Nick Dyer-Witheford on biocommunism, "a communism emerging from the catastrophes capital now inflicts throughout the bios, the realm of life itself". Future Histories InternationalFind all English episodes of Future Histories here: subscribe to the Future Histories International RSS-Feed (English episodes only) ShownotesNick Dyer-Witheford (University of Western Ontario): Dyer-Witheford, Nick. 2022. Biocommie: Power and Catastrophe.: - Platforms, Populisms, Pandemics and Riots (Research Project):, Nick. 2013. Red plenty platforms. Culture Machine 14 (PDF).:, Nick. 2007. Commonism. Turbulence 1: Dyer-Witheford, Nick. 1999. Cyber-Marx: Cycles and circuits of struggle in high-technology capitalism. University of Illinois Press.:, Nick. 2015. Cyber-proletariat: Global labour in the digital vortex. London: Pluto Press. (PDF available):, Nick, Atle Mikkola Kjøsen, and James Steinhoff. 2019. Inhuman power. Artificial intelligence and the future of capitalism. London: Pluto Press.: Further ShownotesBastani, Aaron. 2019. Fully Automated Luxury Communism. London: Verso.: Hester: Cuboniks Collective. 2018. The Xenofeminist Manifesto: A Politics for Alienation. London: Verso:, Nick und Alex Williams. 2016. Inventing the Future. London: Verso:, Adam. 2021. Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World Economy. New York: Viking.: New Age of Catastrophe - Alex Callinicos's Farewell Lecture:, Antonio. 2005. Crisis of the Crisis State. Libcom:, Tiziana. 2009. Another Life: The Nature of Political Economy in Foucault’s Genealogy of Biopolitics., Theory, Culture & Society, 26(6), 234–65.:, Nancy. 2016. Contradictions of Capital and Care. New Left Review 100, 99-117.:, Naomi. 2008. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. New York: Picador.:, Holly Jean. 2021. Ending fossil fuels: Why net zero is not enough. Verso.:, Stan. 2013. Any way you slice it: the past, present, and future of rationing. The New Press.:, Aaron. 2020. Automation and the Future of Work. London: Verso.:, Fredric. 2016. An American utopia. Dual Power and the Universal Army. London: Verso, 1-96.:, Cory. 2020. Full Employment. Locus Magazine: of the Woods. 2018. The Uses of Disaster. Commune Magazine: Out of the Woods. 2020. Hope Against Hope: Writings on Ecological Crisis. New York: Common Notions.:, Michel, & Michel Senellart (transl.). 2008. The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978-79. Palgrave Macmillan:[German] Sutterlütti, Simon & Meretz, Stefan. 2018. Kapitalismus aufheben. Hamburg: VSA Verlag. (PDF verfügbar):, Andreas. 2020. Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century. London: Verso.: Nunes, Rodrigo. 2021. Neither vertical nor horizontal: A theory of political organization. London: Verso.: from Neither Vertical nor Horizontal: A Theory of Political Organization (Verso 2021): by Nick Dyer-Witheford with Rodrigo Nunes: DiPrima: Regarding scarcity in liberalism see the Future Histories Episode with Ute Tellman as well as:Tellmann, Ute. 2017. Life and money: The genealogy of the liberal economy and the displacement of politics. Columbia University Press.: Further Future Histories Episodes on related topicsS02E10 | Aaron Benanav on Associational Socialism and Democratic Planning:[German] S01E47 | Stefan Meretz zu Commonismus: | Daniel E. Saros on Digital Socialism and the Abolition of Capital (Part 1): (German) Episoden zum Thema alternative RegierungskünsteS02E25 | Bini Adamczak zu Beziehungsweisen: | Gabriel Kuhn zu anarchistischer Regierungskunst: | Thomas Biebricher zu neoliberaler Regierungskunst: | Alexander Kluge zu Zukünften der Kooperation: | Ute Tellmann zu Ökonomie als Kultur: | Kalle Kunkel zu Herrschaftstechnologien in der Krise: | Joseph Vogl zur Krise des Regierens: | Frieder Vogelmann zu alternativen Regierungskünsten: Find a collection of Future Histories episodes related to democratic economic planning here: you like Future Histories, you can help with your support on Patreon: me at and join the discussion on Twitter (#FutureHistories): on Reddit: on YouTube: Episode Keywords:#FutureHistories, #FutureHistoriesInternational, #Podcast, #JanGroos, #Interview, #Biocommunism, #Dyer-Witheford, #Commonism, #Platforms, #Biocommie, #HelenHester, #NickSrnicek, #AlexWilliams, #Accelerationism, #Ecosocialism, #Rationing, #PowerandCatastrophe, #Capitalism, #AaronBenanav, #Postcapitalism, #Polycrisis, #EconomicPlanning, #Crisis, #Capital, #Rationing, #Hegemony, #Governmentality, #Foucault, #RadicalTransformation, #SocialTransformation, #Democracy, #Socialism, #DesasterCapitalism, #PoliticalEconomy, #Scarcity, #Communism