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Finding the Throughline with Kate Hanley

Latest episodes

Sep 16, 2024 • 25min

[Leigh Medeiros, practical matters]: The power of figuring out your own Venn diagram of interests + some pretty awesome focus hacks Ep1134

Leigh Medeiros is an award-winning screenwriter, author, and all-around creative who, when she isn't making her own work, is help others make theirs. Leigh is the author of "The One-Minute Writer: 396 Micro Prompts to Spark Creativity and Recharge Your Writing." She also write a column for Script Magazine called "The Climate Screenwriter," is the co-producer of the Writing Climate Pitch Fest, and founded the Linden Place Writer's Residency in Bristol, Rhode Island (where, full disclosure, I was a resident last year). Leigh is the kind of person who recharges your batteries--she's funny, feisty, thoughtful, and generous beyond measure.In this first part of her interview, we unpack:- How screenwriting is like a bad boyfriend- How her focus on writing screenplays with a climate angle is the perfect intersection of her own personal Venn diagram- Using fellowships to spur new ideas (whether you actually get them or not)- The podcasts that list a fire under Leigh's butt to start writing about climate- How "merging your siloes" uplevels your work and your being- Leigh's morning cacao ceremony and the unexpected beings she shares it with- The hacks she uses to stay focused when actually try to, you know, write- Superheroes have capes--writers should have a talisman, tooFor detailed show notes, with links to everything we discuss--plus bonus photos!--visit thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 13, 2024 • 21min

[Katy Bowman: What’s coming up]: Can clearing clutter create space for creative work? + moving into covering new topics Ep 1133

In this third and final part of my interview with Katy Bowman, a biomechanist and leader of the “movement” movement, we get a peek at her next project, the life changes she’s envisioning, and what she learns from birds.- A sneak peek at her next project, which involves a lot of psychology- The author who inspired Katy to think about living life differently- Her desire to write a more beautiful book- The connection between clutter and creativity, and why she’s staring to work on getting rid of physical things and clear obligations out of her schedule, too-Why clutter is a hindrance to creative work- Her family’s mission statement- The recent book she picked up in an airport and ended up staying up until 4am to finish- Exactly what goes in her morning beverage and exactly when she drinks it- Why 5:30 am is her favorite time of day- A plug for checking out the "dawn chorus", i.e., listening to birds in the morning and learning a little bit about what those early morning songs are communicatingVisit Katy at or follow her on Instagram @nutritiousmovementFor full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 11, 2024 • 25min

[Katy Bowman, inner stuff]: The similarities between non-constructive feedback and farts + the impact of age on her creative drive Ep 1132

This week’s guest, biomechanist Katie Bowman, is the author of 11 books on movement, including the bestselling “Move Your DNA” and her most recent book, “My Perfect Movement Plan.” Katy is also the founder of Uphill Press, an independent publishing company that has sold more than 300 ,000 copies of its books and had them published in 16 languages.Today we're talking about all the inner stuff that goes into Katy's writing, the thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, likes, dislikes, resistance, et cetera, including:- Why she’d rather start a new project than promote a project that is already finished- How remembering that writing books is an opportunity for her to process her knowledge helps her not get too wrapped up in how well a book is received- The similarities between non-constructive feedback and farts- What she tells herself when her inner critic is chiming in- Unhitching your age from how you feel in your body- How getting older has impacted her creative urgency and output- The self-care approach that helps her choose what to eat, understand the way her mind works, and even introduced her to her husbandVisit Katy at or follow her on Instagram @nutritiousmovement.For full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 9, 2024 • 27min

[Katy Bowman, practical matters]: Finding the kind of writing that feels like a downhill flow instead of an uphill slog + making writing less sedentary Ep 1131

This week my guest is biomechanist Katy Bowman, author of eleven–count ‘em, eleven–books that explore how to improve health and boost well-being through movement, including the best-selling “Move Your DNA,” as well as her newest, “My Perfect Movement Plan.” Her back catalog includes “Rethink Your Position,” “Movement Matters,” “Dynamic Aging,” “Grow Wild,” “Simple Steps to Foot Pain Relief,” “Diastasis Recti,” “Don't Just Sit There,” “Whole Body Barefoot,” and “Alignment Matters.” In fact, Katy has published so many books that she founded her own independent press, Uphill Books.She has also been named one of Maria Shriver's Architects of Change for her work to change the way we move and understand our need for movement, and is the founder of the movement education company Nutritious Movement, based in Washington state, where she lives.We covered:- How writing a book is really an exercise in processing everything she’s learned for herself (in addition to being a way to communicate information)- Finding the kind of writing that feels like a downhill flow instead of an uphill slog- Matching your output to your phase of life- How to find the quiet you need to write in a noisy world- Balancing the necessity and allure of technology with a hunger for real-world, in person, nourishing experiences (what she calls “nutrient-dense” experiences)- How she works movement into her writing process- How walking boosts creativity- How she makes the most of her mornings (and why she doesn’t have coffee until she’s done this one thing each morning)Visit Katy at or follow her on Instagram @nutritiousmovement.For full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 6, 2024 • 18min

[Chelsey Goodan, part 3: Owning your weird self as a way to find your people and your path] Ep 1130

In this final installment of my talk with Chelsey Goodan,* author of Underestimated: The Wisdom and Power of Teenage Girls, we talk a lot about the many, many perks of embracing your particular brand of weirdness, as well as:- The power of friends to keep you inspired- What teens AND adults can do to find their people and make meaningful friendships- The payoff that comes from paying attention to what in your life needs to change- Using a milestone birthday–even one that’s a ways off–as fuel- Chelsey’s current favorite book on creativity- The Netflix show you should watch with your teen* This episode is a re-play that originally aired in March.For full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 4, 2024 • 19min

[Chelsey Goodan, part 2: Balancing ambition with knowing you’re already enough + a super helpful skill-assessment tool] Ep 1129

In part 2 of my interview with Chelsey Goodan, author of Underestimated: The Wisdom and Power of Teenage Girls, we really break down the inner parts of writing, including how to be OK with the fact that people may misunderstand you.(If this sounds familiar, it’s because this week’s episodes are replays–I figured, since it’s back to school season re-airing an interview with an author who extols the power of teenage girls made a lot of sense!)Other things we cover:- The mistake most well-intentioned parents make- How Chelsey deals with her biggest fear about her work–being misunderstood- Dealing with a perfectionistic inner critic- Chelsey’s “intense” relationship to time- The one cultural belief Chesley would like to vaporize- The truth that Chelsey’s had to model for the teen girls in her life- The book and online personality assessment Chelsey swears by (and uses with the teens in her life, too)For full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 2, 2024 • 22min

[Chelsey Goodan, part 1: What teens really need from adults + keeping track of inspired ideas + the most delightful way to meditate] Ep 1128

This week I’m talking with Chelsey Goodan, keynote speaker, screenwriter, and author of Underestimated: The Wisdom and Power of Teenage Girls. As the mom of a 16-year-old girl, I just didn’t even think twice about inviting Chelsey on to Finding the Throughline. I literally read the title of her book and was like YES.This week’s episodes are replays–I’m airing them again now because my kids are back to school this week and a) I need a little bit more time in my schedule to shift into this different schedule and b) it just seemed timely given the subject of Chelsey’s book.In this first part of our interview, we unpack:- The seeds of self-doubt, impostor syndrome, and people pleasing that are sown during the teenage years- Chelsey’s recipe for connecting with teenage girls- The difference between being truthful and being blunt- What helps teens (giving them space to feel their feelings) and what doesn’t (trying to fix)- How Chelsey makes meditation doable, even delightful- How to listen for inspiration- How to keep track of those inspirations so they don’t fly awayFor full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 30, 2024 • 23min

[Kimothy Joy: what’s coming up]: Drawing inspiration from the stories of women who were “not afraid to fail out loud” + dreaming up a new chapter Ep 1127

By the end of this final installment of my interview with Kimothy Joy, author of “Extraordinary Wing Women: True Stories of Life-Altering, World-Changing Sisterhood,” “Focus Pocus: A 90-Day Guided Journal,” and “That's What She Said: Wise Words from Influential Women,” my cheeks were hurting from smiling. So many exciting ideas in here!We talked about:- Why Kimothy is absorbing everything she can about AI right now, and the very cool ideas about how we might be able to use it and why women and moms need to be involved in its development (this part of our conversation gave me the good kind of goosebumps and I am really resistant to the idea of AI)- Letting the example of the women Kimothy writes about (women like Maya Angelou and Coco Chanel) inspire her to be open to reinventing herself- The podcast that’s inspiring her right now (aside from this one, naturally)- Prepping for her 50s, 60s, and 70s even though she’s only (about to be) 40- Sensing that you are in a ‘completion phase’ and that a whole new iteration is headed your way- The show she can’t stop thinking about- Why she puts butter in her morning cup of coffee- The band she just say at Red Rocks whose songs she belts out when she needs a lift- How she’s planning to celebrate her 40th birthday in SeptemberVisit Kimothy at thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast!For full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 28, 2024 • 27min

[Kimothy Joy, inner stuff]: Getting over people pleasing and how to honor your own internal rhythms of productivity and creativity Ep 1126

In this second part of my interview with Kimothy Joy, author of “Extraordinary Wing Women: True Stories of Life-Altering, World-Changing Sisterhood,” “Focus Pocus: A 90-Day Guided Journal,” and “That's What She Said: Wise Words from Influential Women,” I asked about the mindset side of writing and how Kimothy’s thoughts and beliefs impact her work and her life.(By the way, if you are ever needing a hit of inspiration, either from others or from within, I can't recommend these books highly enough. They're not only helpful and inspiring and informative, but they're also beautiful because they're filled with Kimothy’s illustrations.)We talked about:- Finding the right balance of working to promote your work and detaching from outcomes and not burning yourself out- The difference between promoting your work and sharing your work and finding a way to do it without feeling like you’re being pushy- Using your Instagram stories like a blog- How publishing a book is like having a child leave the nest- Using journaling and self-mothering as a way to understand and get past the inner critic- Repatterning beliefs that have come in through society and culture- The two major doubts she repeatedly has- Talking yourself like a loving mother would talk to you–or like Glinda the good witch- Getting past the expectation that you should be able to do all the things and have all the things all the time- Unraveling the beliefs that, as a woman, it’s your job to make sure everyone else is cared for and comfortable, and that the world isn’t as safe for you as it is for menVisit Kimothy at thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast!For full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 26, 2024 • 24min

[Kimothy Joy, practical matters]: How being creative is like brushing your teeth + untying your sense of self-worth from how much you produce Ep 1125

This week I am talking with Kimothy Joy, the author of “Extraordinary Wing Women: True Stories of Life-Altering, World-Changing Sisterhood,” “Focus Pocus: A 90-Day Guided Journal,” and “That's What She Said: Wise Words from Influential Women.” A Denver-based artist and author who combines watercolor and hand lettering to create artwork that uplifts and inspires women worldwide, Kimothy has collaborated with the Women's March on Washington, the US Women's National Soccer Team, Gucci and Melinda Gates, just to name a few.We covered:- How following her curiosity into painting watercolors in her journal went took her from “just a person painting my feeling” to “a career”- How motherhood impacted her creative process- How her creativity ebbs and flows, and how she learned to accept those ebbs and flows because “the more I resist, the more painful it is”- Learning how to untie her sense of self-worth from how much she was producing on any given day- How time spent outside sparks both mindfulness and creativity- The inspiration for her Focus Pocus 90-day journal- The concept of creative hygiene- The tools she uses to catch her creative ideas when they comeBig thanks to our sponsor, Use promo code KATE to save 20% off a reverse osmosis water filter and support this podcast!For full show notes with links to everything we discuss, plus bonus photos!, visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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