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Behind Greatness by Inspire North

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Apr 8, 2023 • 51min

148. Angela Marie Maxwell – Earth Walker / Explorer - Wandering and Wondering, But Not Lost

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We sit down with Angela Maxwell as she prepares her next global walking trip from Tashkent, Uzbekistan. After entering her 30s, Angela started to feel a unique “pull”. So she answered it. She left her business, with zero know-how on pitching a tent or starting a fire, and zero athletic abilities :). On a day in 2013 she embarked on a global walking journey on her own, leaving her home in central Oregon – to return back home over 6 years later. In answering her pull, she recounts stories about almost dying in the Australian Outback, catching dengue fever in Vietnam, terrifying sandstorms in Mongolia and sheep herding in Sardegna. We explore some of Angela’s insights she absorbed along the way: listening deeply, feeling the world, “crafting out of newness” and weeping on an Italian mountain-side. We discuss her experience with physical and psychological fences, with having a figureoutable-mindset and with absorbing the terror and anger in the present moment to discovering the authentic self. We’re all Clark Kents – but when you are Superman where do you exist? To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Angela, Website: TEDx Talk: EURONEWS: IG: @angelamariemaxwell FB: TW: @AngelaMarieMax Coaching:
Mar 31, 2023 • 1h 2min

147. Dr. John B. Alexander – Retired Army Officer / Pentagon Official / Author / Badass - Not Ignoring It If You Don’t Understand It

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Today we chat with John B Alexander from his home in Las Vegas. John is a decorated, retired Infantry Officer who started his military career as an 18 year old parachuting out of planes, to active tour in Vietnam as Special Forces Commander to working at the Pentagon and advising the DOD, CIA and the White House. John always had an interest in exploring the non-material and this curiosity brought him through a unique path starting in the early 80s after he wrote an “edgy” article in the Military Review, while working at the Pentagon. The Washington Post picked up the story and wrote about the “Voodoo Warriors of the Pentagon” – and this brought him a lot of public attention. We talk about John’s experience in advocating for non-lethal weapons and researching psychic abilities for military applications. John’s experience is profound and wide-ranging in these fields and as such has been exposed to a lot of things that are “not supposed to happen”. We discuss the fundamentality of consciousness, the limitations of the western world’s view of time and of the spirit world, his research of near death experiences and remote viewing, spoon bending, skeptics vs. debunkers and the reality of UFOs. John is retired from the military, but he’s far from retired from his researching of our connectedness within the universe … he’s a man always striving to peer behind the veil of illusion and taking notes.   To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.    John, Website: IMDB:
Mar 24, 2023 • 55min

146. Sue Ludwig - President & Founder, NANT / Occupational Therapist / Author – Unravelling All We Can

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Today, we sit down with Sue Ludwig in Cincinnati. We get right into it, talking about babies. Sue is the founder of the National Association of Neonatal Therapists. She is an occupational therapist with an expertise in neo-natal care by vocation. She saw several years ago that there was very little attention paid to any standards and mentoring for the caring and development of new born human beings. So, she went about creating a national body that took this on and all the “soft medicine” around the importance of listening to the baby in its first days/weeks of life. We talk about the direct connection that the newborn has to all things important in our adult lives: community, love and creativity. We discuss the perils of disassociation with patients in the hospital experience, the importance of checking your baggage outside the car, how our little baby bodies take notes that define sensory perception for life AND how being outside has become a lost art. Listen in as well on Sue’s thoughts on why babies teach us that there is no end.   “You can take the eagerness and feelings to create, with you”. Amen.   A warm thank you to Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor.   To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Sue, NANT Website: BOOK – Tiny Humans, Big Lessons: Linkedin:
Mar 17, 2023 • 55min

145. Jonathan Torrens – Comedic Actor / Director / Producer / Podcaster – Reading the Room to Create

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We chat today with Jonathan, from his home in the country in Nova Scotia (Atlantic Canada). Jonathan is an accomplished comedic actor, writer, director and producer – having started in the entertainment business while still in highschool. By the time he starting developing his popular character J-Roc on the Trailer Park Boys in the early 2000s, Jonathan had long been diligently building his “Swiss army knife” cache of skills in the business. And it’s from this well that we draw oodles of wisdom, wit and introspection from Jonathan with this conversation. We learn the grounding effects of starting your day with shovelling poop, owning the things you don’t know and taking criticism as teaching moments. We discuss the universal magic of silly and its victimless crimes, the power of “chameleon” as a verb and the tight link between joy and pain. We have a good time discussing funny and where his particular sweet spot of funny is – and why. We also hear about the literal (and metaphorical) choice he made while in Los Angeles between a casino commercial and a dentist visit that brought him back to understanding what he was actually made of … a man living in the quiet, creating, and visiting the noise.   Jonathan: a “thank you”. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Jonathan, Production Company: Website: Podcast - Taggart & Torrens: Book – Canadianity: Imdb:
Mar 9, 2023 • 57min

144. Alain Menard – President, The Green Beaver Company – Carving Out Your Creative Outlet

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Today we sit with Alain Menard, who co-founded The Green Beaver Company with his wife Karen Clark, a chemist. The Green Beaver Company is a pioneer in North America in naturally-based personal care products. The company breathes the country air for its creative inspiration, the same air that Alain grew up with in rural Ontario, Canada, close to the Quebec border. Their business was ignited by the desire to start a family and providing the best kind of natural environment for their future child. So Alain and his wife applied their scientific chops to create a new life for themselves. We talk 3-way balance, self-sustained living, the state of creation and where that brings him. We discuss tricking the mind with doing something at the opposite of what your thoughts are bringing you. We learn about Alain’s philosophy about fun and connection, about building a cabin when you are suffering from cabin fever - and carving spoons, just because.   This chat was like a long walk in nature. Breathe in, and create. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Alain, Website: Linkedin: Fromagerie:
Feb 24, 2023 • 56min

143. Dr. Gabor Maté, MD – Physician, Global Expert on Addiction & Trauma / Speaker / Best Selling Author – Embracing the Power in Being Disillusioned

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Today we sit down with famed Physician and Best Selling Author, Gabor Maté at his home in Vancouver – on Valentine’s Day no less. Gabor is a globally renowned speaker and writer on trauma, addiction and childhood development. He just released his latest book: The Myth of Normal. We delve right into it with a discussion on love and trauma. We hear about his thoughts on the medical profession and the disconnect in modern medicine’s view on mind and body, its lack of education on trauma and the absence of follow-through on the patient’s emotional life. We learn about Gabor’s early life in Hungary in the 1940s and 50s – a nation first over-run by fascism and then by the ideology of communism – and how that informed him throughout his life. We discuss “Big T” trauma and “Small T” trauma , trauma as the “puppet master” and how connection figures in as an antidote. We learn about his experience as a palliative care doctor and the “holy work” of being with people who are close to death. We weave through an intensely interesting discussion about diseases and their relationship to beliefs and about the sacred pain of being disillusioned. And we end with a beautiful chat about his thoughts on creativity, authenticity and “waking up” … and Vaslav Nijinsky. A big thank you to a former guest, Dr. Jeffrey Rediger (ep 132) – and a shout-out to another lovely former guest, Dr. Thomas Verny (ep 121) … two Psychiatrists whose work was also featured in Gabor’s latest book. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Gabor, Book: The Myth of Normal - Website: FB: IG: @gabormatemd YT Channel:
Feb 16, 2023 • 1h 18min

142. Dr. Diana Pasulka – Professor of Religious Studies / Indiana Jones / Best Selling Author - Unlearning

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Today we speak with Diana Pasulka, author of American Cosmic: Religion, UFOs and Technology, from her home in North Carolina. Diana’s academic reputation was rooted in the research of miraculous events within Catholic history to new religious movements. In 2012, her world was rocked. At that time, she was researching for entirely different kind of book and started to see patterns in the historical records re aerial phenomena dating back 800-900 years. This piqued her curiosity and kickstarted a whole new adventure. Her thirst for truth brought her into a world of intrigue and of secrets – both open and closed. Her curiosities led her through a 6-year journey as a modern day Indiana Jones - an academic, a researcher of the mystical and mysterious and a danger-defying explorer. We cover together what she spent years facing: the incredibly webbed story of the Pentagon’s long classified study of UFOs, the Invisible College, hunting for objects in New Mexico, researching within secret Vatican archives and personally being surveilled by government agencies. We discuss her work under the cloak of danger – while living through a reality that was getting “weirder and weirder”. As her understanding of the new reality was being readjusted during her exploration, her beliefs too were adjusting alongside. We discuss the importance of art and of changing your conceptions, the suppression of knowledge as power, what Indigenous tribes all over the world already knew, the power of media message, the militarization of the narrative, the attraction of activities centred around the Bay area and the SRI Institute (remember Russell Targ?), the real mystical experience of Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and what he was up to on the moon … (oh, we’re not done yet) … creativity and external agents, human beings as sensors, off planet intelligence, Emergence, UFO Fight Club and technology as a new religion. “Questioning builds a way”. BAM. Listeners to this episode should DEFINITELY check out our episodes with Leslie Kean (112), Avi Loeb (105), Jeffrey Krypal (118), Dean Radin (122), Courtney Brown (131) and Br Guy Consolmagno (133). To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Diana, Book – American Cosmic: Religion, UFOs and Technology: Upcoming Book - Encounters:  
Feb 10, 2023 • 53min

141. Ryan Graves – Former US Navy Fighter Pilot / CEO & Founder, Merged Point – Being Unswayed by Others’ Judgements

Ryan joins us from his home in New Hampshire. Growing up as an avid reader and athlete, Ryan developed a passion for wanting to fly jets for the Navy. And that is precisely the world he created for himself. For several years he trained on the US East Cost and served overseas - operating from US aircraft carriers. For several years, he and his pilot colleagues were seeing unidentified objects in the air and on their radars. In this conversation, he also describes to us the shapes of these flying objects and their trajectories and maneuvers through the sky. After wondering why no action was being taken to formally address these phenomenon by his ultimate superiors, Ryan went public. He became the first active duty Navy pilot to speak out on these experiences. Today, he also serves as the first Chair of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Integration and Outreach Committee (UAPIOC), representing more than 30,000 members of the aerospace industry. The goal of UAPIOC is to serve as a neutral, scientifically-focused group enabling safer commercial and military air and space operations. Through his podcast Merged, his mission is to create a platform for other pilots to share their experiences and to explore what may be the truth behind what is sharing the skies with our planes. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Ryan, Website: Podcast: “Merged” – Youtube: AIAA: LI:  
Feb 1, 2023 • 54min

140. Father Nathan Castle – Dominican Friar / Counselor to “Stuck Souls” in the Afterlife / Author / Podcaster – Crossing to the Other Side

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are joined by Father Nathan Castle at his residence in Arizona. He is a Friar of Saint Dominic’s Order of Preachers for the Western Dominican Province. Father Nathan has a gift that he has been employing for 27 years – he helps stuck souls adjust to the afterlife. Father Nathan is often approached by souls who experienced a traumatic physical death to help them “get out the door” across the veil. We discuss his extraordinary communication with souls through his dreams and in his sessions: his gift of prophesy. We hear about his cosmic “mic tests” and the matching of waves of consciousness. We learn also about the mystics in his family, his green river of consciousness, the divine importance of creativity and disarming your brother vs vanquishing a foe. Even though he originally became a priest in spite of himself, he is a man of deep faith with an open heart and a no-nonsense sensibility you can only grow in Texas.    “It’s gonna hurt when you pop”   Check out our past episodes with Jill Bolte Taylor (ep 101) and Bruce Greyson (ep 69), as per our chat with Father Nathan. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.    Father Nathan, Podcast – “The Joyful Friar”: Website: Books, including Afterlife, Interrupted: YT Channel: IG: @father_nathan_castle
Jan 27, 2023 • 46min

139. Dr. Jennifer Mather – Scientist / World Expert on Octopuses – Needing to Explore Without Consequences

Jennifer joins us from Alberta, Canada. She grew up on the edge of the ocean in Victoria, British Columbia. Since 1985, she has been a faculty member of the Department of Psychology at the University of Lethbridge. And among many things, Jennifer is also one of the world’s leading specialists in cephalopods – including the enigmatic octopus. She was recently a scientific advisor to Netflix’s Oscar-winning documentary My Octopus Teacher in 2020. Jennifer brings us through her background as a little girl interested in sea animals to a journey of “un-meeking” herself as a young scientist pursuing a life of scientific exploration. We discuss curiosity and exploration and the brutal reality of the squashing of both as we leave childhood. We hear about exploring with consequences in academia, the importance of finding knowledge, the blimp, torpedo and the plastic bag, and the importance of always asking new questions. We learn from the Octopus that it’s never happy not knowing … and from Jennifer that the more you know, the more you know that you don't know. Kindred spirits, they are. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Jennifer, Bio: Consider the Octopus:

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