Alan is the CEO of Complete, a leadership development consultancy that specialises in developing exceptional leaders, the author of 8 books, and a 5 time TEDx speaker, whose talks have more than 7 million views.
In this lively and wide ranging discussion, we explore:
→ Why Alan transitioned out of his career as a medical doctor into executive coaching
→ Why the reduction of human suffering can provide a meaningful trajectory to build your working life around
→ The 4 characteristics to look for in mentors
→ The work of Joseph Campbell, and how having a meta frame around the change process can help you navigate the major transitions in life
→ The benefits of existing in a perpetual state of “beginner’s mind”
And more.
You can learn more about Alan’s work by going to:
Dr Alan Watkins is the CEO and Founder of Complete, a consultancy specialising in developing exceptional leadership through individual and team development. Alan is unusual in that he advises completely different businesses in totally different market sectors, in different geographies, and works with many different types of businesses from innovative start-ups to FTSE 100 giants. He is the author of several successful books including Innovation Sucks! co-authored with Simon May, and HR (R)Evolution: Change the Workplace, Change the World, co-authored with Nick Dalton.
Interview Links:
— Step Change: The Leader’s Journey:
— Coherence: The Science of Exceptional Leadership and Performance:
— The Complete App:
For the past 10 months, we've been working on our biggest project yet: The Holistic Psychotherapy Summit.
This is a free online event which aims to provide mental health professionals with the most essential ideas for practising effective psychotherapy in the coming decade, and, as the name suggests, it will cover mind, brain, body, and spiritual approaches to healing.
It features exclusive interviews with 30 of the world's leading clinical psychologists, professors, and psychotherapists giving you insights into their best practices and the frameworks they use with clients.
You'll be learning directly from the likes of Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel, Janina Fisher, Paul Gilbert, Pat Ogden, Steven Hayes, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Richard Schwartz, Mick Cooper, and 29 others.
The best bit is - it's completely FREE to attend live, and you can register today by going to:
Hope to see you there!