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Behind Greatness by Inspire North

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Oct 5, 2023 • 1h 14min

168. Loyd Auerbach – Parapsychologist / Paranormal Investigator / Educator – Facing Your Denial of What Happens Next

To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.   Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We chat with Loyd from his office in the Bay Area. Loyd is many things: a paranormal investigator, a ghost hunter, parapsychologist, educator, mentalist and chocolatier. We are treated immediately with a ghost story from his early work in the 1980s. He was catapulted into the public eye during the release of The Ghost Busters in 1984, being sought after as a real “ghost hunter”. We discuss a ton of fascinating themes, including: pop culture and beliefs, leaving feelings behind in a room, confronting a sith lord, poltergeists, and the body-station vs the spirit-drone. We learn about Loyd’s early bilocating experiences, his thoughts on humans being an interface device and how science fiction has been more courageous at exploring the possibilities – and the importance of the Rhine Research Center and the public’s - and universities’ - growing interest again in parapsychological study. We recommend a pairing with episode 113 - with Psychiatrist and Parapsychologist, Dr. Diane Hennacy. Loyd, Linkedin: The Rhine Research Center: Books: X: @profparanormal Bio:
Sep 28, 2023 • 1h 26min

167. Nancy du Tertre – Corporate Attorney / Skeptical Psychic / Remote Viewer / Author – Losing the Fear of Accessing Knowledge

To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We’re speaking with Nancy duTertre from Connecticut today. Nancy is a corporate attorney, a psychic detective and a remote viewing practitioner. Growing up in an intellectually-focused family environment Nancy exceled in her endeavours, but her curiosities brought her through more than one path. Her world opened up when she started to actively pursue her own questions about intuition. We discover with her some hard-hitting themes: her psychic detective work with police departments, being in service, the languages of different senses, possession, psychokinesis and the bending of rebar :), boomerang-shaped objects, non-human intelligence, protecting human consciousness and losing the fear of accessing knowledge that just a question away. A colourful life lived with left-brain sensibilities and the child-like compunction to explore what she doesn’t know. “The anomalies are the key to a larger body of knowledge that is as of yet explored.” Nancy, Linkedin: Websites: Books: Psychic Intuition: Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask but Were Afraid to Know” - How to Talk to an Alien -
Sep 14, 2023 • 59min

166. Dr. Roger Nelson – Director of the Global Consciousness Project / Former Researcher, PEAR lab – Making Sounds Together

To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Roger joins us from Ithaca, NY at his home in an eco-village. Roger was (is) a musician and psychologist when he applied to Princeton as a leading researcher to one of America’s leading consciousness, called PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab). Among other things, Roger at PEAR investigated the influence of human thoughts on physical reality. In this conversation he brings us through his research on and belief in the importance of Global Consciousness. His studies have been focused on measuring and registering signs of any kind of coherent global consciousness that would come into being by an event that engaged the attention of a large number of people that would stimulate a synchronized set of emotions. We learn how the founder of PEAR, Robert Jahn (also the Dean of Engineering) spent a great deal of time defending the lab from peers who refused to visit (reminds us of the historical figures who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope because they wished to simply deny his findings). We learn from Roger fascinating topics like the “noosphere”, the relevancy of human rituals, McDonnell Douglas sponsoring of Roger’s studies on “gremlin” activity in the cockpit of military bomber flights, mining the psychic atmosphere and the act of falling in love. We discuss the importance of music, the thrill of artistic creation, “making sounds together” and the difference between skeptics and deniers. Roger also shares with us what he would like to be doing once he transitions to the other side. 100% skeptical and 100% open-minded. A thank you to our friend Stephan Schwartz (ep 155). Roger, Website: Website: LI:
Sep 7, 2023 • 1h 7min

165. Stephen Simon – Former Hollywood Producer / Author / Man of the Heart - Trusting that Feeling

To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Welcome back to Behind Greatness. We are sitting down today with Stephen Simon who joins us from his home near Portland. Stephen was born into a family already successful in Hollywood. As a young man, he went to law school and practised for a short while, but his heart was married to another mission. Stephen elaborates on this mission through his experience with the films he produced and the people who inspired him along the way. And along that way he produced acclaimed projects such as the Academy Award-winning film What Dreams May Come (starring Robin Williams & Cuba Gooding Jr). We learn about his twin flame and wife Lauren who passed several years ago and with whom he co-wrote a book after she transitioned to the other side. We also discuss his beloved Spiritual Cinema Circle project and we hear about the consensual realities he’s learned about from the other side. We discuss the eternal wisdom of Neale Donald Walsch, Shirley MacLaine – and Wayne Gretzky. An open conversation with a man who’s lived with an open heart. Have a listen to Stephen Gyllenhaal (ep 127) and Amy Jo Johnson (ep 92) for a couple of past open-heart conversations. Stephen, Book: Website: IMDB: FB:
Aug 24, 2023 • 1h 29min

164. Dr. Scarlett Heinbuch – NDE Experiencer / Multidimensional Healer / Author – Seeing the Impossible

We are joined today by Scarlett Heinbuch from her home in Atlanta, Georgia. Scarlett has been working in finance for 20 years. But that’s merely her career. Scarlett has been an experiencer of multidimensional realms since she was a little girl. We learn about her childhood OBEs, her interactions with relatives – both live and deceased, a near death experience, the details of an incredible and impossible shared death experience with her future husband and his remarkable recovery. We learn about alcoholism and how it cuts openness at the knees, about “joy bullying” and about how to show up in the world. For those who have a soft spot for love stories, this won’t disappoint either. And for those who also have a soft spot for interdimensional surgical teams of blue beings, this story will have that too. We also recommend episode with Sharon Hewitt-Rawlette (ep 99) for some great parapsychological discussion as background. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Scarlett, Website: The UnXplained (History Channel): What Happens When We Die? (Season 1) - Book: We Met on the Other Side - Linkedin:
Jul 23, 2023 • 1h 49min

163. Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan - Ex-Military Remote Viewer & “Psychic Spy” / Founder, Remote Viewing Ranch / Artist / Author – Giving Anything Through You

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. Today we are speaking with a very humble, soft spoken human being, Lyn Buchanan. And you’re in for a ride. Lyn served in the US military for 20 years. He served as a minister, a multi-language linguist (the only Mongolian linguist in the US forces) as a database and systems expert and as a controlled Remote Viewer and Remote Viewing trainer in a classified US government espionage program in the 1980s and 1990s. Lyn has been plagued throughout his life with "psychokenetic" events. One fateful day in Augsburg, Germany, such an event (parts of which are still classified) happened and brought about official recognition and record of his ability – having Lyn to eventually admit to having “the best job in the world”. If you are interested in learning about Lyn’s experience and insights on: controlled Remote Viewing to entering the minds of world leaders, bilocation, solving child abduction cases, unofficially remote viewing extra terrestrial beings, experience of being onboard an off-planet vehicle, recalling an abduction by extra terrestrial sentient beings and detailed physical descriptions of these beings and their craft, visitations by men in black, psychic abilities of human beings, current exo-planet work for space agencies etc. – then listen in. If you’re not interested, then move along, there’s nothing to see here. When providing his service (for free) to Police investigators once the investigator realized the scope of his work/ability, and asked, “Do you mean that you can assign someone to actually witness something that has already happened?” Lyn replied, “That’s what we do.”  Have a listen also to our other episodes with remote viewing experts Russell Targ (ep 80), Courtney Brown (ep 131) and Stephan Schwartz (ep 155,156). To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Lyn, Remote View Ranch: Books: Seventh Sense: The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a "Psychic Spy" for the U.S. Military - Gravity is your Friend (It can also get you killed): Linkedin:
Jul 14, 2023 • 1h 28min

162. Dr. Werner Barkhuizen – Psychologist / Entrepreneur / Explorer – Questioning Your Guardrails

Thanks for tuning in again to Behind Greatness. Werner joins us today from his home in North Carolina. Originally from South Africa, Werner is an accomplished entrepreneur with interests in several industries around the world. He had been practising as clinical psychologist when in 2009 he shifted to a renewed focus: to work himself out of a job. We jump into his lifelong fascination in exploring the truth of human existence and the non physical. We discuss psychokinesis (spoon bending), premonitions and where memories exist. He elaborates on the importance of killing your ego and the practice of extrospection. We hear in detail about his and his family’s frequent experience with floating orbs and his exploration of this phenomenon. And, we hear about a pivotal meeting with Gandhi’s grandson, his encounters with entities and his real, extraordinary exploration of achieving a controlled, measurable and replicable approach in leaving his body to astral travel. We learn that he is a practical man who has doubled down on quenching his thirst for pursuing knowledge, acknowledging that dissolving the ego is the key to accessing what we don’t know.      Ingenium Solutio.   Thanks to John B Alexander (ep147). Feel free to see episodes with Dr Bruce Lipton (ep 111) and Dr Diana Pasulka (ep 142) - both scientist-explorers of the non-physical. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Werner, Website: Linkedin:
Jul 7, 2023 • 1h 32min

161. Dr. Yvonne Kason, MD – Retired Physician, Psychotherapist / Near Death Experiencer / Author – Visiting the Light

Thanks for tuning in again to Behind Greatness. Today’s discussion is with multiple NDEr, physician and author, Dr Yvonne Kason. Yvonne joins us from her home in Toronto – a city where she grew up and practised for many years as a pioneering psychotherapist in Canada. She was also the first to coin the term “Spiritually Transformative Experience (STE) and is the co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International. Starting as a small child she has led an incredible life experiencing episodes from “beyond the veil”. We discuss her near fatal train station episode, her near fatal car crash incidence and her incredible story of surviving a spectacular plane crash as a young medical resident. And if that isn’t enough for your ears, we discuss a debilitating injury from a brain injury that forced her to retire from her medical practice in 2003 … that started with a profound NDE … and ended with an STE in 2016 that brought her out of her physical disability. Gripping. Her life is a movie and her lessons are profound. See also NDE experience of Dr. Tony Cicoria (ep 55). To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Yvonne, Book: Soul Lessons from the Light: How Spiritually Transformative Experiences Changed My Life (December 2022), Book: Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences (2019) Personal Website: Spiritual Awakenings Website: Toronto Awakenings Website:
Jun 30, 2023 • 1h 4min

160. Franc Milburn – Former UK Military Intelligence officer, Army Paratrooper / Intelligence Security Specialist - Being Compelled by Curiosity

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. Today, we are joined by Franc Milburn at his home in the Canary Islands. Franc joined the Army in the 80s and worked in Intelligence, honing his skills and growing his network across the Middle East and North Africa. Today, he runs a private security intelligence business for Fortune 500 companies and is a member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. In his current work he acts as a “sheepdog” for his clients through skills he’s developed since his days as an intelligence officer -- spending time in war torn countries gathering ground truth from investing time with local communities and their leaders. We connected with Franc through his mentor Col. John Alexander as Franc has also had a long time curiosity in the UAP phenomenon and has a unique lens through which he views it. We discuss his research and interactions with prominent scientists and astrophysicists such as Dr Eric Davis and Dr. Jack Sarfatti – discussions that have revealed the reality of reverse engineering programs of off-world vehicles, physical UAP craft and their connection to our consciousness . We learn from Franc about the deliberate harassment strategies against scientists who work on UAP technology – including a direct energy weapon used against a scientist friend of his who was suicided. And, for good measure, we also threw in lucid dreaming and out of body experiences. A Franc discussion about wanting to know what you don’t know – good or bad. Don’t hesitate to see our conversations with Col John B. Alexander (ep 147) and Former Navy Fighter Pilot Ryan Graves (ep 141). To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Franc, Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies - Video of Aquadilla sighting:
Jun 23, 2023 • 1h 3min

159. Jack Horner – World-Renowned Paleontologist / Explorer / Professor – Remaining Amazed

Welcome back to Behind Greatness. In this session we are speaking with Jack Horner from his home in California. Jack is a world renowned Paleontologist – of Jurassic Park fame. He was a reference point for the main character of both the original book and the Jurassic Park movie franchise of Steve Spielberg. Coincidentally (even though we don’t believe in coincidences anymore) we are recording this conversation on June 9th, 2023 - the 30 year anniversary of the release of Jurassic Park. Jack had the fortune of growing up in Montana and at an early age fell in love with dinosaurs. He found his first dinosaur bone at 8 years old and 1st skeleton at 13 years old. We follow him as he describes his ground breaking discovery (and his naming) of the Maiasaura, the running of his own museum, cutting through dinosaur bones to disprove and prove hypotheses and a career digging and training other paleontologists all around the globe. We learn about his connection with George Lucas and his fascinating “dino-chicken” project, the fundamental importance of curiosity and why we can’t lose our need to be amazed. “Go outside and find something.” See our conversation with Dr. Vera Tiesler (ep 81) if interested in knowing another world-renowned explorer. To DONATE to the Behind Greatness podcast, please visit here: As a charity, tax receipts are issued to donors.  Jack, Website: Horner Science Group: Twitter: @dustydino TED Talk 2011 - TED Talk 2014 -

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