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Ray Edwards Show

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Feb 22, 2022 • 13min

I Don't Believe You

Beliefs produce results. If you truly believe something, there will be evidence of that belief somewhere in your life. Evidence of your beliefs comes in the form of results. If you believe that doing x, y and z will get you a thing that you desire, there will be results in your life that demonstrate you have acted on that belief. Often, those results won't be the desired outcome, but they still show that you took action. So what happens when you believe you can change your life for the better, but self doubt keeps you from taking action? That's what this week's episode is all about. [01:21] Here's why I don't believe you [02:49] The product of beliefs [04:45] The point of this episode... [05:09] How do I believe? [08:29] There are two kinds of students... [11:02] You must understand this Links 5daysalespage.com - Learn my salespage framework, live and absolutely free of charge. This is the same framework that has generated over $400 million in sales for all kinds of products and services. If you believe an internet revenue stream would improve your life, here's your chance to act on that belief and get some results. Click here to sign up. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Feb 14, 2022 • 9min

Get Genius Ideas on Demand

Where do your best ideas come from? If you answered, "your brain", you're only sort of correct. Truthfully, our best ideas come from other ideas. We compile bits of information from books, videos, articles, blogs, conversations, etc., and through the convergence of those ideas, new ideas are formed. This week's premise: You can build a system to intentionally create and utilize this convergence of ideas. In other words, you can make it happen...in fact, the idea for this week's content was generated by my own system. A quick note before you dive in: Last weeks episode generated more questions than any podcast I've done in recent history. Many people had never considered the concept of systematically generating ideas, but it absolutely works. These questions inspired me to demo my own system in an upcoming free workshop. I want to show you how this system works for me, how I built it, AND how you can build your own. It's spread out over 3 days, so the time commitment is manageable and the results will blow your mind. Again, this is a completely free workshop. Click here to sign up [00:47] Systems thinking [03:09] Don't just be an information consumer [04:07] My content generation system [05:05] The software I use (Notion) [06:12] The way we get creative ideas [07:05] Start by deciding to do it [08:16] I'll show you how I built my system Links Salescopysystem.com - Learn my system - I'll show you how it works, how I built it and how you can build your own in my free, 3-day workshop coming soon. Click here to sign up. Check out the new book from Tony Robbins here - Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love Notion software for Windows and Mac How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Feb 7, 2022 • 28min

Your Sales Copy System

See if this sounds like anyone you know… You need to generate some cash, so you come up with an idea. You set up your funnel, and your checkout...You calculate your possible conversions...Then you remember you need to write that pesky sales copy, so you slap it together. As you roll out, you realize you also needed thank you copy, follow up copy, stick copy, next offers, etc., and you tell yourself "Next time, I'll get it right." This happens because you lack a system. A system is, according to the Oxford dictionary, “a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or method”. Most entrepreneurs don’t have that. Neither do most copywriters. A system will bring you less stress, more sales, more profit, and set you up for the next sale. A copywriting and marketing system can be the first step in turning your promotion into a business. What Should Be In Your Sales Copy System? Right-fit client profiles Copy “chunks” proven to work A complete PASTOR filter brief Pre-promo content (blog, podcast, YouTube, social) "Inception” copy Interview scripts (for interviews on other media) Swiss Army knife Emotional Trigger checklist Sublist recruitment copy (opt-ins) Sublist indoctrination copy (opt-in emails) Email sequence framework Pre-launch alert copy Pre-launch content & copy Sales page copy Follow unto sales page for open cart copy Cart close copy Post sales followup Refund prevention copy Nurturing copy Remember, the more you can "templatize" and chunk down, the better. As I have often said, I don’t like to start a project until I’m already 80% done. System Checklist Review Proof Set up an A/B test on headlines and leads Test all breakage points After action review How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Feb 1, 2022 • 42min

What Does It Take To Make $1M

Having a "million dollar idea" may not have quite the punch it had in decades passed, but that million dollar milestone is alive and well. I mean, seven figures is a champagne-worthy occasion for most of us (the kind with a real cork), but realistically, how many of us can actually get there? What does it take to make a million bucks? That's what I'm talking about in this week's episode. Here's the nutshell version: Decide what you want your life to be, structure your business around THAT (doing it in reverse, building your life around your job, will likely yield unwanted results.) Once you have a clear vision, select a mentor that can get you there. For the record, yes, I am one such mentor, but there are many. Choose someone whose style resonates with your vision...but choose someone. Could I have made it without a mentor? Maybe...But I know I my revenue would be nowhere near what it is today had I skimped on that part of the equation. Mentors provide speed, accuracy and safety. A good one will lead you down the path that they themselves have already blazed...Avoiding costly pitfalls along the way. [02:07] There are great opportunities right now...what do you do about it? [04:02] Who do you listen to? [05:15] The Great Reawakening [09:05] What makes a copywriter stand out [13:00] Your first client [14:08] I know it's possible [15:40] Where to start [16:07] Who are you, and why are you here? [16:43] Who do you serve best? [18:05] Building your platform [19:26] Measuring your platform [21:17] The invisible list [23:03] Making contact [24:11] Deepening the relationship [26:29] Starting price [31:46] About the Academy [36:23] The customers your want [37:35] Number one homework assignment [38:39] What does your business do? [38:51] Choose a model [39:42] Get a mentor Links https://app.mediakits.com/rayedwards - This site is a great tool to get an overview of your platform. You can check out mine at the link provided, and then create your own. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jan 28, 2022 • 16min

Do The Hard Things

I can't think of a time in my life where I have experienced significant growth, without significant effort. That's true for pretty much all of us. We all know that our growth (as humans, spouses, entrepreneurs, etc.) comes from doing the hard things, yet we so often focus on trivial things...tasks that we can check off of our to-do list to feel some sense of accomplishment, but in reality we're just procrastinating the important stuff. This week, I'm challenging you to look at everything you do for your company, and ask yourself if YOU are the right person for the job. How do you know you're not the right person? Simple...If someone else can do it, you're not the right person. Entrepreneurs should be focused on the things that ONLY they can do. More than likely, those are the things that would grow your business the most - the hard things. Tune in and I'll break down exactly how I'm putting this philosophy to use in my own company.   [00:24] Choose the hard path [02:06] How we should be thinking [02:57] Optimistic lies [04:06] My commitment [04:57] A big question for entrepreneurs [06:01] Identify the weak points [06:46] Get it off of your plate [07:10] Tools of procrastination [07:58] Why do I do this? [08:48] What should you not be doing? [10:01] You're NOT to-do list [10:55] Your "Do-Dates" [11:55] One last thing... [15:02] Give me your feedback Links https://www.yearzero.io/ - August Bradley https://michaelhyatt.com/ - Michael Hyatt https://acuff.me/ - Jon Acuff How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jan 17, 2022 • 13min

Don't Hire a Copywriter

Yes, I'm a professional copywriter, and yes, I think there are great reasons NOT to hire a professional copywriter...At least, not at first. This week, I'm giving you 5 reasons why you should NOT hire a copywriter. 5 Reasons Why Every Business Owner Should Write Their Own Sales Copy [00:42] Unless you can competently write your own copy, you cannot confidently hire a good copywriter. This is because you will not know how to distinguish between good copy and bad copy. If you don't know how to write copy to begin with, every time you hire a copywriter, you'll be gambling large sums of money, hoping you get a good result, and never knowing why you did or did not. [01:18] Writing good sales copy requires you to know your buyers. You MUST develop deep, empathic knowledge about your customers, their problems, their desires, and their pain. There's no better way to do this than studying the people who buy from you. That is required to write good sales copy. [02:02] Writing good sales copy also requires you to develop deep, accurate knowledge about your product. You must know its strengths and shortcomings with your customers, and how to articulate your product's features and benefits in a way that causes people to want to buy. If you do a good job of writing the copy, you will end up improving the product in the process. [02:56] Nobody will care as much about the copy as you do. Because you are the risk-taking entrepreneur who's putting your neck out for this product, and for these people (your customers). There is no bigger stakeholder in the success of this enterprise than you. Therefore, no one will bring more sense of responsibility to deliver the best copy possible than you yourself. [04:03] Nobody else will spend as much time, write as many revisions, tweak the copy as often , or as carefully, as yourself. You need to get in there and write the copy. And then rewrite the copy. And then test the copy. And then work to beat your control. Once you've gone through this process with one big product and project, you may be ready to turn this over to a copywriter. Do not be in a hurry to do so. Of course, as I previously stated, I am a professional copywriter...Obviously, I feel there are times when hiring a copywriter is exactly the right thing to do. For instance, when: You cannot get satisfactory conversion rates yourself. You can no longer improve your conversion rates. You are objectively just not good enough to write it yourself anymore. You simply don't have time to do it yourself anymore because you're too successful. They can beat your control. In other words, they can write copy that converts better than your own winning copy. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jan 10, 2022 • 16min

A Single Page Can Change Your Life

How can a single page of writing change your entire life? That's what I'm proposing to you as the truth. Consider that IF my proposition is true, and you place this single page on your website, and you position it correctly, it can indeed change your financial destiny. There is a formula for constructing these pages, it is not difficult to learn, and once learned and implemented it can be used to bring money to you almost at will. And while money is not the answer to every problem, it is the only answer to some problems. Often, solving those few “money only” problems frees up your resources to solve the many others. Christ taught us, “You cannot serve both God and money". There is no prohibition against serving God, while having money serve you. This episode is a rapid-fire guide on how you can use one of these magical webpages to become more of the master of your money and have it serve you. It all starts with attracting the money you need to solve the problems only money can solve in your life. 8 Questions You Should Answer In Every Sales Page You Create [08:54] Who are you, and why should I trust you? What do you have that can help me with my problem,? Do you understand my problem in the pain it causes me? How does your problem solution help me? What makes your solution different than everyone else’s, and why should I buy it? How can you assure me this will work? What happens if it doesn’t? How much is your product, and is the speed and effectiveness of your solution with enough to justify my paying your price? How do I get started, how do I pay you, and what happens then? Is that all there is to it? Nope...not even close, BUT that alone can greatly increase your page's effectiveness. If you have a page that isn't converting well, see if the copy clearly answers each of those questions. If not, you might have just found a quick fix. Want the in-depth, masterclass guide to creating a high performance sales page? I have a 5 Day Sales Page challenge starting in one week (1/17). Visit 5DaySalesPage.com to get this deal for a one-time payment of only $97Just to be clear, that price isn’t just for the knowhow, it’s for FINISHING a ready-to-deploy sales page, live in our group. See the class schedule (and a few awesome bonuses I’m throwing in) by going to 5DaySalesPage.com. Links http://5DaySalesPage.com - Visit this site to join the 5 Day Sales Page Challenge for a one time payment of only $97. By the end of this challenge, you'll not only have the skills to create the ultimate sales page for your product, you'll have your page completed! Click the link for all the information (Hurry! The challenge starts in one week and we cannot accept late entries.) How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Jan 4, 2022 • 30min

Be a Money Magnet

Can you attract money? I firmly believe that you can! And this belief doesn't stem from the "believe in it and it will come true" philosophy. This goes beyond wishful thinking and enters into one of my favorite topics: Mindset. We all know at least one person who seems to attract disasters...someone who always has some bad news to catch you up on. I don't think this is because they were "born under a bad sign", or other such nonsense - I think they attract disasters because they are looking for them. If you seek the negative in everything, that's likely what you'll find. Adjusting your mindset changes the way you view the world, and it changes the way the world views you. Your overall attitude about life will determine how people interact with you. This week, I want to talk about how you can change your mindset to attract wealth. [00:35] The law of wealth attraction [02:21] It's not about making money [03:19] Here's why...(The Protestant Work Ethic) [04:15] Who works a billion times harder than you? [04:47] The best economic system....ever [06:10] The Effort-Income Link [08:36] If you're new... [09:07] Attracting wealth and money [10:22] Impartation and Activation for 2022 [14:33] It is a new economy [17:23] The money magnet [24:00] Two quick stories to wrap up How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Dec 30, 2021 • 11min

How to Think About Problems

With only a few days left in 2021, I wanted to bring you a powerful message that's short, easy to digest, and could be extremely helpful with whatever problems you face in 2022. Of course, I don't know what those problems will be (for either of us), but I do know the way in which you view them, and ultimately deal with them, will affect your personal growth. This week, I want to challenge you to think of the problems you encounter as puzzles. Instead of having an anger fueled meltdown, or a tearful self pity party, analyze the problem as though it were a puzzle - then, make a plan and deal with it in an intentional way. Will this make the problem an unexpected joy? No. That will likely not be the case, but it can result in positive growth in all aspects of your life...spiritually, emotionally, and even financially. How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.
Dec 22, 2021 • 22min

Gen-X and Boomers - Hark Unto Me

"OK Boomer..." - A popular comment on the internet meant to insult someone by implying the entire Boomer generation just "doesn't get it." I won't spend a lot of time breaking down the irony of how some of the modern generation, characterized as tolerant and accepting, can paint an entire group of people with the same broad brush (a crime which they often accuse Boomers of), but rather focus on the facts and figures...Boomers, and Gen-X'ers are raking in millions by marketing their knowledge online. This week's episode is meant to be a kick in the pants to you Boomers and Gen-X'ers out there who haven't figured this out yet...People will pay for what you know. But that's not even the best part. Not only do they value your knowledge and experience (perhaps more so than your current employer), but it's never been easier to deliver it to them. The tools have been simplified, the costs have been minimized and the only thing standing between you and your own work-from-anywhere life is your commitment...and perhaps a little guidance. Before you jump in, here are some more encouraging facts and figures: I don't have a huge youtube audience. I have a little more than 9,000 subscribers as I write this. That's probably more than your local high school gym can handle, but in the Youtube world, it's not an impressive figure. BUT - that audience generated 6 figures in revenue for my company this year. I'll explain how in this week's episode. [00:20] That's easy for you to say [01:09] It seems we've forgotten [02:39] An audience of interested people [04:17] Don't monetize your audience [05:50] Build your audience [06:23] How many do you need? [07:01] How do you start from nothing? [07:32] Accelerating the process [08:32] An example [10:02] The ultimate secret research tool [10:25] 1,000 true fans [11:51] Unique...is usually bad [12:38] Another BIG reason to start now [13:14] That's easy for you to say [14:00] How it really works [14:57] 2 challenges that made things tougher [16:10] What I always look for [18:42] You can do this How You Can Help Subscribe to the show in iTunes and give us a rating and review. Make sure you put your real name and website in the text of the review itself. We will definitely mention you on this show. We are also on Stitcher.com, so if you prefer Stitcher, please subscribe there. Connect with Ray on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Visit Ray's community on Facebook – This is a friendly group of writers, entrepreneurs, and coaches who share ideas and helpful advice.

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