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Dec 12, 2023 • 19min

Pediatric Behavioral and Mental Health: Trauma-Informed Care - Part 2

This podcast discusses trauma-informed care (TIC) for children including 1) why patients may not endorse a history of trauma, 2) why providers might not screen for trauma, and 3) what to do if a patient has a positive screen for trauma. LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Recognize why a patient may not endorse a history of trauma - Define reasons why a provider might not screen for trauma - Identify and utilize strategies to respond to a patient who does screen positive for a trauma history AUTHORS Ayesha Dholakia, MD Pediatrics Resident Boston Combined Residency Program Leadership in Equity and Advocacy (LEAD) Track Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center Katelin Blackburn, MD Adolescent Medicine Fellow Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Boston Children's Hospital Brenna Chase, MD Chief Resident in Pediatrics Boston Combined Residency Program Urban Health and Advocacy Track Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center Daniel O'Meara, MD Pediatrics Resident Boston Combined Residency Program Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center DATES Initial publication date: December 12, 2023 CITATION Dholakia A, Perez C, Blackburn K, Chase B, Wills K, O'Meara D. Trauma Informed Care Part 2. 12/2023. OPENPediatrics. Podcast: Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email:
Dec 12, 2023 • 15min

Pediatric Behavioral and Mental Health: Trauma-Informed Care - Part 1

This podcast discusses trauma-informed care (TIC) for children by 1) defining trauma, 2) discussing the common types of traumatic events children can experience, 3) detailing core principles of trauma-informed care, and 4) providing recommendations for how to incorporate TIC into pediatric practice. LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Recognize the ubiquitous nature of trauma - Identify the core tenets of trauma-informed care - Identify and utilize strategies to provide such care to our patients and families AUTHORS Ayesha Dholakia, MD Pediatrics Resident Boston Combined Residency Program Leadership in Equity and Advocacy (LEAD) Track Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center Catherine Coughlin, MD Emergency Medicine Fellow Division of Emergency Medicine Boston Children's Hospital Katelin Blackburn, MD Adolescent Medicine Fellow Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Boston Children's Hospital Brenna Chase, MD Chief Resident in Pediatrics Boston Combined Residency Program Urban Health and Advocacy Track Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center Daniel O'Meara, MD Pediatrics Resident Boston Combined Residency Program Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center DATES Initial Publication: December 12, 2023 Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children's Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email: CITATION Dholakia A, Moye B, Blackburn K, Coughlin CG, Chase B, Wills K, O'Meara D. Trauma Informed Care Part 1. 12/2023. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast:
Dec 4, 2023 • 29min

Collective Voice: A Conversation About Complex Care And Disability In The Journal Pediatrics

In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Lewis First and Ms. Cara Coleman discuss the role of the journal Pediatrics in disseminating emerging evidence in complex care and disability. They describe the unique Family Partnerships column, the inclusive decision-making process for publication, and opportunities for clinicians and families to engage with the journal. SPEAKERS Lewis R. First, MD, MS Editor-In-Chief, Pediatrics Professor and Chair, Department of Pediatrics, The University of Vermont Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine Cara L. Coleman, JD, MPH Associate Editor, Pediatrics Instructor of Medical Education, UVA Medicine Inova campus HOST Kathleen Huth, MD, MMSc Pediatrician, Complex Care Service, Division of General Pediatrics Boston Children's Hospital Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Harvard Medical School DATES Initial publication: December 4, 2023. ARTICLES REFERENCED Cohen E, Kuo DZ, Agrawal R, Berry JG, Bhagat SK, Simon TD, Srivastava R. Children with medical complexity: an emerging population for clinical and research initiatives. Pediatrics. 2011 Mar;127(3):529-38. doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-0910. Epub 2011 Feb 21. PMID: 21339266; PMCID: PMC3387912. Agrawal R, Stille C, Editors. Building Systems That Work for Children With Complex Health Care Needs March 2018, Vol 141, Supplement 3 Brown TW, McLellan SE, Mann MY, Scott JA. Guest Editors Blueprint for Change: A National Framework for a System of Services for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs June 2022, Vol 149, Supplement 7 TRANSCRIPT Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children's Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access and thus at no expense to the user. CITATION First LR, Coleman CL, Huth K. Collective Voice: A Conversation about Complex Care and Disability in the Journal Pediatrics. 12/2023. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast.
Nov 27, 2023 • 25min

Immunoparalysis and the Future of Personalized Immunotherapy for Critically Ill Children by M. Hall

A podcast discussing immunology and inflammation in pediatric sepsis treatment, focusing on immune phenotyping to personalize treatment. Topics include understanding the inflammatory response, immune paralysis phenomenon, immune phenotyping, and transformative clinical trials for personalized medicine in pediatric sepsis.
Nov 6, 2023 • 25min

Partnering in Pedagogy: Reflections of a Family Leader and Clinician-Educator

In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Catherine Diskin and Ms. Kate Robinson discuss their team's approach to co-developing a continuing education seminar series. They describe the value of family partnership in complex care education and research, important considerations for effectively engaging families, and next steps from this work. SPEAKERS Catherine Diskin, MB, BCh, BAO Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Toronto Co-Educational Lead, Complex Care Program, Department of Paediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children Kate Robinson, MFA Founder and Artistic Director, Mother of a child with medical complexity HOST Emily Goodwin, MD Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine Pediatrician, General Academic Pediatrics Beacon Program, Children’s Mercy Kansas City DATES Initial Publication: November 6, 2023. CITATION Diskin C, Robinson K, Goodwin EJ. Partnering in Pedagogy: Reflections of a Family Leader and Clinician-Educator. 11/2023. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. Links:, JOURNAL ARTICLE REFERENCED Diskin C, Robinson K, Agrawal R, Masterson D, Coleman C, Cohen E. Family Partnership in Continuing Medical Education: A Collaborative Experience. Pediatrics. 2023;151(5):e2022060280. doi:10.1542/peds.2022-060280 ADDITIONAL ARTICLES CITED Diskin C, Malik K, Gill PJ, Rashid N, Chan CY, Nelson KE, Thomson J, Berry J, Agrawal R, Orkin J, Cohen E. Research priorities for children with neurological impairment and medical complexity in high-income countries. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2022 Feb;64(2):200-208. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15037. Epub 2021 Aug 30. PMID: 34462917; PMCID: PMC9291325. TRANSCRIPT Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email:
Nov 2, 2023 • 16min

Outpatient Behavior Management Counseling by D. O'Meara et al | OPENPediatrics

This podcast discusses pediatric behavior management counseling covering a wide range of topics including: 1) common challenging behaviors encountered at various stages of childhood and adolescence, 2) ways to create a safe space for children, adolescents, and caretakers to share their thoughts and concerns regarding challenging behaviors, and 3) strategies to incorporate de-escalation and behavior modification strategies into routine well-child visits in order to teach parents these skills. LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Describe common challenging behaviors encountered at various stages of childhood and adolescence. - Create a safe space for children, adolescents, and their caretakers to share thoughts and concerns about behaviors. - Describe a framework for behavior dysregulation and an approach to its management. - Incorporate de-escalation and behavior modification strategies into routine well child visits. AUTHORS Daniel O'Meara, MD Pediatrics Resident Boston Combined Residency Program Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center Beverly Aiyanyor, MD Pediatrics Resident Boston Combined Residency Program Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center Brenna Chase, MD Chief Resident in Pediatrics Boston Combined Residency Program Urban Health and Advocacy Track Boston Children's Hospital | Boston Medical Center Katelin Blackburn, MD Adolescent Medicine Fellow Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Boston Children's Hospital DATES Initial Publication: November 3, 2023 CITATION O'Meara D, Perez C, Aiyanyor B, Chase B, Wills K, Blackburn K. Outpatient Behavior Management Counseling. 11/2023. OPENPediatrics. Online Course: Video: Podcast: Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email:
Oct 24, 2023 • 26min

The World Federation Of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies: Insights From The President

In this World Shared Practice Forum podcast, Dr. Brenda Morrow discusses the structure of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies, her journey to become President of the Federation, and shares a preview of features in the upcoming World Congress. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon listening to this presentation, learners will be able to: - Recognize the goals and organizational framework of the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies or WFPICCS - Describe examples of some of the WFPICCS subgroups, subcommittees, and the multidisciplinary evolution of the Federation - Preview features of and review deadlines for the upcoming WFPICCS Congress - Provide suggestions for those that might be trying to submit their work, particularly those coming from lower middle-income countries AUTHORS Brenda Morrow, PhD President World Federation of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies (WFPICCS) Physiotherapist and Full Professor Department of Paediatrics University of Cape Town, South Africa Traci Wolbrink MD, MPH Senior Associate in Critical Care Medicine Boston Children's Hospital Associate Professor of Anaesthesia Harvard Medical School DATES Initial Publication: October 24, 2023. CITATION Morrow BM, O’Hara JE, Wolbrink TA. The World Federation of Pediatric Intensive & Critical Care Societies: Insights from President Dr. Brenda Morrow. 10/2023. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast. Links:, REFERENCES Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email:
Oct 17, 2023 • 13min

Surgical Palliation for Single Ventricle Lesions by M. Alvin, A. Schure | OPENPediatrics

This podcast explains the pathophysiology of single ventricle cardiac lesions, and reviews the three-step surgical procedure used for palliation. 0:00 Introduction 1:55 Anatomy & Pathophysiology 3:56 Typical Palliation 8:50 Long Term Complications After Repair LEARNING OBJECTIVES After listening to this podcast, the learner should be able to: • Explain the pathophysiology of single ventricle heart disease • Discuss the different stages of palliation for single ventricle heart disease • Describe the physiological consequences of the Fontan circulation • Recognize long term problems associated with the Fontan circulation AUTHORS Madeleine Alvin, MD Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellow Boston Children's Hospital Annette Schure, MD Senior Associate in Cardiac Anesthesia Boston Children's Hospital DATES Initial publication: October 19, 2023 CITATION Alvin ML, Marcley S, Soohey R, McFee AM, Wolbrink TA, Schure AY. Surgical Palliation for Single Ventricle Lesions. 10/2023. OPENPediatrics. Online Course: Video: Podcast: Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open access-and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email:
Oct 9, 2023 • 19min

Moyamoya Disease by W. Northam, E. Smith, J. Laird-Gion, J. Perez | OPENPediatrics

Join Weston Northam, a Clinical Staff Associate at Boston Children's Hospital, as he dives into the intricacies of moyamoya disease. He discusses the disease's anatomy and pathophysiology, highlighting the importance of surgical intervention for brain blood supply. The conversation also covers anesthetic management, emphasizing techniques tailored for pediatric patients, and offers insights into postoperative care. Listeners will gain a comprehensive understanding of the surgical approaches and considerations unique to this condition.
Oct 9, 2023 • 21min

Financial Compensation of Family Caregivers: Gaps in Practice and Policy

In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Mark Brittan discusses a qualitative study of stakeholders in a family-certified nursing assistant program in Colorado. He describes the limitations of the paid family caregiver model, opportunities for advocacy, and the next steps from this work. SPEAKER Mark Brittan, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Children's Hospital Colorado HOST Kilby Mann, MD Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, Children's Hospital Colorado DATES Initial Publication: October 9, 2023 CITATION JOURNAL ARTICLE REFERENCED Brittan MS, Chavez C, Blakely C, Holliman BD, Zuk J. Paid Family Caregiving for Children With Medical Complexity. Pediatrics. 2023;151(6):e2022060198. doi:10.1542/peds.2022-060198 OTHER ARTICLES REFERENCED Foster CC, Kwon S, Blakely C, Carter K, Sobotka SA, Goodman DM, Agrawal R, Brittan M. Paying Family Medical Caregivers for Children's Home Healthcare in Colorado: A Working Medicaid Model. J Pediatr. 2023 Feb 10;261:113347. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.12.043. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36775189; PMCID: PMC10412725. Kaye N, Teshale S. Medicaid Supports for Family Caregivers. National Academy for State Health Policy. October 2020. Accessed September 22, 2023.‐content/uploads/2020/10/Medicaid‐Supports‐for‐Family‐Caregivers.pdf TRANSCRIPT Clinicians across healthcare professions, advocates, researchers, and patients/families are all encouraged to engage and provide feedback! You can recommend an article for discussion using this form: Please visit: OPENPediatrics™ is an interactive digital learning platform for healthcare clinicians sponsored by Boston Children’s Hospital and in collaboration with the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies. It is designed to promote the exchange of knowledge between healthcare providers around the world caring for critically ill children in all resource settings. The content includes internationally recognized experts teaching the full range of topics on the care of critically ill children. All content is peer-reviewed and open-access and thus at no expense to the user. For further information on how to enroll, please email:

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