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The Patrick Madrid Show

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Jan 30, 2025 • 1min

"Is Your Spiritual Bank Account Full?" (Special Podcast Highlight)

Patrick Madrid shares a great little saying from Karen in Pennsylvania. Her mom used to ask her and her siblings before a trip: "Are your spiritual bank accounts full?" Now, Karen does the same with her own kids. Love it. Simple, powerful, and convicting.   Patrick brings this up as he reflects on the heartbreaking tragedy you may have heard about: the collision between an American Airlines flight and a military helicopter near Washington, D.C. Everyone on board lost their lives. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.    You never know when your time is up. Not in a scary, doom-and-gloom way, but in a real way. Life is unpredictable. If something sudden happened, would you be ready to meet God?    The challenge: Don’t just fill up your gas tank before a trip; fill up your soul, too. Whether that’s confession, prayer, or just checking in on where your heart is, stay ready.   A solid reminder from Patrick... and Karen’s mom! So… is your spiritual bank account full? 
Jan 30, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 30, 2025 - Hour 1

Patrick addresses the tragic crash of American Airlines Flight 5342 and a military Blackhawk helicopter, reflecting on the brevity of life and the importance of being spiritually prepared. Patrick discusses Western cultural Marxism with insights from James Lindsay and tackles the complexities of gender ideology.   Patrick shares the horrible news of the plane and helicopter crash in D.C. (0:25) Audio: Secretary of Transportation, Sean Duffy: “The helicopter was in a standard pattern.” (2:06) Audio: Moments ago, emergency officials, including the Fire and EMS Chief Fire John Donnelly, confirmed that there are no survivors in the tragic mid-air collision over the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. The crash involved a U.S. military Black Hawk helicopter carrying three service members and an American Airlines flight with 64 passengers on board. All 67 individuals are now presumed dead as recovery efforts continue. Authorities are investigating the cause of the collision while first responders work at the scene. (5:01) Maria - Is Sunday Mass preferable to Saturday Mass? (15:17) Patrick asks if your spiritual bank account is full (21:55) Audio: James Lindsay - Woke is Westernised Cultural Marxism (he mentions The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) (24:14) Patrick shares the UN’s 17 Goals for Sustainable Development (26:46) Audio: Gender ideologue is forced out of their echo chamber when he is asked - Why should I as a female before forced to get undressed in front of a male? (34:24) Audio: Carmelite Sisters wish everyone a Happy Catholic School Week 2025! (39:45) Joe - Is it okay for a priest to preach about Garabandal or Medjugorge? (42:41)
Jan 30, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 30, 2025 - Hour 2

Patrick reflects on a range of heartfelt topics, confronting anger and division and emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and understanding in relationships. He discusses the crucial role of priests in spiritual lives and how their actions can leave lasting impressions. Plus, Patrick touches on pressing issues about faith and its intersection with societal concerns.   Patrick reads and comments on an email that claims he didn’t handle a call in the correct way (0:56 Len (email) – Grumpy man at church makes amends (6:33) Chris - Why isn't the USCCB calling out Joe Biden for joining the Freemasons? (10:00) Email – A priest at my parish doesn’t elevate the host (11:55) Daniel (email) – How important is it to hear from different priests when a parish has more than one? (22:49) Seena - My son disowned me because I voted for the wrong person. What can I do? (26:28) Carl - I used to love this particular priest, but he told me it doesn’t matter that I liked him “because you are not there for me or my homily”. (40:00) Richard - Good discussion with Seena. The criticism of anything Jewish is not Jewish hatred. I can criticize an unjust war. Criticism is not hatred and same is true of criticizing Democrats. (42:13)
Jan 30, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 30, 2025 - Hour 3

Patrick begins with the complex international tensions surrounding Israel and Hamas, featuring insights from experts like Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorf. He then discusses the nuanced perspective on the ethics of euthanasia and its alignment with Christian doctrine. The conversation shifts to the importance of informed confession practices within the Catholic faith.   Audio: Douglas Murray, “they don’t care about Palestinians, they hate the Jews” (00:53) Audio: British attorney Natasha Hausdorff stunned the audience by completely destroying the Palestinian narrative about the conflict (03:10) Paul - Is it legit to say when I am in a confessional that I am confessing my sins with a priest? (08:01) Michael - How can we get people to listen to other sources of news? Both sides are convinced they are true. (14:51) Audio: President Trump addresses the nation about last night’s horrible tragedy (19:17) Jane - People make out that assisted suicide is normal is bizarre (29:16) Tom - I don't see how euthanasia fits into Thou Shalt Kill. (37:55) Rose - I wanted to commend you on your calm approach to callers and how you respond to them. I appreciate it. (48:59)
Jan 29, 2025 • 8min

Why the Difference Between Saying "Catholic" and "Christian" Can Be Misleading (Special Podcast Highlight)

On this episode of The Patrick Madrid Show, Patrick explores a topic that many Catholics might not even realize they’re accidentally messing up: how we talk about Catholics and Protestants. If you’ve ever said, “Oh, I’m Catholic, and they’re Christian,” Patrick is here to gently (but firmly) ask you to stop doing that.    The Big Idea:   Patrick reminds us that Catholics ARE Christians: the OG Christians, to be exact.  When Jesus established His Church 2,000 years ago, it wasn’t some vague, do-it-yourself Christianity. Nope, it was the Catholic Church. So, when we use language that separates "Catholic" from "Christian," we’re actually misrepresenting the truth about who we are as followers of Christ.   What About Protestants?   Yes, Protestants are Christians, but their Christianity is different. It stems from the Protestant Reformation, which started as a protest against the Catholic Church about 500 years ago. Patrick explains how Protestantism branched into countless denominations because of the idea of Sola Scriptura (the belief in “Bible alone”): an idea that’s not biblical or part of historic Christianity.   Patrick points out the endless debates among Protestant groups: “Does baptism save you or not?” “Can you lose your salvation or nah?” It’s like a theological Rubik’s Cube with no solution.    The result? Protestants follow a fragmented version of Christianity that leans heavily on individual interpretations of the Bible. Patrick notes that some churches basically just pick a “mini-Pope” (a charismatic pastor) to tell them what the Bible means.   Catholicism = Historic Christianity   Patrick doesn’t hold back: the Catholic Church is the original Christianity. Full stop. When you open the Bible, especially the Book of Acts, you’re seeing the Catholic Church in her beginnings. By the early second century, Saint Ignatius of Antioch was already calling it the Catholic Church.   The Eucharist, Apostolic succession, the sacraments, the teachings of Christ: they all come from the Catholic Church. It’s not just a Christian church; it’s THE Church Christ established.   Why Words Matter   Patrick’s key takeaway is this: how we talk shapes how we think. By casually separating "Catholic" and "Christian," we’re accidentally buying into the false idea that Catholicism is just one denomination among many. I’s not. It’s the Church that Jesus Himself founded.   So Stop Saying...   “Oh, I’m Catholic, but they’re Christian.” Start Saying... "I’m Catholic: part of the original Christian Church."   Patrick isn’t here to bash Protestants; he just wants Catholics to stop selling themselves short. The next time someone asks you about your faith, remember: being Catholic is being Christian, and it’s time we talked like it.   
Jan 29, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 29, 2025 - Hour 1

Patrick explores immigration issues, presenting Church perspectives from Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. He shares Ed Fazer’s complex theological viewpoints, helping listeners understand the importance of balancing mercy and justice. Patrick also engages with heartfelt calls from listeners seeking guidance on dealing with past decisions and finding community in the Church.   Patrick shares Edward Feser’s recent posts on X about Pope Benedict XVI’s stance on immigration (1:28) Allen – I was a victim of a spiritual assault. A bad situation happened at adoration when someone said to me that I ought to be kneeling. It was rude. (19:20) Joe - I have a living will that says, 'Do Not Resuscitate’. Am I committing suicide at that point? (37:56) Sheila – Is it a grave sin to leave mass before the final blessing? (45:54) Marianne – Comment about the man who can’t kneel he could sit down on the edge of seat (49:15)
Jan 29, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 29, 2025 - Hour 2

Patrick explores ethical and theological perspectives on the death penalty, discusses the complexities surrounding immigration laws and historical insights, and even touches on personal struggles with addiction, offering compassionate and faith-based advice.   Emma – The death penalty in the Bible is justified. (0:42) Jason - Immigration should be easy if you are not a criminal. (13:06) Audio: Raymond Ibrahim - At no time in history has a nation opened its borders to a known hostile people. This is not Islamophobia. (20:17) Lourdes – Can the church choir sing exit songs from mass while the Holy Eucharist is exposed? (26:12) Tom - Taking guns away: bad things happen when societies take weapons/guns away. We need to fight for the right to have weapons. (29:21) Arie - Marijuana addiction: my husband refuses to see this as an issue. (39:43)
Jan 29, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 29, 2025 - Hour 3

Patrick addresses some pressing issues as he talks about tough love and intervention for a young man struggling with addiction, explores end-of-life decisions within Catholic teaching, and tackles the sensitive subject of family planning when spouses disagree. With expert advice and heartfelt stories, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking guidance on these challenging topics.   Jamie - Our son left and is involved with drugs. He’s back home now. How do I guide him and light a fire under him to get off drugs and to get a job? (00:52) Lucia – Is it a sin for a person to stop dialysis? (11:56) Email – Why did I have to wait on hold so long when I called into your show? (14:37) Dietrich (email) – I heard you talk about making a T-shirt that says, “I’m Praying Right Now”.  I have a small Print on Demand T-shirt business on Etsy that I work on the side. So, in honor of you, I made a few different designs with that quote (19:02) Christiana - How can I talk to my husband about being open to life while also being respectful to my husband's decision. (21:46) Robert - Was there a time at which the universe did not exist? (42:31) James - My best friend's brother had a drug problem and did a similar program as the one you recommended. It completely transformed his life. (46:24) Alice (email) - Thank you for mentioning Comunità Cenacolo often. We were blessed to have our daughter spend 6.5 years in the Comunità Cenacolo (49:04) Maria - If a person marries someone not open to life, is marriage invalid? (50:11)
Jan 28, 2025 • 12min

Is Guilt Good? (Special Podcast Highlight)

Olivia’s Question   A listener named Olivia from L.A. wrote in to say that, ever since growing in her Catholic faith (thanks, Relevant Radio!), she feels a ton of guilt. She’s wondering: Is this normal? Is this just her conscience working overtime?     Patrick’s response: Guilt isn’t bad. Guilt is good. Guilt is your friend. Cue plot twist.     The Guilt Breakdown   Patrick explains guilt like this:   Think of your conscience as a spiritual smoke detector. When there’s “fire” (a.k.a. sin), it goes off to warn you. Guilt is like the alarm saying, “Danger! You messed up. Do something!”   Guilt keeps your soul safe by nudging you toward repentance and grace. Without guilt, your conscience would be useless, like a smoke detector with dead batteries. (Scary, right?)   So, feeling guilt means your conscience is alive and kicking. It’s a sign that you’re growing in awareness and sensitivity to what’s right and wrong.     What About "Catholic Guilt"?   Patrick went on a little rant about the whole “Catholic guilt” stereotype. He’s not a fan. Really, guilt is just your conscience reminding you of the truth. If your conscience didn’t bug you after doing something wrong, you’d be in bigger trouble.   For Olivia, Patrick suggests reframing guilt as a call to holiness. The more you grow in your faith, the clearer you’ll see where you’ve fallen short: not to shame you, but to guide you back to God.     The Earwax Analogy   Okay, here’s where it gets...unexpected. Patrick compares sin to earwax. Yes, you read that right.   Here’s the idea:   Sin can block your spiritual “hearing,” muffling your ability to sense right from wrong, just like earwax blocks sound.   When you clean out your spiritual life (through Confession, prayer, and learning your faith), suddenly you can hear God’s voice loud and clear, and also notice all the stuff you were ignoring before.   Patrick shared how, as a kid, doctors told him he produced an “abundance” of earwax, and every time he got it cleaned out, he could hear all kinds of sounds he hadn’t noticed before. He joked that sin is like that: once it’s cleared out, everything becomes sharper, clearer, and more alive.     Takeaways for Olivia (and You!)   Guilt isn’t about being neurotic or walking on eggshells. It’s about awareness.   Think of guilt as a helpful warning system, not a life sentence. It’s there to guide you back to God’s mercy, not make you miserable.   If your “spiritual ears” are clogged, go to Confession! Clear out the noise and start fresh.     So, next time you’re feeling guilty, don’t stress. Just think: spiritual earwax. Clean it out, tune in to God’s grace, and keep moving forward. God loves you too much to let you stay stuck. 🙌
Jan 28, 2025 • 4min

No Rome, No Problem! How to Receive a Plenary Indulgence Right Where You Are (Special Podcast Highlight)

Patrick Madrid gets into a question from Emily in Maine, who’s wondering if she has to pack her bags for Rome to receive a plenary indulgence during the Jubilee Year.    Here's the Explanation:   Patrick explains that while Rome’s Holy Doors are a major focus during the Jubilee Year, you don’t actually need to fly to the Eternal City to participate. Many dioceses around the world designate their own churches: usually cathedrals or significant shrines, with Holy Doors. So, you can check out your diocesan website to see which local church has been designated.   Once you know where the doors are, you can receive the same plenary indulgence as if you were in St. Peter’s Basilica.    So, What’s a Plenary Indulgence Anyway?   Patrick gives a quick theology lesson:   A plenary indulgence is the "complete remission of the punishment due to sins that have already been forgiven." It’s like hitting the reset button on your soul’s "penance odometer."   To receive it, you need to:   Be in a state of grace (go to Confession if needed!).   Renounce all attachment to sin: even those sneaky past sins you might secretly still take pride or enjoyment in.   Perform the prescribed act (in this case, passing through a Holy Door).   Receive Communion and pray for the Pope’s intentions (like an Our Father and a Hail Mary).   Patrick makes it clear that detachment from sin doesn’t mean you need to feel it emotionally. It’s an act of the will: a firm decision to reject sin out of true love for God.    What About Rome?   Emily mentions she’d love to go to Rome (don’t we all?), but it’s just not possible. Patrick assures her that the indulgence she gets at her local Holy Door is just as “full” as the one you’d get in Rome. There’s no "extra holy" indulgence for jetsetters: it’s the same grace whether you’re at St. Peter’s or in Portland, Maine.    Final Thought:   If you’re dreaming of Rome but stuck at home, don’t sweat it. Holy Doors are popping up all over the world, and the grace is universal. So, grab your diocesan map, check out your nearest Holy Door, and step into the incredible mercy God is offering you this Jubilee Year.    Hey, maybe pray for a miracle trip to Rome while you’re at it. You never know what door God might open for you, literally! 

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