Spreading awareness about the works of some of the leading educators in the AI revolution."Helping humanity shepherd through this transition as we embrace the final invention of mankind: advanced artificial intelligence." David Shapiro aims to provide a pragmatic and optimistic view of the future.Core Ideas:Metamodernism: Narratives and emergence view of realityPostnihilism: The demand for meaning is false, there is only the Great MysteryHeuristic Imperatives: An ethical, moral, and decision framework.- Reduce suffering- Increase prosperity- Increase understandingPost-Labor Economics: Replace humans with machines (better, faster, cheaper, safer)mantra:EXPLORE: Delve into the unknown, driven by curiosity and a quest for discovery. Seek knowledge.ELUCIDATE: Make complex ideas clear, communicating them in an accessible and comprehensible manner.ENUMERATE: Ground insights in concrete data, providing measurable and quantitative evidence.ELABORATE: Add depth and detail to understanding, weaving comprehensive and nuanced explanations.DISCLAIMER: This is a community-driven show. This podcast may contain copyrighted material not owned by AI Masterclass. All copyrighted material in this podcast is believed to be within the bounds of educational purposes.