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Follower of One : Missions For The Rest Of Us

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Aug 3, 2023 • 6min

Encore - 986 - Those With Us - 2 Kings 6:16

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. In today's podcast, I want you to just think for a moment about those with us. “Those with us” is a phrase that comes from 2 Kings 6:16. “So he answered, ‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’” That's from the New American Standard Bible.   If you remember this story, or if you don't, quickly, what happened was this king north of Israel is contesting Israel. He's at war with Israel, the king of Aram. And he's mad, because Elijah is constantly telling the king of Israel everything that's going on. He thought there was a spy, but there wasn't a spy. It was just the prophet, Elijah, who was being told all of this information and passing it along to the king of Israel.    And so the king of Aram gets angry about that. He sends an army of people to go down to Israel, to kidnap Elijah, and the attendant of Elijah's comes to him and says, “Look at these Lord, look at all these horses and chariots circling the city.”   He's very worried; and this is the famous chariots of fire story. Elijah prayed after he said this verse 16, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Elijah prayed and asked the Lord to show his attendant the army that was around them, and all over the mountain was this- was full. The mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elijah.    Our lesson for today, our thought for today, is about the situations that we face at work. There were days in my career when I would be almost absorbed or overwhelmed with a broken situation, a support mess with a client. I remember one time a vendor and I got into a wrestling match, and we were sent a massive bill that it looked like my company might be responsible to have to pay because I had shot off my mouth.   There are these problems that we face in our workplaces on a regular basis, and maybe you're facing one of those today. And so this message for you and for me is “Look around. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”    Bad things still happen. I'm not saying that the bad things stop happening, that when we come to Jesus, everything just works out. Bad things happen, but those who are with us are more than those who are with them, with the enemy. Our enemy will not win. We may suffer harm, we may suffer loss, but our enemy will not win. And it gives us this perspective that can look beyond our circumstances, and be a peacemaker and one who blesses others; someone who ships grace. We can ship grace into the lives of the people around us. That's our call as marketplace ministers, to be the kind of people who remember that those who are with us are more than those who are with them.    Today, I want you to appropriate the chariots of fire. Think about God, protecting you. His resources are at your disposal and you want to live your life and glorify Him the way I want to. If we want to do that, then we will expect God to provide the resources so that His honor is maintained and that He is glorified.    Let's not mix up our own personal circumstances with everything else, but let's trust to God in them, and let His peace transcend all understanding as it says in Philippians 4. His peace transforms us.   Thank you for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for looking for ways to bring His peace and His joy into our workplaces. That's what makes you a minister of Jesus Christ. Ministry is nothing but helping other people move one notch closer to Jesus. Thank you for being a marketplace minister and check us out at, where you can find a community of us who are working to make God present, make Him visible in our world.   He's already present to make Him visible in our world every day. Thanks very much.
Aug 2, 2023 • 6min

Encore - 985 - Who Must Increase? - John 3:30

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One again. Today I want to talk about a passage from John chapter 3, verse 30. John the Baptist is speaking, and he says “He must increase, but I must decrease.” I think about this passage in several ways. One way to think about it is to remember that this is John the Baptist talking.   John the Baptist isn't really part of the church. He's actually the last Old Testament prophet. He's outside of the church in some degree. He's still the body of Christ, because he, like the rest of us, are saved, but he's a prophet. He's been ordained by God to speak for God, and he's clarifying for his own friends and his own listeners that this is about Jesus getting bigger.   Jesus increases. He takes over. This is His show. The world is operated for Him, and He is on the stage. And the old model of the Hebrew life, the prophet's system, is going away. It's gone. And what's new is this “bridegroom and the bride”. He actually mentions in the verse right proceeding this “He who has the bride is the bridegroom.”   John's making this clear that all of everything that God is doing in the world is summed up in Jesus. He will increase. This is His show, His plan, and He's taking over, and I will decrease. This model will decrease. This also applies to us in the workplace. It applies to us everywhere. I think our sin nature is really, at its core, the idea that we get to call our own shots.    I want to be my own king. I make my own decisions. I choose what I eat, and I choose how I spend my time. I want to run my life. I don't want Jesus running it. I don't want anybody else running it. The “no one else running it” is all part of the great lie. We either serve God or we serve sin, we serve the enemy.    And when we think we run our lives, what we do is we separate ourselves from Jesus and we become part of the enemy. Satan, his people, the world, the flesh, and the devil. Those are the three groups of things that take us away from God. And so the world, our flesh, and our enemy, the devil, are all pulling on us, and the big deception, the big trick is we're in control. We get to choose. I get to call my own shots.    When I follow Jesus - and this is part of the reason why we call this organization Follower of One - when I follow Jesus, then my life works. Then everything about my life fits in eternity. I'm not outside of Christ's plan, I'm part of it.   I get to take part as a member of His church, His bridegroom. I get to join Him as He increases. This world is His, and He will run one day. Every knee will bow. Jesus will be running the show, and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. If we can remember that He must increase and we decrease, then we put ourselves in a proper position to join Him as He works in the lives of the people that we come in contact with every day.    That's part of the reason why our first daily activity is to pray, and the first prayer that I like to talk about is “Here I am.” Lord Jesus. Here I am. I want to follow you today.   Would you please, as we used to do this when I was in the trucking business, they would give us a stack of freight bills and say, “here, go load this truck.” And we would go take each bill in that stack and go load the truck. Lord Jesus, today, would you give me my stack of bills and tell me what I'm doing? I want to do what you want me to do today.   And I get to take part, then, in your work in the world. Let's join Jesus in His effort today, and let Him use us, so that we get to see Him glorified. He will increase. We will get to see that if we join Him and follow Him.    Check us out at We're an online community where we try to help one another. Remember, Jesus is in charge and we follow Him.   Thanks very much.
Aug 1, 2023 • 5min

Encore - 984 - God's Will: Sanctification - 1 Thessalonians 4:3

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. Today I want to talk about God's will for us. What is God's will for us? One of the places where the Bible tells us God's will is in 1 Thessalonians 4:3, and that verse begins “For this is the will of God, your sanctification...” I confess this was kind of a "duh" moment when I first heard this verse.   When I first remember paying attention to this verse, I had been wondering about God's will for my life in my work, and how I would spend my time, and whether or not I should stay in the job I was in, or how I would find a new job. I actually think I was self-employed and considering job transition the first time I really paid attention to this verse.   And my challenge came in the area of what follows this verse. He talks about how we're called to avoid sexual immorality, how we're to learn, to possess our own vessel in honor, and not in lustful passion as the Gentiles do.    Paul is challenging us with the will of God. He's saying God's will is clear. I want you to be sanctified. What does sanctified mean? Well, sanctified means that we're set apart. We're designated for a specific purpose. My being sanctified means I dedicate more of my life to doing what Jesus would have me do, then I spend my energy trying to do what I want to do. The energy of my life needs to be pointed toward obeying Jesus and doing what He says, instead of trying to do what I want, do just what I want, which might be participating in sexual fornication or overeating. That's one of the ways where I don't possess my own body in honor. I eat too much.   It's one of my challenges, and it's one of those places where you can pray for me. Whatever our addictions are, whatever our challenges are, these are the places where we're consistently reminded that there's more of our life to give over to Jesus. There's more of our time, our thought processes, more of our effort and our energy that can be given over to Jesus.   God's will is that we grow up in sanctification; that we work out our salvation, as it says in Philippians. That we turn ourselves to following Jesus, instead of just following our own flesh, chasing after what we seem to want, or what we think we want, whether that was another drink, or another hamburger, or another foray into pornography on a website or anything like that.   We are called to deny ourselves and pursue Jesus, to follow Him. That's what this passage in 1 Thessalonians is telling us. Let's be sanctified. Today, I want to challenge you: Ask God to give you the energy and the strength and the desire to follow Him and to do exactly what He says. When He gives you clear direction, do it.   If He doesn't give you clear direction, then do the next right thing. We always can do the next, most godly thing in every circumstance, in every situation, in our work, in our daily jobs, in the ways that we interact with people. The next right thing is what God calls us to do when we don't have any other clear direction.   I want to challenge you today to trust God, ask Him for wisdom and guidance and then go do the next right thing. Thank you very much for being a marketplace minister and thank you for following Jesus and for making a difference in your marketplace. If you'd like to join us and learn more about Follower of One, head over to, you can learn more about our ministry there.   Join our online community and take the next Marketplace Mission Trip. Thanks very much.
Jul 31, 2023 • 6min

Encore - 983 - Dealing With Difficulty - 1 Peter 4:12-13

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. This is another one of those episodes where I'm mostly talking to me. I hope you enjoy it. 1 Peter 4:12 & 13, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exaltation.”    So I study and contemplate and think about joy. I enjoy the joy that God has given me as I've learned to integrate more of my life, my daily work life and my daily living with Jesus. I wish I had done a better job of that when I was younger and when my faith was newer, and that's part of the reason why I'm involved with Follower of One at all. I want to help us integrate our faith in our work so that we may rejoice with exaltation as he says here at the end of this verse. But he's giving us tips for dealing with difficulty.    Tip number one: do not be surprised at the difficulties that you face. He says “the fiery ordeal among you”, that difficulty comes upon you for your testing. God is using this to strengthen us. You know as well as I do that we get stronger at anything by lifting above our weight, by trying to do more than we are equipped to do, our muscles get torn down, and then they heal back stronger.    We're working out our faith in the same way by facing the fiery ordeals that come upon us for our testing. But when I look at it like it's some strange thing that was happening to me, my expectation is I'm living the good life. My expectation is this should be easy. It should take less time. I always seem to plan for the ideal situation, and then I'm surprised, as though some strange thing were happening to me, as he says in this verse.    And he's reminding us if we can create in ourselves this attitude that comes from Jesus, but if we can create it and say “This comes upon me for my testing, it's not a strange thing. It's part of God's plan”, then to the degree that I can share the sufferings of Jesus, I get to rejoice, so that I can see His glory through my life. When I see His glory through my life, I experience His joy.    I enjoy doing these daily devotionals. I don't do them as often as I'd like, but I just don't want you to go nuts listening to my voice all the time. I hope that these are helpful, because I struggle with this whole idea of following Jesus in the difficult times. I really want the easy job, I want the easy shift. But it's in the difficulty that I get to rejoice, because His glory is revealed.   When I do what Jesus would have me do in my workplace, in the difficulties of my daily life, Jesus is glorified. People go, “Well, why are you doing this?” And I get to tell them about my relationship with Jesus.   I get to glorify God, and then I can rejoice with exaltation. I can enjoy watching God work through me when I am not surprised by the difficulties that face me. I'm preaching to me again, please remember, but maybe this will help you too. Let's look at our circumstances today as the weight Jesus is loading on the bar for us, and it's ours to push. It's ours to lift.    Let's not look as though some strange thing were happening to us, but let's face our difficulties with joy and trust Jesus. Now, maybe you need some help with that. And you can reach out to me at, you can reach out to I'd be happy to help you to pray for you to do whatever we can. We probably need to create a page where we can share prayer requests.    But I want to encourage you if you need prayer, let me know. And people from our team will pray for you, And so will I. Thank you for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for looking for ways to integrate your life and Jesus’ in such a way that He becomes visible.   And any way you want to do that, we can help you. We’re trying to help people do this better all the time at You can check it out over there. Thanks very much for being a minister in your marketplace.
Jul 28, 2023 • 6min

Encore - 982 - Are We Standing With Jesus? - Luke 22:28

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. In episode 199 of our podcast (, we talked about Luke 22:27, but today I want to talk about Luke 22:28. And the verse simply says “You are those who have stood by me in my trials.” Jesus is speaking to the disciples and He's actually calling them out a little bit, because they're having an argument about which one of them is greatest in the kingdom.   And this is the last night or so of Jesus's life. So here they are, arguing about which one of them is greatest, and Jesus interrupts them and He reminds them the story about who's greater. That's what episode 199 is about. But this episode, which I think is 522 of our podcast - thank you for being a listener - this is about the next phrase. You are those who have stood by me in my trials.   We get the choice as followers of Jesus to go with Jesus and stand by Him in His trials, to follow Him daily, or we can choose not to follow Him. I can choose to not follow Him in the next few minutes. Choose to watch something that takes me away from Him or do something that separates me from Him.   I can concentrate on myself. There are so many millions of ways that we can leave Jesus. It's this constant struggle. And I think one of the goals of at least my Christian life has been learning to trust Jesus to keep me drawn to Him, and to keep me connected to Him. And today what I wanted to do is challenge us a little bit.   I wanted to ask the question: How are you? No matter where you are, do you know that if you made a long series of choices to not follow Jesus, the next choice, you can choose to follow Him. You can choose to do what He says again. I don't... I can't get into the “Once saved, always saved” or any of those kinds of arguments.   I just know I want to do the next right thing. I want to choose in my next choice to follow Jesus and obey Him. That's why our prayer that we like to talk about at Follower of One, “Here I am, send me” is a profound, powerful prayer, especially when followed with the question “Okay Jesus, what do you want me to do today? What would you have me do next?”   When we focus on following Jesus in our circumstances, one choice at a time, we get another chance to remain with Him in His trials, just like He says here. We are those who have stood by Him in His trials. “You are those who have stood by me in my trials” Luke 22:28, from the New American Standard.   Let's choose today to stand by Jesus. The difficulties and the temptations and the distractions to separate ourselves from Him, to not stand by Him and to not follow Him, those stay. They remain. We will always be challenged by these temptations to separate ourselves from following Jesus. We can’t avoid the difficulty, but we can gain the joy and peace and love of following Jesus by simply choosing.   Here I am. Would you please put me to work? How can you use me in the lives of the people that I will interact with next? Show me what you would have me do today, Jesus, and I will do it.   Try that prayer today and watch Jesus start to transform your life. The more often I believe we can remind ourselves that we're on the clock for Jesus Christ, the more joy filled we will be, the more different we will live, and the more others will ask about why it is that we're doing the things that we do. That's also why we have to practice knowing what we believe in saying what we believe, but start it, begin it all today with here I am. You can begin right now.   Thanks for being a marketplace minister. And thank you for making a difference in your world and in your workplace. The joy that Jesus gives us when we join Him, can transform our world. Jesus is in the process of doing that right now. Let's join Him and take part.    Thanks for listening to this podcast or this audio, wherever you're getting it. Thank you for listening to it. Please share it with someone else. Invite them to join you and me over at Thanks very much.
Jul 27, 2023 • 6min

Encore - 981- Dealing With Distraction - Hebrews 4:15

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. Today's passage is Hebrews 4:15, “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.” On the September 18th edition of “My Utmost for His Highest”, the September 18th entry, Oswald Chambers talks about this passage, and he draws a parallel between temptation and distraction.    Jesus said many times that He came only to do the will of His father, and He focused on that and He achieved that. He also said at the end of His life, that it is finished, He had done the will of His father. He had done those things.    Chambers makes this suggestion that whenever we're tempted to do something else with our resources, our time, our energy, our attention, any of those things, those temptations… That's one way that we can talk about temptation in this passage, “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.”   In other words, anytime I'm distracted, taken away from what God would have as my purpose in my job or in my day, how I live my life. If I live according to my own flesh, if I live according to my own desires, my own wants and needs. Even if I don't do anything that hurts anyone, if I'm a good Christian and stay out of trouble, but I'm distracted and I use the resources God has given me for some goal other than what God might've intended, I'm submitting to this temptation. I'm falling into it. Satan can distract us from God's plan and take us out of being part of God's plan with these kinds of distractions.    Maybe it's watching movies, or maybe it's playing video games. Maybe it's focusing so much on our career and our job, that we miss opportunities to be a blessing to the people that we work with. I think these are all acceptable temptations to Satan. He wants to take us out of God's plan and if he can distract us, he's accomplished his objective. We have this challenge to, and Chambers calls it “be of value to God.” I would actually call it more “take part in God's plan.” We can punch in. We say, here I am. We put ourselves on God's clock and we say, “Alright, God, what do you want me to do today?” We remind ourselves that we want to listen to him and do what he has for us. Because when our attention is focused on him, when we use our time and our energy and our resources to further the kingdom of God in some way - maybe it's simply by appreciating people or by praying for our coworkers - we get to take part in the joy that God intends for us. This is a joy that we can experience now by following Him, and we will experience it in eternity.    I want to challenge us today as followers of Jesus. How can we pay a little more attention to how we allocate the resources God has given us towards his work? Towards taking part in his plan? Let's try and use our time, and our energy, and our attention, and our money, and everything that we do as something that can glorify God. And let's consider the distractions, the things that make us stop thinking about God, as temptations, and trying to avoid those.    I want to be intentionally engaged with Jesus all day today in my job. Lord Jesus, would you make that happen? That's my, "here I am" prayer for today.   Thank you so much for being a marketplace minister, and thank you for making a difference in the marketplace. I hope these are beneficial to you, these devotionals. Please share them with your friends and check us out at, where you can learn more about our online community and take part in the next marketplace mission trip. Thanks very much.
Jul 26, 2023 • 5min

Encore - 980 - Planning With God - Proverbs 16:9

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. Today, I want to read a very convicting verse to me.    This is a conviction to me, and that's part of the reason why I want to read it. I think it's a challenge to all of us, especially in business, but in any type of work. Proverbs 16:9, “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” I've been working for the last few days, doing some strategic planning around the growth of what I hope the growth will be for Follower of One, and bathing that in prayer and asking God for his direction, for his wisdom and his guidance.   And then I would turn right around and get something- we’d get interrupted. And what I thought I would be spending my time doing X, I ended up having to spend my time doing Y. The Lord directs my steps. He ordains interruptions and circumstances and things that happen in my life, and I often don't like it.   I've just become a pouty little child because God's not letting me do what I wanted to do. The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. I pray constantly. I don't pray constantly. That's an exaggeration. I pray regularly. That I would be easier to interrupt, that I would trust God more. My natural instinct is to get angry at interruptions, not to trust God that He would have me do something else.   Almost every interruption, almost everything that takes longer than I thought it would take, ends up being a blessing to me, if I would just trust Jesus and do what He says. Today in our workplaces, I would like to challenge you: let's remember the mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.   And now let me say that exactly correctly. I'm reading from the New American standard, the mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. I don't really think that references all that gender-oriented. I think, male or female, we can get all wrapped up in our own goals and objectives and we forget God, but the Lord directs our steps.   He's the one directing us. He's the one choosing what we do. I want to plan to do what God has for me to do, and that means my plans must include interruptions. My plans, and my attitude must be good with interruptions, because God is sovereign. He's the one choosing the plan. We have a person on one of the recent mission trips talking about how she had it all planned out that she was going to do her fastest exercise time walking through her neighborhood, but she couldn't get any of her timer apps to work, and she was very frustrated about that. So she took off anyway and she got interrupted a couple of times on the way and had opportunities to interact with her neighbors, that she never would have done had she had the timer ticking.    And it was just God saying, no, you're walking around the neighborhood today, but I want you to interact with the people that you come into contact with. I think God does that with my schedule. That I wire it tight as a drum, and I'm always in a hurry, and I always have to hurry up and get to the next thing.   And then an interruption will occur, or something will take longer, or something will need to be redone. Lord, may I please have an attitude of openness to you. And I pray that we all do. That openness and that willingness to be God's person in our situation is what makes our faith attractive to the people around us.   I hope today that this criticism of myself, this challenge I'm giving myself is beneficial to you in some way. Let's be the people that Jesus calls on today to make a difference in the lives of our coworkers and bank on it, that will require some interruptions. Thank you for being a marketplace minister, and thank you for making a difference with your faith.   Don't forget if you're interested in more of this content, check us out at Thanks very much.
Jul 25, 2023 • 5min

Encore - 979 - How To Deal With Anxiety - 1 Peter 5:7

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. Today I'm doing our podcast on both video and audio. And so you can hear this in both places and it will come out at different times, but our verse for today is 1 Peter 5:7 “casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” Peter is talking to us, and he's telling us that we can cast our anxiety on him. In our previous episode, we were talking about being humble, and the humility is a key for this anxiety passing. We sometimes feel like we're the victims of anxiety. We're confident that we're not powerful enough to deal with our fear, and yet, it's not our fear that exceeds the power that we have. It's God who exceeds the anxiety and the fear that we have.    When we humble ourselves and put ourselves in the right place, then we're in a position to be able to hand our anxiety to Jesus. We can give it to Him, because He cares for us, and He's powerful. In John 16:33, Jesus said: "These things I've spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have trouble. But take courage, I have overcome the world." The trouble of the world does not exceed the authority of Jesus. And so even the true things that we fear, much less the anxiety, which is as Seth Godin called it “experiencing failure in advance”, the anxiety is something that we can give away. We can give it back to Jesus. We can place that on Him because He cares for us.    Today, I want to encourage us to go into our workplaces to pray, and to take that anxiety. If you have a big meeting coming up, or if you know you have a difficult conversation coming up. Or maybe it's a review that's going on. Cast that anxiety on him.   Don't spend time experiencing your failures or your fears in advance, wait for them, and trust Jesus. He has this under control, and He will care for you in such a way that you can take that anxiety and put it on Him, and He will give you peace in its place. And use that peace to make a difference in the lives of the people that you work with. We do these things so that we can be ministers in our marketplace. A minister is just a servant. And so we give this anxiety away and we're back and we're free to be able to serve the people that we work with so that they might ask us, “Why are you doing this?” And we can tell them, "I'm doing this, and I'm peaceful because I trust Jesus, and He's working these things out in our lives and He can do that in yours as well."   I'm so excited to get the chance to be a minister in the marketplace, a minister of Jesus Christ in the marketplace. I hope you join me. Ministry is helping other people move one notch closer to Jesus. And that's what we try and do at Follower of One. And so I want to encourage you to join me by going to and checking out our online community and signing up for the next marketplace mission trip.   Thank you for being a minister in the marketplace and thank you for making a difference in the lives of others. Your ministry at work matters and it makes a difference to those around you. Thank you very much.
4 snips
Jul 25, 2023 • 26min

Church-Based Workplace Ministry with Markee Johnson, Ep #154

Markee Johnson, former director of the marketplace ministry called Endeavor at Celebration Church in Austin, talks about her unique background in a Fortune 100 tech company that led her down the path of workplace ministry. Topics include starting a marketplace ministry, the global anti-human-trafficking organization A21, and how excellence builds equity in the workplace.
Jul 24, 2023 • 5min

Encore - 978 - Humility Unlocks Joy - 1 Peter 5:6

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. Today, I want to talk about how humility unlocks joy for us. Let's use 1 Peter 5:6 as our verse. “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you at the proper time.” Exalt is one of those words that I don't use very often, but when I look at the word, I see the definition: it's to raise in rank, or to elevate, or to praise.    We want to experience the exaltation of God. My goal here is to experience this relationship with Jesus, where I experience His joy. I enjoy what He's doing in my life, and it's not a transactional thing. His exaltation and lifting me up, I believe involves me more in the work that He's doing.   I experienced joy when I joined Him in the work that He's doing in and around the people that I'm with, the people that I work with or in my family. When I humble myself under His hand, what I'm doing is I'm realizing my position. My right place in the world is doing whatever God says. He's the one who created me.   He will always be my boss. He will always be my king and my Lord. Those are awkward. Some of those words are awkward for us. We think we're in charge, but when we can humble ourselves under God's mighty hand and do what He says, we experience exaltation. We are lifted up. We are blessed. We are praised. We are exalted.   That's the word. That comes from having a right understanding of what God is doing, and where we are in relation to Him. In relation to God, I'm not that much, yet He died on the cross for me. Jesus died on the cross for me to restore my relationship with Him. And today, if I can remember who He is, and who I am, it's my job to just shut up and do what He says.   It's my job to listen to Him and do what He says, and then I will get exalted at the proper time. If you've experienced the joy of following Jesus, you know what I mean. And if you haven't, maybe you need to ask God to give you some direction on how you can be humble. How you can have a proper understanding of where you fit in the world.   I believe God will give you that if you ask Him for it. In fact, asking Him for it is our first daily activity. Praying, punching in, telling God that we're on the clock. Here we are. We want to do whatever He has for us to do today. And listening to Him. That's our job. When we do that, we're on a mission trip.   We're on mission with Jesus Christ when we obey God in our world, and in and among the people we meet every day. I want to challenge you today. Stick your foot in the ground, and from here forward, say “I want to do what God calls me to do.” You'll mess up again pretty soon if you're like me. I mess up pretty regularly, but I want to keep trying.   I want to follow God and do what He says. And I'm on this podcast, I'm involved in this ministry called Follower of One, because I believe as I do that, and as we do it together, we help one another. Check us out at where you can practice this a little bit. One of the ways we practice is through our marketplace mission trip.   Trust God today, humble yourselves under His mighty hand, listen to Him, do what He says, and trust that He will exalt you at the proper time. We have a choice to make. Every action is a choice. Make the choices that line you up in the right relationship with God and watch Him exalt you. You will experience joy through that.   Thanks for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for listening to this and for sharing it with people. Let's follow Jesus today and do what He says. Thanks very much.

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Listen to all your favourite podcasts with AI-powered features


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podcast player

Listen to all your favourite podcasts with AI-powered features


Listen to the best highlights from the podcasts you love and dive into the full episode