHuman Ancestors May have Evolved Speech more than 25 Million Years AgoNPR on When did Human Speech Evolve---BBC on Stargazing in Ancient AustraliaThe Guardian on Wurdi YouangCalendars of the PastRoman Birthday Rituals

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