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The Patrick Madrid Show

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Jan 20, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 20, 2025-Hour 3

Patrick talks about the gifts of the spirit in regards to 1 Corinthians 12 and also the importance of praying for everybody, including those who’ve done harm in the world.   Bridget asks if it’s okay to go to a birthday party on a Sunday (3:04) Lane wants to know the connection between 1 Corinthians 12 about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Wedding Feast of Cana (4:38) Patrick goes on a deep dive on the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 including talking about the gift of tongues (10:12) Mary Lou asks What is the difference between legalism vs telling someone the truth about the faith and morality and being rigid (14:12) Gianni-Why should we pray for Cecille Richards who was a bad person? There are plenty of good people to pray for? (22:31) Albert-If gifts come from the Lord, are they blessed? (29:23) Patricio-5 yo granddaughter is asking me how do you know God exists? (37:25) Bolek Many came dressed in sandals and short to wedding mass. what do you think of this? (42:44) Matt-John 17:21- Jesus prays we will all be one - What does it mean? is that still to come? (46:38) Resources:  Pope St. John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter on the importance of the Sabbath:
Jan 18, 2025 • 5min

What If a Confirmation Sponsor Isn't Regularly Going to Mass? (Special Podcast Highlight)

Alright, friends, here’s the gist of Patrick Madrid’s conversation with Ken from Wisconsin about Confirmation sponsors: do they really need to be in good standing with the Church?   What’s the Job of a Sponsor Anyway?   Patrick says to think of a Confirmation sponsor (or a godparent) as a spiritual guide. They’re supposed to help the person they’re sponsoring grow closer to Jesus and the Church. But if a sponsor isn’t living their own faith: like, say, skipping Mass or being lax about Church teachings, then… how can they guide anyone else?    As Patrick explained, the Church has basic rules for sponsors. Here’s a quick checklist:   -Must be baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church.   -Should be living their faith (like, actually going to Mass on Sundays).   -If married, they must be married in the Church.   -Can’t be the parent of the person being baptized/confirmed.   Ken’s Situation    Ken shared a tricky situation: one of his OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) students picked her uncle as her sponsor. Sounds fine, right? Well, turns out the uncle doesn’t really go to Mass. Uh-oh.   Patrick was super thoughtful here. He pointed out that this isn’t just about checking a box. Being a sponsor isn’t a ceremonial role; it’s a real responsibility! A sponsor is meant to guide someone to heaven, not just wave from the pews on Easter Vigil. If this uncle isn’t practicing his faith, then... what exactly is he "sponsoring"?    The Gentle Fix: What Would Patrick Do?   Patrick encouraged Ken to handle this with love and respect: no finger-wagging or guilt trips here.    Educate gently: Ken can explain the importance of a sponsor’s role during class, so it doesn’t feel like he’s calling out Uncle Mass-Skipper directly.   Encourage a comeback: Patrick explains that maybe the uncle just doesn’t realize how serious this role is. It could even inspire him to start going to Mass again. Imagine: he helps his niece AND rekindles his own faith. That’s a win-win!    What We Can Take Away From This?   Sponsors matter! They should be role models in faith, not just placeholders.   Sometimes people need a loving nudge to take their faith seriously.   God can use situations like this to bring people back to Him. Never underestimate His grace!    So, moral of the story? If you’re ever asked to be a sponsor, don’t just say yes for the photo-op. Live the role. Go to Mass, pray, grow in your faith, and help guide someone else toward Christ. 
Jan 17, 2025 • 9min

"My Brother Thinks He's a Woman: What Do I Do?" (Special Podcast Highlight)

Samantha from Ohio shared her struggle with a deeply personal family issue: her brother, who now claims to be a "trans woman," and the challenge of lovingly but firmly setting boundaries for the sake of her young daughters' innocence. Patrick's advice? Classic Madrid: truthful, compassionate, and anchored in Catholic teaching. Here's the recap:   The Situation:   Samantha, a busy mom of two girls under two, loves her brother but doesn't agree with him.   Her big question: How do I protect my kids' innocence while staying compassionate toward my brother?   She doesn’t want to expose her daughters to confusion (or have to explain why "Uncle is dressed like Auntie") but is struggling with how to tell her brother he’s not invited to family gatherings like her daughter’s first birthday.   Patrick’s Wisdom:    Protect Your Kids First: He says that Samantha's instincts are 100% right. As a parent, her first responsibility is to protect her daughters. Patrick reminded her that she’ll have to answer to God someday for how she raised them and shielding them from confusion is an act of love.    Truth Over Delusion: Patrick stressed the importance of calling things what they are. A man claiming to be a woman is still a man. Period. (Matthew 19:4: "In the beginning, God made them male and female.")   Society may push false terms like "trans woman," but using them only feeds the delusion. Patrick adds that it's like telling an anorexic person they're fat when they’re dangerously thin: it doesn’t help them. Truth, even when it's hard, is the most loving approach.    Love + Boundaries: You can be loving without compromising on truth. Whether through a thoughtful letter or a face-to-face conversation, Samantha should show truth with charity.   Example: “I love you, but I won’t expose my daughters to ideas that contradict reality. I hope you understand.”   If he reacts badly? That’s on him, not her. Seeds of truth often take time to grow.    Books to Help: Patrick suggested two excellent reads for understanding this cultural madness:   When Harry Became Sally by Ryan T. Anderson 📖   Trans by Helen Joyce    Samantha’s Response:   Samantha plans to either write a heartfelt letter (because who doesn’t love old-school snail mail?) or have a tough but loving conversation. She shared that she’s already told her brother she won’t affirm his delusion, but now it’s time to be firmer about her boundaries.    Takeaway for Us All:   This is the kind of challenge many Catholic families are facing today. The culture may be in chaos, but as Patrick reminded us, truth doesn’t change. God made us male and female and affirming reality: compassionately but firmly, is an act of love.    So, if you’re in a similar boat:   Pray. Ask for wisdom and courage.   Be firm. Love isn’t afraid to set boundaries.   Stay compassionate. Speak truth but do it with gentleness and kindness.   Drop a prayer for Samantha, her family, and her brother.
Jan 17, 2025 • 12min

Why a Train and a Paintbrush Prove God Exists (And Why Dawkins Totally Missed the Train) (Special Podcast Highlight)

Patrick Madrid explains the idea of infinite regression: basically, the concept of an endless chain of causes, and how it points to the existence of God.    The Train Analogy:   Imagine you're sitting at a train crossing, waiting for the world's longest train to pass. Car after car zooms by. Each train car is being pulled by the one in front of it, but NONE of these cars are moving under their own power. What gives?    Somewhere way up front, there HAS to be a locomotive: the unmoved mover... pulling the whole train. Without it, the entire line of train cars would be stuck. The same principle applies to the universe: you can’t have an endless line of “movers” (or causes) without something at the very beginning giving everything its first push. And that is God.    Infinite regression (the idea of “it just goes back forever, no big deal”) is, as Patrick puts it, a logical impossibility. It’s like claiming the train just goes on forever without an engine. Nope. Not happening.   The Paintbrush Analogy:   This one’s for the art fans! Imagine a paintbrush painting a canvas. The brush creates beautiful strokes, but it’s only moving because someone: a painter... is guiding it. Now, what if the brush is part of a longer stick? Let’s say it’s a foot long… or 20 feet… or as long as a football field. What if the stick just keeps going forever without a painter? That’s absurd.   The same goes for creation: if there’s no “painter” (God) behind the brush (creation), then the painting (the universe) can’t exist. God is the ultimate painter, the one who gives creation its existence and beauty.   What About Infinite Regression?   Patrick explains that atheists, like Richard Dawkins, often try to argue for some other explanation: like “dark matter” or even, hilariously, aliens seeding life on Earth. But here’s the problem: all of these “answers” just kick the can down the road. Where did the dark matter come from? Who created the aliens? It’s begging the question, a fancy philosophical term that means dodging the real issue by postponing it.    If you keep asking “what caused THAT?” at some point, you must land on an uncaused cause: something (or someone) that exists without needing a cause. That’s God. Simple as that.    The Five Ways to Prove God Exists:   Patrick gives a shoutout to Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, who developed five logical ways to explain God’s existence. They’re not “scientific proof” like you’d see in a lab, but they’re rock-solid philosophical arguments. These “Five Ways” look at things like cause and effect, motion, contingency, and design in the universe: all of which point to a necessary first cause: God.    He recommends Peter Kreeft’s "Handbook of Catholic Apologetics" (co-authored with Fr. Ron Tacelli) as a go-to resource. If you want to strengthen your faith, it’s must-read.    Final Thoughts:   Whether it’s the train, the paintbrush, or Aquinas’ Five Ways, these are tools to help us understand why belief in God isn’t just reasonable: it’s the only explanation that makes sense.    So, the next time someone says, “But what caused God?” just smile and remind them: God is the engine, not another train car. 
Jan 17, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 17, 2025-Hour 1

Patrick discusses the illegal immigration issue after an email disagrees with his position as callers share their position which includes how parents learned English and also how cartels and gang bangers want to enter the country too. He also answers questions about Mary not in the line of David and the Come Holy Spirit prayer. Patrick responds to an email from Angela who disagrees with him on illegal immigration as she says that he shouldn’t espouse his views on the air. (1:08) Patrick-Mary was not in the line of David and yet has Jesus. How is that? (5:56) Chinto-Shares how his parents got their paperwork done and that they learned English.  (10:20) E-Frank-Can a church donate to another church? Does God allow that? (18:08) Carlos-That there are cartels and gang bangers who want to get into this country too (23:10) Patrick discusses the measures the Vatican is taking for illegal entry (27:51) Kip-In the prayer 'Come Holy Spirit' line that says 'and they will be created' what does 'they mean'` (39:39) Casey-Responding to Angela as he says she wants to separate the spirit of the law from the law itself, regarding illegal immigration (45:28) Viola-Concerned about her children not going to mass, and that they may go to hell (48:20) Resources mentioned:
Jan 17, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 17, 2025-Hour 2

Patrick takes a number of calls regarding immigration ranging from if consulates are closed, to separating families and about a statute of limitations analogy with illegal immigration. Also Patrick played some audio from several years ago from Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi talking about illegal immigration. Joe-Says that American consulates are closed and if you want to apply for a visa (1:07) Jose-He came here illegally and explains that it is hard for people to come here legally (12:21) Patrick expands on a caller about the Come Holy Spirit prayer as he talks about Psalm 104 (20:30) Patrick plays different clips from Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi talking about the borders and illegal immigration that sound conservative (24:03) Delores- I am a teacher and really feel that we need to have some leeway. I have children whose parents were deported. this will separate families. (31:03) Patrick makes an analogy between illegal immigration and embezzling money from your company and a statute of limitations (38:37) Mary-The difficulties of becoming a legal resident as her husband came here illegally. (43:24)
Jan 17, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 17, 2025-Hour 3

Patrick takes calls regarding illegal immigration about what to do when people come here because of abuse, and also about comparing the immigration situation to Brazil and extending grace for immigrants. He also counsels a listener who has a transgender sibling and how to deal with that as she has young kids. Samantha- How do I prayerfully deal with sibling in 30s who is trans woman. I have 2 young girls and how do I nicely say this person can't be around my family. (3:13) Carlos- Wife came here illegally at age 3 as her mom escaped physical abuse (12:48) Anna- She came here legally and doesn’t agree with amnesty and people coming here legally would be put on the backburner. (19:04) Martin-  We should talk about grace and extending grace when talking about illegal immigration (25:45) Miguel- If we are truly Christians and follow what Jesus wants us to do in this world, we can't put limits on that love. We are supposed to love our neighbor. I hope we can look at immigration this way.  (31:54) Richard- Disagrees with Patrick regarding illegal immigration and thinks he doesn’t take different points of views. (42:59) Resources: Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality: When Harry met Sally:
Jan 16, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 16, 2025-Hour 1

Patrick shares his thoughts on the immigration situation as a caller is worried about people being deported. And he talks about investing in socially conservative funds and the balance between investing in those funds and regular funds that might not be aligned with Catholic values. Patrick shared about the Comunita Cenaclo Rehab Center that many have asked about. (0:38) Amanda about using socially conservative mutual funds and should be obligated to use them even if they don’t perform as well than non-socially conservative mutual funds (9:14) Anna-Can you explain the 3rd Luminous Mystery to me, 'The Proclamation of the Kingdom'? (20:26) Dolores-I am concerned about the good immigrants that might get deported. how will we distinguish between good and bad people? (24:30) Steve-Disagrees with Patrick on his views of immigration (41:41) Resources mentioned:
Jan 16, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 16, 2025-Hour 2

Patrick takes more calls regarding the immigration issue which include two callers at the same time having a conversation as one came to the country legally and one illegally.  Another caller shared a story about her father having to learn English from Slovakia and a law enforcement officer sharing his experience with illegal immigrants. Cindy-Shares her father’s story of immigrating to the United States and having to learn English (0:49) Don-If someone is in trouble and want asylum, we should help but many don't qualify. We should not allow people to cheat the system. (8:08) Richard-I’m in law enforcement and a good amount of crimes committed by illegal immigrants (12:56) Chuck-at Catholic funeral for priest, they were burning sage, doing smudging practice and doing some odd things. I walked out, what do you think? Was it right to leave? (16:05) Cindy-it is important to help people as Christians. but God gave us intelligence to make laws. (21:06) Myra joins Cindy to talk about her story of coming here illegally and Myra and Cindy have a fascinating discussing about immigration(24:42) T.J. –Shares his thoughts on illegal immigration ranging from the school system to the economy (40:22) Ignacio-Shares his thoughts of coming to the country legally (49:19)
Jan 16, 2025 • 51min

The Patrick Madrid Show: January 16, 2025-Hour 3

Patrick takes more call on illegal immigrations as various callers share their thoughts on the issue ranging from infrastructure, comparing Jesus and Mary and also someone who’s about to be a citizen right after her phone call.  Nayela-Shares her story of her mom entering country illegally and was in jail for 2-3 weeks (10:29) Tate-Do we have the infrastructure to handle everybody coming into the country (16:43)  Judy-Comparing the immigration situation to when Joseph and Mary had to register for the census and they were obedient to the law.   (25:14) Carlos-Shares his experience of living on the border (28:38) Miriam-Calling in from the courthouse about to become an American citizen and the experience of immigration in Europe. (30:33) Wally-Immigrated from Cameroon and everybody uses the resources entitled to them, as the resources in her country were taken by the very few but the country is getting better and wants to go back. (38:22)

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